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The Magic Cafe Forum Index Penny for your thoughts Kenton Knepper

Posted: May 18, 2002 03:08 pm

John Kokot 0

Because I much prefer books to tapes or videos, I wish to know whether reading any or
all of the following six Kenton Knepper publications would provide me with the same
information and material that is on Knepper's "Wonder Words" tapes. The books are:

"Wonder Words Workbook"

Regular user "Miracles of Suggestion"
116 Posts
"Readings for Magicians"
"An Enchanted Evening"
"Rants into Raves"

Words of wisdom from anyone familiar with both the books and the tapes would be
very much appreciated. Thanks.

John Kokot
Posted: May 18, 2002 03:34 pm
Andy Leviss 0

They all supplement each other, but none are duplicates of material. The closest you'll
come is, of course, the workbooks, which are meant to supplement the tapes. They
review the material from volume one, and expand on it to provide tools for you to create
your own presentations based on the ideas in the tapes.
Inner circle
NYC None will substitute for Wonder Words, but Wonder Words will enhance what you get
1178 Posts
out of the other books. You will only learn the majority of what's on Wonder Words from
the tapes, however, and given that they involve spoken words, the tapes are a much
more effective way to learn this thing than books (and I normally am a book person,

I highly recommend "An Enchanted Evening" and "Rants into Raves"; "Kentonism" has
some good stuff, but right now isn't really for me. It may be later, but for now it doesn't
suit my style.

I have yet to read all of "Miracles of Suggestion", but I've been privy to previews of two
pieces (the book test and the ring bend) from it and can attest to how brilliant (and how
typically "Kenton") they are. If these are any indication, it should be a great book.

Haven't read the readings book, so can't say anything about that.

Anyway, to sum up, all of the books and the tapes are worth getting. If you want a hint
of what's on the tapes, you'll nd them in the books, but the tapes are the only way to
get what's on them in full detail.
Note: I have PMs turned off; if you want to reach me, please e-mail [email][/email]!
Posted: May 18, 2002 07:31 pm
Gianni 0

Well, here goes. I have been holding back on this question for some time.

I have not read any of Kenton's books nor do I have any tapes. I am toying with buying
something, but I'm not sure.

Special user A few weeks ago I went to an all-day workshop, and Kenton was part of it. He was a
991 Posts
very nice guy.

But there were a number of times that we were shown something and told that it really
plays big to lay audiences, but the effect left me cold. Or I was told that a technique
blows right by a lay audience, but my instincts told me that it was an obvious technique
and would not pass by an astute observer. Or I was told that the use a certain word or
phrase would make all the difference in the world, but I didn't believe it.

Well, Kenton is so well-regarded, I sometimes wonder - does the emperor have clothes?

Posted: May 19, 2002 07:30 am
Mikael 0
I cant answer your question, but I can:

1. Soon review "Readings for Magicians", as it will arrive any day now...

2. Tell you that one tiny little idea in wonder words is, I think, actually the best thing I do
at all. It can produce reactions that can only be compaired with what top comedians
Inner circle produce, and you can disguise it as Cold Reading if you like, producing several times
Sweden more accurate lines than anything else I have seen (because it IS personal to them, not
1015 Posts
something thats true for anyone).

I used this tiny little idea about a week ago, in a small group of people, and one lady
thanked me for conrming what she already knew/making her aware of the fact I told
her. Another woman couldnt show her face to me because she was dying with
laughter because I exposed her concerning a trait she has, and her friend said it was
In the end the only way of knowing if Kentons stuff is good is to try it yourself.

Posted: May 19, 2002 02:40 pm
Mr Amazing 0

John - I'm thinking that perhaps you've made a mistake. As far as I understand it, WW
are books but with complimentary tapes.
Howerver, there is the "Wonder Readings" series which - again as far as I know - are
(only?) tapes. Maybe you got these two mixed up? (I did myself in the past).

Special user (Maybe someone should conrm/correct my claims here as I'm a little uncertain.)
617 Posts
Posted: May 19, 2002 03:02 pm
saglaser 0

Matias, you have it backwords. Wonder Words is a collection of tapes, with a

supplentary workbook. There are three series of WW tapes.

Loyal user
Champaign, IL
246 Posts

Posted: May 19, 2002 03:19 pm

Mr Amazing 0

Thanks Steve. So, Wonder Readings is a book? Or is that also tapes?


Special user
617 Posts

Posted: May 19, 2002 06:15 pm

Paul 0

Gianni said amongst other things;

"Well, Kenton is so well-regarded, I sometimes wonder - does the emperor have

Inner circle Don't worry Gianni, you're not the only one
A good lecturer at
your service! MY NEW BOOK:
4398 Posts 72756e5ef9f0?isbn=9781682734759

Posted: May 19, 2002 06:41 pm

Andy Leviss 0

Is everything Kenton produces gold? No. I don't like all of his stuff, some of it I don't
have any use for.

Is some of it amazing? Yes. The majority of it, in my opinion.

Inner circle
NYC His stuff isn't for everybody, I'll admit that. And yes, there's some of it that I've read and
1178 Posts
thought "what am I missing?" or "I'll never use this!". Those, however, are greatly
weighed out by the tons of his stuff I have that I've said, "Wow, this is incredible". And
yes, a lot of Kenton's stuff is quite simple when you get down to it. It's also a lot more
deceptive than you'd think, when done properly.
That's just my two cents, of course. Some people may not nd any value in any of his
stuff, and that's totally cool. Some may think everything he comes out with is pure
gold. That's cool, too. If you can use it, great, if you can't, that's great, too. Each of us is
different, after all, and nobody's ever going to agree on everything :o)
Note: I have PMs turned off; if you want to reach me, please e-mail [email][/email]!
Posted: May 20, 2002 04:01 am
Mikael 0
Matias, its both a book and tapes.

WW is mainly tapes, but actually also have tiny "books" (what is the word for a small
book with only a few pages?) other than the workbook.

Inner circle
Sweden Quote:
1015 Posts

On 2002-05-19 16:19, matias wrote:

Thanks Steve. So, Wonder Readings is a book? Or is that also


Posted: May 20, 2002 07:28 am

brownbomber 0

You mean 'booklet'?


Regular user
156 Posts

Posted: May 21, 2002 09:56 am

Mikael 0
I think so, Ill have to get that into my mind!



Inner circle On 2002-05-20 08:28, brownbomber wrote:

1015 Posts
You mean 'booklet'?


Posted: May 21, 2002 11:20 am

Philemon 0

On 2002-05-21 10:56, Mikael Eriksson wrote:

I think so, Ill have to get that into my mind!
(1)First get a six inch nail - one with as sharp a point as possible.
(2)Obtain a good, heavy hammer.
(3)Place the point of the nail to your skull (it's important that it's the SHARP end)
Inner circle (4) Give the blunt end a really hard dunt with the hammer.
Seattle, WA (5) Don't forget to bow as they cart you off to the ambulance.
3593 Posts

(with apologies to Drew McAdam whom I just shamelessly plagiarized)

Professor Philemon Vanderbeck
That Creepy Magician
"I use my sixth sense to create the illusion of possessing the other ve."
Posted: May 22, 2002 02:32 am
Mikael 0
"Readings for Magicians" has arrived. A little review.

It actually contains some good ideas, and it certainly gave me ideas. It has at least one
tip that made me laugh out loud.

I think however, that there would be much I would not understand if I hadnt already
Inner circle studied Cold Reading. But it might also be because english is my second language.
1015 Posts
Its hard to say if people will be satised with it. My opinion is that if a magic book has
ONE SINGLE useful idea, the book was worth its price. This book had, for me, more
than one useful idea.

Knowledge is always useful, and sometimes we dont even have to use it for what it
was meant for. As an example I can take "Wonder Words". Out of all the things I learned
from that, I actually use nothing of the "word stuff" in my magic, i.e. using special
words. But I have used it in real life, under tougher conditions. I was babysitting a little
girl a few years back, and she refused to eat. No matter what I said or did. Her
response was "No!" Then I got an idea, and changed what I said, and her immediate
reaction was that she started eating! That was real magic for me

Posted: Aug 5, 2002 12:36 pm
xersekis 0

Wonder Readings is a book - 120 page manual and about 5 hours of audio tape that
Kenton and I release a few years back. Hope this helps.

Special user
591 Posts

Posted: Aug 5, 2002 12:37 pm

xersekis 0

Wonder Readings is a book - 120 page manual and ve hours of audio tape that Kenton
and I released a few years back.

Special user
591 Posts

Posted: Aug 5, 2002 01:48 pm

Scott Cram 0

If you only get one thing from Kenton Knepper, make sure it's "Rants into Raves"! This
book should be required reading for EVERY magician! There's no effects. It's just the
most important basics for any kind of magic performance.

It's one of those "short, but sweet" sort of notes.

Inner circle
2661 Posts Grey Matters:Blog|Videos|Mental Gym|Presentation|Store

Posted: Aug 5, 2002 03:46 pm

dpe666 0

The "problem" with Kenton's books is that they assume that you are familiar with the
Wonder Words tapes. Get them before you get any of his books.
Find my e-books and videos at:

Inner circle

2871 Posts

Posted: Aug 6, 2002 11:27 am

xersekis 0

Thanks Mikael for taking the time to contact me privately regarding what you liked and
used from Wonder Words. That was a treat!

Special user
591 Posts

The Magic Cafe Forum Index Penny for your thoughts Kenton Knepper
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