BOD Min 090108

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Board of Directors

Property Owners Association

La Reata Ranch

January 11, 2009

Subject: La Reata Board Meeting Minutes

1. Call To Order:
The meeting was called to order at 4:10 PM. Present were C.M. Nutt, Joy
Paxton, Terri Couteau, Joy Dees, Nick Collier and Bonnie Collier..

2. Old Business:
a. Decembr 2008 Minutes. The minutes for December 2008 were reviewed
and approved.
b. Finances. A copy of the budget prepared by David Bell was given to Terri
Couteau. Terri and Joy Dees confirm that online access to the bank account is
not working. Signature cards at the bank have not been updated with new
BOD members. CM to get with David and visit the bank to change the
signature cards.
c. Bomar Residence Lot 127. Nick and CM review the history with Terri and
Joy Paxton. Nick reports that the exterior is now complete and he will visit
the property for the official inspection and signoff. Board will work with the
property owner to resolve any open issues and handle the issue as a variance,
if needed.
d. Broadband Internet Survey. The survey was reviewed and approved for
distribution. Joy Dees will include instructions with the dues invoices to be
sent out before end of January. Casey Canales will be invited to next BOD
meeting to discuss details of the project.
e. Committee Updates and Revisions. CM and Bonnie reported on
membership in active committees. Board discussed documentation issues
within ACC committee.
f. Digitized Records. Bonnie is actively working to digitize all ACC
g. Community Risk assessment: Bonnie will check availability of Michael
Hubbard (Texas Forestry Service), Mike Fisher (Bastrop County Emergency
Co-op) and David Gahagan (3N1 Fire Department) for February meeting to
discuss generation of a neighborhood emergency plan.
h. Winter Newsletter. Bonnie Collier will gather letters from outgoing and
incoming presidents, committee chairs and publish winter newsletter by 1-25-

3. New Business:
a. Set 2009 BOD goals, objectives and priorities. Goals for 2009 were agreed
to be:
1) Promote neighborly cooperation.
2) Promote water conservation
3) Develop highspeed internet solution.
4) Complete a risk assessment and establish an emergency plan.
5) Improve neighborhood security.
b. Central Desktop use and training. Bonnie Collier will schedule training
for anyone needing it.
c. Advisory Committee. The board agreed to re-form the advisory
committee and appoint Nick Collier and David Bell as committee members.
d. Vandalism. All street signs have been stolen again, as well as damage to
entrance lighting and vandalism of 3 homes. Joy Paxton will order new signs
from county. CM will talk to the sherriff’s department regarding increased
e. Dunning letters. Joy Dees will report to board on the need for dunning
letter preparation.
f. Leins. Will review if any new leins are needed.
g. Website corrections. John Dees will be in charge of website maintenance.
BOD will discuss appropriate stipend for John at February meeting.
h. Community blog/bulletin board. BOD will continue to discuss. No
action at this time.
i. February 2009 Meeting. The next meeting will be on Sunday February 8,
2009 at CM. Nutt’s residence.

4. Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 PM.

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