BOD Min 100314

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Board of Directors

LaReata Ranch POA

Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2010

Subject: La Reata Board March Meeting Minutes


A. Meeting called to order at 3:00 PM. Present were Suzanne

Thomas and David Thomas.

B. Accounting
• Joy Dees was out of town, will schedule a time upon their
return during the week of March 21st

• C. Committee Reports

• ACC –
• Two more CCR inquiries received and will investigate
further by the BOD
• Home plans were approved for Lot 9
• Shed/garage plans were approved for lot 18
• Internet -
• Latest update was received March 4th, no changes
• Communications -
• The BOD will follow up with the Communications
Committee this week
• Welcome
• Baskets were provided to The Cobbs & Sterlings
• Advisory
• No updates were received

• Next Meeting April 11, 2010, 3pm @ Getgoods

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