UN Restricted Grid of UNGA Events To Insiders, ICP Puts It Online Here, Open The UN

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As of 11 September



Closing of 71st session of General Assembly 3:00-4:00 GA Hall PGA Thomson, SG to speak. Contact: Dan Thomas
(daniel.thomas@un.org), OPGA, x36274


32nd Annual International Prayer Breakfast 8:10-9:40 Delegates

Dining Rm
Wreath-laying ceremony for 56th anniversary of 9:45-10:00 Visitors SG to participate.
death of former SG Dag Hammarskjld Lobby
Opening of 72nd session of General 3:00-4:00 GA Hall PGA Lajk, SG to speak. Contact: Brenden Varma
Assembly (varmab@un.org), x37238
Press encounter with PGA Miroslav Lajk About 3:30 Outside GA Contact: Brenden Varma (varmab@un.org), x37238;
Hall Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707


SG curtain-raiser press conference 12:00-12:45 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707


Launch of new uniforms for UNHQ Tour 6:00-8:00 GA Lobby USG Smale, designer Elie Tahari to speak. Contact:
Guides (NE corner) Vincenzo Pugliese, pugliesev@un.org, x36984
UNCTAD Press conference to launch Trade & 11:00 11:30 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Development Report 2017


International Day of Peace: Peace Bell 9:00-9:30 Japanese SG to speak. Contact: Jeff Brez, brez@un.org, x38070
ceremony Peace Bell
International Day of Peace: Student 9:30-1:00 GA Hall SG to speak (attending from 9:35-10:00). Contact:
observance Kimberly Mann, mann@un.org, x36835
UNDP Press conference on Pathway to Paris 11:00-11:30 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Noon briefing: Annual Treaty event 12:00 S-237 Theme: Promoting Multilateral Treaties that Safeguard
Humanity. Guest: Santiago Villalpando, Director of
OLAs Treaty Division. Contact: Martina Donlon,
donlon@un.org, x36816
SG Meeting and Photo Op with Reham al-Farra 12:30 SGs office Contact: Bayann Hamid, bayann.hamid@un.org, x39415.
Memorial Journalism Fellows
UN-AU Joint Task Force Meeting TBC TBC SRSG Menkerios attending.

SG Facebook Live session TBC VIP Social DPI and EOSG arranging. Contact: Nancy Groves,
Media grovesn@un.org
Social Good Summit All day 92nd St Y UNDP, UN Foundation, Mashable, 92 Y co-organizing.
Theme #2030NOW. mashable.com/sgs/
Contact: Boaz Paldi, UNDP.
Meeting of SDG Advocates and Sherpas 3:00-4:30 CR-6 SG to speak. Closed meeting. Contact: DESA
Equator Prize 2017 Award Ceremony 7:00-9:00 Town Hall, UNDP hosting. Celebrating local communities and
123 W. 43rd indigenous peoples in managing nature for sustainable
Street development. Contact: prize@equatorinitiative.org


HL event: Financing 2030 Agenda Role of UN 8:30-8:55 CR-2 SG to speak.

Opening ceremony Climate Week NYC 2017 9:25 Morgan DSG likely to speak.
First day of SDG Media Zone All Day Visitors Zone will run from 18 to 22 Sep. Opening session at
Plaza 10am with PGA and DSG. Contact: Francyne Harrigan,
harriganf@un.org; Sharon Birch, birchs@un.org
First day of Every Woman Every Child Hub All Day North Lawn Temporarily constructed on North Lawn. Will run 9am
to 9pm from 18-22 Sep. Contact: Etienne Franca, x75757,
New York City Global Mayors Summit 10:00-6:00 IPI, 44th and Hosted by New York, in partnership with Open Society
1st (AM); Foundation, Concordia & Columbias Global Policy
Grand Hyatt Initiative. SRSG Arbour keynote address at 10:05.
(PM) Grandi and Swing (both TBC) to speak at 11:15. Closed-
door session on 19 Sep as well.
2017 Inaugural Global Compact CEO 10:00-12:00 Delegates DSG may be keynote speaker.
Roundtable Dining Rm
HL mtg on UN Reform 11:00 TBC SG, Trump to speak. Other HoS/HoG invited. US
Mission organizing.
HL stakeholder mtg on Climate Change 12:00-12:55 CR-7 Closed mtg. SG to speak. Bloomberg may attend.
Speech by SG might be open for UNTV/webcast [TBC]
UN Private Sector Forum 1:00-2:00 DDR SG, HoS/HoG, CEOs. Contact: UNGC
HL Forum on Role of Young People in Global 1:30-2:45 IPI, 44th and SGs Youth Envoy to speak (TBC). Co-organized by IPI,
Compacts on Refugees and Migration 1st UNFPA and Compact for Young People in Humanitarian
HL round-table discussion on Haiti TBC TBC Special Envoy Sheeran requested the mtg. Canada may
be involved.
SG photo-op with HoS/HoG before HL mtg on 2:45 Indonesian UN Photo only. No external or official photographers.
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Lounge
HL mtg on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse 3:00-4:30 Trusteeship Communiqu at end of mtg. No stakeout. Circle of
Council Leadership to be created. Voluntary compact to be made.
chamber Speakers include: SG, PGA, Prest/Finland,
Prest/Uruguay, PM/Bangladesh, PM/Ethiopia. Contact:
Josephine Guerrero, guerreroj@un.org, x31964 and
Doug Coffman, coffmand@un.org, x34481.
Launch of Equal Pay International Coalition 3:00-5:30 ECOSOC ILO, UN Women and OECD launching multi-stakeholder
(EPIC) chamber partnership. Panel discussion to follow. Contact: ILO
HL Event on protection of medical care in 4:00-6:00 TBC
World in 2050: Looking Ahead for Sustainable TBC Columbia Opening of 5th annual International Conference on
Development University Sustainable Development. DSG to be keynote speaker.
WEF Sustainable Development Impact 730 Third
Summit Avenue
World Leaders for Universal Health Coverage: TBC TBC WHO; Japan
the core driver to achieve the SDGs
World Economic Forum Sustainable Development TBC TBC World Economic Forum
Impact Summit, including session Unlocking
the Potential of Digital ID
GA Stakeout by Norway FM, Borge Brende 7:00-7:30 GA Stakeout Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707


Young Leaders x World Leaders Breakfast 7:00-9:00 Delegates Jointly organized by Office of the SGs Envoy on Youth
Meeting Dining Rm (OSGEY), Denmark and United Arab Emirates
Side event: GSMA Breakfast on Meeting 8:30-10:00 SDG Media Contact: Francyne Harrigan, harriganf@un.org; Sharon
Humanitarian Challenges with Mobile Zone Birch, birchs@un.org
SGs Welcome reception 8:15-8:30 TBC
GA General Debate, Day 1 of 6 9:00-1:00; GA Hall 17 speakers scheduled for AM; 20 speakers in PM.
Press conference by French President 1:00-1:45 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Emmanuel Macron
SGs State Luncheon 1:15-2:45 Delegates
SheTrades: Side event on Role of Women in 1:15-2:45 CR-9 Organized by International Trade Centre. Rwandan First
Future of Trade Lady to speak at opening, followed by interactive plenary
conversation and Q&A with audience. Contact: Riefqah
Jappie (jappie@intracen.org), 929-290-3727.
Annual Treaty Event All day Kuwaiti Theme: Promoting Multilateral Treaties that Safeguard
Boat area Humanity. Contact: Martina Donlon, donlon@un.org
SDGs in Action: Country-led, Country-owned TBC TBC 20 Sep is alternative date. DSG may speak.
Leave No One Behind: Actions and Commitments 3:00-3:25 CR-4 SG to speak
for Womens Economic Empowerment
Child Protection: Voices from the Field 3:00-4:30 DH Library, Child protection actors in the field hold interactive
2nd Floor session on their work in armed conflict situations.
Reading Rm Sweden PM (TBC), Gamba, Lacroix, UNICEF to attend.
Contact: Thanos Giannakopoulos, x30512.
Event to Launch Global Compact for the 3:30-4:00 TBC SG to speak
HL event on peace process in the Central 4:15-6:15 CR-3 Closed to meeting. SG to speak. Contact: Aditya Mehta,
African Republic x75378, mehta2@un.org
Unveiling of Uzbekistans gift to UNHQ About 4:30 Nr Security UNTV and UN Photo coverage expected.
Collective Private Sector Action for Disaster 5:00-6:30 CR-B
Risk Reduction, Emergency Preparedness,
response and Recovery
HL Steering Committee group for Every Woman 5:15-6:00 CR-6 Closed meeting. SG to speak. Bachelet, Desalegn,
Every Child (EWEC) Halonen, Kikwete, HOS among attendees. Contact:
Etienne Franca, x75757, franca@un.org. Potential press
release to follow.
Informal Roundtable of Heads of State and 5:30-6:30 CR-7 SG to speak.
Government on Climate Change
2nd Annual Global Goal Awards 6:30-10:00 Gotham Awards dinner hosted by Bill and Melinda Gates, in
Hall partnership with Project Everyone and UNICEF.
Contact: Sonia Yeo, syeo@unicef.org, 917-615-8137
EU reception 6:00-8:00 EU Tusk hosting. SGs Youth Envoy to speak.
666 Third
Press conference by President of Bolivia, Evo 7:30 8:15 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Morales Ayma


HL Signature Ceremony for Treaty on Prohibition 8:00 10:30 Trusteeship 8.008.20: Opening Ceremony (with SG, PGA, President
of Nuclear Weapons Council of ICRC). 8.2010.30: Signing Ceremony.
Chamber Contact: Ioan Tudor (tudori@un.org)
Meeting on South Sudan 8:00-9:30 CR-6 OCHA
DPKO event on gender and peacekeeping 8:00-9:30 UK Mission Joint event with DPKO, UK, Peru and Romania (TBC).
Panel with remarks from co-chairs and discussants.
Contact: Aditya Mehta, x75378, mehta2@un.org
GA General Debate, Day 2 of 6 9:00-1:00; GA Hall 19 speakers scheduled for AM; 20 speakers in PM.
Financing the Future: Education for All 9:00-1:00 ECOSOC SG, Macron, Solberg, Sall, Mutharika, Malala Yousafzai,
chamber Gordon Brown to speak. Countries to make
commitments. Open to press. Contact: Martin Samaan,
samaanm@un.org, x37718
Side event: No Lost Generation 9:00-10:00 UNICEF UNICEF and Save the Children co-host event on
safeguarding the future of children and young people
affected by the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. Contact: Sonia
Yeo, syeo@unicef.org, 917-615-8137
NY Declaration for Refugees and Migrants 9:30-11:00 CR-7 SG to speak. Event open and webcast. Arbour, Grandi,
One Year On event Swing to speak as well. Interventions from MS.
HeForShe Impact 10X10x10 event 10:00-12:00 Cipriani, UN Women organizing. Contact: Charlotte Hallqvist,
42nd St. charlotte.hallqvist@unwomen.org
HL Security Council debate on peacekeeping 10:00-6:00 Security SG to speak in first hour. HoS, HoG participating.
operations (AU peace support operations Council Ethiopian PM to host. Draft resolution circulating.
mandated by Security Council) Follow-up to HIPPO report.
Press conference on EU-UN Gender 11:00-11:45 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Press conference by CTBTO on Article XIV 12:30 1:00 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Tenth Conference on Facilitating Entry into Force 11:00-1:00 CR2 SG to speak. (11:40-12:00). Contact: Ioan Tudor
of Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty 3:00-6:00 (tudori@un.org)
HL event on Libya 12:30-2:30 CR-7 SG to speak in first part. Event will conclude with Chairs
Statement. Room/venue may change.
Side event: Torture during Interrogations 1:15-2:45 TBC SG may speak (TBC). OHCHR and UNPOL among co-
Illegal, Immoral and Ineffective organizers. Gilmour, Zeid speaking; Bachelet TBC.
Future of Humanitarian Response 2:00-6:00 Hilton Launch of UNGC Business for Humanitarian Action and
Hotel Peace Platform. Contact: OCHA, UNGC

Launch of EU-UN initiative to eliminate 2:00-4:00 Trusteeship SG to speak. DSG attending. EU Commissioner speaking.
violence against women and girls Actor and Goodwill Ambassador Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
attending (TBC). Press release coming. EOSG, DPI, UN
Women, UNFPA involved. Contact: Francyne Harrigan,
x75414, harriganf@un.org.
Press Stakeout by DSG and EU Commissioner 2:45 3:15 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707/
(on EU-UN initiative) Ken Matsueda (matsueda@un.org) x75418

Annual Treaty Event All day Kuwaiti Theme: Promoting Multilateral Treaties that Safeguard
Boat area Humanity. Contact: Martina Donlon, donlon@un.org
Ministerial mtg on Implementation of Mali Peace 3:30-6:00 CR-4 SG to speak. Opening session open for coverage, then
Agreement becomes closed.
HL event on Iraq: Saving lives, protecting lives 4:00-6:00 TBC Contact: OCHA
and re-building lives: developing a common
agenda with and for Iraqi people
Press conference by Malian President Ibrahim 4:15-5:00 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Boubacar Keita
Ending Violence and Discrimination 4:30 5:45 Trusteeship Ministerial-level meeting to discuss measures to tackle
against LGBTI Persons Council violent abuse and unfair treatment of LGBTI persons
Chamber around the world. Participants include Argentina,
Belgium, Costa Rica, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, UK,
EU, HC Zeid, USG Menendez. Contact: Martina Donlon,
Every Woman Every Child HL reception 6:30-8:30 EWEC Hub Launch of Replenishment of Global Financing Facility in
(North Support of EWEC. Countries to make pledges. Canada,
Lawn) Norway (TBC) to participate. DSG to speak and do FB
Live session. Contact: Etienne Franca, x75757,
franca@un.org. Potential joint press release on
announcements from EWEC and World Bank.
Road map of African Union on demographic TBC TBC AU; UNFPA
dividend: from commitment to action


Ministerial Roundtable on Nigeria and Lake 8:30-10:00 CR-8 Contact: OCHA

Chad Region
SG Working Breakfast with P5 8:45-9:45 TBC Closed to press.
GA General Debate, Day 3 of 6 9:00-1:00; GA Hall 19 speakers scheduled for AM; 21 speakers in PM.
UN Global Compact Annual Leaders 9:00-6:00 Hilton Contact: UNGC
Summit Hotel
Press conference by Belgium Deputy Prime 9:00 9:30 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Press conference by UNAIDS 10:00 10:30 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Ministerial event marking Resolution 2250 on 10:00-12:00 CR-4 Jordan hosting; Member States to outline progress
Youth, Peace and Security made.
Investing in the Early Years: Roadmap for 10:00-1:00 EWEC Hub Launch of UNICEF report on early childhood
Sustainable Future (North development. Lake, Bachelet to speak. EWEC; Global
Lawn) Partnership for Education; Sanitation and Water for All
to participate.
Contact: Sonia Yeo, syeo@unicef.org, 917-615-8137
Fourth Meeting of HL Panel on Water co- 10:35-11:15 CR-8 Closed meeting. SG to speak. Contact: Ariel Alexovich,
convened by SG and President of World Bank x36512, alexovich@un.org

Noon Briefing Gordon Brown, Special Envoy 12:00-12:45 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
for Global Education
Fast-Track: Quickening the pace of action to end Lunchtime TBC 7 or 8 Heads of State or govt are expected to attend.
Press conference by Mexicos FM Luis Videgaray 1:30 -2:00 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Press conference - UNIDO 3:00-3:30 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Side event: Third Industrial Development TBC TBC
Decade for Africa (2016-25)
HL meeting on Somalia 3:00-5:00 CR-7 Closed mtg. Follow-up to London Conference in May. SG
to speak at opening. Italy and UK to co-host event.
HL event on Famine Response and 3:00-3:45 TBC SG to speak.
Press conference by Canada PM Justin Trudeau 4:00 4:30 CR-4 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
HL event on South Sudan 4:00-6:00 CR-8 Closed to meeting. SG to speak.
Syria crisis Ministerial event 4:30-6:00 TBC
Annual Treaty Event All day Kuwaiti Theme: Promoting Multilateral Treaties that Safeguard
Boat area Humanity. Contact: Martina Donlon, donlon@un.org
Launch of joint UN-WB study on Pathways for 5:00 CR-3 SG (TBC) and WB President to attend.
peace: inclusive approaches to preventing violent
Side event: Migration and 2030 Agenda TBC TBC SRSG Arbour to speak. Ireland and ODI co-hosting.
Supporting accountability and justice in post- 5:30-7:30 CR-4 SG to speak.
Ending AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for 6:00-7:30 Grand Hyatt Josefin Wiklund, wiklundj@unaids.org, +1 917 930 0213
Good: Collaboration and Innovation in Global Hotel


HL event on Yemen 8:00-9:30 CR-5 (TBC) OCHA organizing.

GA General Debate, Day 4 of 6 9:00-1:00; GA Hall 20 speakers scheduled for AM; 19 speakers in PM.
Pacific Islands Forum leaders mtg with SG 9:00-9:45 CR-8 Closed mtg. SG to speak. Photo op followed by remarks.
DPA organizing.
Opening ceremony of Annual Mtg of Foreign 10:00-10:30 TBC SG to speak.
Ministers of G-77
Press conference by Japanese FM Taro Kono 10:00-10:30 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Press conference by USG of OHRLLS & PR of 11:3012:00 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Press conference by Hungarian FM Pter 12:30-1:00 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
Childrens right to participation and the 2030 1:15-2:30 CR-7 Co-hosted by Chile, UNDP, and UNICEF. Contact: Sonia
Agenda for Sustainable Development Yeo, syeo@unicef.org, 917-615-8137
Inaugural Board Mtg for Global Partnership TBC TBC TBC
for Sustainable Development Data
Opening session of UN Alliance of 3:00 TBC TBC
Civilizations Group of Friends ministerial mtg
Press conference by UNRWA Commissioner 3:15 -3:45 S-237 Contact: Jamille McCord (mccord@un.org), x37707
General Pierre Krhenbhl
HL side event: Sustaining Peace through the 3:00-5:00 ECOSOC Sierra Leone President, ICJ representative to speak at
Strengthening of Human Rights in International chamber opening; MS interventions to follow; then panel
Law discussion with Zeid/OHCHR, Dutch FM & others

Annual Treaty Event All day Kuwaiti Theme: Promoting Multilateral Treaties that Safeguard
Boat area Humanity. Contact: Martina Donlon, donlon@un.org
Humanitarian Support Initiative to Women and TBC TBC First ladies of Niger and Nigeria involved.
Children Refugees in Lake Chad Basin


GA General Debate, Day 5 of 6 9:00-1:00; GA Hall 17 speakers scheduled for AM; 17 speakers in PM.
ASEAN-UN ministerial mtg 5:30-6:30 CR-7 Closed mtg. SG to speak.
Global Citizen Festival 6:00-10:00 Central Park Contact: Jeff Brez, brez@un.org, x38070

GA General Debate, Day 6 of 6 9:00-1:00 GA Hall Seven speakers scheduled for AM.
GA Mtg to commemorate International Day for 10:00-1:00 Trusteeship SG to speak (10:00-10:25)
Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons 1:00-3:00 Council
GA HL mtg on Global Plan of Action to Combat TBC TBC First day of two-day meeting
Trafficking in Persons
GA HL mtg on Global Plan of Action to Combat TBC TBC Second day of two-day meeting
Trafficking in Persons


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