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Nombre:_________________________________ Fecha:_____________________

Rules and Procedures for Spanish with Ms. Drumgoole


1. Raise your hand to speak or stand

2. Listen when others are speaking
3. Respect others, respect yourself, and respect the school
4. Be safe, be kind, and be honest
5. Obey all school rules


Beginning of the period:

come into the classroom quietly
sit in your assigned seat, write the homework down, and complete the bell ringer on the board
A student done early will go around and stamp bell ringers showing that it was completed
A student will raise their hand when they have completed the bell ringer
Individual Work:
This is individual work which means the room will be quiet
If there is a question the student will raise their hand
You are responsible to complete any seat-work on your own
Group Work:
Groups will 4 students and Pairs will consist of 2 students unless otherwise told by the teacher
Student will wait to move into their group until the teacher has given all directions
Voices should be kept at an inside level and conversations should not be heard across the room
Spanish should always be spoken
Each student should have a chance to speak at least once while in the group
Use of materials:
In order to use materials the student must ask the teacher first
End of the Period:
Students will wait to stand until the bell rings (standing is contagious)
Make sure all papers are turned into the bin on the left
Students will stay until the teacher says they may leave
Students will push in their chairs before leaving the classroom
Absent- On the front wall there are folders, there will be papers in your class folder that has your
missing work. Copy any notes from other students. Ask other students questions about the work
before asking the teacher
Quieting down-When I begin to count down from 5 that means that I need the attention of the
students and there are five second to put your eyes on the speaker, be quiet, be still, hands free,
and listen
Bathroom- When a student needs to use the bathroom they will raise their hand and ask in Spanish
to go to the bathroom. They will then sign out and take the hall pass. Students may not go to the
bathroom within the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class
Handing in papers- students should turn in their work in their class basket on the side of the room
Bean Bags/ Yoga Balls/ Homework Passes/ Prize Box
We will be using class Dojo to track positive actions in the classroom. At the end of the week
however many points you have will be the amount of passport you are rewarded the following
week. You may purchase an item using passports from Ms. Drumgoole.
Bean Bag: 20 passports
Yoga Ball: 20 passports
Homework pass: 10 passports
Prize Box: 10 passports

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