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In its CSR statement the food manufacturer Kelloggs states the following:
Kellogg Company has a rich history of corporate social responsibility, a history that has grown and
evolved to meet the complexities of todays business world and the challenges of a global society.
Our founder, W.K. Kellogg, sought to invest my money in people. That legacy continues to guide
our company and our people. Social responsibility is a way of life at Kellogg. It means investing in
and enriching our communities. It means encouraging employee volunteerism. But it means much
more. Our commitment to being a good corporate citizen also includes:
Protecting our environment.
Selling nutritious products and advocating healthy lifestyles.
Acting with integrity and adhering to the highest ethical standards.
Promoting diversity in our work force and partnering with diverse suppliers.
Ensuring a safe, healthy workplace.
In 2001, the Food Commission, a British campaign group, tested 18 breakfast bars and found that
they all had higher levels of sugar than nutritionists recommend for a healthy breakfast and 10 had
higher fat levels. Among one of the worst tested was Kelloggs Coco Pops bar (BBC News, 23
October 2001, Australian consumer
magazine Choice reports that Kelloggs LCM bars should not be recommended as a regular lunch-
box food since they have little dietary fibre and contain a harmful level of saturated fat
Do you think that Kelloggs CSR statement is sincere, or is the company merely trying to
convince stakeholders that it is a socially responsible company? Assess Kelloggs CSR statement
using Kantian theory. (250 words)

4. Fair trade can sometimes be grounded in the assumption that it helps to address slave
labour and give fair returns to farmers. What other perspectives on fair trade could be considered?
Do corporations have a responsibility to the global community? (250 words)

1. A negative income standpoint would have been a warning to financial specialists,

showing Enron was not as fruitful as it showed up. On the off chance that speculators'
worries drove down the stock price because of the excessive selling, credit
organizations would be compelled to downsize Enron's FICO credit rating. Exchanging
accomplices would lose confidence in the organization, exchange somewhere else,
and Enron's capacity to produce quality profit and money streams would endure.
Keeping in mind the end goal to stay away from such a situation no matter what, Enron
went into a deluding web of organizations and utilized progressively flawed
bookkeeping strategies to keep up its speculation review status. Enron administrators
likely felt that they were making the best decision for their firm. Secondly,
Partnerships were taken to a new level when Enron introduced SPVs this allowed it to
sell its assets and by earning artificially. They booked earnings even before when they
were realized. Also, if the balance sheet is fully leveraged the cost of capital would
increase. So to avoid this they marked some of its debt in balance sheet of its SPVs
and hide it from the creditors and investors. When the credit rating fell the lenders
used to demand payments in billions of dollars in debt. This also showcases another
example of ethical erosion. I consider them all unethical as ethics leads to success in
the long run and no strategy can work without it. Even the most powerful men cant
succeed if they do not have a sense of integrity.


There are a list of virtues that people have some of them include discipline, kindness, trust
and creativity. We would all be able to try to build up the virtues and the qualities that positive
phycology has recognized as the qualities that empower people to flourish.
By far most of the world's societies see these virtues quoted above as attractive and
noteworthy. At the point when individuals embrace, practice and make these qualities a
routine, the investigations demonstrate that they expanded blissfor the person, as well as
for society itself. Phycologists have measured the nearness or nonappearance of these
attributes, and they've discovered that individuals who effectively display these characters
have considerably larger amounts of self-completion, joy and satisfaction in their lives.
Unlike the non-consequentialist and consequentialist theories, the virtue ethics talks more
about gaining happiness and it deals with questions like how live a good life and how to obtain
a good life.

there are two basic non-consequentialist theories, deontology and virtue ethics, deontology
(which is often referred to as non-consequentialist )deals with the act itself, no matter what
the results .while virtue ethics more focus on the character of who is doing the action, instead
of the action itself or the end result. For example, is hitting another wrong?

Consequentialism -no, not if it prevents them from hitting you

Deontology/Non- Consequentialism- yes, hitting another is always wrong
Virtue ethics-it depends on the situation and what your intention is, is it the best solution you
can arrive at right now
Kant trusted that genuinely moral activities must have pure intent .The ethical inspiration,
free from self-intrigue, is the consistent idea that goes through every one of the three clear
cut objectives. It is hard to know for certain the inspiration driving Kellogg's moral practices.
Its history is rich with confirmation of moral ethics.

Kantian hypothesis: This hypothesis is to ensure each individual's benefit and cannot harm
any person's benefit regardless of the possibility that the entire profit is expanded. It is
developed as a consequence of Enlightenment realism and in light of the view that the only
intrinsically good thing is goodwill. With respect to an organization, its behavior can not hurt
each individuals revenue. Indeed, even the organization loses cash and goes bankrupt;
despite everything it can not hurt any client's revenue. Kellogg's CSR customer's wellbeing
while they need to get their own particular benefit. Likewise, they get profit through this
strategy. Be that as it may, they hurt some person's benefit. Kelloggs CSR statement like
invest my money in people and five commitments are to protect every customers health
and profits, which correspond to Kantian theory.

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