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University of California, Davis Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center

) (

Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality of Potato: (Immature early

Trevor V. Suslow and Ron Voss,

Department of Vegetable Crops, University of California, Davis, CA 95616

. .

Maturity Indices

8 % 98 - 95 .
) 5 - 1 ( .

Quality indices
%80 - 70
) (

US grades ) No.2 , commercial , No. 1 , Extra No. 1 :
(1991 ) (Unclassified US

1 Potato
University of California, Davis Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center

Optimum Storage

98 7
95 15 - 10 ) (
95 20 - 15

5 - 3
13 - 10

Rates of Respiration

/CO2 *

86 5
11 7 10
16 7 15
23 - 9 20

( /CO2 * 440
/BTU /. 122 / / .

/ .

Rates of Ethylene Production

1 / * 20 .

2 Potato
University of California, Davis Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center

Responses to Ethylene

3 - 2 5

Responses to CA
)( % 5 . ) (% 1.5
) (% 10

Physiological Disorders
:Black heart
15 .

:Black spot

) (
72 - 24
:Chilling Injury

:Greening ) 2 - 1(
) (

3 Potato
University of California, Davis Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center

glaycoalkaloids Solanine
) ) ( (

:Internal Brown spot


Hollow heart .

Physical Disorders

:Brown Spot
:Freezing Injury 0.8 -


Pathological Disorders


: Bacterial Soft rot
Erwinia carotorvra subsp. carotorvra and subsp. atroseptica

4 Potato
University of California, Davis Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center

Ralstonia ( ex Pseudomonas , ex Burkholderi ) Solanacearum,

) *Phytophthora infestans ( Fusarium spp.
Phytophthora spp. water rot
Pyhtium spp. Pink Eye
Pseudomonas fluorescens Gray mold Botrytis
* .

Special Considerations
" Earthy odor


5 Potato

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