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The New York Times Muhammad Ali Dies at 74 Titan of Boxing and the 20th

2. Muhammad Ali, the three-time world champion, died at the age of 74, after having
Parkinson's disease for more than 30 years. He started to box at the age of 12, after
his bike was stolen. He was never taught to read properly, but in boxing he found
boundaries, discipline and stable guidance. In 1960 he won an Olympic gold medal
and came home as a professional contender. In 1964 he became the world
heavyweight champion. In 1966 he was drafted to go to war in Vietnam, which
refused it and was stripped of his title. Through the efforts of black politicians in
Atlanta, he returned to the ring in 1970. On March 8, 1971 Ali face the new
champion, Joe Frazier. Frazier won a 15-round decision. It was assumed that Alis
time has passed, but he showed different by winning 13 of his next 14 fights. In 1974
he regained the heavyweight title after knocking out George Foreman. 1981 was his
last year as a professional boxer. Soon after that, he was diagnosed with Parkinsons
disease. After retiring from the ring, Ali made speeches about peace and tolerance.
In 2005, President G.W. Bush presented him the Medal of Freedom


Parkinsons disease the disease which has bothered Ali for more than 30 years,
after retiring from boxing, the text describes his life with the disease, losing his
mobility and speech

War text describes how Ali refused to go to war in Vietnam after being drafted by
the army

Nation of Islam a sect which Clay joined as a young fighter (later renamed to
Muhammad Ali) and later converts himself to Islamic religion and was getting slated
by media

Joe Frazier the most notable rival and opponent of Ali, they met three times in the
ring in classic matches

The Greatest the nickname he gave himself after winning his first heavyweight title,
he was great in mocking his opponents before and after the match


unorthodox an unusual way of doing things neobian

buoyant showing good spirits, being cheerful, always being in a positive mood
vedar, veseo
brash confident and aggressive in a rude way drzak
aphorism a short phrase to express something in a witty or wise way aforizam
extolled to be praised highly veliati nekoga
exuberant to be very happy and energetic veseo
parroted to repeat something without understanding the meaning of it ponavljati
bez razumijevanja
bitterness to feel angry and unhappy about something gorina
appalled to be shocked and disappointed zaprepaten
dalliances romantic relationships that are brief and not serious igre udvaranja


Adjective Synonyms Antonyms

1. Charismatic Charming, interesting Boring
2. Thrilling Breathtaking, enchanting Depressing
3. Talkative Chatty, Quiet, silent
4. Strong Big, athletic Weak, fragile
5. Foolish Stupid, ridiculous Logical, smart, sane
6. Arrogant Bossy, pretentious Humble, modest
7. Handsome Beautiful, good-looking Ugly, unfashionable
8. Hateful Disgusting, repulsive Loveable, likeable, good
9. Righteous Honorable, noble Corrupt, dishonest
10. Beautiful Gorgeous, wonderful Horrible, bad

Muhammad Ali, trostruki svjetski prvak u tekoj kategoriji boksa, koji je definirao
svoje turbulentno vrijeme kao najkarizmatinija i najkontroverznija sportska osoba 20.
stoljea, umro je u petak u bolnici grada Phoenixa. Umro je u 74. godini ivota.
Njegovu smrt je potvrdio obiteljski glasnogovornik, Bob Gunnell. Uzrok smrti je
septiki ok, rekla je obiteljska glasnogovornica.
Ali, koji je ivio nedaleko od Phoenixa, Parkinsonovu bolest je imao vie od 30
godina. Primljen je u bolnicu u ponedjeljak, zbog, kako gospodin Gunnell kae
problema s disanjem.
Ali je bio jedan od najuzbudljivijih, ako ne i najbolji teka ikad, nosei sa sobom u
ring neobian stil boksa, koji je kombinirao brzinu, agilnost i snagu bolje nego ijedan
boksa prije njega.
Ali on je bio vie od obinog sportaa. Agilan um, vedra i vesela osobnost, drsko
samopouzdanje te razvojni niz osobnih uvjerenja koje ring nije mogao zadrati.
1) Who was Ali's most notorious rival, how many times did they meet in a
boxing match?
Ali's great rival was Joe Frazier, they meet three times, in which Ali has won
two of them.

2) How many times has Ali won the title?

Ali was a three-time champion. First in 1964. then in 1974 and last in 1978

3) Why was Ali stripped from his title?

Ali was stripped of his title because he refused to go to war in Vietnam.

4) When did Ali retire and what was he diagnosed with?

Ali retired in 1981 and soon after that he was diagnosed with Parkinsons

5) What was presented to Ali in 2005?

Calling him the greatest boxer of all time, president George W. Bush
presented the Medal of Freedom to Ali in a White House Ceremony.


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