Notes For Week 3

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Notes from Katies 2nd response to my Week 1 Blog Post:

Things to respond to:

Wants to hear more about my field study to Ghana.
Enjoyed Shadows of the Media
Wants to learn more about the Arts Bridge Program
Once I am done at BYU will I return to the same school I was teaching at?
Why did daCi Day of Dance go from full day of dance instruction to an evening?
Imagine a Night collaborative or personal idea, what the vision is yet?
lovely picture of true community, every generation gets to join in

Response to questions
Question 1
creative process and universal language of dance are the tools to bring teenagers
together, they have a love of dance in common,
Dance is something everyone can do, when you are doing it with others walls come
Question 2
Not crazy, just passionate and awesome
What levels are the dancers at?
Question 3
Agrees it is beneficial for teens to participate in multi-generational dancing
Opens eyes to new ways to experience the world

Our connections as artists

1. Both nervous about out projects
She doesnt know any of the teens, doesnt know the interest level
Fear can push us and cause us to grow
2. Integrating two different disciplines
a. Dance and Math
b. Theater and English Language Arts (more connected)

Final questions:
1. What is the goal for your piece?
2. What do you want people to think and feel?
3. How does the theme connect with the emotions of the piece?

Notes from Katies 3rd video response to my week 1 blog post:

1. Also self-conscious about the video documentation

a. Easier now that I know her!
b. More real, closest thing to face to face
c. Would love to record a skype session
d. Has to type things into phone or computer
2. Documentation Ideas
a. Groups Skype with each other to get to know one another
i. Easy way for students to at least see the faces of who they will be
working with ahead of time
ii. Record the steps for each class and then send it to them.
iii. Is it a no-no to practice or rehearse something wrong?
iv. Keep in touch with a group of the students from each location, let the
students give feedback and talk to each other about the project,
v. Vlog of the students documenting their experience in the project
vi. Will need photo release forms
vii. Find a way to use all three ways of documenting
viii. Would still use waivers for audio documentation
3. What she did last semester
a. Had the girls in her workshop think about a personal experience similar to the
character of their monologue
b. How would that translate in dance?
c. Sky is a good idea

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