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focus on accounting

Zsuzsanna Ilona Kovcs Istvn Dek

Profession vs. Science
Summary: Defining accounting as a scientific field has been a matter of controversy. This paper is intended to describe the scientific
grounds of accounting by way of analysing the International Financial Reporting Standards system. We compare T. S. Kuhns theory
of scientific philosophy with the regulations and evolution of the selected reporting system. We conclude that the elements of the
disciplinary matrix of accounting are prescribed by the Framework and by the specific problem-solving methods associated with the
standards. Over the last few decades, the economy has been subject to fundamental changes that have tested the resilience of any
accounting system. These challenges to the paradigm have launched a series of shifts in the field of international accounting, which
correspond to the steps of scientific revolutions described by Kuhn. At present, standard setters are focused on renewing the reporting
paradigm and formulating globally relevant standards.

Keywords: international financial reporting, disciplinary matrix, scientific revolutions.
JEL codes: M41, A12

Defining accounting as a scientific field is not not fit the bill. Sterling, however, points out
self-evident to everyone. Some view accounting that scientific claims are not infallible truths
as a practical activity aimed at creating a report but generalisations which must be put to test
that describes the financial, income and earnings continuously. Other disciplines also involve
position of an economic entity. However, the changes, uncertainties and unresolved issues;
methodology providing the framework for this is no reason in and of itself to exclude ac-
financial reporting inevitably relies on scientific counting from this category:
research, given that its subject the assets There is nothing intrinsically unscientific
and the business activity of economic agents about accounting; our approach is unscientific
is subject to continuous change, which the (Sterling, 1975, p. 29).
methods describing them are bound to follow. We examine the scientific grounds of ac-
Accordingly, the definition of accounting should counting along the lines of Thomas S. Kuhns
include both science and practice. work, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,
According to Sterling (1975), the most which describes the possible foundations of
important question is how one defines ac- specific scientific disciplines and the steps that
counting. The definition he quotes includes accompany scientific progress. International
the word art. This definition is based on literature includes a number of studies link-
the argument that no trend can be called ing accounting to Kuhns theory of scientific
scientific unless it relies on eternal laws and philosophy (Schiehll et al., 2007; Shortridge
absolute truths and obviously, accounting does Smith, 2009; Wells, 1976); these, however, are
analyses of the scientific grounds and evolution
E-mail address: of the accounting system applied in the Uni- ted States. This study is intended to compare

focus on accounting

Kuhns theory to the bases and evolution of Thus, it is worth examining the scientific
the most broadly applied international ac- grounds of accounting. As regards theories of
counting standards of our time, the Interna- scientific philosophy, the names of Kuhn and
tional Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Popper should be mentioned two authors
First, we identify the elements of the so-called formulating contrasting opinions: while
disciplinary matrix within the set of rules science is a permanent revolution to Popper,
established by the International Financial with judgment constituting the essence of any
Reporting Standards; secondly, we discuss scientific pursuit, Kuhn looks at revolution as
the stages of scientific revolutions by focusing an anomaly that does not even belong to science
on one of the biggest challenges faced by the (Lakatos, 1997, page 20). For the rest of our
accounting profession: the subject of new paper we proceed with our analysis along the
asset types (intangible assets and financial lines of Kuhns theory. As it is outside of the
instruments). Our goal is to demonstrate, by scope of our paper, we refrain from contrasting
examining a specific reporting system, that different theories of scientific philosophy in
accounting is based on scientific grounds and respect of accounting, which could be a topic
that the stages of its evolution are similar to for further research.
those of natural sciences. Upon examining the scientific framework in
the context of which accounting professionals
perform their activities, we can identify the
The scientific grounds elements of the disciplinary matrix outlined
of accounting by Kuhn. According to Kuhn, this matrix is
disciplinary because it refers to the common
Thomas (1981) presents several approaches possession of the practitioners of a particular
describing accounting as a scientific field. discipline; matrix, because it is composed of
One such approach claims that accounting is a ordered elements of various sorts, each requiring
social institution and a regulatory system that further specification (Kuhn, 2002, page 187).
satisfies human needs. From this aspect, we may The matrix is made up of the following
view accounting as a normative science, which elements:
defines how professionals should perform their symbolic generalisations;
work in order to ensure a suitably efficient preferred metaphors or models;
way of satisfying social needs. According to a values;
different logic, the branch of accounting that exemplary problem solutions (Kuhn, 2002).
functions as a positive science is focused on Kuhn holds that symbolic generalisations are
describing, explaining and forecasting for the those expressions, deployed without question
users of financial reports, and evaluating the or dissent by members of a scientific community,
social and economic effects of the application which can readily be cast into a logical form
of bookkeeping methods. Indeed, Thomas (Kuhn, 2002, p. 187). Capturing Kuhns
even links the two approaches: Selecting the disciplinary matrix in accounting thought is
best bookkeeping methods is a result of human the subject of Wells 1976 article, in which the
decisions, which fall outside the realm of science. author classifies, among other things, the basic
In order to make those decisions, however, one equations of double-entry bookkeeping, the
must forecast their consequences, which presumes classification of fixed assets, current assets and
the existence of a positive accounting science the calculation method of the debt/equity ratio
(Thomas, 1981, p. 550). as symbolic generalisations (Wells, 1976).

focus on accounting

The IFRS standards are issued by an statements. The latter elements are not easy to
international standard-setting organisation, formulate; they are complex models and rules
the International Accounting Standards which qualify as preferred metaphors (models)
Board (IASB). The objective of the IASB is in the disciplinary matrix.
to establish a globally valid, high quality and Values, which contribute to creating a sense
easy-to-use set of rules. The standards are of community, constitute the third element of
currently applied in more than a hundred the disciplinary matrix (Kuhn, 2002, p. 190). In
countries worldwide, and since 2005 it has this context, Wells emphasises the principles of
been mandatory for listed companies in the prudence, consistency and relevance. In the IFRS
European Union to prepare consolidated system the Framework describes the qualitative
reports in accordance with the IFRS. In characteristics to be followed when preparing
addition to the standards, a document financial statements. The so-called fundamental
entitled Framework has been drawn up qualitative characteristics-relevance and fair
with a view to clarifying basic concepts. The presentationare of key importance. The
Framework constitutes a theoretical basis for following qualitative characteristics have a
those applying the standards, and facilitates supplementary, supporting role: comparability,
consistent interpretation by providing a verifiability, timeliness and understandability.
description of the most important concepts, The first three elements, however, do
procedures and methods. As such, the not suffice to establish a coherent framework
document describes the terms generally on their own; they must be accompanied
accepted and treated consistently by account- by specific, practical problem solutions to
ing professionals during the preparation facilitate the enforcement of the symbolic
of financial reports; in other words, it generalisations, preferred metaphors (models)
contains the symbolic generalisations of the and values of accounting. In keeping with
IFRS, including the elements of financial Kuhns (2002) terminology, we call these
statements: assets, liabilities, capital, revenues exemplary problem solutions, which can
and expenditures. originate from a great number of sources such
Preferred metaphors, i.e. beliefs in particular as training, practical application, articles and
models, constitute the next element of the studies or even simple question and answer
disciplinary matrix (Kuhn, 2002, p. 188). exercises. This constituent of the disciplinary
According to Wells (1976), concepts belonging matrix is not mandatory; it does not apply to
to this category include the principles of everyone and cannot necessarily be generalised;
commensurability, revenue recognition and indeed, its special trait is precisely its ability to
going-concerns, as well as cost-based asset incorporate specific problem solutions into the
measurement. Owing to the comparability logic of the disciplinary matrix. There is a need
requirement of reports, the definition of the for exemplars partly because even though it is
applied principles is essential in all accounting possible to lay down generally accepted rules
systems. In the IFRS the Framework describes that are easy to standardise from a number of
the basic underlying principles of reporting, perspectives, stakeholders (i.e. those taking
and contains the definition of the objective them into consideration) can be extremely
of financial statements, the clarification of different.
accrual accounting and cash accounting, and The accounting policy of entities can be
the recognition and measurement criteria viewed as such an exemplar; its provisions reflect
associated with the elements of financial the uniqueness and heterogeneity of entities in

focus on accounting

such a way that the three common elements first three elements. The creation of exemplars
accepted by the professional community (as remains the duty of the accounting profession
discussed above) remain compatible with each and they come into being during the execution
other. The standards themselves follow this of firms bookkeeping tasks, accounting
logic in the sense that annexes, practical field training and activities organised by professional
manuals or examples are attached to them. organisations. Thus we may look at standard
The purpose of these publications is to prevent setters as a type of scientific workshop and
exemplars from becoming a confusing stockpile firms as an arena where established theories and
of accumulated items; instead, they should be regulations are being tested and where one can
used as a tool to create a logic conducive to observe how standards perform in practice. The
resolving specific problems. While depreciation operation of the scientific workshop requires
write-off is a generally accepted, mandatory the understanding of practical problems. In
concept, its specific definition gives rise to developing regulations, the International Ac-
an exemplar. While the elements of financial counting Standards Board (IASB) attaches
statements (assets, liabilities, etc.) are symbolic great importance to understanding the fourth
generalisations of the Framework, their element of the disciplinary matrix; in other
presentation in financial statements becomes words, it uses public opinion as an input for
an exemplar as there is no single paradigm the formulation of standards and subsequently
uniformly applicable by all. The fourth element monitors the problems arising during practical
of the disciplinary matrix deserves more application. In the next section of our paper we
attention than the rest for the following reason: present a series of factors which pose a challenge
while general, theoretical rules are integrated for the disciplinary matrix, i.e. the paradigm.
into the logic of the professional community
and can be considered, therefore, as relatively
permanent (thus potential changes in these The latest challenges
elements are often difficult to accept as old
habits die hard), practice constantly brings new The business environment in which entities
sets of problems to the surface. We may also operate is subject to continuous change
include the different representations of creative and, driven by a need to keep pace with the
accounting in this category, as in many cases changes, accounting must make constant
it is creativity itself that becomes the source of progress. Kuhn (2002) holds that scientific
exemplars. progress has two alternative phases. In what he
Similarly to most applied accounting calls the normal phase of scientific research,
definitions, the disciplinary matrix reflects the a cumulative development takes place where
duality of theory and practice. While the first knowledge is extended, the forecasts of a
three elements describe the theoretical scientific paradigm are constantly compared against
fundamentals, the fourth element exemplars facts and theory is continuously adjusted.
explain the relevant specific problem solving With slowly changing standards, the evolution
methods. In fact, those excluding account- of accounting usually followed this route
ing from the realm of science disregard the (Shortridge Smith, 2009). Science, however,
first three elements of the disciplinary matrix, will enter a revolutionary phase when a crisis
and identify accounting merely with practical may no longer be solved within the context
activity. As regards reporting standards, stan- of the dominant paradigm, i.e. a paradigm
dard setters are responsible for establishing the shift occurs: We cannot get to the new from

focus on accounting

the old simply by the cumulative addition of new the leeway it can provide in respect of the
knowledge. Similarly, we cannot really describe presentation of these types of asset items is
a new term by the old dictionary, and vice ver- basically defined by the Framework. Indeed, it
sa (Kuhn in ed. Laki, 1998, p. 138). Kuhn is the Framework that provides a definition for
(2002) describes scientific revolutions by the the asset, as well as the recognition criteria on
following stages: the basis of which it is determined whether or
urecognition of anomalies; not the specific asset constitutes a part of the
va period of uncertainty (crisis); balance sheet assets. As regards the recognition
wdevelopment of alternative sets of ideas; of intangible assets, the most heated debates
xdomination of the new paradigm. flared up around the recognition criteria. Based
One of the greatest challenges accounting on existing regulations, internally generated
has faced recently is the increased role of hard- intangible assets can only be presented in
to-grasp, intangible asset items. Shortridge and financial statements to a very limited extent.
Smith cite Alan Greenspan on this subject: Goods Despite the financial and human resources
are increasingly valued not for their physical devoted to increasing an entitys intangible
properties but for weightless ideas (Shortridge assets, only development expenditures can be
Smith 2009, p. 15). The true value of the presented in its balance sheet. This means that
enterprises operating most successfully in the assets such as research, employees knowledge
global environment derives not merely from the base, a well-structured organisation, corporate
tangible, physical property they own, but also governance methods, own brand names, a
from the soft factors known in accounting stable customer base and a comprehensive,
as intangible assets. Although their existence development-oriented organisational culture,
and dominance are irrefutable, the range of are excluded from the balance sheet. Expenses
intangible assets which can constitute a part related to these items do not qualify as
of balance sheet assets is significantly restricted investment; instead, they are recognised under
by the regulations. In most cases, corporate the costs of the specific period.
balance sheets exclude assets such as a successful These regulations are problematic from
brand name, a loyal customer base, employees several perspectives. Financial statements
competences, well-run enterprise control are meant to provide interest holders with
systems, corporate culture, and so forth. Even the highest possible quality and most
though intangible assets undoubtedly play an comprehensive information about the financial
important role in the competition, accounting and earnings position of an entity, but they
specialists have yet to come up with a method will be unable to fulfil their mission if internal
by which such assets could be incorporated intangible assets are excluded fromor only
into the balance sheet in the context of the partially presented inthe balance sheet. The
existing regulatory framework. And given that specific rules pertaining to intangible assets
knowledge-based assets play a decisive role in are prescribed by the IAS 38 standard, which
the contemporary business environment, a provides a definition for intangible assets and
solution must be found: We may even venture to describes the application of the presentation
say that in this day and age nearly all commodities criteria to these asset items. The problem is that
are at least in part intellectual commodities the standard distinguishes between internally
(Szab Hmori, 2006, p. 121). generated assets and assets acquired from
Although a separate standard has been external sources. Assets acquired from external
dedicated to intangible assets (IAS 38), sources (e.g. assets purchased, received as a

focus on accounting

grant or acquired in a business combination) cial instruments constitute a broad range

easily meet the recognition criteria, as they of extremely complex assets (from ordinary
are likely to provide economic benefits to the securities and claims to the various forms
entity after their purchase and their cost can of derivative transactions and structured
be measured reliably. Internally generated products). In recent years, these transactions
intangible assets, however, almost never meet have come into focus in numerous cases. The
the criteria based on this standard. According financial crisis strongly contributed to this
to existing regulations, only development turn of events; in fact, the general consensus
costs can be capitalised, provided that the six is that the outbreak of the crisis in 2007 was
additional conditions prescribed by IAS 38 are triggered precisely by the loss or deterioration
met (IFRS Foundation, 2012b). of confidence in these special and complex
While the asset definition of the Frame- financial products (Nagy Sipos, 2008). Stan-
work does not mention the origin of asset dard setters, in turn, have accelerated their
items, the treatment of intangible assets efforts to work out a set of new regulations
distinguishes between the assets on the basis of for this area. Instruments recognised at fair
origin, as discussed above. Upton(2001) holds value were among the assets hit hardest by the
the view that such a distinction makes no crisis; as markets became inactive and trade
sensethe essence of the asset will remain the dried up, fair value took a steep fall, leading
same whether it was purchased or generated to immediate write-offs. This gave rise to the
internally; an asset, therefore, is not defined need to revise the reclassification prohibition
by its origin. Therefore, the bulk of intangible of the relevant standard (namely, that financial
assets presented in financial reports are made instruments held for trading purposes may not
up of assets acquired from external sources. be reclassified into a different group) and, at
Assets held and generated by the entities the same time, to reconsider the entire subject
themselves remain invisible (including brands, of financial instruments.
customer lists and research projects). As Lab Below we discuss potential answers to
(2010) puts it, in terms of reporting, entities address the reporting/recognition problems
assets are split between a visible (balance sheet described above.
items) and an invisible part (non-balance sheet
items). Consequently, financial reporting fails
to fulfil its primary objective: provision of The answers
information to interest holders on all relevant
data. The reporting anomalies related to The area of accounting did not remain
intangible assets have escalated to the point unscathed by the immense changes affecting
where international reporting standards are the economy. Globalisation, international
subject to more and more criticism. Therefore, capital flows and the extremely rapid
of the different stages of Kuhns scientific development of information technology have
revolution, two factors are in place already: prompted a need for the creation of a uniform
anomaly and the resulting uncertainty. The accounting language recognised and applied
only question is how significant this anomaly all over the world. For the time being, it
will prove to be, and what kind of changes will appears that the IFRS system will assume the
be triggered by it. role of a global financial reporting standard.
Another similarly debated problem is The application of standards has been gaining
the realm of financial instruments. Finan- ground steadily and simultaneously, massive

focus on accounting

efforts are in progress to improve them. In Framework. If the proposal were implemented,
the area of intangible asset reporting, standard the range of intangible assets recognisable
setters face enormous challenges that may well in financial statements would be extended;
lead to a paradigm shift in accounting. however, numerous assets would still remain
There have been numerous attempts to invisible, namely those not meeting the existing
address the problem affecting intangible assets, definition of intangible assets.
all relying on very different approaches. The In the standard formulation process, the
proposed solutions can be divided into two publication of a discussion material would
groups depending on how they envisage the normally be followed by the publication of
solution: within or outside of the framework a draft standard, which would be preceded
of financial accounting. Those belonging to the by the discussion of comments received in
second group do not propose the modification of relation to the discussion material and the
existing accounting regulations and standards, incorporation of proposals into the draft.
but suggest that financial statements should However, no new draft standard has been
be supplemented by statements containing prepared in relation to intangible assets;
information about intangible assets for the use moreover, citing limited resources, the IASB
of interest holders. A disadvantage of this group has also suspended the research project itself.
of solutions is that neither their introduction, Thus, for the time being, the initiative of
nor their uniform application can be guaranteed AASB has failed to launch changes that
given that they are not a part of any account- would help address the reporting anomalies
ing system. The other possibility is to remain related to intangible assets. In summary,
within the boundaries of the specific account- the tools available for normal science were
ing regulations and stretching them to the li- not sufficient to make progress in this issue,
mit, get standard setters to modify the existing which would be extremely hard to resolve
regulations. In case of its implementation, if previous achievements and traditions
this alternative has the benefit of achieving were to be preserved. According to Kuhn
a uniform application and mandatory use in (2002), if the tools of normal science prove
countries where legislators have adopted the to be inadequate to address an anomaly,
IFRS system. extraordinary research will begin, opening
The staff of the Australian standard setter up the way for the scientific resolution,
(Australian Accounting Standards Board, ultimately leading to a new paradigm that is
AASB) put together a discussion paper in incommensurable with the previous one.
2009, proposing far-reaching innovations for Shortridge and Smith (2009) also agree that
IASB with a view to carrying out the reform of the changes behind the anomalies surrounding
intangible asset accounting. They proposed to the recognition of intangible assets are of such
treat internally generated intangible assets the magnitude that they may lead to a paradigm
same way as similar assets acquired in a busi- shift in financial reporting. In the context of
ness combination; in other words, to introduce the accounting/reporting system of the United
fair value based measurement, following States, the authors forecast the events which
the pattern of assets acquired in a business will eventually translate into an adjustment
combination. Obviously, recognition, once to the new phenomena of the information
again, is contingent upon the specific assets economy. In their opinion, the most important
compliance with the definition of intangible elements of the emerging paradigm will be the
assets and the recognition criteria defined by the following:

focus on accounting

globalisation; qualitative principles have been revised. In the

increased emphasis on principles in the disciplinary matrix qualitative characteristics
regulatory framework; were classified among values. This area has
a focus on the substance of economic experienced substantial changes compared
events; to the 1989 version. The new Framework
reliability is replaced with faithful repre- highlights two qualitative factors, relevance
sentation; and fair presentation, which have become
relevance as a central qualitative charac- the most important characteristics of the
teristic; information disclosed in financial statements.
fair value measurements. The reason why these factors have become the
Below we identify these elements of the most important qualitative characteristics is
newly emerging paradigm in the IFRS system, the fact that only true and relevant information
in which similar changes are currently taking can be useful for the users of the reports (IFRS
place. Globalisation and the principle-based Foundation, 2010b).
approach are listed among the objectives of The role of fair value measurement in IFRS
IASBs proprietor, the IFRS Foundation, as appears to be changing as well. Theoretically,
demonstrated by this statement: The goal of the parties have three evaluation models at their
IFRS Foundation is to develop, in the public in- disposal to measure their asset items: the
terest, a single set of high-quality, understandable, original cost, the revaluation and the fair
enforceable and globally accepted financial value models. The concepts of fair value and
reporting standards based upon clearly articulated fair value measurement have been referred to
principles (IFRS Foundation, 2010a). And it in this study as an opportunity conducive to
follows from fair presentation, that in financial overcoming certain balance sheet constraints
disclosures, transactions are captured based on (e.g. those mentioned in relation to intangible
their economic substance rather than their legal assets). Essentially, the idea is that irrespective
form (IFRS Foundation, 2010b). of the original cost, the current value of asset
Relevance and fair presentation have been items reflects current relative values, thus it
given a central role in the IFRS system as well, is suitable for recognising asset items where
in the review of reporting principles. The original cost cannot be identified. The Fra-
IASB is engaged in an active project aimed at mework discusses general measurement bases;
reforming the Framework published in 1989, however, it does not single out any one of them as
namely, to lay down the new foundations of a principal evaluation rule, which nevertheless
financial reporting. Shortridge and Smith does not imply that either one of them can
(2009) also indicated that the paradigm shift be applied in any case. Indeed, entities elbow
in accounting is still in progress; thus, the room in selecting the measurement formula is
existing US regulations include elements both restricted by the individual standards, to such
from the old and the new paradigm. The IFRS an extent that at times the standards allow the
system is going through precisely the same application of only one possible formula.
transitional period, as the IASB implements the In 2011, the IASB issued the IFRS 13 stan-
transformation of the Framework describing dard; the first independent standard dedicated
the paradigm in several stages. The first stage specifically to fair value measurement and
has been concluded already, in the context applicable to both financial and non-financial
of which the parts dedicated to describing assets. IFRS 13 defines fair value as the price
the objectives of financial reporting and the that would be received to sell an asset or paid

focus on accounting

to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction Foundation, 2010b). In contrast with US

between market participants at the measurement regulations, the IFRS reports do not put into
date (IFRS Foundation, 2012a, paragraph focus, as the central part of financial reports,
9). As such, fair value is a price emerging in the accruals based information of economic
a hypothetical market during a hypothetical entities which is meant to describe the financial
transaction (Kovcs, 2012, p. 169). Therefore, performance of the entity. In reforming the
it is vital not to mix it up with a specific market Framework, standard setters found that, while
price negotiated during an actual, completed users undoubtedly needed the information
market transaction. From the aspect of our provided by accrual based accounting
topic, this new definition exhibits two ma- establishing the comprehensive income for the
jor differences compared to the previous period, it would not be right to single out this
one (which appeared in several standards, group of information. Accrual accounting has
including IAS 39). On the one hand, IFRS therefore been removed from the underlying
13 clearly mentions a sale price, while the principles; however, its role is clarified in
previous definition discussed, in general, an the part defining the objectives of reporting,
amount emerging during transactions executed and it is established that it provides a better
at arms length; on the other hand, IFRS basis for monitoring the events affecting the
13 refers to market participants, while the entitys assets than cash accounting. Since we
previous regulation mentions informed parties classified both the underlying principles and
with an intention to execute a transaction the objective of financial reporting as being a
(Kovcs, 2012). The applied definition is of part of the preferred metaphors or models of
key importance not the least because the real the disciplinary matrix, accrual accounting has
challenge of fair value measurement is the changed places only within this element of the
definition of fair value, to which practical matrix. The role of accrual based accounting
assistance is provided by the hierarchy of stan- is not expected to weaken in the future either,
dard measurement methods. In terms of the given that in addition to tracking the changes
disciplinary matrix, the standard is a preferred in an entitys total assets, this method is also
metaphor (model), with associated exemplars capable of assessing and forecasting an entitys
(illustrations or examples) facilitating money creation ability; relying on cash ac-
application. The separate regulation of fair counting, however, the profit/loss realised may
value measurement in the IFRS system is a not be shown.
decisive step toward the acceptance of the new It is important to see how the modifications
paradigm. both those that have already taken place
Besides the highlighted elements, other and those envisaged can help resolve the
important factors have changed or are about anomalies shown in the previous section.
to change in the IFRS system. Only one of the Putting relevance and fair presentation into
underlying characteristics related to reporting focus and increasing the role and acceptance of
was retained after the revision of the Frame- fair value measurement may also pave the way
work. In the previous version, both the going- for novelties in the area of tangible assets and
concern principle and accrual accounting financial instruments. In the next phase of the
had a role; in the new one accrual account- Framework project, the parts to be modified
ing remained the only basic characteristic. include, among other things, elements of
The modifications are explained in the Annex financial statements, the recognition criteria
appended to the new Framework (IFRS and the assessment principles. If a new asset

focus on accounting

definition is devised in future, one that is the anomalies surrounding the recognition of
capable of covering more intangible assets, intangible assets and the issues arising in the
the number of asset items presented in the wake of the financial and economic crisis in
balance sheet will increase, and the financial respect of the value of financial instruments,
report will be able to provide important and which put fair value measurement into focus.
relevant additional information to users. The We have shown that the different stages of
reconsideration of recognition criteria may scientific progress established by Kuhn (2002)
also expedite the presentation of internally can be also identified in the evolution of IFRS
generated intangible assets in the financial standards. Among the main pursuits of standard
statements. Pervasive changes are in the setters, we underscored the results achieved so
pipeline and the modifications will affect the far by the project aimed at the modification
foundations of the international account- of the Framework and the development of a
ing paradigm. It is conceivable that after the standard dedicated to fair value measurement.
publication of the new Framework, the IASB These achievements clearly demonstrate the
will put the intangible assets project on the IASBs ambition to create standards capable
agenda once again, striving to formulate a of reflecting the enormous changes observed
new standard that will not give rise to such over the past few years in business life and in
reporting anomalies as the existing different the global economy. Since the project involves
accounting method of internally generated changes to each element of the disciplinary
and acquired intangible assets. matrix, we may call it a paradigm shift. Finan-
cial reporting cannot really be successful if we
are forced to describe current economic events
Summary using the terms of the old dictionary. Certain
parts of the existing reporting framework have
The purpose of our paper was to analyse the become obsolete, incapable of describing the
structure of the paradigm prevailing in the full impact of the tremendous advancement
system of International Financial Reporting of recent decades on the economy. Standard
Standards by identifying the elements of the setters have taken steps accordingly; they have
disciplinary matrix described by Kuhn (2002). begun to update the dictionary to expedite
We have presented two topics that pose a the formulation of globally applicable, modern
challenge for the existing reporting paradigm: and high quality financial reporting standards.

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