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The Mecca and the Madina have been centre and axis of the heartbeat

of the global Islamic fraternity. Undoubtedly, the culture and the

history this unexampled landmass has been enjoying the blessing of
representing the entire Islamic world. And since the Creator of mankind
called this barren valley (waadi-e-gair-e-zeezara) as His own locality
and eternally sent a messagefor His all lovers through His own dear
and consecrated beloved, the Ancestor of Messengers, Hazrat Ibraheem
(a.s)that the landmass shall always remain a bazaar of the gatherings
of His lovers, God knows how many foreordainedly blessed departed
from and arrived under the canopy of rays of this site of manifestation.
The world has witnessed the exhibition of Tuur merely once, however,
the tale of this display is still narrated, and shall always be repeated.
And this effulgence is witnessed here every year with its full elegance.
This journey is a journey of immense love and ecstasy like when a lover
goes on to meet his beloved, his heart is filled with aspirations, a Momin
undertakes this journey with similar passion and determination. Every
person coming for the attendance of the house of the Holy Lord appears
with his own appearance. That is why encasing within ahraam has been
declared mandatory so that when you are arriving only to meet your
beloved, what is the need of this worldly decoration and apparels
omit this difference of this rich and poor now you are appearing only
as servants.

Both Mehmood and Ayaz in the same row stood

None as the slave and none as the master stood

While the appearances of the Makkah and Madina are a means of varied
bounties, at the same time these are the resources of astonishing
rewards. The reason is apparent that eternal God has..lesser people
are abreast of this reality until now that existence of the universal
system is relevant to the Khana-e-Kaaba and its invitation and status.
This is not seen by our tangible eyes, but intuitive persons understand
that like the existence of mountains creates steadiness and balance in
lands and the earth; in the similar way above this all palpable edifice
there exists a system that is related to the Khana-e-Kaaba. Till the time
the Khana-e-Kaaba is existent and its perpetual message is alive, the
worldly system till then is, as if, extant. Thus, the Lord says that He has
made the Khana-e-Kaaba a place admonition, Qiyamalin-Naas
dependence of peoples lives; in it lies the secrets of the economy of
people and the existence of the world and human race (Sura
Maaidah:97). What is the precincts of Kaaba? It is the grand exhibition
of the divine self-manifestation of the Lord, the biggest centre of
reverence and piety for the Believers, the majestic token of the unity
and congruence of the Muslim fraternitywherein a Muslim reaching
feels as if he has put his forehead in the Lords audience and in his
sinful hands has come, not the outer vest of the Shrine (Gilaaf-e-
Kaaba), but the robe of mercy of the Benevolent and Merciful God.
Method of Umrah:

Preparation of Ahraam:

Comb and reshape your hair and beard, trim moustaches, and shave of
the pubic hairs.


Do Gusul with the intention of Ahraam, otherwise perform ablution


Cloths of the Ahraam:

A man should tie one white cloth and the other, remove shoes and
wear slippers, while the Ahraam for women is that local dress of theirs
that fulfils the criterion of Shriah.

Nafil Salah:

Offer two rakah Salah while covering the head.


In case of travelling through an airplane, complete all the stuff at home

or at the airport except Niyaah (intention) and Talbeeha. When the
aeroplane goes high in the air, make Niyyah and Talbeeha at that time.

Niyyah (intention):

Now uncover your head and make Niyyah:

O Lord! I am intending to perform Umrah for your pleasure, make it
convenient for me and accept it from me.


Immediately after making Niyyah, recite Labbaika three timei.e. do


After that recite Darood and make dua. Some illustrative and simple
words of supplication are suggested here with brevity:

O Lord of the Universe! I seek your pleasure and Jannah(heaven) and

protection from your disgust and Jahannum(hell); I also seek the
blessings and supplications which were sought or taught by Your
Prophet(pbuh) at this instancekindly be pleased to accept them all
from me.

Restrictions of the Ahraam:

After making the Niyyah(intention) of Ahraam using perfumes, bathing

by rubbing over and over, using scented soaps, cutting nails, trimming
or cutting hair, committing coition, using cloth on the face (both by
men or women), making abuses, covering the head by a man, etc. is all
prohibited. One should abstain from these.

First glance at the Khana-e-Kaaba:

When you enter in the precincts of Kaaba make dua and make
intention(Niyyah) of Aetikaaf. Also stand at a place of isolation and
make any supplication (Insha-Allah the prayers will be answered).

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