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A Left Libertarian Approach

to Class Conflict Analysis

By Wally Conger

Drawing on the unfinished work of

Samuel Edward Konkin III

With a foreword by Brad Spangler

A Left Libertarian Approach to Class Conflict Analysis


Wally Conger

Drawing on the unfinished work of Samuel Edward Konkin III

with a foreword by Brad Spangler

This work is dedicated to Sam, who got the ball rolling.

The very term evokes mental imagery, and rightly so, of bloody tyrants
and their apologists from the killing fields of Cambodia to the
massacre in the Katyn Forest, from statist dupes calling for more
government power to "fight poverty" to Trotsky's bastard ideological
grandchildren that are called "neo-conservatives."

It has been a fig leaf for banditry and the ravening twin thirsts for power
and blood. It has been the mantra of those who would conspire to realize
Orwell's nightmare vision of a totalitarian boot forever stomping on a
human face.

I'm referring to the other war the Class War.

Marxist doctrine held, in a nutshell, that the relationship between the

common people (the proletariat) and the elite (capitalists) was a continu-
ation of the master and slave relationship of ancient times and that
any means, regardless of how ostensibly evil it may appear, was
justifiable in addressing that iniquitous inequity.

With the meltdown of nearly all avowedly Marxist states in the late
1980s and early 1990s, the notion of a Class Struggle was supposed to
be consigned to the dustbin of history along with the rest of the smoke
and mirrors of Marxist ideology.

There's only one problem, though Marx's analysis of the world

around him was partly wrong and partly right. Where there is truth, there
is relevance. It is time for libertarians to dust off the notions of class
struggle, class consciousness, and class warfare in order to place them
within an increasingly sophisticated libertarian/anarchist ideological
framework under the primacy of the Zero Aggression Principle.

One flaw in Marx's thinking, you see, was his theory of exploitation.
Libertarians recognize that there is nothing inherently "exploitative" in
any genuinely voluntary agreement, such as agreeing to work for a
wage. Likewise, there isn't anything virtuous in subtly coercing
compliance with demands for labor to be performed on dictated terms,
including wage rates. Where Marx was right in his analysis is that under
State Capitalism (as opposed to a truly free market) there is an
exploitative relationship between the moneyed interests and the common
people. He misidentified the oppressor class, though.

What is this actual oppressor class, you ask? The actual oppressor class
is the "political class" as originally identified by the Frenchmen Charles
Comte and Dunoyer over 150 years ago. By the "political class" it is
meant those who draw their livelihood not from the Market, but from the
State. The political class is the parasitic class that acquires its livelihood
via the "political means" through "confiscation, taxation, and other
forms of coercion." Their victims are the rest of us the productive
class those who make their living through peaceful and honest means
of any sort, such as a worker or an entrepreneur.

State Capitalism, which most confuse with a free market, is most prop-
erly understood as a form of Socialism in a Hayekian sense of statist
control. That is to say, it is banditry under guise of law. It would also be
economically accurate to label it Fascism, Mercantilism, or Corporate
Statism. Conversely, a truly free market (or Capitalism in the Randian
sense of non-aggression minus Rand's own personal fetish for Big
Business) would, I maintain, bear a striking similarity to the vision of
anti-state socialists and distributists.

Wally Conger has distilled in the accompanying text the essence of

Samuel Edward Konkin III's unfinished exposition of this class theory,
Agorism Contra Marxism. I'm deeply honored to present Agorist Class

Brad Spangler
In the U.S., only rightist kooks and commies talk about ruling classes
and class structures, the late Samuel Edward Konkin III remarked back
in the 1980s.

Konkin was neither a rightist kook nor a commie. But his theory of
ruling classes and class structures remains today a brilliant libertarian
alternative to tired Marxist theories of class struggle. And that theory
may serve as the foundation upon which to build a strong, revitalized
libertarian movement.

Born in Saskatchewan, Canada, on July 8, 1947, Sam Konkin (known

also to intimates and others as SEK3) was a high-profile leader in the
modern libertarian movements second generation. He was a disciple
of Murray N. Rothbard, arguably the most vital member of the
movements first generation. In fact, Konkin was a consistent, radical
Rothbardian, who often outRothbarded the great Murray himself. SEK3
called his extreme Rothbardianism which advocated a stateless
society of peaceful black markets agorism.

For more than two decades, Konkin promised to produce a book titled
Counter-Economics a mammoth, scholarly work that, he swore,
would be to agorism what Das Kapital was to Marxism. But the volume
never appeared. Konkin did, however, author a major strategic guide to
achieving his agorist dream New Libertarian Manifesto which
became for his newborn Movement of the Libertarian Left what The
Communist Manifesto was to communism, or what The Port Huron
Statement had been to the early New Left movement in the 1960s. In
addition to this manifesto, SEK3 published, over a 30-year period, such
underground libertarian publications as New Libertarian, New Liber-
tarian Notes, New Libertarian Weekly, Strategy of the New Libertarian
Alliance, The Agorist Quarterly, and New Isolationist. It was through
these periodicals that Konkin elaborated on his philosophy in disorga-
nized detail.
A primary tenet of agorism was its unique theory of classes. In an article
titled Cui Bono? Introduction to Libertarian Class Theory (see
Appendix), published in New Libertarian Notes #28 in 1973, Konkin

1. The State is the main means by which people live by plunder; the
Market, in contradistinction, is the sum of human action of the pro-

2. The State, by its existence, divides society into a plundered class

and a plundering class.

3. The State has historically been directed by those who gain most by
its existence the upper class, Ruling Class, Higher Circles, or

4. The Higher Circles will fight to keep their privileged status, and
have done so, against libertarians seeking their overthrow and the
restitution of their plunder to those from whom it was taken.

5. Politicians operate as gladiators in the aptly named Political

Arena to settle disputes among the Higher Circles (which are not

Ten years later, Konkin began work on a book to distinguish Agorist

Class Theory from Marxist Class Theory called Agorism Contra
Marxism. Only an introduction and first chapter were ever published (in
Strategy of the New Libertarian Alliance #2), and the book like most
other SEK3 projects was left unfinished at the time of his death in

This brief volume represents my attempt to summarize (and somewhat

update) that material.

Wally Conger
The Failure of Marxism
Marxism is dead. This is acknowledged almost everywhere, with the ex-
ception of university campuses and among stodgy Old Leftists and unin-
formed media pundits. The [Marxist] dream is dead, wrote Samuel
Edward Konkin III. The institutions move on, decadent zombies,
requiring dismemberment and burial. The gravediggers of capitalism
approach their own internment.

Marxism failed on many fronts, perhaps on all fronts. Most fundamen-

tally, though, its failure was economic. Marxs map of reality his
class theory was fatally flawed, and economics was the measure by
which his philosophy could be checked with reality. The failure of its
economics led inevitably to Marxisms failure to live up to its political
and historical predictions. Wrote SEK3:

Remember well that Marx outlined history and brooked no

significant wandering from the determined course. Should History
not unfold according to the determined pathway scientifically
obtained, all Marxist theoretical structure crumbles. ...

Marxism failed to produce a workable model of reality. On the

other hand, it has won the hearts and souls of billions in the past
century. In order to bury Marx, it is necessary to deal with his
apparent success, not his failures. His strong points must be over-
come, not his weak, if [radical Rothbardians, agorists] hope to
replace his vision as the prime inspiration of the Left.
The Marxist Appeal
Karl Marx himself asserted that should History fail to bear him out, he
would admit he was wrong.

History has passed judgment.

Just as Ludwig von Mises forecast in his landmark book Socialism

(1922), in which the impossibility of economic calculation under Marx-
ist statism was demonstrated, Marxs economics failed horribly. This
economic failure led inevitably to the failure of Marxs political and
historical predictions, and Marxist-controlled institutions today coast on
intellectual capital and historical inertia.

But Marxism still won the hearts and souls of billions in the past
century, and continues to do so among many even now. Why? What is
Marxisms appeal? Samuel Edward Konkin III wrote:

The most appealing part of Marxism may well have been the
vision of sociopolitical revolution as a secular apocalypse. While
others offered explanations of Revolution, only Marx gave it such
meaning. No longer were the oppressed to merely oust the old
regime to bring in a new regime brutal in a slightly different way,
but the Revolution would make things so great that no further
revolution was necessary. Marxs legerdemain was actually
profoundly conservative; once the Revolution was over, there
would be no more. Even diehard monarchists flinched from that
much stasis.

Yet the combination was unbeatable to motivate political

activists: one all-out effort and then home free. More realistic
presentations of Revolution tended to excite less dedication and
But the truth remains: today, Marxism is bankrupt. On the Left, faith is
gone, morale is low, and activism is paralyzed. The Left needs a new
ideology to supplant its failed and discredited Marxism. Agorism the
purest, most consistent, and revolutionary form of libertarianism is
that supplanting ideology. Agorism can motivate and direct the
underclasss struggle against the overclass and return the Left to its
radical anti-state, anti-war, pro-property, pro-market historical roots.
Explained SEK3:

Agorism and Marxism agree on the following premise: human

society can be divided into at least two classes; one class is
characterized by its control of the State and its extraction of un-
earned wealth from the other class. Furthermore, agorists and
Marxists will often point to the same people as members of the
overclass and underclass, especially agreeing on what each
considers the most blatant cases. The differences arise as one
moves to the middle of the social pyramid.

Agorists and Marxists perceive a class struggle which must con-

tinue until a climactic event which will resolve the conflict. Both
sides perceive select groups which will lead the victims against
their oppressors. The Marxists call these groups of high class
consciousness vanguards and then extract even more aware
elements designated elites of the vanguard. Agorists perceive a
spectrum of consciousness amongst the victims as well, and also
perceive the most aware elements as the first recruits for the
revolutionary cadre. With the exception of intellectuals, the
Marxists and agorists sharply disagree on who these most
progressive elements are.
Precursors to Marxist Class Theory
Although todays academics largely credit the doctrine of class conflict
to Marx and Engels, historian Ralph Raico has for many years advanced
the 19th Century classical liberal exploitation theory of Comte and
Dunoyer as a much superior, more correct precursor to the Marxist class
model. However, Konkin begins his examination of class theories much
earlier than Comte-Dunoyer or Marx. He wrote:

Rome had three citizen classes and a fourth alien class written
into its legal codes. Medieval Europe continued the concepts and
much of the rest of the world had its versions. The upper class was
the nobility, that is, the royalty and aristocracy, who controlled the
land and directed its resources. The lower class were those who
worked that land, peasants, serfs, villeins, etc. Most people fit in
the lower class but those that fit in neither were, at least in
numbers, at least as numerous as the upper class. Many were
merchants, and as they turned villages into towns and then large,
powerful cities, they were given the term Middle Class or terms
meaning city-dweller: burger, bourgeois, etc.

Enter Comte, Dunoyer, and the rest of the French school. But we will
get to libertarian (and agorist) class theory later.

First...Karl Marx.
Marxist Classes
Marx recognized that the millennium-old class structure of Europe was
drastically and noticeably changing and that he lived in a revolutionary
time. As SEK3 explained:

The old order was making way for a new one. The Aristocracy
was on its way out, either to liquidation (as in France and the U.S.)
or to vestigial status, kept around for ceremonial purpose by a
sentimental bourgeoisie (and lower classes) as in England. The
bourgeoisie was in the ascendancy in the first half of the nineteenth
century Marxs formative and most active years.

Future events could and were explained by this class struggle

theory: the Europe-wide rebellion of 1848 swept away much of
aristocratic power restored after Napoleons defeat; the American
Civil War was the Northern bourgeoisies way of smashing the
remnant of landed aristocracy preserved as by the South.

While this phenomenon so far was widely acknowledged (though

it applied poorly to the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1), Marx was
as interested in the transformation of the Lower Class as in that of
the Upper Class. Peasants were being driven off their farms, serfs
were given their freedom to go to the cities to become industrial
workers. And here was the focus of Marxs insight.

First, based on Adam Smiths Labor Theory of Value, Marx saw the
evolving workers as the only real productive class. He saw the bourgeoi-
sie evolving into a smaller, aristocratic group that held ownership of the
new means of production: factories, assembly lines, distribution/
transportation systems, etc. The world, Marx said, was being neatly
divided between a non-productive class (the former bourgeoisie, now
capitalists) and a productive class skilled in using capital goods but not
owning them (the proletariat). Capital would control the State. To Marx,
this was the world of the future, as evident in his present.

Marxs second insight was based on Hegels dialectical materialism.

History was an ongoing clash of ideas: the thesis existed, the anti-thesis
rose in opposition, and the clash created a synthesis (a new thesis).
Wrote SEK3: This is why Marxist sloganeers always call for struggle
its all their theory allows them to do!

So just as the bourgeoisie ousted the aristocracy to create capitalism (the

synthesis), Marx declared that the new proletariat would oust capital and
synthesize into, well, nothing. The proletariat victory, Marx predicted,
would eventually end classes and class conflict. Granted, the proletariat
(or, rather, its vanguard elite) would control the State temporarily. But
once classes vanished and there was no class conflict to repress, the
State would wither away.
The Agorist Critique of Marxist Class Theory
Marxs Class Theory failed to see that those workers classically
considered proletariat would become growingly obsolescent. In North
America, unionized skilled workers are in decline, being absorbed by
new entrepreneurship (franchising, independent contracting and consult-
ing), the service industry, scientific research and development, increased
managerial function without human labor underneath for exploitation,
and bureaucracy. Wrote SEK3:

The entrepreneurial problem is unsolvable for Marxism, because

Marx failed to recognize the economic category. The best Marxists
can do is lump them with new, perhaps mutated, capitalist forms.
But if they are to fit the old class system, they are petit bourgeois,
the very group that is to either collapse into proletarians or rise into
the monopoly capitalist category. Small business should not
increase in the advanced, decadent stages of capitalism.

Marxism also does not deal with the persistent Counter-Economy (i.e., a
peaceful black market or underground economy). There is a spectrum of
the Counter-Economy tainting workers, entrepreneurs, and even
capitalists. Said Konkin:

Scientists, managers, even civil servants do not merely accept

bribes and favors but actively seek second, unreported employment
in the black market. And the more socialist the State, the bigger
the nalevo, black work or underground component of the econo-
my. ... [T]his turns Marx on his head ... : advanced capitalism is
generating runaway free-enterprise (the Old-Fashioned kind) in
reaction; the more decadent (statist) the capitalism, the more
virulent the reaction and the larger the Counter-Economy.

But even worse is the class of Counter-Economists. That is, by

Marxist class structure, the black marketeers cannot be a class:
workers, capitalists and entrepreneurs in active collusion against a
common enemy, the State. True, many do not perceive themselves
as in a common class and some even try to deny their black
activities even to themselves, thanks to religious and social guilt
induction. And yet, when the agents of the State appear to enforce
the laws of the Power Elite, the Counter-Economists from tax-
dodging businessman to drug-dealing hippie to illegal alien to
feminist midwife are willing to signal each other with the
universal: Watch it, the fuzz/pigs/flics/federales/etc.! ...

Even in extreme cases, the commonality of the Counter-

Economist has generated an economic determinism as strong as
any Marx considered to weld class unity. But this is still not the

This class unity is not that of a workers class (though workers are
heavily involved) nor of a capitalist class (though capitalists are
involved) nor even of a ruling class this class is based on the
commonality of risk, arising from a common source (the State).
And risk is not proletarian (or particularly capitalist); it is purely

Again, to make it clear, if the entrepreneuriat are tossed into the

capitalist class, then the Marxist must face the contradiction of
capitalists at war with the capitalist-controlled State.

At this point, Marxs class analysis is in shreds. Clearly,

oppression exists, but another model is needed to explain how it
Libertarian Class Analysis
Marxs class analysis, with its recurring problem of the cross-class na-
ture of statists and anti-statists, lies in shreds. Clearly, oppression exists,
but another class model is needed to explain how it works.

The Libertarian Class Model advanced by Murray N. Rothbard is based

on the relation of the individual to the State, which springs from Franz
Oppenheimers paradigm of the evolution of the State. The sweep of
history, Oppenheimer wrote, was a long account of the parasitic class
continually transforming itself with new religions and ideologies to
justify its existence and repeatedly hoodwink the productive class into
serving it. As SEK3 explained:

Today the State uses democracy (victim participation in his own

plunder), liberalism (leash the State to make it more palatable),
conservatism (unleash the State against enemies commies or
capitalists, perverts or straights, heretics or orthodox believers,
difference 1 or difference 2), and other nostrums, snake-oil or anti-
concepts to beguile its victims into accepting continued plunder
(taxation), murder (war and execution), and slavery (conscription
and taxation again).

Socialism, including Marxist variants, is just another dogma used to

justify the States existence, and it is one of the most appealing.

Almost all libertarians accept that the State divides society into two
classes: those who gain by the existence of the State and those who lose.
Most libertarians also agree that society would be better off if the State
were eliminated or at least shrunk significantly. But despite efforts of the
late Rothbard and others to raise libertarian class consciousness, most
American libertarians seem to find discussion of class theory offensive,
impolite, and not respectable. They appear to believe that only right-
wing kooks and commies talk about ruling classes and class structures.
Nevertheless, efforts to expand Libertarian Class Theory into a
comprehensive model have continued.
Radical Libertarian Class Analysis
Murray Rothbard himself continued to expand upon Libertarian Class
Theory. His roots in the Old Right had introduced him to populist
bankers conspiracy theories and the like. Added class viewpoints
came from Left-statists and earlier anarchists. What he discovered was
that the proponents of ruling classes, power elites, politico-economic
conspiracies, and Higher Circles pointed to roughly the same gang at the
top of the sociological pyramid.

Rothbard introduced the work of three Left Revisionist analysts to

Libertarian Class Theory: Gabriel Kolko, Carl Oglesby, and G. William

Historian Kolkos Triumph of Conservatism detailed how capitalists

thwarted the relatively free marketplace of the late 19th century and
conspired with the State to become robber barons and monopolists.
Rothbards adoption of the Kolko viewpoint severed the alliance be-
tween radical libertarians and free-market apologists for conservatism.

Oglesby, a former president of Students for a Democratic Society, co-

authored Containment and Change in 1967, which argued for an alliance
between the New Left and the libertarian, non-interventionist Old Right
in opposing imperialistic U.S. foreign policy. In The Yankee and Cowboy
War (1976), Oglesby tied in current assassination-conspiracy theories to
present a division in the ruling class. Important for both Rothbard and
Oglesby was the division within the Higher Circles; the internal conflict
between those controlling the State manifests itself in political election-
eering, corruption and entrapment (Watergate), assassination and,
finally, outright warfare. Wrote SEK3: The class consciousness of the
superstatists, while high, does not include class solidarity.

What were the Higher Circles? The term came from Domhoff, a
research professor of psychology, who described them as a subtle
aristocracy with similar mating habits and association characteristics
previously seen in other holders of State power and privilege. Rothbards
discovery and dissemination of Domhoffs work provided a solid base
for his Power Elite analysis.

In nearly every ruling-class theory, the top of the statist pyramid was
occupied by David Rockefellers interlocking-directorate corporate
control of U.S. and international finance and the band of Court Intellec-
tuals and corporate allies found in the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Trilateral Commission, and lesser-known groups. Once a ruling group
was identified, its nature could be examined further and its actions
observed and eventually predicted.

Two formidable blocks have prevented even the radical libertarians

from offering a comprehensive class model to compete with essentially
dead Marxist alternatives. The first block is a culture lag, most notably
in the U.S., where talking about classes is perceived as offensive and
impolite. As SEK3 remarked, Only rightist kooks and commies talk
about ruling classes and class structures.

The second roadblock is simply the limitation of libertarian theory. With

the exception of agorists, even most radical libertarians see a political
solution to statism. Wrote Konkin:

In building political coalitions to seize the apex of State control, it

pays not to look too closely at the class interests of your backers
and temporary allies. ...

This limitation can be understood in another way. When libertar-

ian ideologues attack alleged libertarians for not freeing them-
selves of State institutions, State subsidies, or actual State jobs,
they reply tu quoque. That is, how can the purist libertarians
enjoy the supposed benefits of State roads, monopolized postal
delivery and even municipal sidewalks and then accuse those
wearing a Libertarian label of selling out by getting elected to
office, accepting tax-collected salaries and wielding actual political
power on the way to withering away the State, no doubt.

Agorists have had no such problem with a distinction, nor do they

find any disjunction between means and ends. Furthermore, the
simple premises of agorist class theory lead quickly to sharp
judgments about the moral nature (in libertarian theory) and
practical nature of any individuals human action. That is, agorists
have a comprehensive class theory ready to supplant the Marxist
paradigm which also avoids the flaws in semi-libertarian half-
hearted theory and its attendant compromises. As to be expected, it
begins with Counter-Economics.
Agorist Class Theory
Murray Rothbard took Franz Oppenheimers distinction between the
political means of gaining wealth (State theft) and the economic means
(production) and then portrayed them as Power vs. Market (in his book
Power and Market). Unfortunately, most libertarians havent applied
Rothbards concept completely and thoroughly. Explained Konkin:

Since many libertarians arrived at anarchy from the limited-

government, classical liberal position, they retain a sort of three-
cornered concept of struggle: the State at one apex, real criminals
at a second, and innocent society at a third. Those who commit
victimless crimes, in the minarchist view, may often be put in the
criminal class not for their non-crime victimless act but for
avoiding trial by the State and remaining at large. Again, some
anarchists have yet to entirely free themselves from this liberal
statist hangover.

Remember, the liberal statists want to restrain the State to in-

crease the production of the host to maximize eventual parasitism.
They control their appetites but continue the system of plunder.
The recent political example of supply-side economics starkly
illustrates the basic statist nature of such ideas: the tax rate is
lowered in order to encourage greater economic production and
thus a greater total tax collection in the long run.

Likewise, free-enterprise conservatives, and libertarian minarchists

call for retention of the State, however restricted or restrained. They are
the enemy of the agorists, the free market, and complete liberty. They
fall on the statist side of the class line. The libertarian rhetoric they
offer, Konkin wrote, may be turned or continued to consistency in
winning over confused and marginal potential converts but they offer
no material substance for freedom. That is, they are objectively statists.
What is meant when a person or group or people are called objectively
statist? To agorists, the term is used for those who emulate the State by
murdering, stealing, defrauding, raping, and assaulting. These red
marketeers (dealing in blood, not gold or trade goods), SEK3
explained, are best looked upon as degenerate factions of the ruling
class, in contention with the States police as the Cowboys fight the
Yankees, the Morgans fight the Rothchilds or the Rockefellers, and the
Soviet statists fight the American statists. These red marketeers, say
agorists, are criminals.

At the same time, all so-called (by the State) criminals (or criminal
acts) that do not involve initiation of violence or the threat of it
(coercion) are counter-economic. Since they run counter to the interests
(real or perceived) of the State, and are usually productive, they are
forbidden by the State. They are, therefore, objectively agorist and thus
objectively revolutionary.

Wrote Konkin:

Agorist class theory has the best of both positions: a sharp class
line and a graduated spectrum. Individuals are complex and
confused. An individual may commit some Counter-Economic acts
and some statist ones; nonetheless, each act is either Counter-
Economic or statist. People (and groups of people) can be classi-
fied along a spectrum as to the predominance of agorism over
statism. Yet at each given moment, one can view an action, judge it
immediately, and take concrete counter-action or supportive action,
if desired.

What about motivation, awareness, consciousness of actions and their

consequences, and professions of agreement? They are irrelevant; agor-
ists judge one solely by ones acts. And one is responsible for fully re-
storing ones victims to the pre-aggression state of being for each and
every act (see New Libertarian Manifesto, chapter 2). Konkin explains:
Regular, repeated patterns of aggression make one a habitual
criminal a statist (or pure statist). These people earn no
wealth and have no property. Their loot is forfeit to revolutionary
agorists as agents of the victims. The pure statist subclass in-
cludes all political officeholders, police, military, civil service,
grantholders and subsidy receivers. There is a special subclass of
the pure statists who not only accept plunder and enforce or main-
tain the machinery of the State but actually direct and control it.
In socialist countries, these are the top officeholders of the
governing political party who usually (though not always) have
top government offices. In the capitalist countries, these super-
statists seldom appear in government positions, preferring to
control directly the wealth of their state-interfaced corporations,
usually banks, energy monopolists and army suppliers. Here we
find the Power Elite, Higher Circles, Invisible Government,
Ruling Class and Insider Conspiracy that other ideological
groupings have detected and identified.

Towards the other end of the spectrum [from statists] are full-
time counter-economists, SEK3 explained. They reject govern-
ment offerings and disregard State regulations. If they report an
income, it is a tiny proportion of what they actually earn; if they
file a report, its highly misleading but plausible. Their occupa-
tions are fulfilling demand that the State strives to suppress or
exterminate. They not only act freely, but often heroically.

Just as the superstatists understand the States workings and use it con-
sciously, there exist those at the counter-economic end of the spectrum
who understand the pure libertarian consistency and morality of their
acts; these are the agorists. Against the Power Elite is the anti-power
elite the Revolutionary Agorist Cadre (or New Libertarian Alliance),
Konkin wrote.

But what of the middle class on the spectrum? What of those who mix
commission of some counter-economic acts (black spots) with some
statist acts (white spots), their lives summed up by grayness? Konkin
described the middle-class this way:

To the statists, they are the victims, the herds of cattle to be

slaughtered and sheep to be sheared. To the Agorists, they are the
external marketplace, to receive nearly everything in trade but

And some day they shall either take control of their lives and
polarize one way or the other, or fail to do so and shall stagnate in
the statist swamp or be borne away on the winds of revolutionary

Konkin offered a scenario, using agorist class theory, to illustrate the

difference between a limited-government libertarian and an agorist:

Consider the individual standing at the corner of the street. He

can see two sides of the building behind him as he prepares to
cross the street. He is hailed and turns around to see an acquain-
tance from the local libertarian club approaching in one direction.
The latter advocates working through the system and is an armed
government agent. Walking along the other side of the building is
another acquaintance, same age, gender, degree of closeness and so
on, who is a practicing counter-economist. She also may be armed
and is undoubtedly carrying the very kind of contraband the States
agent is empowered to act on. Seeing you, the first individual
waves and confirms she indeed has the illegal product and is
about to run into the libertarian statist at the corner. Both are
slightly distracted, looking at you.

The situation is not likely to happen too often but its quite possi-
ble. Only the removal of complicating factors is contrived. If you
fail to act, the counter-economist will be taken by surprise and
arrested or killed. If she is warned, she may at this last-minute
elect to defend herself before flight and thus injure the agent.
You are aware of this and must act now or fail to act.

The agorist may take some pains to cover his warning so that he
will not get involved in a crossfire, but he will act. The socialist
has a problem if the State agent works for a socialist state. Even
the libertarian has a problem. Lets make it really rough: the State
agent contributes heavily to the local libertarian club or party (for
whatever reasons; many such people are known to this author).
The counter-economist refuses to participate except socially to the
group. For whose benefit would the political libertarian act?

Such choices will increase in frequency when the State increases

repression or the agorists increase their resistance. Both are likely
in the near future.

Agorist class theory is quite practical.

Agorist Solutions for Marxist Problems
Marxist Problem: The revolutionary class appears to work against its
own interest; the proletariat support reactionary politicians.

Agorist Solution: The Counter-Economic class cannot work against its

interests as long as it is acting counter-economically. Those supporting
statists politically have internal psychological problems without doubt,
but as a class, these acts dampen the weakening of the State marginally.
(Someone who earns $60,000 tax-free and contributes up to $3000
politically is a net revolutionary by several thousand dollars, several
hundred percent!)


Marxist Problem: Revolutionary States keep selling out to


Agorist Solution: There are no such states. Resistance to all states at all
times is supported.


Marxist Problem: Revolutionary parties often betray the victimized

class before taking power.

Agorist Solution: There are no such parties; resistance to all parties at

all times is supported.


Marxist Problem: Little objective relief can be accomplished by

reformist action. (Agorists agree!) Therefore, one must await the
revolution to destroy the system. Until then, revolutionary activities are
premature and adventurist. Still, the productive class remains victim-
ized until the class reaches consciousness as a whole.

Agorist Solution: Each individual may liberate himself immediately.

Incentives for supporting collective action are built in and grow as the
self-conscious counter-economy (agora) grows.


Marxist Problem: The class line blurs with time against prediction.

Agorist Solution: Class lines sharpen with time as predicted.

Cui Bono? Introduction to Libertarian Class Theory (1973)

By Samuel Edward Konkin III

Libertarianism has been denounced by William F. Buckley as extreme

apriorism (in reference to Murray N. Rothbard in Notes Toward an
Empirical Definition of Conservatism). Indeed, Libertarians can will-
ingly concede the substance of the charge, if not the pejorative implica-
tion of heresy. The fundamental libertarian premise of non-aggression
of unbending opposition to all forms of initiatory violence and coercion
to life and property gives the libertarian analyzing his societal context
and seeking out ways of dealing with it a logical razor of exceptional
keenness. With it, he can slash away the fat of special pleading of vari-
ous ideologies and retain the lean meat of genuine contributions to his
understanding. Perhaps no other ideology, not even Marxism, has such a
quality of over-all integration and self-consistency, as indicated by the
startling rapidity that this new and complex theory is transmitted to new

What follows is an excellent example of the use of Rothbards Razor

in synthesizing an approach and understanding in an area almost devoid
of libertarian sources.

The author readily acknowledges that his only original contribution to

this field is one of collation and organization of scattered writings
absorbed during his intellectual maturation which was fortunate enough
to coincide with that of Libertarianism. Above all, acknowledgement is
accorded to The Libertarian Forum, Dr. Murray N. Rothbard, and the
scholars he inspired.
I. Economic Analysis of Libertarian Class Theory

Dr. Rothbard has noted the inspiration he gained from John C. Calhoun
that the State which we recognize as the monopoly of legitimized
coercion divides men into two classes. The States systematic looting
of the general public and subsequent distribution of this wealth necessar-
ily distorts the allocation of property that would exist in a free market.
By a free market, libertarians mean one in which all goods and services
are voluntarily exchanged. An analysis of involuntary exchanges is
provided by Power and Market by Dr. Rothbard. At the very least, the
resources consumed by the individuals who make up the States bureau-
cracy constitute a net gain by these wielders of power (or they would not
engage in the practice) and constitute a net loss to their victims even if
the remains were distributed as equitably as possible. In practice, far
more is consumed by the Statists and their chosen beneficiaries and is
lost by the victims. This is the fundamental division observed by
Calhoun and Rothbard: the division of society into an exploiting class of
those who make a net gain by the existence of the State, and an exploited
class of those who incur a net loss by the existence of the State.

The charge immediately arises that nearly everybody in the modern

complex mixed economy makes gains and losses from the States
actions. Separation and accounting is extraordinarily difficult. Libertari-
ans must agree but respond that firstly, one can improve the moral char-
acter of ones own life by striving to comprehend his sources of wealth,
maximizing the non-coercive ones and minimizing the coercive ones,
and, secondly, that those enjoying or suffering an extreme imbalance can
be discerned and dealt with. Those who are obviously suffering heavy
oppression deserve the priority attention from those libertarian human-
ists concerned with aiding and relieving victims of the State. Those who
are obviously gaining overwhelmingly by the State (the Ruling Class)
can be rightly suspected of directing State policy and becoming priority
targets of those libertarian activists interested in achieving a just society.
II. Historical Analysis of Libertarian Class Theory

Here Dr. Rothbard has drawn heavily upon the studies of the German
sociologist Franz Oppenheimer (The State) and his American disciple,
Albert Jay Nock (Our Enemy, the State). Oppenheimer distinguished two
means of acquiring wealth the economic means and the political
means. These correspond to wealth acquired voluntarily by the market
and to wealth acquired coercively by power.

I have been fond of using the following paradigm to synopsize

Oppenheimers thesis. Peaceful farmers and agorists (agora = open
marketplace) are engaged in production and trade, having judges, per-
haps priests, and chiefs who organize defense against predatory tribes
and roving bands of thieves. These bands of savages raid such produc-
tive communities for their own parasitical gain, taking all removable
wealth, including slaves, and consuming fixed wealth through fire, rape,
and murder. Even if constantly successful, the leaders of these raiders
soon realize that they will eventually run out of sources of wealth. The
first step toward civilization is then taken by leaving behind enough
wealth and populace to rebuild so that they may be raided again. The
parasites cease to be fatal to their hosts. Of course, the threat of an
annual raid during harvest, for example, is somewhat discouraging to the
incentive of the productive victims. The more enlightened barbarians
move on to the next step occupying the agorist communities, institu-
tionalizing and regularizing the plunder and rape (e.g., taxation, droit de
seigneur). These rulers seek to counter discouragement, resentment, and
rebellion by allying (or buying out) the Priests to exalt the ruling class
and to convince victims that they are actually benefiting by the pres-
ences of these protectors of order. Later in history, this function of
creating a mind-numbing mystique is taken up by Court Intellectuals as
religion wanes.

The plunderers can arise internally, too. Perhaps the War Chiefs and
native Priests, seeing the examples around them, convince the locals that
they too need a strong standing force to defend the community against
invasion by the foreign States. Creating the same mystique, the protec-
tors become the plunderers and a new State is born.

Oppenheimers theory complements the Calhoun-Rothbard analysis

perfectly by explaining the origins of the present-day States. For a study
of actual modern nation-states and the operation of their class structures,
we turn to the Revisionist Historians.

III. Revisionist Contributions to Libertarian Class Theory

World War I ruptured the liberal and radical intellectual body. Even an-
archists divided on the War Question. The anti-war group among histori-
ans began delving into the records to prove the correctness of their
opposition and demonstrate to the more idealistic War supporters how
they were duped into serving plutocratic war profiteers, political
chicanery, and closet Imperialism. The widespread disillusionment with
the Treaty of Versailles aided such Revisionists and won general accep-
tance to their exposures. Charles Beard, Harry Elmer Barnes, Sidney
Fay, J.W. Pain, and W.L. Langer in the U.S.; J.S. Ewart in Canada;
Morel, Beazley, Dickinson, and Gooch in England; Fabr-Luce. Renou-
vin, and Demartial in France; Stieve, Montgelas, von Wegerer, and Lutz
in Germany; and Barbagallo, Torre, and Lumbroso in Italy: these histori-
ans became quite chic, especially as leaders arose in the defeated powers
to revise the terms of the Treaty, and appeasers in the victorious
powers to accommodate them.

World War II caused a new split, with Beard, Barnes, Charles C. Tansill
in the U.S., and F.J.P. Veale and A.J.P. Taylor remaining (or becoming)
Revisionist on the Second War, with others going a-whoring after the
new War to End All Wars. This time, the victorious powers managed to
impose a Historical Blackout through the extensive Court Intellectuals
influence in ever more State-financed Universities and historical jour-
nals on the Revisionists. The courageous dissenters were vilified as
thinly-disguised Nazi-symps, though many had impeccable liberal and
social-democratic credentials. Pacific Front revisionism has had some
measure of success, but European Front revisionism remains a disreputa-
ble activity.

Cold War Revisionism is accepted somewhat less than WWI but more
than WWII inquiry and exposure. Most encouragingly, the New Left and
deviationist Marxist historians who were drawn into Revisionism by
their antipathy to the Vietnam War have begun looking backwards for
the roots of modern foreign policy.

On the Left, Weinstein and Gabriel Kolko have integrated Revisionist

History on foreign policy with domestic ruling class investigation. On
the Right, the Birchers have grown gradually less hysterical in their
Conspiracy Theory, dropping their International Communist devil-
theory for exposure of the machinations of U.S. plutocrats.

The Higher Circles by G. William Domhoff begins the synthesis of the

varying strands of revisionism into a single sober thesis, adding the soci-
ological surveys of C. Wright Mills Power Elite investigations. Dom-
hoff, a Leftist, devotes a section of his book to an earlier rightist
conspiracy theorist, Dan Smoot, and finds much of it agreeable. Since
then, Smoot has been superseded by Gary Allens None Dare Call It

IV. Libertarian Class Theory Application to Domestic Policy

Beard goes back to the American secession from the British Empire with
his Economic Interpretation of the Constitution. Libertarians tend to
begin with the relatively laissez-faire period of the late Nineteenth
Century in the U.S., explored by Kolko in his magnificent Triumph of
Conservatism. Kolko deviates from orthodox Marxism by claiming that
the wicked capitalists did not establish their rule due to inevitable con-
centration of economic power under capitalism, but rather plotted to
gain the States aid in destroying an all-too-successful competitive semi-
free market which threatened the long-term stability of their profits.
Kolko devastatingly points out that the massive regulations of transpor-
tation and anti-trust legislation advocated by the anti-monopolistic
Progressive movement was actively supported by such powerful busi-
nessmen as Andrew Carnegie, Mellon, Morgan, and Rockefeller. In
1905, the National Civics Federation was formed to combat the
anarchist tendencies of the laissez-faire oriented National Association
of Manufacturers (mostly small businessmen with little vested interest
wanting to grow, not stand pat). NCF members were urged to support
regulations and labor legislation to integrate the labor aristocracy as
junior partners in the emerging new ruling class. Over the years, the
Higher Circles developed the Council on Foreign Relations to influence
U.S. State Foreign Policy (tied internationally to similar groups in
Western Europe through the Bilderbergers) and the Committee for
Economic Development for U.S. State Domestic Policy.

Recently, Ralph Nader has been astonished by the discovery that most of
the Regulatory Boards are run by the very industries they were set up to
control. One can only begin to imagine what the CFR-CED crowd is
doing with the Wage-Price Controls. The CLIC claque is made up of
equal representation of Big Business, Big Labor, and Government.
Surprise, surprise.

V. Libertarian Class Theory Application to Foreign Policy

The financing of World War I has some incredible anecdotes associated

with it. For example, there were the Warburg Brothers, one financing the
German War Effort, the other the Allied Effort. There were bauxite
mines in France which provided aluminum for German War Planes, and
the activities of the Merchants of Death, munitions manufacturers
selling to all sides, would be comic if the millions of deaths could be

Modern revisionist theory begins with the attempts of the Bank of

England to restore the pounds value. The massive inflation of the War
made it impossible to restore it to its pre-war value in gold, and exacting
reparations from Germany led to a hyperinflation and crack-up boom
smashing the German economy (and led to the 1923 Putsch). The Banks
Ashley Montagu met with American financiers in Georgia for the
purpose of depreciating U.S. currency to improve the relative standing
of the pound. Already, the British were clubbing their East European
satellites (created between the USSR and Germany by that perfidious
Treaty) into following their economic policy.

The Federal Reserve Boards inflation of the Roaring Twenties (a boom

fueled by that very same monetary expansion) led to the Crash, Depres-
sion, and Roosevelts fascist NRA and IRS jackbooters raiding homes to
seize the recently outlawed metal, gold. And, of course, the European
fascist autarchies, ripped loose from the world plutocrats control,
engaged in barter competition with their own interest in mind, and
brought on the Second World War in retaliation.

This time, the American Military-Industrial Complex was not

dismantled. (See James J. Martins Revisionist Viewpoints for a truly
horrifying speech reprinted which was given in 1940 advocating just that
and telling businessmen to get with it it being the coming new
world order.) A new International Threat to Peace was needed, and less
than two years after the end of the Second War to End All Wars,
Churchill announced that an Iron Curtain has fallen across Europe.

Considerable investigation of plutocratic beneficiaries of the Vietnam

War is underway, much less so of those benefiting from the Middle East
conflict. Some libertarians have already begun to project the interests of
the exploiting class power elite to predict the next War.

VI. Alternative Interpretations

A. Marx

While Marxist historical economic determinism draws many scholars in

that camp to similar conclusions as those of libertarians, it contains sev-
eral fatal flaws over and above the obvious one of economic misun-
derstanding. The necessity for rigid adherence to a class struggle
interpretation based on wealth possession rather than on the means of its
acquisition and to an inevitable coming of a proletariat revolution led by
organized labor forces the Marxist to judge and rationalize his conclu-
sions to fit at all costs. Perhaps just as devastatingly, Marxism is now a
religion justifying the existence of dozens of the States in the world,
and Marxists are now playing Court Intellectuals and suppressing
Revisionists in their midst.

B. Consensus

The consensus school, the dominant group of Court Historians in the

West, deny the existence of any classes. While there may have been
wicked exploiters in the past, they were routed and brought to justice by
the Progressive Era, the New Deal, the Fair Deal, the New Frontier, and
the Great Society, and whatever is to come. We are left to assume that all
these plutocrats are receiving windfalls by the failure of previous
reformers to spot all the loopholes and economic imperfections in the
free market.

And if the plutocrats who gained the most from State intervention
supported Roosevelt, Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson,
and whoever succeeds Nixon...must be a lot of accidents, coincidences,
and the inability of these people to perceive their own real interests but
lucking out anyways?

C. Rand

No one would accuse Ayn Rand of being a competent historian or leader

of a school of historiography. Unfortunately, she does convey an implicit
interpretation of history which lingers in many of those deserting
Objectivism for Libertarianism. In her view, similar to the Consensus
school but inverted in moral judgment, peaceful productive capitalists
were engaged in making everyone well off in the Nineteenth Century,
when along came these Progressive collectivists drunk on Statism and
high on altruism, to ravish their profits and lay their clammy hands on
their activities (strictly between consenting adults). Having absorbed too
much altruist collectivism themselves, the capitalists gave up the intel-
lectual battle for their freedom and tried to pragmatically accommodate
themselves to the new system, leading them to supporting pragmatist
thugs like Nixons plumbers.

While I certainly would not disagree with the need to straighten out a lot
of businessmen philosophically and ethically, Rands ignoring (and/or
ignorance) of the powerful with vested interest in the State leaves the
Objectivist with the tactics of parlor debates and pamphleteering as his
only defense against the guns and prisons of the Statists. What frustra-
tion the Objectivist must feel hearing that Richard Nixon has read Atlas
Shrugged and still has not seen the light! If only David Rockefeller
would just listen to him for a minute...

VII. Value of Libertarian Class Theory

Several good reasons have already been suggested in this article for the
study and application of libertarian class theory. Understanding the
nature of the enemy never hurts in dealing with him. Turning over the
Rank of Vested Interest on an issue to expose the Plutocratic worms
crawling out from under may turn public pressure on to force the power
elite to accommodate the dissent and give up untenable activities.
Convincing New Leftists and Birchers that you are, indeed, aware of the
problem and you can explain the Ruling Class/Conspiracy even better
should aid in recruiting. Fingering the Court Intellectuals as tools of the
interests they were supposed to forsake in their supposed search for
Truth and Enlightenment could shake-up a few academies and compro-
mise the credibility of these modern Witch-Doctors purveying their
sophisticated voodoo.

Murray Rothbard urges the libertarian activist to burn with a passion for
justice. If this is our Quest, then Libertarian Class Theory is indispens-
able to the discovery of those who have visited statism upon us, and
whose blood-drenched hands are pocketing the booty.

Old fashioned justice is needed for a new liberty.

[This article first appeared in New Libertarian Notes #28,

December 1973.]
Agora Anarchy Action!


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