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About the Mathematics in This Unit

Dear Family,

Our class is starting the year with a mathematics unit called

Building Numbers and Solving Story Problems from the
Investigations Curriculum. This unit is an introduction
to mathematical ideas such as counting and comparing
quantities, and addition and subtraction. Throughout this
unit, students will be working toward the following goals:

Benchmarks/Goals Examples

Understand that you can count To solve 5 + 2, I can think 5 6, 7.

on/back to add/subtract 1 or 2 To solve 5 2, I can think 5 4, 3.

Fluency with the + 1, + 2, 1, 5+1= 71=

2 facts 6+2= 82=

Determine which of two pairs of

numbers to 10 is greater

6 7 8 6

8 and 6 is more than 7 and 6 because 14 is

more than 13.

UNIT 1 3 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Benchmarks/Goals Examples

Interpret and solve addition and There are a some pennies on the table. 3 are
subtraction story problems where showing heads. 4 are showing tails. How many
the result is unknown pennies are on the table?

Sam had 5 pennies. Max gave him 4 more. How

many pennies does Sam have?

Rosa had 8 pennies. She gave 4 to Max. How

many pennies does Rosa have now?

In our math class, students engage in math problems and

activities and discuss the underlying concepts. They are asked
to share their reasoning and solutions. It is important that
children solve math problems accurately in ways that make
sense to them. At home, encourage your child to explain his
or her math thinking to you. In the coming weeks, you will
receive more information about Building Numbers and Solving
Story Problems as well as activities to do at home.

UNIT 1 4 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



About Mathematics Homework

Dear Family,

Homework is an important link between learning in school

and learning outside school. It can extend the work we
are doing in class, provide an opportunity to practice
previously learned skills, or prepare students for the next
days lesson. Here are some suggestions for making the
homework experience successful for your child.

In first grade, math homework activities might

include working on a problem, playing a game we
learned in class, collecting information (from family
members) for a data project, or solving a story
Children will bring home the materials and directions
needed to do homework activities. First graders may
need your help and attention in completing these
tasksreading a problem, playing a game, being
reminded of directions, and so on.
Establish a quiet place to work (whether at home,
inan after-school program, or some other place)
and a system for bringing homework back and
forthto school.
Certain materials, such as Primary Number Cards
and game directions, will be used again and again
throughout the year. Because they will be sent home
only once, please help your child find a safe place
to store their math materialsmaybe in a math
folder, an envelope, or a shoe boxso that he or
she can easily locate and use them when needed.
If your child regularly does homework in more than
one place, we can talk about how to obtain the
necessary materials for each place.
UNIT 1 17 SESSION 2.3 Pearson Education 1


About Mathematics Homework

Children often use real objects to solve math
problems. Please provide a collection (2030) of
small objects such as beans, buttons, or pennies
for students to use at home. These can be stored
in plastic bags or small containers and kept with
other math materials.
Ask questions to extend your childs thinking.
Here are some questions you might try. Notice
that they require more of a response than just
yes or no.

What do you need to find out?

What are you going to do first?
How are you solving this problem?
How did you get this answer?
Why does your answer make sense?
Can you explain that in a different way?

If you would like to share any thoughts with me

about how your child is approaching a homework
task, please feel free to send me a note. If a task
seems too difficult or is confusing, please let me
knowso that I can address the issue in school.

I look forward to working with you throughout


UNIT 1 18 SESSION 2.3 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities toTry at Home

Dear Family,

The activities suggested below are related to the

mathematics we are currently working on in school.
Doing them with your child can enrich his or her
mathematical learning.

Counting Activities Your child can count collections of

objects. Many first graders are able to count quantities
of about 20 or 30 accurately. With your help, your
child can count even higher. Together, count sets of
objects around the house such as silverware, pennies,
or collections of cars or animals. You can also look in
books, magazines, and newspapers for pictures that
your child can count. Your child can also practice the
rote counting sequence. Begin counting at 1 and take
turns saying each number. See how high you can count
together. Also practice counting backward. Start at 20
and count back to 1; gradually choose larger numbers.

Solving Problems about Addition and Subtraction In

school we have been solving story problems and
working on games and activities that involve combining
two amounts or removing one amount from another.
Look for opportunities to make up and solve problems
with your child. For example, I see 4 gray cars and
3black cars in the parking lot. How many cars are in
the parking lot? Or, I have 10 pennies in my pocket. If
I give 3 of them to you, how many pennies will I have
left? Encourage your child to retell the story in his or
her own words and then share his or her strategy for
solving theproblem.

UNIT 1 37 SESSION 3.1 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities toTry at Home

Games Your child will be bringing home the directions
and materials for a card game called Double Compare.
This game focuses on combining and comparing
quantities. As you play, ask your child to explain how
he or she is determining the total amount and how he
or she is deciding who has more.

Math and Literature Here are some great counting

books you can find in your local library and read with
your child. Have your child count the objects on each
page, and see what mathematical concepts your child

Bowman, Anne. Count Them While You Can.

Falwell, Cathryn. Feast for 10.
Holub, Joan. Apple Countdown.
Johnson, Stephen. City by Numbers.
Mannis, Celester. One Leaf Rides the Wind.
Rose, Deborah Lee. One Nighttime Sea.
Walton, Rick. One More Bunny.
Yektai, Niki. Bears at the Beach Counting 10 to 20.

UNIT 1 38 SESSION 3.1 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Dear Family,

We are beginning a new unit in mathematics called Comparing

and Combining Shapes. This geometry unit focuses on
two-dimensional shapes and the relationships among them.
Throughout this unit students observe, describe, name,
compare, classify, represent, and build with 2-D shapes.
Later in the year, in another geometry unit, students will
learn about three-dimensional shapes and objects. Throughout
this unit, students will be working towards the following goals:

Benchmarks/Goals Examples

Compose and decompose shapes A hexagon can be made with different shapes.
in different ways.

Build and draw familiar 2-D


UNIT 2 61 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Benchmarks/Goals Examples

Use geometric language to These shapesThese shapes do not

describe and identify important have 3 sides.have exactly 3 sides.
features of familiar 2-D shapes,
and use those features to sort
those shapes.

Students will continue to engage in math problems and

activities and share how they solve a given problem. At home,
you can encourage your children to explain their thinking as
they engage in activities that further support the mathematics
in this unit.

UNIT 2 62 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Dear Family,

The activities below are related to the mathematics in the

geometry unit Comparing and Combining Shapes. Doing
them at home together with your child can enrich your childs
mathematical learning.

Shape Hunt Shapes are everywhere. Talk with your child

about the shapes you see every day. Together, you can look at
everything from the shapes of buildings in your neighborhood
to the shapes of boxes and cans in the supermarket.
Sometimes you can include descriptions of shapes in what
you say: Look at that part of the building shaped like a
rectangle. At other times, you can ask your child to look for
specific shapes: See how many things you can find that are
shaped like a triangle while we walk down the street.

Making Shapes Making shapes is a great way to learn about

them. At home, your child can use clay or play dough, drinking
straws, tooth picks, or a loop of yarn or rope to make different
shapes. Drawing shapes is also fun. Your child may like to
design a picture or mural that includes many different shapes.

Seeing Shapes Inside Encourage your child to look for

patterns or designs made from different shapes. For example,
ask these questions: Can you find squares on the floor
(wallpaper, clothing, and so on)? Are there any patterns
made from triangles? Do you see any hexagons?

UNIT 2 87 SESSION 2.1 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Math and Literature Here are some suggestions of childrens
books that contain relevant ideas about geometry. Read
them together and name the shapes you find.

Blackstone, Sheila. Ship Shapes.

MacDonald, Suse. Shape by Shape.
Micklethwait, Lucy.I Spy Shapes in Art.
Onyefulu, Ifeoma. Triangle for Adaora: An African Book
of Shapes.
Thong, Roseanne. Round is a Mooncake: A Book of
Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Mouse Shapes.

UNIT 2 88 SESSION 2.1 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Dear Family,

Our class is starting a new unit in mathematics called How Many of

Each? How Many in All? We will be working on developing strategies
for adding and subtracting numbers by counting on or back, solving
problems that involve adding more than two numbers, and finding many
different combinations for the same number. We will also begin to work
with tens and ones as we represent the teen numbers as a group of ten
plus a group of ones. Throughout this unit, we will be thinking about
how to use equations to record our work. We will also be counting larger
quantities and reading and writing larger numbers.

Throughout this unit, students will be working toward the

following goals:

Benchmark/Goals Examples
Understand that you can count 6+3=
on to add two numbers. And, you 9
can count back to subtract.

6 7


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
Understand that a group of
10 ones is the same as 1 ten and
that all of the teen numbers are
made up of 1 ten and a number
of ones. is one 10 card or 10
15 = 10 + 5

UNIT 3 101 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Benchmark/Goals Examples

Find at least 5 combinations of a There are 9 vegetables on your plate.

given number. Some are peas. Some are carrots.
How many of each could you have?
9 = 5 + 49 = 4 + 5
9 = 2 + 79 = 7 + 2

Solve story problems with three Mr. Cs class was doing Quick Images. How many
addends. dots did they see?

Rote count, read, and write

numbers to 120. 87, 88, 89, 90, 91

Represent numbers with Todays Number: 10

equivalent expressions. 10 = 3 + 7 20 - 10 = 10 2 + 2 + 6 = 10

In our math class, students engage in math problems and activities

and discuss the underlying concepts. They are asked to share their
reasoning and solutions. It is important that children solve math
problems accurately in ways that make sense to them. At home,
encourage your child to explain his or her math thinking to you.

In the coming weeks, you will receive more information about the
mathematics in this unit as well as suggested activities to do at home.

UNIT 3 102 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Dear Family,

The activities suggested below are related to the

mathematics we are currently working on in school. Doing
them with your child can enrich his or her mathematical

How Many Am I Hiding? Put 512 small objects in your

hand. Give your child a chance to determine how many
you have. Then hide some in your other hand and show
your child what is left. Now ask, How many am I hiding?
Encourage your child to explain his or her thinking. After
playing a few rounds with the same number, you can
change the total number and start again.

Start With/Get To Ask your child to select a number to Start

With and another number to Get To. Count with your
child from the Start With number to the Get To number.
During this unit, we will be focusing on numbers 1120.

Write the Numbers As an extension of Start With/Get To,

children write the numbers they are counting. You can also
challenge your child to write the numbers in order as high as
they can count.

Counting Activities In class, students are counting sets of

up to about 60 objects. With your help, your child can count
even higher. Together, count sets of objects around the home,
such as spoons, pennies, or collections of small toys. In school,
children will trace their feet and count how many small items
(e.g., beans, tiles, pennies) fit inside the outline. At home, your
child may like to trace your foot and then count how many
beans or pennies fit inside.

UNIT 3 143 SESSION 4.1 Pearson Education 1



Math and Literature Here are some counting books you

can find in your local library. Have your child count the
objects on each page. These books can also provide a
goodcontext for posing simple addition or subtraction
problems, such as There are 7 birds on this page. How
many would there be if 4 more birds came along?

Dale, Penny. Ten in Bed.

Grossman, Bill. My Little Sister Ate One Hare.
Harris, Trudy. 100 Days of School.
Mora, Pat. Uno, Dos, Tres, One, Two, Three. (English/Spanish)
Morozumi, Atsuko. One Gorilla.
Rockwell, Anne F. 100 School Days.
Slater, Teddy. 98, 99, 100! Ready or Not, Here I Come!
Wells, Rosemary. Emilys First 100 Days of School.

UNIT 3 144 SESSION 4.1 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Dear Family,

For the next few weeks we will be working on a new

mathematics unit about measurement and fractions called
Fish Lengths and Fraction Rugs. Your child will be comparing
the lengths of objects by measuring them with a variety of
units, such as cubes, paper clips, and inch tiles. We will also
work on story problems about comparing lengths, learn how
to tell time to the hour, and investigate halves and fourths.

Throughout this unit, students will be working toward


Benchmarks/Goals Examples

Compare the lengths of two objects The book is longer than the pencil.
indirectly using a third object. The eraser is shorter than the pencil.
So the book is longer than the eraser.

Demonstrate accurate techniques

when measuring an object or
distance. These techniques include
starting at the beginning, ending
at the end, leaving no gaps or
overlaps, measuring in a straight
line, and keeping track of the
number of units.

Solve comparison story problems Sams fish is 6 inches long. Kims fish is 8 inches
about how many more or fewer. long. How much longer is Kims fish? (or How
much shorter is Sams fish?)

Tell time to the hour. UNIT 4 163 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1
11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
Demonstrate accurate techniques
when measuring an object or
distance. These techniques
NAME include DATE (PAGE 2 OF 2)
starting at the beginning, ending
About the Mathematics in This Unit
at the end, leaving no gaps or
overlaps, measuring in a straight
line, and keeping track of the
of units. Examples

Solve comparison story problems Sams fish is 6 inches long. Kims fish is 8 inches
about how many more or fewer. long. How much longer is Kims fish? (or How
much shorter is Sams fish?)

Tell time to the hour.

11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

Identify and divide shapes into These show halves. This shows fourths.
halves and fourths.

Throughout this unit, students are learning to use

consistent units to measure accurately and to understand
the underlying mathematics of measuring. This kind of
experience will improve their sense of what measuring
is all about. Their work with fractions begins to lay the
foundation for work in later grades. In the coming weeks,
you will receive more information about the mathematics in
this unit as well as suggested activities to do at home.

UNIT 4 164 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Dear Family,

The activities suggested below are related to the

mathematics in the measurement unit that we are
currentlyworking on in school. Doing them together can
enrich your childs mathematical learning.

Estimating Lengths Ask your child to help you estimate

lengths in practical terms. For example, how many chairs can
fit along one side of a table? How many steps does it take to
walk from the kitchen to the front door?

Shorter Than My Arm Have your child estimate which

objects around the house are shorter than your childs arm.
Then have your child measure the objects to make sure. As
an extension, choose a different body part or compare two
lengths. For example, can you find something that is shorter
than your leg but longer than your arm?

Measuring with Hands and Feet Have your child choose

an object or distance and measure itwith his or her hands
(wrist to fingertip) and feet (heel-to-toe steps). Then
your child can record each object as a specific number of
hands or feet. As an extension, your child can compare the
measurements that other members of your family get when
using their hands or feet.

UNIT 4 171 SESSION 1.4 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Marking Heights If you mark your childs changing heights
regularly on the wall, this is a good time either to look
at that height chart with your child and talk about it
or perhaps to start a chart if you havent been keeping
one. You could also help your child put things in order by
heighta group of boxes, some pieces of ribbon, or the
childs stuffed animals. Ask your child to talk about which
is the shortest and which is the longest. If your child has
difficulty putting several things in order, you could sort the
objects into three groupsshort, medium, and tall.

Math and Literature Here are some childrens books that

involve measurement. You can find them in your local
library or bookstore and read them with your child.

Adler, David. How Tall, How Short, How Far Away?

Cleary, Brian. How Long or How Wide?: A Measuring Guide.

McBratney, Sam. Guess How Much I Love You.

Schwartz, David. If You Hopped Like a Frog.

Schwartz, David. Millions to Measure.

Sweeney, Joan. Me and the Measure of Things.

UNIT 4 172 SESSION 1.4 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Dear Family,

Our class is starting a new unit in mathematics called Number

Games and Crayon Problems. We will be working on adding
and subtracting numbers to 20 in many different contexts, with
the goal being fluency with addition and subtraction problems
within 10. Students encounter new kinds of story problems, and
think a lot about the notation mathematicians use for addition
and subtraction. Throughout this unit, students will be working
toward the following goals.

Benchmarks/Goals Examples

Fluency with addition and subtraction 2+6= 71=

within 10 5+4= 93=
7+1= 85=

Solve problems with one addend unknown. Kim had 10 crayons. 7 were blue. The rest
were red. How many were red?

Understand the equal sign. True or False?

6 + 7 = 12

Determine the missing number in an 6+7= + 7 = 12

equation. 6+ = 12 7 =3

Solve problems with an unknown change. I had 5 pennies in my Jar.

Max gave me some more pennies.
Then I had 6 pennies.
How many pennies did Max give me?

Kim had 5 pennies in her Jar.

She gave some pennies to Sam.
Then she had 3 pennies.
How many pennies did she give to Sam?

UNIT 5 203 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

In our math class, students engage in math problems and
activities and discuss the underlying concepts. They share their
reasoning and solutions. It is important that children solve
math problems accurately in ways that make sense to them.
You can contribute at home by encouraging your child to
explain her or his math thinking to you.

In the coming weeks, you will receive more information about

the mathematics in this unit as well as suggested activities to
do at home.

UNIT 5 204 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Dear Family,

The activities suggested below are related to the

mathematics we are currently working on in school.
Doing them with your child can enrich your childs
mathematical learning.

Tens Go Fish The object of the game is to find pairs

of number cards that equal 10. Deal 5 Primary
Number Cards to each player. Leave the rest in a pile.
Any player who can make 10 with 2 of those cards
puts them aside and draws 2 more. Then take turns
asking each other for a card. For example, if you
have a 3, you might ask your child, Do you have a
7? If you get a 7, make a pair and put them down.
Then draw a card from the deck. If your child does
not give you a 7, go fish and draw the top card
from the deck. Your turn ends when you cannot make
a 10. (We will also be playing this game in school so
your child may be able to teach you.)

How Many Am I Hiding? Lay out 10 small objects

and ask your child to count them. Then, while your
child covers his or her eyes, hide some of the objects.
Show your child the objects that are not hidden and
ask, How many am I hiding? Encourage your child
to explain her or his thinking. After playing a few
rounds, you can change the total number (from 6 to
12 total) and start again.

UNIT 5 223 SESSION 2.2 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Telling and Solving Story Problems Look for addition
and subtraction situations at home. For example, say,
If we have 4 apples, 8 bananas, and 7 plums in the
fruit bowl, how many pieces of fruit do we have? or
If you have 20 pennies and you spend 15 pennies,
how many do you have left? We have 8 people
coming for dinner. We have only 6 chairs. How many
more do we need? Encourage your child to make up
story problems for you too!

Math and Literature Most of the following books

should be available at your local library. You can
read them together, count the objects on each page,
or use the illustrations to pose simple addition or
subtraction problems: There are 7 birds on this
page. How many would there be if
4 more birds came along?

Bateman, Donna. Deep in the Swamp.

Berkes, Marianne. Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef.
Duke, Kate. Twenty is Too Many.
Mannis, Celeste. One Leaf Rides the Wind.
Tang, Greg. Math Appeal.
Walton, Rick. One More Bunny: Adding From One to Ten.
Wise, William. Ten Sly Piranhas.

UNIT 5 224 SESSION 2.2 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Dear Family,

Our class is starting a new unit in mathematics called Would

You Rather Be an Eagle or a Whale? This unit is about data
the facts or information we collect about people and things in
our world. Students will be posing questions, collecting data,
and making representations of the data they collect. These
representations help communicate the important information,
for example, how many people are in each group, which group
has more/fewer and how many more/fewer, and how many
people responded to the survey. Students will also be solving
comparison problems that are based on data.
Throughout this unit, students will be working toward these goals:

Benchmark/Goal Example
Represent and describe a set of data Do you walk to school?
with two or three categories.
Walk to
Dont Walk
to School
How many children walk to school?
Do more children walk to school or not?
How many more? How many children
responded to this survey?
Solve comparison story problems with A teacher asked a group of students
a bigger or smaller unknown. about how they get to school.
8 children walk.
2 more children ride the bus than walk.
How many children ride the bus to school?
10 children ride the bus.
2 fewer children walk than ride the bus.
How many children walk?

Please look for more information and activities about Would You
Rather Be an Eagle or a Whale? that will be sent home soon.
UNIT 6 257 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1


Related Activities to Try at Home

Dear Family,

The activities below are related to Would You Rather Be an

Eagle or a Whale?, the unit we are currently working on in
math. Doing these activities together with an adult will help
enrich your childs mathematical learning.

Will We See More [Trucks or Buses]? On a trip, play Which

has more? Begin by posing a question: Which do you
think we will see more of in the next five minutes: __ or __?
Depending on your surroundings, you might choose pairs such
as bicycle riders or joggers, trucks or buses, cows or horses.
Your child will have ideas, too! Help your child choose things
that give enough to countabout 10 or 15 of each object.
If the count is too low to be of interest, you might extend the
time limit. The important thing is that your child keeps track of
each item (using check marks, numbers, pictures, words, and
so on), accurately counts, and then compares the results.

How Many More? After collecting the data and deciding what
they saw more of, challenge your child to determine how
many more [bikes, trucks, or cows] they saw.

Will We See More [Cars, Trucks, or Buses]? Play Which has

more? with three choices. Ask your child whether they think
you will see more walkers, runners, or bikers; cars, trucks, or
buses; cows, horses, or birds. Set a time limit, or keep track
until the first group reaches 10 or 15. Encourage your child to
describe their findings by telling you how many were in each
group, which group had the most/least, and whether they are
surprised by the results.

UNIT 6 269 SESSION 1.6 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

[2] More Than [3] Find opportunities to pose questions like
the following: I have 2 pennies in my left pocket. I have three
more pennies in my right pocket than I have in my left pocket.
How many pennies are in my right pocket? Keep the numbers
small, and act out the problems together to solve them.

Math and Literature Here are some suggestions of childrens

books that are related to our work on data.

Burningham, John. Would You Rather...

Harris, Trudy. Tally Cat Keeps Track.
Leedy, Lorren. The Great Graph Contest.
Murphy, Stuart J. Tally OMalley.

UNIT 6 270 SESSION 1.6 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Dear Family,

For the next few weeks we will be working on a new

mathematics unit called How Many Tens? How Many Ones?
Your child will be counting by groups, initially by 2s and by
5s, which lays the foundation for counting by 10s and their
work with groups of tens and ones and place value. We
will work on adding and subtracting 10 to any number and
on adding and subtracting multiples of 10. Students will
also be developing strategies for adding 2-digit numbers.
Throughout this unit, students work with contexts and
models that represent 10s and 1s, and they are encouraged
to use these models to represent their work.

Throughout this unit, students will be working toward

these goals:

Benchmarks/Goals Examples

Understand that the numbers

10, 20, 30, 90 are composed of
1, 2, 3, , 9 tens.

There are 7 people.

If everyone has
10 fingers,
how many fingers
are there?

Label a set of up to 120 objects, How many cubes? Can you show 32?
organized into tens and ones,
with a numeral; given a numeral,
show it with tens and ones.

UNIT 7 291 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Benchmarks/Goals Examples
Build 50.
Subtract multiples of 10 from
Remove 20.
multiples of 10 up to 90.
How many now?
- =

Use greater than and less than

symbols to compare two 2-digit
numbers. +
greater than

less than

Add/subtract 10 to/from any

Whats 10 more
2-digit number. than 37? 47!

Use models to add numbers with

totals under 100. 37 + 5 22 + 45

As we engage in the mathematics of this unit, students will

continue to share their reasoning and solutions. As they
work on problems at home, continue to ask questions that
encourage your child to extend his or her thinking and
explain his or her reasoning.

UNIT 7 292 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Dear Family,

The activities suggested below are related to the

mathematics we are currently studying in school. Doing them
with your child can enrich his or her mathematical learning.

Counting Feet Read How Many Feet in the Bed? (see below)
and talk about the mathematics in the book. Pose questions
such as: How many feet are on this page? How did you
figure it out? Then ask your child to figure out how many
feet are in your family. You can extend this conversation by
asking about how many eyes, toes, ears, etc. Feel free to
add more people and pets! What if Grandma and her dog
came over, then how many eyes would there be?

Counting by Tens We are going to be thinking a lot about

groups of 10. You can count by 10s together, forward and
back, to practice the sequence of numbers. You can also
find ways to represent that count: for example, There are
5 of us having dinner tonight. How many fingers are there?
How could we figure that out? After finding the total
number of fingers, you can ask questions such as, What if
Nana joined us for dinner? or What if Dad left for work
before we had dinner?

Organizing Objects into Groups of Ten Ask your child to

count a set of objects by putting them into groups of 10 and
then figuring out the total number. Or have them first count
the set by 1s and then ask, You have 48 connecting cubes.
Suppose you made towers of 10. How many cube towers
would you have? How many leftovers?

UNIT 7 321 SESSION 2.5 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Math and Literature You can find the following books in
your local library and read them together. The books focus
on themes from this unit such as: combinations of 10,
numbers to 100, things that come in groups, and counting
by groups.

Dahl, Michael. Ants at the Picnic: Counting by Tens.

Dahl, Michael. Toasty Toes: Counting by Tens.
Hamm, Diane Johnston. How Many Feet in the Bed?
Murphy, Stuart. More or Less.
Ross, Tony. Centipedes One Hundred Shoes.
Sayre, April Pulley. One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab:
A Counting by Feet Book.

UNIT 7 322 SESSION 2.5 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Dear Family,

We are beginning a new unit in mathematics called Blocks

and Buildings. This second geometry unit in Grade 1
focuses on 3-D shapes. Students describe, compare, build
with, and represent Geoblocks and geometric solidssets
of related three-dimensional wooden blocks that include
cubes, rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, spheres, cones,
cylinders, and pyramids. They also explore the relationship
between 3-D shapes and 2-D shapes as they search for the
3-D block shown in a 2-D picture, and attempt to draw a
Geoblock building, or build one, given a 2-D drawing.

Throughout this unit, students will work toward these goals:

Benchmarks/Goals Examples

Use geometric language to

describe and identify defining It has 6 corners or points.
attributes of familiar 3-D It has 5 faces.
shapes. Two of the faces are triangles.
The other faces are rectangles.

Compose 3-D shapes.

2 cubes make a rectangular prism.

UNIT 8 343 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



About the Mathematics in This Unit

Benchmarks/Goals Examples

Match a 2-D representation

of a 3-D shape to the outline
of one of its faces.

Tell time to the half hour.

11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

4:30 10:30

Students will continue to engage in math problems and

activities and share how they solve a given problem.
Athome you can encourage your children to explain their
math thinking as they engage in activities that further
support the mathematics in this unit.

UNIT 8 344 SESSION 1.1 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Dear Family,

The activities below are related to the mathematics in

the geometry unit that your child is working on in class.
Doing them at home with your child can enrich your childs
mathematical learning.

3-D Shape Hunt Shapes are everywhere. Talk with your child
about the three-dimensional shapes you see every dayfrom
the buildings in your neighborhood to the cereal boxes in the
cabinet. Sometimes, describe the 3-D shapes. For example,
The roof of that building is shaped like a pyramid. At other
times, ask your child to look for specific shapes. See how
many cylinders you can find today at the grocery store.

Making Shapes Making shapes is a great way to learn about

them. At home, your child may use clay, drinking straws, or a
loop of yarn. Ask your child:

Can you make a shape with three sides?

Do you know what that shape is called?
Can you make a cube? How many sides
does it have?

You may also make different shapes and ask

your child to name and describe them.

Ask questions about the number of sides, edges, faces,

corners, and/or the shape of the faces, such as these:

I am making a 3-D shape. How many faces does it

have? What shape(s) are the faces?
Do you know what this shape is called?

UNIT 8 349 SESSION 1.4 Pearson Education 1



Related Activities to Try at Home

Draw a Building Our class is practicing ways to draw 3-D
shapes so that they look like they pop off the paper. There
are many ways to do this. Ask your child to choose a familiar
buildingperhaps your house or one that you can see from
a window. Talk about the buildings shapes and then ask
your child to draw and label the building in a way that makes
sense to them. Some children like to draw the building from
different perspectives, or points of view. Others like to use
dotted lines to show what is not visible from the front.

Building with Shapes Gather 3-D building blocks, construction

toys, or empty boxes and cans that your child can use to
build. Children can try to build particular buildings or even
their whole neighborhood. Talk about shapes while they are
working. What would you call the shape you used for the first
floor of the bank? What shape(s) will you use for the roof?

Math and Literature Here are some childrens book

suggestions that contain geometric ideas. Read them
together and discuss the shapes you find.

Bean, Jonathan. Building Our House.

Gauch, Patricia Lee. Christina Katerina and the Box.
Hoban, Tana. Cubes, Cones, Cylinders, & Spheres.
Laroche, Giles. If You Lived Here: Houses of the World.
Macaulay, David. Castle, Cathedral, City, or Pyramid.
Metropolitan Museum of Art. Museum Shapes.
Murphy, Stuart J. Captain Invincible and the Space Shapes.
Portis, Antoinette. Not a Box.
Zelver, Patricia. The Wonderful Tower of Watts.

UNIT 8 350 SESSION 1.4 Pearson Education 1

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