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The analysis and calculation procedure

for shovel-truck systems with a crusher and conveyors


A developed method of comprehensive analysis and calculation of shovel-truck systems

was first described by Czaplicki in 2006, and this method was modified and enlarged
significantly in his monograph of 2008. This scheme also allows for a new approach towards
selected problems of shovel-truck systems considered in Czaplickis textbook of 2004;
problems such as application of an inclined hoist in the pit or employment of an in-pit-crusher
together with conveyors.
One of the possible modifications in the shovel-truck machinery system is the application
of an in-pit movable or mobile crusher together with a certain number of conveyors to take
the stream of crushed rock. The main point is that the reason for such an application is
reduction of the number of haulers applied in the system, which also means a decrement in
the hauling costs, which are otherwise usually very high. However, the costs of crushing and
conveying must be included in the whole economic consideration of mine transportation.
If the cost of crushing is low, this kind of solution is advisable.
If economic analysis indicates that application of the crusher should be considered, the
main question is how to arrange the system: shovel-truck-crusher-conveyors (for short:
S-T-C-C). Several important questions arise, such as: How many trucks should operate in the
pit? How many trucks should be in reserve? What should be the productivity of the crusher?
What should be the transportation capacity of the conveyors? And so on. Generally, we have
to know how to analyse and calculate the system, and how to solve its design problems.

* Mining Mechanization Institute, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland.


The purpose of this paper is to present the procedure of analysis and calculation of the S-T-C-C
system in the light of the new method described comprehensively in the 2008 monograph.

1. Formulation of the problem

Let us presume that there is an open pit mine in which a machinery system of the
shovel-truck type is in operation. Therefore we know the number of working machines and
their main operation/exploitation parameters. The mine has decided to change the system of
ore hauling, applying an in-pit crusher and a system of belt conveyors to deliver crushed rock
to a peripheral dressing plant unit. The problem is how to design this new component of the
machinery system and to indicate what kind of changes should be made in the old system.
We can describe this problem in mathematical form.
We have the system:

S : < H = Hw Ho: n = nw + no, Ak; Q: Aw; Q; b = 1, 2, ..., m; r N: k >

for which operation/exploitation parameters are as follows:

P(S,D) : < Bk, Z, Tt, Td; t; Bw >

Let us read these notations.

S. The system of power shovels H consists of n machines of the steady-state availability
Ak, where nw units load waste and no units load ore. The system of dumpers Q of payload Q
possesses m trucks fulfilling hauling duties, and r units are in the reserve. The steady-state
availability of trucks is Aw. The system of repair stands N consists of k repair units, and we
assume that is large enough that the rare event of a queue of failed trucks waiting for repair
can be ignored. Thus the problem of k will be non-existent.
P(S,D). The second set of parameters describes the operation/exploitation process of the
machinery system that is a function of properties of equipment involved and decisions D
made by the truck dispatcher. These parameters are: the accessibility coefficient of shovels
Bk, the mean loading time Z, the mean time of truck travel (haul-dump-return) Tt, the mean
time of unloading Td, the accessibility coefficient of trucks Bw and the mean loading time for
spare loaders, which is t times longer than for shovels.
During the system operation if no priority to the type of material transported is
implemented it makes no difference to which loader a given empty truck is directed and to
which dumping point a given full hauler drives. If this new component is an item of the
system one part of the truck route will be strictly determined: all trucks loaded by broken ore
will always be directed to the crusher. We presume that the system was rationally selected
(see for instance chapter 5.4 of monograph 2006 or chapter 8 of monograph 2008), i.e. the
system structural parameters < m, r, k > are chosen in the proper way. Installation of a new
subsystem makes no difference to the system of loading machines. The system of trucks,

in turn, is divided into two subsystems but in a stochastic way. It is not strictly ascribed that
a given truck is only connected with haulage of a given type of material. Sometimes the truck
will transport waste, and sometime ore. Nevertheless, we presume that the system of haulers
is divided into two subsystems numerically a certain number of trucks will on average serve
the ore loading machines and a certain number on average will serve machines loading the
waste. Because the whole truck system was designed for longer distances and has m units,
we in fact have to recalculate this system from the beginning. It will be mw trucks hauling
the waste and mo units hauling the ore to the crusher. We obviously expect that mw + mo < m.
A new size of the reserve of the power rn = rw + ro, will be forecast: rn < r. Therefore the
repair shop should not be heavily loaded as before.
To design, analyse and calculate the new system we need information on the following six
parameters: < Ttc, y, Acr, Bcr, Ac, u > where: Ttc is the mean time of truck travel serving the
crusher, y is the number of trucks that can be unloaded simultaneously to the crusher, Acr is
the steady-state availability of the crusher, Bcr is the accessibility coefficient, Ac is the
steady-state availability of the conveyor and u is the number of conveyors required to connect
the outlet crusher with the peripheral dressing plant unit. Notice that the information on the
value of y means that y truck payloads can be given in time Td to the crusher without any
choke. Thus, the relationship between the truck payload, dump time and crusher capacity
should be rationally matched.
The procedure of analysis and calculation of the system can be made according to the
following scheme:
1. Recalculation of the whole system S-T-C-C considering the trucks.
Further part of considerations concerns the ore system alone.
2. Construction of the probability distribution of the number of loading machines able to
load with information as to how many power shovels are up.
3. Construction of the probability distribution of the number of trucks in work state for all
power shovels up.
4. Construction of the probability distribution of the number of trucks at shovels
assumption: no queue at the crusher.
5. Calculation of conditional system parameters.
6. Calculation of unconditional system parameters.
7. Evaluation of system productivities.
Points 1 7 can be calculated using the procedure presented in the 2008 monograph.
8. Calculation of the potential stream of ore that can be delivered to the crusher:

Spcr = 60yQ/Td

This output could be obtained if there will always be trucks to dump and the whole
continuous subsystem is totally reliable.
9. The steady-state availability Acon calculation of the continuous subsystem: crusher and

10. Calculation of the stream of ore that can be delivered to the crusher taking into account
the accessibility of the crusher Bcr (maintenance required)

Scon = Acon Bcr Spcr

11. Construction of the probability distribution of the number of trucks at the crusher.
12. Calculation of the whole system parameters.
13. Conclusions, recommendations and remarks.

2. Case of study

The exploitation process of a shovel-truck system is complicated, and many components

must be taken into account if the appropriate level of considerations is to be attained. It has
been pointed out (e.g. Czaplicki 2008b) that each exploitation process of this type of
machinery system is a unique one, and it is much better to consider each process separately.
Let us consider, for example, the following machinery system:

S : < H = Hw Ho : nw = 4,no = 3, Ak = 0.864, Bk = 0.830; Q = 214t Q : Aw = 0.760;

b = 1, 2, ..., m = 97; r = 20 >

for which

P(S,D) : < Bk = 0.830, Z = 1.7 min, Tt = 26.0 min, Td = 0.9 min; t = 2.9; Bw = 0.880 >

Additional system parameters are:

< Ttc = 9.0 min, y = 2, Acr = 0.820, Bcr = 0.900, Ac = 0.998, u = 3 >

1. We start to recalculate the system1.

Waste subsystem
The minimum mean number of trucks in work state: h = AkBknw[(Z' + Tt)/Z'] = 46.7
The minimum number of trucks needed: h/Aw 62
Applying the Maryanovitch model and enlarging the result on trucks directed to
the pit by 10% we have: < 1.1 m = 55; r = 12 >
Ore subsystem
The minimum mean number of trucks in work state:
h = A k B k n o [( Z + Ttc ) / Z ] = 13.5
We can make a preliminary assessment of the system. If the power shovels are totally reliable they can load
approximately 16 trucks in 9 minutes, whereas the crusher can take 20 payloads of trucks in this time.

The minimum number of trucks needed: h/Aw 18

Applying the Maryanovitch model and enlarging the result by 10% we have:
< 1.1 m = 18; r = 2 >
After application of the crusher and conveyors the number of trucks required in the
system is 30 units less than before.
2. The probability distribution of the number of shovels able to load is described by the
binomial function.
If it is presumed that spare loaders are easily accessible (front-end loaders) the reliability of
the loading system is determined fully by the reliability of power shovels. The distribution for
the case considered is therefore:

Pk((zd )
d = 0. 3 )
= 0.023 Pk((zd )
d =1. 2 )
= 0.172 Pk((zd )
d = 2.1)
= 0.436 Pk((zd )
d = 3. 0 )
= 0.369

where Pk((zd )
d = i ,n - i )
is the probability that i power shovels are able to load and ni spare
loaders, i = 0, 1, , n.
( p)
3. The probability distribution of the number of trucks in work state Pwj for the ore
system obtained from the Maryanovitch model is given in Table 1.

The probability distribution of the number of trucks in work state for <18, 2>
Rozkad prawdopodobiestwa liczby ciarwek w stanie gotowoci do pracy dla <18, 2>

j 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
( p)
Pwj 0.002 0.007 0.022 0.051 0.100 0.159 0.201 0.199 0.148 0.111

47. Employing the Sivazlian and Wang model with two randomisations (the number of
trucks in work state and the number of power shovels able to load) the probability
distribution of the number of haulers at loading machines can be obtained. Based on this
characteristic, further interesting probability measures can be determined. The outcomes of
these calculations are given in Table 2 with a list of keynotes.
8. The potential stream of ore that can be delivered to the crusher Spcr = 28533 t/h.
9. The steady-state availability calculation of the continuous subsystem. Knowing the
relationship between the steady-state availability and the failure rate k that is k = (1 A)/A we
can calculate the steady-state availability Acon of the continuous subsystem according to the
second principle of reduction of series systems of Markov type systems:

Acon = (1 + ukc +kcr)1 = 0.816

10. The stream of ore that can be delivered to the crusher is:

Scon = Acon Bcr Spcr = 20955 t/h

Parameters of the ore system S
Parametry systemu rud S

Conditional parameters Conditional probabilities

( zd )
i Pki T z (d , t ) Xi Xi/3 p0d p1d p2d p3d ppd Dd

shovels trucks/lo
able to min trucks ading min
load machine

3 0.369 1.70 2.6 0.9 0.002 0.098 0.411 0.325 0.164 0.1

2 0.436 2.78 5.7 1.9 0.004 0.049 0.116 0.830 1.0

1 0.172 3.85 8.2 2.7 0.004 0.017 0.979 0.6

0 0.023 4.93 9.7 3.2 0.003 0.997 0.1

Unconditional parameters Unconditional probabilities

TC Ewlk Ewk q Wefk Wefw p0 p1 p2 p3 pp

min trucks trucks trucks work

13.41 2.85 15.2 1.7 65.5 68.0 0.000 0.038 0.174 0.174 0.614

Xi the conditional mean number of trucks at d shovels able to load

Xi/3 the conditional mean number of trucks at 3 machines able to load
pbd the conditional probability that there are b trucks at d loading machines
ppd the conditional probability that there are more than n trucks at n loading machines
Dd the conditional time loss parameter
TC the mean truck work cycle including losses
Ewlk the mean number of loaded trucks
Ewk the mean number of trucks at loading machines
q the mean number of trucks per one loading machine
Wefk the loading machine system effective productivity
Wefw the truck system effective productivity
pb the probability that there are b trucks at d loading machines; b < n
pp the probability that there are b trucks at d loading machines; b > n

11. Construction of the probability distribution of the number of trucks at the crusher can
be made by applying the Sivazlian and Wang model. Compared to the previous case of
application of this model it is significantly simplified, giving following results:

p0 = 0.132 p1 = 0.701 p2 = 0.155 pp = 0.012

The subscript indicates how many trucks are at the crusher, whereas subscript p
means >2.
The average number of trucks at the crusher X = 1.04 and the time lost in the truck work
cycle due to standing in a queue for loading D = 0.0 min.
12. Let us now calculate the basic measures of system efficiency. We have three
subsystems and we are able to evaluate their productivity.
The shovel productivity is estimated at:

Wk = Q Wefk @ 14017 t/h

The truck system productivity:

Ww = Q Wefw @ 14552 t/h

The stream of ore flowing through the crusher is:

60 Q X/Td @ 14837 t/h

Obviously, we intuitively expect that all figures will be approximately the same, taking
only into account differences in numbers due to inevitable rounding up during calculations.
This is not right, however. In Sivazlian and Wangs original paper it is clearly stated that the
method of calculation presented only gives approximate solutions. It is also necessary to take
into consideration the fact that the heavy traffic condition must be fulfilled (see for instance
Czaplicki 2008a). Following short simple calculations it is easy to perceive that in all cases
this condition is fulfilled, but with different power. It generates varying accuracy in the
outcomes obtained. We may circumspectly assume that the ore system productivity will be
approximately 14000 t/h.
13. This productivity result must be compared with the ore productivity of the old
system. It is also important to evaluate the size of savings due to the fact that instead of 97
trucks that should fulfil the hauling task and 20 trucks in the reserve we now have 24 trucks
less that will be directed to the pit and 6 units less in the reserve. This is quite a high number.
However, the operation costs of the continuous subsystem must be estimated and taken into
account in the general economic considerations.


[1] C z a p l i c k i J.M., 2008a Analysis and calculation of shovel-truck systems. Forthcoming.

[2] C z a p l i c k i J.M., 2006 Modelling of the exploitation process of shovel-truck system. D.Sc. Dissertation.
Papers of Silesian University of Technology, 1740, Gliwice (in Polish).
[3] C z a p l i c k i J.M., 2004 Elements of theory and practice of cyclic systems for mining and earthmoving.
Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice (in Polish).
[4] C z a p l i c k i J.M., 2008b A calculation method for a shovel-truck system with an inclined hoist of TruckLift
type. (Submitted to the International Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering).
[5] S i v a z l i a n B.D., W a n g K.H., 1989 System characteristics and economic analysis of the G/G/R machine
repair problem with warm standbys using diffusion approximation. Microelectronics & Reliability, 29, 5,


Sowa kluczowe

Koparka czerpakowa, mechanizacja, stochastyka, kruszarki, przenoniki tamowe


Niedawno opracowano metod analizy i obliczania systemw koparek czerpakowych, pozwalajc na wszech-
stronne uwzgldnienie prawie wszystkich gwnych problemw zwizanych z tego rodzaju systemami maszyn.
Moliw modyfikacj systemu jest zastosowanie mobilnej lub ruchomej kruszarki i przenonikw, ktra zapewni
dalszy przepyw pokruszonej rudy. Taki system jest poczeniem systemu cyklicznego i cigego. Opracowanie
przedstawia procedur modelowania, analizy i obliczania tego rodzaju systemw, wraz z rozleg orientacj
problemw stochastycznych zwizanych z procesem eksploatacji systemu. Biorc to pod uwag, wycignito
pewne wnioski i poczyniono uwagi o decydujcym znaczeniu.


Key words

Shovel-truck, mechanization, stochastic, crushers, conveyors


The method of analysis and calculation of shovel-truck systems was recently developed, allowing for
comprehensive considerations of almost all major problems connected with this type of machinery system.
One possible modification to the system is the application of an in-pit mobile or movable crusher and conveyors
ensuring further broken ore flow. Such a system is a combined cyclic and continuous one. In this paper the
procedure of modelling, analysis and calculation of this type of system is presented together with the vast
orientation of stochastic problems associated with the system exploitation process. Following the considerations,
some conclusions are drawn and some vital remarks made.

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