Creative Writing - 3 Pov

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Creative Writing - Points of View Lesson # 3 Date: March 8, 2017

Lesson Title:

Emelie Comtois ELA 5/6

Name: Subject: Grade(s):

Rationale: (lesson context and reasons why lesson matters)

It is important to know the various aspects of creative writing as it contributes to an effective communicator and a well-rounded
student. Considering different points of view is valuable to understand and respect different perspectives of the same situation.

Curriculum Connections :

Big Ideas
Using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works.
Texts can be understood from different perspectives.

Curricular Competency
Consider different purposes, audiences, and perspectives in exploring texts.
Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding

Story or Text - literary elements, literary devices, perspective/POV

Learning Intentions Activity Assessment

I can understand different perspectives of In a group, create one story that is told by Represent story perspectives to hand in
the same story. different characters. (written or illustrated with a few words)
Clear POV portrayal?

Prerequisite Concepts and Skill :( for student success)

- Collaborative, thinking, and listening skills
- Ability to partake in discussions

Materials and Resources with References/Sources:

For Teacher For Students

Story prompts with characters Writing Utensils

Point of view posters/definitions
Example of story

Differentiated Instruction (DI): (accommodations)

- Allow students to work at different paces

- Students can represent and share their different perspectives in written or illustrated form with a few words

Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)

- Be prepared to notate for a few students who want to write but have difficulty
- If not engaged in writing/drawing, then can describe to me orally
- If you can hear me touch your ___

Possible Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning and

Build a Community of Learners

- facilitate talking circles to support individual and group voice
Plan for Experiential Learning
- create opportunities for students to work at their own rate
- support hands on learning and risk taking
- provide opportunities for reflective thinking

Lesson Activities:
Teacher Activities Student Activities pacing

Introduction (hook/motivation/lesson overview)

Read 2/3 [Perspectives/] Stories (of the same story!) Listen to stories
What can we say about these stories? Are they Think about connection between the stories mins
What can the author do to portray different Respond to perspectives questions
perspectives? Descriptive, tone, characteristics,..

Body (lesson flow/ management)

Points of View Listen and contribute to discussion around POV
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Omniscient Be able to distinguish between different types 5 mins
- Major or Minor characters
- One POV or multiple

POV Stories
- Groups of 2/3 Get in groups
- Story prompts with characters available or create Create a story together (with prompts if needed) 20 mins
your own Each person represent a different perspective within
- represent perspectives (written or illustrated with a the same story (write or illustrate with a few words)
few words)

Closure ( connections within lesson or between

lessons, sharing successes, summaries)

Share perspective stories Share perspective stories with another group 5 mins

Reflections: (over)

- Discussion engagement and participation, POV understanding observations

- Any other ways to adapt or engage kids who need more time or attention?

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