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Clay Design 1
Mr. Jesse Washburn

(425) 431-7900 x6278

Room NE 136

.5 Fine Arts Credits

Requires a $20 class fee


Course Objective late. For example, if a project is one week late,

In this class, students will: -10%, or if it is 3 weeks late, -30%
Learn basic handbuilding techniques such as If you know you will be absent, notify your
pinch, clab, coil, and combination techniques teacher in advance, and work ahead. Check
Use and care for tools and studio space out our class website and calendar to stay on
Create using the artistic process of planning, top of assignments that you may miss.
execution, revision, and good craftsmanship Grading
Apply the Elements of Art in their artwork
Grades are calcualted as follows:

Issue Date
Supplies 60% Projects: These usually take 2-5 weeks to
This class requires a $20 class fee, which can be complete in class and are difficult to make up
paind with cash or a check made out to at home because they require special art
Edmonds School Distict, and must be paid in the supplies.
main office. This fee will pay for all consumable 20% Homework, tests, quizzes, and
supplies used in this class (clay and glaze). If you sketchbooks: There will be several small View assignment details, rubrics, and helpful
are unable to pay this fee, please discuss it with assignments and quizzes throughout the videos on googleclassroom.
your counselor and they can waive it. Students semester. These will not be accepted late.
could be charged extra for damaging or losing 30% Participation: Every day in class, you will
class supplies. get 5 participation points. If you are on task
and working, you will keep all of your
How can you succeed in this partiicaption points, but, if you are tardy, not
class? at your assigned table, wont help clean, talk
Be in class for the full period every day during instruction, or are off task, you will lose
points. Unexcused absences receive a zero for
Pay attention to directions and follow
particiaption that day.
classroom procedures
Meet deadlines Extra Credit
Do your own work to the best of your ability Get out and experience art! Visit an art museum
Plagiarism will not be tolerated! or gallery and tell me about your experience by
writing about what you experienced, or by
Absences and Make-up Work drawing what you saw. There are worksheets in
School policies regarding tardies, absences, the front of the room or online for these
and excessive absences will be enforced. assignments. Prove you were at the museum or
Students are allowed to leave the room for gallery with a ticket stub or selfie in the
occasional 5 minute bathroom breaks. If museum. Each student is allowed to earn 20
students are out of the room for more than 5 extra credit points per art visit and a maximum
minutes, they will be marked absent, per of 2 visits per semester.
school policy. Frequient or regular abuse of
this policy may result in losing that freedom Warning!
Unexcused absences will result in losing daily Art can get messy, so please wear appropriate
participation points, and not allow for clothes, or wear an apron!
extended time on projects.
Late work will only be accepted on projects, Communication
not for small assignments. Late projects will The best way to contact me is through the email
be accepted for reduced credit. The project listed above.
will be deducted 10% for every week that it is

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