Correccion Terreno 1

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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. XXX, SO. 2 IAPRIL, 19661, PP. 362%.1il 4 FIGS., I T.

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The derivation of a closed expression is presented to calculate the vertical component of the gravitational attrac-
tion of a right rectangular prism, with sides parallel to the coordinate axis. As any configuration can be expressed
as the sum of prisms of various sizes and densities, the computation of the total gravitational effect of bodies of
arbitrary shapes at any point outside of or on the boundary of the bodies is straightforward. To calculate the
gravitational effect of the unit building element a subroutine called Prism has been developed, tested, and
incorllorated, in one nrogram to calculate terrain corrections, and in another program for three-dimensional analysis


of papers
of computing

have been published

the gravitational attrac-
F, = Gp
s 1.
= Gp
r;(- . (4

tion of simple forms such as the sphere, cylinder, The problem is simply to carry out this integra-
ellipsoid, and prism. For most of these cases, only tion for a prism.
approximate expressions have been obtained, such Using the Cartesian coordinate system shown in
that there are restrictions limiting the validity oi Figure 1, (2) becomes:
the expressions near the computation point. In
this paper a closed expression is developed
gra\ritational attraction oi a prism n-hich is valid
for any point outside of or on the boundary
for the

of the
= Gp

!i 1


prism. It is possible to describe any arbitrary cow
-2 zdz
figuration in terms of building blocks composed oi
prisms of various dimensions and densities and, II 4(x? + y + 22)s
hence, to compute the vertical component of the
gravitational attraction of any given mass dis- Carrying out the integration with respect to z
tribution at arbitrarily selected points. and without substituting the limits, one finds:

I1 = ~.___
The magnitude of the attraction of an ele- -\/($ + y + z?)3
mentary mass on a unit mass at distance Y is
given by:

Integrating (1) with respect to y gives:
where G is the gravitational constant, p the
density and AZ) the volume element.
If the angle enclosed by Y and the vertical axis
is denoted by y, then the vertical component of
the attraction oi a body can be obtained by inte-
grating AF cos y over the volume, i.e., = ln (y + 4X + y2 + 2). (5)
t >\Zanuscript received by the Editor May 7, 1965.
* Division of Gravity. Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
The Gravitational Attraction of a Right Rectangular Prism 363
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II s
% x2
Xl ___


FIG. 1. A right rectangularprism with the volume element and its relation to the Cartesian coordinatesystem.

The integration of (5) with respect to .2:is slightly

more complicated. One can proceed as follows:
Y2 Y

Ia= fi&= Jn(y+\/N?+y?+zl)&& then u=y+~/x2+y3~22,

___--_ x2 = (% - y) - y! - z2,
= X 111 (y + 4x2 + y2 + 2)

(6) and
S -
(y +
4% + y + z) 4x2 + ys + 2 dx =
(u -
--. ___
thus the integral in (6) becomes

-uy - 22
= us - 2zly - 3s - y In (26 - y + -\/u - 2uy - zs) - zarcsin --ye = .
u-\/z? + y

Transiorming back to the original variable and noting that

Zk - 2uy - 2s = \/y + $ + 2s + 2yJcy + ZL - 2y - 2yJ/x + ys + ;g - $ = x,


-__-. 22 + y2 + ydx + y + z2
I = R: - y In (X + d/x2 + y2 + 9) - z arcsin - ~____.
(y + 4% + y2 + z?) \ y
+ z2

When the limits of integration are substituted, the first term in I drops out and the following general
expression to calculate the vertical component of the attraction of a prism is obtained:
364 DezsB Nagy

z2+y2+yy .? 14.m

FZ = Gp
II! x In (y + Y) + y In (x $ r) - z arcsin --__
(y + r)dy2 + z2 I ., I,I 1Z1
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where equation (7) is valid only when the limits .Q, 22;~1, ~2; and al, x2 are substitutetl. When either the
2, y, or both axes are crossed, the integration must be carried out from the lower limil to the axis, then
from the axis to the upper limit, the sum of these integrations giving the required <,licct. To describe
all possible situations in the procedure followed in this paper to evaluate equation (7), explicit ex-
pressions for four sets of limits are required. Two of these expressions are given in f11llbelow:
(a) The prism is completely contained within any one of the four ry quadrant<; then using the
absolute values of the limits, F, takes the Corm:

F,/Gp = x2 In (y2 + 4x2 + yz2 $ z12) - x1 In (ye $ 4x1 + ~2 + z&

+ yZ In (x2 + -\/x2? + y2 + zl) - ya In (x1 + 4x1 + y2 + 21))

Z12+ y2 + yadQ + yg + 212

+ z1 arcsin -_______
(y:! + 4.q + yg + 212)d/y22 + 212

C2 + y2* + y2dx12 + y22 + 212

- z1 arcsin ----
(yz + -\/Xl + ya2 + Z12)-\/Y22 + Z12
- x2 In (yl + dZi2 + yl + z12) + x1 In (yl + d/xl + yl + 21~)

- yl In (x2 + 4x2 + y12 + 212) + yl In (xl + 4.~1 + YI + 21)

212 + y12 + y1dx2 + y12 + 212
- zl arcsin ____ ___
(Yl + dx2 + y12 + Zl>-\/YIZ + a2

212 + y12 + yldxl + y12 + 212

+ z1 arcsin ~--- -____~
(y1 + 4x1 + y12 + z1)dy1 + Z12
- x2 In (yZ + 2/xz3 + yz2 + ~2) + x1 In (y2 + z/xl2 + y2? + zz3)

- yz In (x2 + dxZ2 + ~2 + zZ2) + y2 ln (x1 + d/n12 + yS2 + zZ2)

zg + y22 + y24x23 + yJ2 + 23

- z2 arcS1n (yz + 4x23 + yg + z2) dy22 + z22

ZZ2 + y22 + y2dx12 + yz2 + 222

+ z2 arcSn -~2~l~+~g) J/y22 + z2z

+ x2 In (ye + -\/x2 + y12 + 22) - x1 In (ye + -\/x1 + y2 + z13)

+ yl In (x2 + 4x2 + y12 + 222) - yl In (xl + d\/x12 + yl + zzz)

Yl + yldx22 + y12 + 222

zz2 +
+ z2 arcsin (y1 + 4x22 + y12 + zz)~y12 + 222
.___ --__
R2 + y12 + y1d.Q + y12 + 222
- z2 arcS1n (y1 + 4x12 + y12 + 222)dy12 + z22 *

As a special case of (8)) letting ZI = 0 and ZZ= h and rearranging the terms, (8) beconic, :
The Gravitational Attraction of a Right Rectangular Prism 366
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yz + -\/Xl + y2

yz2 + hZ + YZVX~~ + y2 + h2
- arcsin -~- _ ____
(y2 + -\/Xl? + y2 + h2)-\/y2 + kZ

_ arcsin y12 + Jz2+ YIVQ + y12 + h2

(yl + 4~2~ + y12 + h)dy, + h2

+ arcsin 2: + h2 + Y~X;L+G~--T%~
(41 + VXl + y1 + h)-\/y1 + h2 (9)
Designating the terms within the brackets by T1, T,, . TH one obtains the simple form :
F,/Gp=x,; T1- T2] - xl(~3-~4}+y(Ts--T6~-yl~Tr-Ta}+lz(T~-~lo-~,,+Tlzf.(10)

(b) The Y axis is crossed, i.e. the signs of XI and x2 are different. Since the vertical conlponent of the
attraction of the same mass below and above the y axis is the same, the integral is e\z;lluated from 0
to .Q and from 0 to xl (absolute values) :

y2 + 4x2 + y2 y1+ z/XP2 + y1

P1 = X2 In- ____ In-- 0
yz + 4.r~ + y2 + h2 yl + \/~a + y12 + h2 -
x2 + dx2 + y?
+ \v, + 1/x2 + yz + h2 - In dy2Qy; hJ

x2 + 4x2 + y? Yl
- yl In .- In
x2 + d&2 + y12 + 112 4y1 + II2
Y2 + JP + y&xl2 + y2 + h2
+ 12 arcsin
(yz + vxz + y2 + h2)vy2 + h2
Y2 -I 19 i- y&y? -I- h2
- arcsin ___ -___
(yz + 4yz + h)+y2 + h2
-_ ___-
~1 + he + YIVX~ + y? + h2
- arcsin ____-
(Yl + 4x2 + y1 + h2)4y1* + h2
YI + h2 + y&y12 + h2
___ ~
+ arcsin (yl + dy12 + h2)dy12 + h2
366 De& Nagy

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ya + 4x12 + y22 y1 + d%" + Y12 \ _ o

P2 = xl In - In--
y2 + l/x? + ~22 + h y1 + -\/x12 + y12 + 12(

Xl + 4r1 + y22 Yz
+ y2 In --ln ___
1 Xl + -\/Xl + y22 + 122 -\/yz + h2 I

x1 + 4x1 + y12
- yl In -- -1n L
1 Xl + Z/Xl + y1 + h2 dy12 + h2 1

yz + h2 + yzvx~~ + ~22 + h
+h arcsin
1 (~2 + 4x1 + ys2 + h2)vyz2 + h

_ arcsin YZ + 1~ + ysvy22 + h2
(yz + 4~22 + h2)-\/yn2 + h

_ arcsin y12 + h + YIV\/*I~ + y12 + h

___~ ____
(ye + VQ + yl + h)-\/y, + h

y12 + h + YIV\/YI~ + h2
+ arcsin
(YI + 4~1~ + h2)dm 1
Using the terms TI, TS . TI,, 11 and l, take the lollowing form:

PI = ~2: T1 - Tz] + 0 + y2 Tg - In ?-- - yl Ti - In - %

1 z/y22 + h2 1 i -\i/?12 + h2>
+Iz{Tv 1 - Tnf l),

Pz=xI{Ts-TT~]+O+YZ Tg-In y2
C 4~22 + h2
+ h(Tlu- 1- T12 + 11.

Then adding PI and P2 one finds:

Fz,Gp = PI + P2 = x2{ T1 - T,j + xl/ T3 - Gj + yz( T5 + TG) - y,( T7 + T,f

+ h{ Ts + TN - TH - Tl2) - - y1 In - -=) . (11)

vjll + h2

Other special cases, when crossing the N axis (y, differently and obtained (pag(. 370, equation
and y2 having different signs) or crossing the (426)) :
origin (both y1, y2 and XI, x2 with different signs),
can be obtained similarly.
Subsequent to this development of equation
(7), it was found that Sorokin (1951) and Ha&
(19.53) also published solutions to this problem.
The solutions they obtained are given below using
their notation. Sorokin carried out the integration
The Gravitational Attraction of a Right Rectangular Prism 367

Table 1. Calculated terrain corrections for twelve gravity stations shown in Figure 2
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UTM Coordinates
Station 1m
2 3 4 6
--. - ---_-
8174 793 889.7 569 909.1 1795 1.09 1.11
9810 794 529.7 573 172.9 1622 3.31 3.36
8193 792 197.2 571 837.6 1831 1.44
9815 795 525.5 571 852.6 1936 2.04 2.08 f .13
9813 795 878.6 571 687.2 2063 3.68 3.69 + .16
8135 796 148.7 571 687.4 1908 1.62
1 793 921.4 570 604.2 -380 8.29 8.26 * .lO
794 073.7 571 291.7 -685 13.43 13.43 k .06
i 794 229.6 571 229.0 -745 14.45 14.46 i.06
7 794 350.0 572 610.0 - 780 13.07
794 861.6 571 697.5 -805 14.39
:: 793 164.5 571 631.4 - 440 9.03

Ha&z applied Eulers theorem of homogeneous tem with intervals dx and dy. The bases of these
functions to the second derivative of the potential prisms are at sea level, and the tops are defined
of a prism, thus obtaining the first derivative and by the estimated elevations, Hi,,. The elevation
the potential itself without integration. His re- difference between a compartmcnl. and the sta-
sult for the vertical component of the attraction tion, together with the horizontal coordinates of
(page 62) is quoted below: the compartment, are calculated ;III~ fed into the
Prism subroutine, which computes the exact
$% = - a log (b + Y) - b log (a + Y) gravitational effect of that compartment on the
gravity station. The sum of the, effects of all
+ c arctg - . compartments gives the terrain correction. More
cr detail will be given in a forthcoming paper.
This program has been applic,tl for an area
Although these equations, including (7), do not 10X10 km surrounding the Ne\v Quebec Crater
seem to agree, it has been verified that they are (Figure 2). A grid interval of 100 nl for both x and
identical. y has been used producing 10,000 compartments.
Having obtained the expressions for all cases, a The elevation of the water level in the crater is
subroutine called Prism has been written in 1,620 feet above sea level, with a maximum depth
Fortran II. Although the arithmetic is fairly sim-
of 810 ft. The surrounding topography varies
ple, some care must be exercised to obtain the from 1,530 to 2,156 ft. For the talc ulations it was
proper special case to be used for a given set of in- assumed that the top of each prism was a plane
put values. Extensive testing shows that the surface parallel to the KY plant, and that all
subroutine provides the correct value for the prisms had the same density. The standard
vertical component of the gravitational attrac-
deviations of Hi,? for compartmcllls on land was
tion 0i a prism on a unit particle at P, if 1 is out-
estimated at *5 ft and for colrll)artments on
side or on the boundary of the prism. In the fol-
water at ?25 ft. Terrain corrections cvere calcu-
lol?;ingsection two applications of the Prism sub-
lated for 130 gravity stations of ~1Ilich twelve are
routine are given. See also Kagy (1966).
shown in Figure 2. The coordinatch, elevation and
computed terrain corrections of tlll.xc stations are
listed in Table 1.
a) Terrain convections
To assess the effect of the error-b in the eleva-
The Prism subroutine has been used in a pro- tions, H,,i, on the computed terrain corrections,
gram to calculate terrain corrections. The prin- provision was made for error an;llysis by using
ciple of the method is described as follows: the the Monte Carlo technique. Pseutlo-random num-
local area, whose terrain effect is to be taken into bers of magnitude proportional 111the standard
account, is subdivided into prisms by a grid sys- deviation of Hi,j, were superiml,osed on each
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r -ul

Dezsb Nagy

FIG. 2. The New Quebec Crater with surrounding topography. Contour interval .W ft.


The~~~~&aki~~__Attra&on af a Right Rectangular Prism 369
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0 5 IO I5 20 km
0 4 8
I I I I : I I I : I I -2 MILES

PIc. 3. Residual Bougouer anomaly map for the vicinity of Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Contour illlerval 5 mgal.
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FIG. 4. Synthetic gravity contour map resulting from three-dimensional analysis.


The Gravitational Attraction of a Right Rectangular Prism 371

estimated elevation. Then the terrain correction modifications the gravitational attraction of 80
was calculated I\-ith this new set of input data. blocks was evaluated at 625 grid points. The
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This computation has been repeated 36 times for \-alues were plotted and the resulting contoured
each station using new sets oi random numbers map is shown in Figure 4
each time Table 1 gives the average, AgA, of the The two examples above illustrate the polver
36 calculated terrain corrections with their respec- and flexibility oi the application of the Prism
tive standard deviations, E, for seven stations. ;\s method to problems associated \vith gravity
can be seen from Table 1 the terrain correction fields. The application to other problems is
Ag calculated from the original input (column 5) limited only by the availability of input data and
differs from ADA by less than ie. by memory space in the computers. For example,
in terrain corrections one could easily include
variations in density.
On the suggestion of J. van Boeckel of the It is now possible by using the Prism sub-
Dominion Observatory, another program, for routine to test some of the assumptions about
three-dimensional analysis, has been developed the geology of an area; to analyze different sources
around the Prism subroutine. The principle in- of errors and calculate their effect on the output;
volved is simple: the sum of the gravitational to derive different degrees of approximations for
effects of prisms of given dimensions and densities the gravitational effect of the prism for practical
is calculated at specific points. These initial computations and estimate their accuracies; to
dimensions and densities are determined from obtain regional gravity anomalies; to carry out
existing information, usually from geological maps geological corrections to obtain residuals; and
of the area. It is noted here that there is no restric- to compare different isostatic hypotheses.
tion on the dimensions of prisms or their distance
from the computation point (other than that the
H&z, I. B., 1953, Relations between the potential of the
point may not be inside a prism). The calculated attraction of the mass contained in a finite rectangular
values then arc compared to the given anomalies prism and its first and second derivatives (in Hun-
garian): Geofizikai Kiizlemenyek, II, no. 7.
and the differences are successively eliminated by
Sorokin, L. V.! 1951, Gravimetry and gravimetrical
modifying the block arrangement, number of prospecting (m Russian), State Tech. Publ., Moscow.
blocks and or densities. This program has been Xagy, D., 1966, lhe evaluation of Heumans lambda
function and its application to calculate the gravita-
used by van Hoeckel to explain the residual grav- tional effect of a right circular cylinder: Geofisica
ity anomaly field shown in Figure 3. After four Pura e ;\ppl., v. 62 (in press).

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