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Creative Writing - With Pictures Lesson # 2 Date: March 7, 2017

Lesson Title:

Emelie Comtois ELA, Science 5/6

Name: Subject: Grade(s):

Rationale: (lesson context and reasons why lesson matters)

It is important to know the various aspects of creative writing as it contributes to an effective communicator and a well-rounded
student. Considering different ways to represent a creative story is valuable for a growth mindset and out-of-the-box thinking.

Curriculum Connections :

Big Ideas
Using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works.

Curricular Competency
Consider different purposes, audiences, and perspectives in exploring texts.
Synthesize ideas from a variety of sources to build understanding.

Story or Text - text features, literary elements, perspective/POV

Learning Intentions Activity Assessment

I can represent a creative story through Build their own creative story through Story through pictures criteria: logical
pictures. [three] pictures. progression of events, a story evident to
reader, illustrated

Prerequisite Concepts and Skill :( for student success)

- Collaboration, thinking, and listening skills
- Ability to partake in discussions

Materials and Resources with References/Sources:

For Teacher For Students

Tracks Writing Utensils

Art supplies (colours, magazines, scissors, glue, paper,..)

Differentiated Instruction (DI): (accommodations)

- Allow students to work at different paces

- Students can represent their creative picture stories using different art supplies (draw, cut & paste,..)

Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)

- Be prepared with a few ideas if students are stuck

- If you can hear me touch your ___
- Hand out materials (student helpers and help themselves)

Possible Aboriginal Connections / First Peoples Principles of Learning and

Build a Community of Learners

- Facilitate talking circles to support individual and group voice
Plan for Experiential Learning
- create opportunities for students to work at their own rate
- support hands on learning and risk taking
- provide opportunities for reflective thinking

Lesson Activities:
Teacher Activities Student Activities pacing

Introduction (hook/motivation/lesson overview)

Animal Tracks Discuss with partner what is happening in the picture

- Partners, build story of what you think is happening progression
- 3 part story, reveal one picture at a time Share out a few if they want 5 mins

Is this part of creative writing? Why or why not? Think about and respond to creative writing
Body (lesson flow/ management)

Creative Picture Story

- fold into 3 parts Create their own creative picture story
- use various materials (pencil crayons, pastels, Keep in mind 3 criteria 20 mins
crayons, magazine pictures, ..) Use various art materials to represent story
- Looking for: logical progression, illustrations, and a
story evident to the reader

Closure ( connections within lesson or between

lessons, sharing successes, summaries)

Share with Others

- See what stories people come up with from your Share with other students 10 mins
pictures Hand in stories to me
- Was it similar or different than what you were trying
to depict?

Reflections: (over)

- Discussion engagement, which materials most used, understanding of other students stories
- Any other ways to adapt or engage kids who need more time or attention?

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