Sms English

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& = and LTNS = long time no

2 = two, to or too see
2DAY = today MU = I miss you
2MORROW = IC = I see
tomorrow RUOK are you ok?
B be U4E = you forever.
B4 = before X = kiss
BF = boyfriend
BRO = brother Read and translate
BT = but these sentences:
C = see A: I mu m8. Ltns.
D8 = date Hru?
F8 = fate B: Oh, Im fine. I mu
GF = girlfriend 2. How is ur sis?
GR8 = great A: My sis is Ok. She
L8 = late is on a d8 2day.
L8r = later B: Ic. Thats gr8. Its
M8=mate getting l8. We
PLS = please should go b4 It gets
SIS = sister dark. I hope I will cu
U = you l8r. Maybe 2morrow?
UR = your A: Ok! Hand. CUL.
ASAP = as soon as
CUL = see you later
HAND = have a nice
HRU = how are you
LOL = laughing out

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