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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fawned over Aung San

Suu Kyi, Burmas pro-democracy campaigner and helped her to

win office, but the female Burmese leader now is being regarded
as a war criminal for her governments scorched earth military
operation that so far has created 400,000 refugees, an
investigation by the Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative
Group has found.

Clinton worked tirelessly to help Suu Kyi behind the scenes which
ended up with her election on 2015 to a post called state
counsellor, the equivalent of Prime Minister.

In her 2014 memoir, Hard Choices, Clinton breathlessly

endorsed Suu Kyi, comparing her to heralded global statesmen of
our time.

She exhibited qualities I had glimpsed before she wrote

including Nelson Mandela and Vclav Havel. Like them, she
carried the hopes of a nation on her shoulders, Clinton wrote.

She called Suu Kyi, clear eyed about the challenges ahead.

You have been an inspiration, I told Suu Kyi Clinton wrote.

You are standing for all the people of your country who deserve
the same rights and freedoms of people everywhere.

Excerpt From: Hillary Clinton. Hard Choices. iBooks.

Looking back at her years as Secretary of State, Clinton was self-

congratulatory of her diplomatic effort to launch bold new steps to
engage with the regime.
Excerpt From: Hillary Clinton. Hard Choices. iBooks.

She proclaimed, Now the country was on the brink of a new era.

But in all Clintons efforts on behalf of Burma -- also known as

Myanmar -- the former Secretary of State deliberately ignored
decades of persecution of ethnic minorities there, and she
especially gave short shrift to the Rohingyas, who today are being
ravaged by Suu Kyis government.

It was only the last page of her memoirs chapter glowing with
praise for Suu Kyi, that she mentions the Rohingya.

Cllinton deplored, the spasms of mob violence against the

Rohingya, an ethnic community of Muslims. But nowhere did
she place blame on the government.

Today, Hillarys heroine, Suu Kyi is facing worldwide

condemnation about her governments atrocities. The militarys
effort against 1 million Rohingya is being compared to ethnic
cleansing. Officially, the Burmese military call it a cleansing

Over the last month nearly 410,000 more than one third of the
countrys Rohingya population -- have fled the governments
violence and are desperately seeking shelter in neighboring

Reports of drownings, mass rapes, child deaths and other

atrocities have been trickling out of the closed society.

At one time, human rights groups once praised Suu Kyi when she
won the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize for her pro-democracy efforts.
But that has dramatically changed. Today, the liberal web site has gone so far as to launch an online petition asking
the Nobel Prize committee to take away her prize. More than
425,000 have signed the petition.

The de facto ruler of Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi has done
virtually nothing to stop this crime against humanity in her
country, the petition states.

Amnesty International on September 14 described the utter

burning and looting of Rohingya villages.

The human rights group reported mass-scale scorched-earth

campaign, where Myanmar security forces and vigilante mobs
are burning down entire Rohingya villages and shooting people
at random as they try to flee.

The evidence is irrefutable. Make no mistake: this is ethnic

cleansing, asserted Tirana Hassan, Amnesty Internationals
Crisis Response Director.

At one time, Suu Kyi was happy to meet with international leaders
who supported her. But today she has refused to attend this
weeks UN General Assembly meeting in New York.

In reality, the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton minimized

the reality that Suu Kyi and her political party, the National
League for Democracy had demonstrated open hostility toward
the Rohingya.

The Burmese leaders complicity in the ethnic cleansing campaign

was apparent even before the latest clearing operation was
underway. Last May, she urged the U.S. Ambassador to stop
using the name Rohingya, according to the New York Times.

The government officially does not regard the Rohingya as

citizens even though they have lived in the country since the 19th
century. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human
rights in 2016 stated the Rohingya are one of the largest
stateless people on earth.

(UNHC document)

Clinton was criticized after she released Hard Choices, about

her perspective on Burma. Four months after her book came out,
the liberal Foreign Policy Magazine slammed her with an article
titled, Hillarys Burma Problem.

The authors ridiculed Clinton for calling her Burmese policy a


Her Burmese work has been widely viewed as the one clear cut
triumph of her tenure as secretary of state, the magazines
authors wrote.

But even in 2014, the magazine warned her triumph could

vanish. Now, as the civilian regime that replaced Myanmars
military junta embraces increasingly brutal tactics against Muslim
minority populations, the jewel in the crown of Clintons tenure
risks vanishing into thin air.

The Burmese military regularly launched attacks on the Rohingya.

One military attack in 2014 generated 200,000 refugees who also
fled to Bangladesh.

Rachel Burton the Deputy-Director at the Project 2049 Institute, a

think tank involved in security and policy solutions in East Asia.
says Clinton and the Obama administration air brushed away the
issue of the governments persecution of its minorities.

Burma has 135 national races and eight major ethnic minorities,
including the Rohingya. Minorities make up 40 percent of the
population, according to the liberal Transnational Institute.

Burton told TheDCNF while the Obama administration focused on

Suu Kyi, Obama and Clinton marginalized the troubling issue of
the persecution of the countrys minorities.

The Obama foreign policy, marginalized some of the ethnic

issues that are still occurring, she said, adding, I have not seen
the U.S. Government work with any of the ethnic organizations.

Olivia Enos, a policy analyst with the Asian Studies Center, a part
of the conservative Heritage Foundation, told TheDCNF in an
interview one of the of the cardinal Obama mistakes was his
decision to lift all economic sanctions against the brutal military
regime once Suu Kyi was elected.

Obama ended the economic sanctions, imposed in 1997, in

September 2016 during the waning days of his administration.
Like many of Obamas acts, this one was done by executive

Enos said the administration sacrificed a lot of leverage by lifting

sanctions against the Burma military. She called the move a
huge mistake.

Burmas military is among the most vicious on earth. For decades,

the generals enjoyed a military alliance with North Korea. North
Korea exported its weapons and North Korean personnel work in
the country, according to Reuters.

The sanctions were really Aung San Suu Kyis last sort of stick or
leverage that she could hold over the military, Enos told
TheDCNF in an interview.

Rarely reported in the West is that Suu Kyis own political party,
the NLD, has been hostile to many of the many ethnic groups in

The NLD had an opportunity to include the countrys minorities on

its list of candidates, but did not, according to Burton.

Go into the country and talk to the different ethnic parties that
were not able to run their own candidates in their ethnic states
because the NLD Party ended up running their own candidates
that were not ethnic minorities, Burton said.

It sounded to me like the NLD Party pulled the rug out from a
couple of the ethnic parties and decided to run their own NLD
candidates instead of different ethnic minority party groups, she

With the 200,000 who arrived in 2014, today nearly 700,000

Rohingya now live in Bangladesh in government makeshift camps,
according to the Bangladesh government.

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