Development of Computational Tools For The Design of Automatic Reader For Blind

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Development of computational tools for the design of Automatic Reader for Blind

Aguilar Canto, Fernando Javier

Summary (Abstract):
The design of an Automatic Reader for Blind implies the develop of several tools: from the Speech Synthesis and Recognition to Handwritten Character Recognition. However, there are some conditions that minimize the
accuracy of the algorithms and, therefore, of the Automatic Reader, and for that reason it is necessary to offer alternatives in order to program the appropriate code, which is the principal aim of the present research.

Desenvolvimento de ferramentas informticas para o desenho de um Leitor Automtico para Deficientes Visuais: O desenho de um leitor automtico para deficientes visuais envolve o desenvolvimento de vrias
ferramentas: de reconhecimento e sntese de voz at a deteco de caracteres manuscritos. No entanto, existem certas condies que diminuem a preciso dos algoritmos e, portanto, o leitor automtico, pelas quais
necessrio oferecer alternativas para a programao adequada, que o principal objetivo deste trabalho.

Introduction Methods Results

Preprocessing Thresholding As it was expected, the methods of OCR failed
In the 2010 it was estimated the existence of Simple Object Detection
39 millions of blind persons around the world1. in the task of recognition of Non-Segmented
The possibility of surpass the traditional patterns. The algorithm of K-nn (k-nearest
solutions such as Braille system has been Preprocessing neighbors) could recognize well in the 71.8% of
open with the develop of the Optical Character the tests with one training (using digits as
Recognition (OCR). However, it is necessary to
Segmentation OCR characters). In the second training, it improved
overcome the problems with the actual the task in the 79.4% of the cases. Although
Thresholding the Object Detection by Edge Direction can
methods of OCR in order to create an effective
solve the problem of Non-Segmented patterns,
Automatic Reader.
it is not an efficient solution and cannot be used
Text-To-Speech Postprocessing in some specific cases.
Aim (Objective) Segmentation
The principal aim of this work is to develop an
Automatic Reader for the blind and visually Object Detection by Edge Direction The actual methods of Character Recognition
impaired improving the accuracy of the process Substract with Pattern (K-nn or Neural Networks) can be used in the
of character recognition. The study will focus It consists in the detection of the direction of task of develop an Automatic Reader even in
on three practical problems: Incidence of light, individual pixels depending on the position of the Handwritten Characters, but, as we noticed,
Non-Segmented Characters and the Noise of the following pixel. it is necessary to considerate alternatives in
the image. Recognition special conditions. The OCR based in Edge
gfe Direction can be used in order to avoid noise,
but there are some remaining cases that must
hPd be considered in further research.
Optical Character Recognition abc Bibliography
1 Pascolini, D., & Mariotti, S. P. (2011). Global
estimates of visual impairment: 2010. British
Journal of Ophthalmology bjophthalmol-2011.

Edge NOTE: All images were provided by the author or are free
Hardware employed in the develop of K-nn Tesseract for commercial usage.
Automatic Reader and additional components:
Raspberry Pi (right) and Arduino One (left)
Abstract { // Summarizing El diseo de un Lector Automtico para Introduction { // Preliminary aspects
Invidentes implica el desarrollo de numerosas Ofrecer soluciones a los problemas
The design of an Automatic Reader for Blind herramientas: desde reconocimiento y sntesis In the 2010 it was estimated the existence of 39 Metodologa
del // Qu
(segmentacin e
implies the develop of several tools: from the de voz hasta la deteccin de caracteres millions of blind persons around the world1. The iluminacin).
Speech Synthesis and Recognition to possibility of surpass the traditional solutions Reconocimiento de Caracteres (en Matlab)
escritos a mano. Sin embargo, existen ciertas Desarrollar funciones adicionales de
Handwritten Character Recognition. However, condiciones que disminuyen la exactitud de los such as Braille system has been opened with soporte (Enlistadas en la
there are some conditions that minimize the algoritmos y, por consiguiente, del Lector the develop of algorithms of Optical Character Metodologa).
accuracy of the algorithms and, therefore, of the Automtico, por lo cual es necesario ofrecer Recognition (OCR). However, it is necessary to
Automatic Reader, and for that reason it is alternativas para su adecuada programacin, el overcome the problems with the actual methods }
necessary to offer alternatives in order to cual consiste el principal propsito del presente of OCR in order to create an effective
program the appropriate code, which is the trabajo. Automatic Reader.
principal aim of the present research.
} Objetivos { // Qu pretendemos?
.llalla soy ngel estas lneas de texto invisible
Detectar las Comparar con
Ingresar son para ganar espacio
direcciones del la base de
recorrido datos
Reducir el Recorrer los
tamao de la bordes de la Reconocer
Referencias {
imagen letra

Resultados { // Qu obtuvimos? Pascolini, D., Y Mariotti, S. P. (2011). Global

Deteccin de Emitir el
Binarizacin bordes de resultado por estimates of visual impairment: 2010. British
Canny voz Mejor reconocimiento en caracteres no Journal of Ophthalmology bjophthalmol-2011.
Solucin parcial al problema de la }
>> Qu es la Direccin del Recorrido?
100 Es pasar pixel por pixel y verificar la Mayor efectividad en la Deteccin de
posicin del siguiente pixel. En el ejemplo, Direccin de Recorrido que en la
010 el siguiente pixel del primero se encuentra Sustraccin de Imgenes.
a la derecha-abajo. }

Conclusiones { // Qu prevalece?
Otros algoritmos (en Arduino y Raspberry
El presente trabajo aborda el OCR de una
manera tanto terica como aplicativa. Sin
embargo, no slo puede emplearse para
Deteccin de obstculos por Estereovisin personas invidentes, sino que tambin para
automatizacin. Para continuar con el desarrollo
del Lector Polifuncional ser preciso considerar
la opinin de los futuros posibles de pxeles altos
por cuadrante

Deteccin de la
posicin del obstculo

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