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13th April in the year of our Lord 1389

Barrowburn, Northumbria

Starting Resources:
0 Balance of Power
1 Wealth
0 Dissent

Mission 1:
Objective: Pitched Battle (Held to Ransom)
Weather: Miserable Downpour

As winter's grasp slackens, a group of Scottish reavers have crossed the border and raised
merry hell amongst Godfrey's subjects. The banner of Fingal MacEalair's son lies above the
rampaging warband. Capturing the laird's son and his closest retainers might yield some
much needed cash to repair the defences around Barrow Hill, or hire some more soldiers to
bulk out Godfrey's dwindling war party.

The Scotsmen were encamped around a burned out village, huddled amongst the ruined
buildings to keep out of the driving rain. Godfrey's attack landed like a hammer blow,
spearheaded by his two men-at-arms whilst the rest of his force out lanked the enemy.
Scottish crossbowmen pinned Kester, Jamie and Roderick behind a dry stone wall, allowing
some of the raiders to retreat in good order. Godfrey succeeded in capturing the enemy
commander and one of his men-at-arms, despite su fering heavy casualties.

Urbain: Ugly Scar
Kester: Dead
Roderic: Serious Wound, Maimed (Out of Action for 13 days, Lost an Arm)
Fulk: Light Wound (Out of Action for 8 Days)

+1 Morale for completing the mission and causing at least 2 enemies to go out of action.
+1 Balance of Power for completing the mission

Godfrey gains the Inspiring skill

Baldric gains the Commanding Shout skill
Mabon gains the Crack Shot skill

The date is the 17th of April in the Year of our Lord 1389.

This is the situation at the start of the turn:

Kester died.
Roderic remains badly wounded following the loss of his arm. He's got 6 days of
recovery time le t.
Fulk is still wounded, and has 4 days of recovery time remaining.

Turn 2 Resources:
1 Balance of Power
0 Wealth
1 Dissent

Mission 2:
Objective: Pitched Battle (Take and Hold)
Weather: Low Visibility

Despite su fering some casualties ghting o f the Scottish raiders, Godfrey has decided to
push his advantage and cross the border. In his path lies the poorly garrisoned Bastle House
called Shit Roost, colloquially named for the Magpie guano staining the eves.

Capturing Shit Roost and holding it against any enemy reinforcements would provide the
Peake family with a valuable toe-hold in Scottish territory.

Under the cover of darkness, Godfrey led Mabon and Urbain across the heath, quietly
eliminating a patrolling sentry and an unsuspecting guard on the roof.

A ter kicking in the door, Godfrey and Urbain became embroiled in a vicious brawl at
extremely close-quarters while Baldric led the rest of the warband in a screen to fend o f a
group of armed peasants from a nearby village. The poorly armed and badly led militia beat
a hasty retreat a ter losing two of their number to Mabon's arrows.

Urbain: Moderate Wound (Wounded for 9 days, Poor Medical Care (Lost an eye))
Jamie: Ugly Scar
Chase: Permanent Injury (Wounded for 19 days, Lost a leg.)

+1 Morale for completing the mission and causing at least 2 enemies to go out of action.
+2 Balance of Power for completing the mission and killing at least half the enemy force.

Brennan (Retainer), an Irish mercenary cast out of his native land for murdering his brother
in a ght over a prized horse. Brennan was found imprisoned in a store cupboard in Shit
Roost, a ter falling afoul of the garrison commander.

Mabon gains the Grit skill.

Godfrey gains the Master Swordsman skill.
Jamie gains the Quick Draw skill.

In the quiet following the brutal slaughter of Shit Roost's garrison, Jamie uncovers a hidden
cellar stocked full of French wine. +1 Morale.

A harried messenger mounted on a foam- lecked horse delivers a decree signed by the Pope
himself, ordering Godfrey to end his feud with the Scots. Evidently MacEalair has friends in
high places. -1 Balance of Power.

Desperate to sooth the phantom pains eating away at the stump of his arm, Roderic seeks
the aid of Barrowburn's local wise woman. -6 days recovery time.

Mabon liberates a bag of pitch from Shit Roost's supplies, and Urbain's recovery time is
reduced by 6 days.

Godfrey gains +1 dissent for having 0 wealth.

Time advances by 6 days.

The date is the 23rd of April in the Year of our Lord 1389.

Chase is still at death's door, gangrene creeping around his mangled leg. He has 13 days
recovery time le t.

Turn 3 Resources:
2 Balance of Power
0 Wealth
2 Dissent

Mission 3:
Objective: Defensive Action (Scorched Earth)
Weather: Mild Drizzle

Under a pall of heavy cloud and a malingering drizzle, Godfrey and his companions nurse
their hangovers a ter plundering Shit Roost's wine cellar.

From a hidden vantage point in a coppice of trees, Mabon spots a party of mounted
men-at-arms in a variety of liveries, accompanied by a band of foot soldiers with pikes and
crossbows. Evidently word of Godfrey's impudent attack had spread far and wide, attracting
some decidedly unwanted attention.

Faced with an untenable position in enemy territory, Godfrey orders his men to burn the
elds and orchards surrounding Shit Roost while also poisoning the forti cation's only well
with a dead soldier's foetid carcass.

Despite a valiant delaying action fought by Godfrey and his men at arms, the warband is
scattered to the four winds by the mounted Scotsmen.

Mabon, Roderick and Jamie make a mad dash for the English border, carrying Chase
between them.

Godfrey: Light Wound (Injured for 7 days.)
Baldric: Dead.
Fulk: Serious Wound (Injured for 18 days (Good Medical Care))

Mabon: Vouchsafed
Roderick: Lucky Break (-1 Morale)
Jamie: Branded (Injured for 10 days.)

-1 Morale for su fering heavy casualties.

-2 Balance of Power for failing to complete the assigned objectives and losing over half of the

Ariane (Levy), a radiant beauty with an acid tongue and sharper wits. She narrowly escaped
the hangman's noose afer poaching a hind from her lord's forests, leeing northward in
search of salvation. She led Mabon and his wounded companions to safety a ter their light
from Shit Roost.

Brennan gains the Polearm Master skill.

The great hall at Barrow Hill plays host to the battered and bruised warband, each man
nursing his own wounds under the somewhat skilled ministrations of new arrival Ariane. 5
days pass.

Sentries herald the approach of a mysterious cloaked rider. Shadowed by notched arrows,
the man reveals himself to be Godfrey's second cousin Du f, ransomed from a Flemish
dungeon following Despenser's unsuccessful crusade ve years past. While eccentric and
Bookish, Du f adds another sword to Godfrey's dwindling warband.

Ariane and Mabon bring down a wild boar and some fowl for Du f's welcome feast,
brightening the spirits of everyone around the table. +1 Morale.

Godfrey gains +1 dissent for having 0 wealth.

Time advances by 4 days.

The date is the 2nd of May in the Year of our Lord 1389.

Fulk is still recovering following his brush with death last month. He has 9 days recovery
time le t.

Poulticed and molli ed by the beautiful Ariane, Jamie has 1 day recovery time remaining
before his brand has healed.

Turn 4 Resources:
0 Balance of Power
0 Wealth
3 Dissent

Mission 4:
Objective: Raid (Baggage Train)
Weather: Muddy Quagmire

Days of unending rain have turned the elds around Barrowburn and nearby Shit Roost
into a churned-up sea of mud and slime. Firelight winks out of arrow-slits and smoke gusts
over crenellations as the garrisons of both castles hunker down to ride out the storm.

Under the cover of night, Godfrey leads his bedraggled crew across the border, carefully
skirting the brooding forti cations at Shit Roost and Knife Point. A paid turncoat in the
Scottish village of Sour Hope alerted Barrow Hill to a supply convoy heading cross country,
laden down with provisions and ammunition for the defenders of the recently recaptured
Shit Roost.

The wooded valley between the two Bastlehouses provided the perfect location for
ambushing the heavily laden carts.

Arrows lashed from the trees, picking o f the lightly armed guards and one of the hapless
carters. A precise lank assault led by Du f and Brennan split the remaining defenders,
allowing them to be pulled apart piecemeal and slaughtered.

Roderick: Knocked Out
Fulk: Serious Wound, Maimed (Injured for a further 17 days, lost a foot)

+1 Morale for completing the mission and causing at least 2 enemies to go out of action.
+2 Balance of Power for completing the mission and killing at least half the enemy force.

Recovered a gilded pyx and cruci x from one of the carts, exchanged for a suit of heavy
armour for Du f.

Ariane gains the Unarmoured Fighter skill.

Urbain gains the Footwork skill.
Brennan gains the Lightning Re lexes skill.
Du f gains the Charisma skill.

Back at Barrow Hill, replete with stolen salted pork and hard tack, Godfrey uses this surfeit
to acquire the services of German mercenary Hel ed to patrol the area between Blind Burn
and Shill Moor, freeing up his own men for their own tasks.

Later that night, Godfrey is shot from his saddle by a hidden crossbowman while out
hunting with his faithful hounds.
Moderate Wound (Injured for 11 days, botched medical care (Dis gured Facial Features))

Ariane is hauled up before the manor court in a neighbouring county a ter being caught
poaching by a game warden. Thanks to a last minute petition from Godfrey, she spends a
day and a night in the stocks, rather than meeting the hangman and his noose. -1 Morale.

The Scottish wagons yielded a crossbow and a keg of black powder, giving Godfrey's
warband more lexibility on the battle eld.

Godfrey gains 1 dissent for having 0 wealth.

Godfrey loses 2 dissent for having a positive balance of power and killing over half the
enemy force in the last battle.

Time advances by 5 days.

The date is the 7th of May in the Year of our Lord 1389.

Fulk's condition has worsened following his participation in the last raid, a ter getting
trampled by a cart horse and losing his foot to gangrene. He has 21 days of recovery time

Pulling the crossbow bolt from Godfrey's face has not improved his appearance, leaving his
jaw crooked and cheek knotted with raw scar tissue. He has 6 days of recovery time

Turn 5 Resources:
2 Balance of Power
0 Wealth
2 Dissent

Mission 5:
Objective: Raid (The Grain Stores)
Weather: Morning Mist

Buoyed by the success of his raid into enemy territory, Godfrey immediately started
planning another audacious assault. Word had reached him of a massive grain stockpile
held at Cocklaw Foot, ready for dispatch to the holdfasts at Knife Point and Shit Roost.

A hazy and indistinct dawn broke over the borderlands, and Godfrey's men lurched into
action a ter marching across country in the very small hours of the morning. They made it
within striking distance of the silo before the Scottish trap was sprung.

Arrows and crossbow bolts ripped through the air at close range, pinning Godfrey and his
men at arms up in an empty hovel.

Mabon led the rest in a valiant attempt to break the circle, but was swi tly cut down by
advancing Scottish spearmen.

Godfrey: Dead
Du f: Knocked Out
Urbain: Dead
Brennan: Knocked Out
Rodericl: Moderate Wound (7 Days recovery time, Good medical care.)
Mabon: Permanent Injury (18 Days recovery time, Tongue cut out.)

Ariane: Vouchsafed
Jamie: Lucky Break (-1 Morale)
FulK: Executed

-1 Morale for su fering heavy casualties.

-2 Balance of Power for failing to complete the assigned objectives and losing over half of the

The lord of Barrow Hill was returned to his keep, head spitted on a Scottish pike. Those that
survived the ambush became Scottish prisoners, those that escaped scattered to the four
winds. The Scottish went on to sack the countryside around Barrowburn, before being
driven back behind the border by a force of King Edward's knights.

Plague followed soon a ter, snatching away the lives of many who had managed to survived
the ghting.

Godfrey's tenancy at Barrow Hill lasted a mere 24 days.

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