Water Storage Paper

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F. H. Jaber, S. Shukla

ABSTRACT. The hydrology of an impoundment in an agricultural grove in southern Florida was studied to assess its potential
use as a water supply source. The MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 integrated hydrologic model was used to simulate the various hydro-
logic processes and their interactions. The model was calibrated and validated for water levels inside the impoundment and
in a ditch outside the impoundment. Model evaluation results showed that the model could be used for assessing water reten-
tion alternatives with root mean square error (RMSE) values ranging from 0.03 to 0.25 m. Several structural and managerial
alternatives were identified and evaluated to increase water retention volume and time. The alternatives include lining the
impoundment, lining only the embankment and the inner distribution canal with 15 and 30 cm liner thicknesses, and pumping
water regularly from the surrounding ditch to the impoundment. All alternatives were compared to the present condition. Lin-
ing the entire impoundment with clay provided ten weeks of additional irrigation from September to May. Lining the embank-
ment and the inner canal of the impoundment provided up to four weeks of additional irrigation. Extending the regular
pumping for a month after the wet season resulted in the reservoir being filled to full capacity during that month. The modeling
study shows that claylining impoundments could provide an additional source of irrigation.
Keywords. Agricultural drainage, Integrated hydrologic modeling, Irrigation, MIKE 11, MIKE SHE, Model evaluation,
Stormwater detention/retention.

he Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project runoff in the Caloosahatchee watershed results in high dis-
(CERP), one of the most expensive environmental charges to the Caloosahatchee estuary, which can potentially
projects (total cost $7.8 billion) in the world, pro- harm the estuarine ecosystem.
vides a framework and guide to restore, protect, and Southwest Florida is also increasingly facing water
preserve the water resources of central and southern Florida, shortages. Increased urban water supply demands due to the
including the Everglades. The goal of CERP is to deliver the high population growth rate in the coastal areas combined
right amount of water, of the right quality, to the right places, with the large agricultural and environmental water needs are
and at the right time (CERP, 2002). It is estimated that an av- expected to exceed the available water resources by 25% by
erage 6.4 million cubic meters (1.7 billion gallons) of water the year 2020 (SFWMD, 2000a). Additional storage of
that once flowed daily through the ecosystem are now di- rainfall is needed within the region to meet part of the
verted and discharged into the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic increased water supply demand. Estimates for needed
Ocean. Southwest Florida is an important part of the Ever- additional storage capacity range from 55.5 to 197.4 million
glades ecosystem since it contains the Caloosahatchee River cubic m (45,000 to 160,000 acft) (USACOE, 1998; Flaig,
that connects Lake Okeechobee to the Gulf. The Caloosa- 2002).
hatchee River watershed is one of the two major basins in To meet the increased demand and reduce the excess
southwest Florida. The river is the major source of water for runoff into the river, the Caloosahatchee Water Management
agricultural users within its basin. It also provides habitat for Plan (CWMP) suggested building 8000 ha (20,000 ac) of
wildlife such as wading birds and migratory fowl. Excess reservoirs with 2.4 m (8 ft) of maximum water depth
(SFWMD, 2000b). The CWMP provides two possible
solutions: (1) one large reservoir, or (2) one large reservoir in
Article was submitted for review in October 2003; approved for
combination with several small reservoirs. If stored, the
publication by the Soil & Water Division of ASAE in June 2004. Presented excess runoff in the Caloosahatchee River watershed can be
at the 2003 ASAE Annual Meeting as Paper No. 032326. used to partly supply the water needs in the basin. Another
This research was supported by the Florida Agricultural Experiment possible solution can be to utilize the existing stormwater
Station and approved for publication as Journal Series No R10038. detention facilities in agricultural areas for storing water for
The authors are Fouad H. Jaber, ASAE Member Engineer,
PostDoctoral Research Associate, and Sanjay Shukla, ASAE Member later use in irrigation.
Engineer, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biological Sixtyfive hundred ha (16,000 ac) of agricultural im-
Engineering, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, poundments exist in the Caloosahatchee watershed. These
University of Florida. Corresponding author: Sanjay Shukla, Department impoundments store stormwater runoff before it is dis-
of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Southwest Florida Research
and Education Center, University of Florida, 2686 State Road 29 N,
charged to surface waters or removed by infiltration,
Immokalee, FL 34142; phone: 2396583400; fax: 2396583469; evaporation, and evapotranspiration (Boman et al., 2002).
email: sshukla@ifas.ufl.edu. With an estimated average water depth of 0.6 m (2 ft), these

Transactions of the ASAE

Vol. 47(5): E 2004 American Society of Agricultural Engineers ISSN 00012351 1
impoundments could provide a lowercost local alternative METHODOLOGY
source of water for agricultural supply in the Caloosahatchee Given the highly interactive surface water and groundwa-
basin. While these impoundments are mostly used for ter systems in southwest Florida, the selected model should
stormwater retention and detention, they have the potential be able to represent the interactions with acceptable accura-
to be stormwater harvesting units during the dry season cy. One such model is the Systeme Hydrologique Europen
(October to May). The nature of southern Floridas weather (SHE) (Abbott et al., 1986). The model later evolved to what
is such that 67% of the total annual rainfall (1.4 m) occurs is now known as the MIKE SHE model (DHI, 1993;
from May to September (Fernald and Purdum, 1998). Refsgaard, 1997). The MIKE SHE model (Refsgaard and
The potential use of impoundments for water supply Storm, 1995), which was selected for this study, is one of the
cannot be assessed before the hydrology of these impound- few models that has integrated the unsaturated and saturated
ments has been studied. A hydrologic monitoring project and zone with overland and channel flow into a complete
a modeling project were initiated to address the hydrology of dynamic hydrologic system.
the agricultural impoundments (Flaig, 2002; Shukla and
Jaber, 2002). The objective of the monitoring phase was to
collect field data to understand the hydrology of the
The impoundment selected for this study is located in the
impoundments and develop a hydrologic model to evaluate southern part of the Caloosahatchee River basin (fig. 1). The
different scenarios for improving water storage. The data for
Big Cypress basin borders the area to the east and south. The
a monitored impoundment indicated considerable seepage
impoundment is one of the several impoundments within a
losses from the impoundment. Thus, the current design commercial citrus grove. The impoundment under study is
would not be suitable for water storage during the dry season.
located in the center of lowelevation groves that require
The second phase of the project was to develop a simulation
almost constant drainage during the wet season. Although the
model to evaluate different alternatives for improving water site consists primarily of a wetland with emerging grasses,
storage in these detention areas. The results of the second
sawgrass, and willows, it does not appear to hold water for
phase of the project are discussed here.
long periods of time.
The model domain for this study included the impound-
OBJECTIVES ment, the surrounding grove plots that drain into it, and an
The goal of this study was to use an integrated modeling area north of the impoundment. The impoundment is
approach to simulate the water dynamics of agricultural surrounded by a borrow ditch. The name borrow is derived
impoundments for assessing the use of these impoundments from the fact that the material from excavation of this ditch
for water supply. Specific objectives include: was borrowed to create the impoundment dikes (fig. 2). The
S Selection and construction of an integrated model to function of the borrow ditch is to collect the grove drainage.
evaluate the agricultural drainage storage within the Although the additional area to the north does not drain to the
impoundments for irrigation purposes. impoundment, it was included to simulate the subsurface
S Calibration and evaluation of the model for an im- interactions between the impoundment and the northern part
poundment in the Caloosahatchee basin. of the borrow ditch. To avoid flooding of the grove and meet
S Evaluation of water management alternatives for stor- historical flow levels set up by the South Florida Water
ing runoff in the impoundment for irrigation use. Management District (SFWMD), water from the inflow bor-
row ditch is pumped into the impoundment. A throwout
pump, a term used in Florida to describe drainage pumps, is

Study Site

Basin Boundary



Figure 1. Location of the impoundment within the Caloosahatchee River watershed.


North drainage ditch 60 m N

Inner ditch
Outflow ditch

Point A
Borrow ditch
Inflow ditch

Point B Point D
Point C

Monitoring Location

Figure 2. Aerial photo of study area with location of monitoring structures.

located in the ditch to pump water from the ditch into the im- of the impoundment (Point C). Ditch levels were monitored
poundment (fig. 2). With continued pumping into the im- at one location in the borrow ditch near the return flow outlet
poundment, the water in the impoundment exceeds the (Point D). Inflow to the impoundment from the borrow ditch
outflow weir elevation and discharges into an outflow ditch, through the throwout pump was represented in the model by
which conveys water outside the grove and eventually to the using the pumped volume data estimated from the measured
Caloosahatchee River (fig. 2). A return flow weir is also pump revolutions data (Flaig, 2002). Daily data (rainfall,
installed at the east side of the impoundment. The return flow wind speed, solar radiation, relative humidity, and tempera-
weir is an emergency water outlet that releases water in case ture) from a weather station installed near the impoundment
water is not flowing fast enough from the outflow weir and were used to calculate reference evapotranspiration (ET0)
the water level is high enough to endanger the stability of the from the impoundment using the PenmanMonteith equation
embankments. During the study period, the water level did (Penman, 1948; Monteith, 1981).
not reach the return flow elevation at any time. Several discontinuities existed in the monitoring data
The citrus grove under study has an area of 265.5 ha collected from October 1999 to January 2001. Groundwater
(656.1 ac). The impoundment area is 43.9 ha (108.6 ac), and data from the middle Hawthorn aquifer (deep groundwater
the cultivated field area is 221.6 ha (547.5 ac). The mean monitoring site) were collected only for the September 2000
ground elevations in the cultivated field area and impound- to January 2001 period. Irrigation in the grove (data obtained
ment are 9.37 m (30.74 ft) and 8.79 m (28.84 ft) National from grove management) started on October 23, 2000. For
Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), respectively. The outflow the first two weeks, the weekly irrigation volume used was
weir elevation is 9.00 m (29.53 ft) NGVD, allowing for a 10,705 m3 (8.7 acft). For the period from November 12,
maximum water depth of 0.21 m (0.69 ft). 2000, to May 28, 2001, the total weekly irrigation volume
increased by 25% to 13,381 m3 (10.8 acft).
Groundwater table and surface water levels were mea- MODEL DESCRIPTION
sured at several locations within the study area from MIKE SHE is comprised of finite difference representa-
September 1999 to January 2001 (Flaig, 2002). Water levels tions of mass and energy balances, in addition to some widely
at three locations within the impoundment and one location used empirical relations to simulate unsaturated and satu-
in the surrounding ditch were used to calibrate the groundwa- rated zone hydrology and overland flow. For this study, the
ter and surface water components of the MIKE SHE model following processes were included: infiltration, subsurface
(fig. 2). These points were located at the outflow point flow in the saturated and the unsaturated zones, ET, and
northeast of the impoundment (Point A), near the return flow overland and channel flows. Channel flow was modeled
outlet east of the impoundment (Point B), and at a point west using the MIKE 11 model in combination with the MIKE

Vol. 47(5): 3
SHE model. MIKE 11 is a onedimensional model that tivities were determined through the calibration process due
simulates openchannel and river flows and a wide range of to unavailability of measured data. Initial and boundary con-
hydraulic structures such as pumps, weirs, gates, and ditions for the groundwater levels were determined using
culverts. A full dynamic coupling of surface and subsurface data from three wells located in the study area. When avail-
flow processes is achieved between MIKE 11 and MIKE SHE able, the groundwater well data (middle Hawthorn and surfi-
(MIKE SHE, 1999). cial) were used to generate a timevarying boundary
condition. For periods when groundwater level data were not
MODEL CALIBRATION available due to the malfunction of the well level recording
Calibration is the process in which uncertain model instruments, a constant head boundary condition equal to the
parameters are systematically varied to obtain agreement last recorded value was used.
between simulated and observed data sets (Chapra, 1997).
Unsaturated Zone
The short duration of the deep groundwater data collection
The unsaturated zone module in MIKE SHE requires
phase imposed the use of short periods for calibration and detailed properties for the soil profile. A soil moisture
evaluation, since the deep aquifer data are needed for setting
characteristic curve and a hydraulic conductivity function are
initial and boundary conditions. Therefore, the calibration
required for each horizon. The soils map for the study area
period was chosen to be from October 23, 2000, to January was adapted from the Natural Resources Conservation
4, 2001. The evaluation period was from September 9, 2000,
Service (NRCS) SSURGO soil coverage maps. Four main
to October 22, 2000. Despite the short durations of the
soil groups are found in the study area: Flatwoods (Immoka-
calibration and evaluation period, the different processes lee series), Slough (Pineda series), Depression (Winder
occurring in the two periods provide a valuable insight
series), and Marsh (Sanibel series), which are sandy soils
regarding the performance of the model. The calibration
with fine sand and loam textures. Soil moisture characteristic
period represents the dry period, while the evaluation period curves and hydraulic conductivity curves were taken from a
is representative of the wet season.
soils database developed at the University of Florida
Southwest Florida Research and Education Center at Immo-
PARAMETER ASSESSMENT kalee, Florida (T. Obreza, unpublished data, 2002).
Parameters were classified into three groups: (1) parame-
ters whose values are predicted with some certainty from Overland and Ditch Flows
literature or previous studies in the area, (2) parameters The overland flow module in MIKE SHE is based on the
estimated through measurements, and (3) parameters whose twodimensional full Saint Venant hydrodynamic equations.
values are determined through calibration. Following is a These equations require a digital elevation model (DEM), a
description of the parameters considered in this study for map of Mannings roughness coefficients, a detention storage
each subroutine in the model. value (dc ), and a leakage coefficient (lc ). Mannings rough-
ness coefficient (n) describes the surface resistance to flow.
Evapotranspiration A value of 0.1 s/m1/3 was used for the grove, while values of
For computing the actual evapotranspiration (ETc) from 0.14 and 0.2 s/m1/3 were used inside the impoundment
the ET0, MIKE SHE uses the Kristensen and Jensen (1975) depending on the vegetation density. These values were
model, which requires leaf area index, vertical root distribu- adapted from Shen and Julien (1993) for floodplains with
tion characteristics, and interception parameters, all of which dense willow and brush. The detention storage (dc ) value is
are crop/vegetation dependent. Management records indi- a threshold that indicates the depth at which overland flow is
cated that citrus was the only crop grown in the grove. The initiated. This value was determined by calibration. When
wetland vegetation consisted of marsh and forest areas, the soil is completely saturated, as often happens in the rainy
depending on the elevation. The crop and vegetation season (May to September) in southern Florida, the unsatu-
parameters were obtained from the Caloosahatchee Basin rated zone module is bypassed and a leakage coefficient (lc )
Integrated Surface WaterGroundwater Model study (DHI, is specified to describe the interaction between surface and
1999). groundwater. The value for lc (L/s) was obtained by calibra
Saturated Zone tion.
The groundwater component in MIKE SHE requires a The water level in the borrow ditch surrounding the
threedimensional geological model describing the extent, impoundment was simulated using MIKE 11 in conjunction
thickness, and hydrogeological parameters of the aquifers. with MIKE SHE. Exploratory model runs indicated that the
Two of the three groundwater layers in the region were water level could be adjusted by calibrating four parameters:
represented in the model: the surficial and upper Hawthorn the vertical and the horizontal hydraulic conductivities, the
aquifers. The third, a deeper Floridan aquifer, was not leakage coefficient (lc ) inside the ditch, and the detention
considered because of its limited effect on the surface storage coefficient (dc ). The lc , which represents the flow of
hydrological processes in the area. The thickness and extent water through the soil when the soil is completely saturated,
of these aquifers were obtained from a U.S. Geological and the vertical and the horizontal hydraulic conductivities
Survey (USGS) groundwater study of the area (Bower et al., were important parameters controlling the base flow in the
1990). The hydrogeological parameters needed for the model drainage ditch. Peak flows were adjusted using dc , which
are horizontal (Kh) and vertical (Kv) hydraulic conductivities represents the depth at which overland flow starts.
and confined and unconfined aquifer storage coefficients.
The storage coefficients were extracted from a previous study CALIBRATION STATISTICS
(DHI, 1999). These values were determined from a pumping Calibration was carried out against the measured ground-
test for wells in the surrounding area. The hydraulic conduc- water level at three locations inside the impoundment: at the


outflow weir (Point A), at the return flow outlet (Point B), and specific site of this study (Konikow and Bredehoeft, 1992).
on the west side (Point C), as shown in figure 2. The water To evaluate the calibrated MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 model, the
level data for the surrounding borrow ditch next to the return evaluation period needed to include different hydrologic pro-
flow outlet were also included in the calibration. No outflow cesses than occurred during calibration. The evaluation peri-
occurred from the impoundment during the calibration od included the wet season with heavy rains, no irrigation,
period (October 23, 2000, to January 4, 2001). and high pumping rates into the impoundment (September 6
Many criteria for calibration have been proposed and to October 22, 2000). In contrast, the calibration period (Oc-
discussed (Green and Stephenson, 1986; Martinec and tober 23, 2000, to January 4, 2001) included the dry season
Rango, 1989; Loague and Green, 1991; ASCE Task Commit- with no pumping, a regular irrigation schedule, and only two
tee on Definition of Criteria for Evaluation of Watershed major rain events on November 20, 2000 (2.3 cm, 0.9 in.) and
Models, 1993; Refsgaard, 1997; Weglarczyk, 1998; Legates December 28, 2000 (3.6 cm, 1.4 in.).
and McCabe, 1999). James and Burges (1982) suggested that
the following graphical calibration aids be used when PREDICTIVE SIMULATIONS
assessing the performance of hydrological methods: Increasing the water retention capacity of the citrus grove
S Time series comparison of simulated and observed wa- impoundments has the potential to provide an alternative
ter levels. source of water for irrigation during the dry period.
S Scattergrams of observed levels against simulated wa- Increasing the retention capacity will also help reduce
ter levels. groundwater use, alter the timing of the release of water into
The most commonly used criteria in the literature are the the Caloosahatchee River, and thus help reduce the peak
root mean square error (RMSE), the correlation coefficient flows and make higher volumes of water available to the
(R2), the NashSutcliffe coefficient (EF), and the index of Everglades ecosystem. Water stored during December and
agreement (d). Weglarczyk (1998) and Legates and McCabe January could also be an alternative source of water needed
(1999) showed that R2 is insensitive to the bias, which is the for freeze protection for citrus. Based on the available
difference between the means of the observed and simulated topographic maps and the elevation of outflow structure, the
values. The ASCE Task Committee on Definition of Criteria estimated total capacity of the impoundment is 67,993 m3
for Evaluation of Watershed Models (1993) indicated that the (18 M gal). The average depth of water in the impoundment
EF has a shortcoming for lowflow periods similar to the at full capacity is 0.21 m (0.69 ft). A minimum storage depth
conditions in this study. Since under lowflow conditions of 0.1 m (0.33 ft) to be maintained in the deepest half of the
most simulated values are close to the mean value, EF tends impoundment was arbitrarily assigned due to lack of data, to
to change from positive to negative for minor model preserve the ecosystem, to reduce the sediment in the usable
mispredictions. Refsgaard (1997), when calibrating a site water, and to account for ET losses from the reservoir. When
specific MIKE SHE model, used EF for rainfallrunoff the water level recedes below the arbitrary minimum storage
results but only used graphical comparison to calibrate depth, the water will not be pumped out.
groundwater levels. Legates and McCabe (1999) stated that A stagestorage curve for the impoundment was devel-
d represents a decided improvement over R2. The index of oped from a topographic map. Using this curve with the
agreement (d) is a dimensionless term that varies from 0 to abovementioned criteria (minimum stage of 0.1 m) results
1, with 1 representing a perfect agreement between the model in a total maximum available volume of 49,120 m3 (13 M gal)
and the observed data. Legates and McCabe (1999) advo- from the impoundment. The amount available for irrigation
cated an error term such as RMSE in addition to a is not as simple as dividing the maximum volume stored by
dimensionless measure. The RMSE and d were used in this the weekly irrigation rate because the time of maximum
study in addition to the mean, the standard deviation of the irrigation requirement during the week might not coincide
water levels, and the abovementioned graphical aids. with the time of peak storage in the impoundment. In
RMSE and d are expressed as follows: addition, it is difficult to predict the volume retained in the
impoundment if irrigation water is being withdrawn (chang-
1 n
(Oi Si ) 2
n i =1
) (1)
ing head conditions). In the following discussion, the
additional irrigation made possible by the increased volume
retention in the impoundment is calculated based on the
volume of water available for irrigation at the end of each
(Oi Si )
2 week.
To assess the potential for existing or planned impound-
d = 1 1
(2) ments in the Caloosahatchee watershed to retain water for its
( Si O + Oi O )
n 2
reuse in agriculture, three alternatives were evaluated. The
1 alternatives were evaluated by comparing the calibrated
model results with present conditions. The following alterna-
where O and S are the observed and simulated values, respec-
tives were considered:
tively; O is the mean observed value; and n is the total num- S Lining the entire impoundment with 15 cm thick clay
ber of observations. liner.
S Lining the inner ditch inside the impoundment and the
The term evaluation is used in this study to avoid S Regular pumping or water recycling.
misleading the reader on the limits of this testing to the

Vol. 47(5): 5
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION trend as the observed data. The simulated surrounding inflow
CALIBRATION RESULTS ditch levels at Point D matched with the observed data well
The MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 parameters calibrated in this (fig. 6). Figures 4 and 5 show that a water level dip occurs at
study were the vertical and horizontal conductivities, the the beginning of the dry period (OctoberNovember) for
leakage coefficients (lc ) of the floodplain and the ditches, and Points B and C. This dip occurs when the water level has re-
the detention coefficient (dc ). Values of the saturated vertical ceded below the ground surface. The recession of the water
hydraulic conductivities (Kvsat) ranged from 6 106 to level below the ground surface explains why the dip occurs
8.1 104 m/s (0.071 to 9.57 ft/h), with the higher values at different times for the two locations (figs. 4 and 5) since the
being in the grove and the lower values inside the impound- two points have different ground elevations. Figure 4 shows
ment. The values of the horizontal hydraulic conductivities that for Point B, the model results improve after 15 days, and
(Khsat) ranged from 4 106 to 9 104 m/s (0.047 to simulated levels match well with the observed values for the
10.62 ft/h). These values fall within the range of silt to silt rest of the simulation period. Although a similar phenomenon
sand found in the study area (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). The occurs at Point C after 15 days, the model continues to under-
lc in the floodplain was found to be 1 104 L/s (1.6 103 estimate the observed levels for the remainder of the simula-
gpm), while the lc value for the ditches was equal to 1 103 tion period (fig. 5). The most probable reason for the
L/s (1.6 102 gpm). The dc was found to be 0.029 m discrepancy is the use of a well located near Point A for gen-
(0.095 ft). The latter two parameters are MIKE SHE specific, erating boundary conditions data for the whole reservoir. The
and their value could not be verified due to the lack of studies water level dip that occurs at Point A is also seen in the ob-
at this scale in this type of soil. served data. The further the points are from Point A, the less
Calibration results at Points A, B, C, and D (fig. 2) are prominent the dip becomes in the observed data. Conversely,
shown in figures 3 through 6. While the model predicted the the model keeps simulating this dip in all locations inside the
groundwater level at Point A (fig. 3) well, the simulated impoundment due to the use of the well data near Point A. As
levels at Points B and C (figs. 4 and 5) experienced a drop at the groundwater level variations become smaller (after 15
the beginning of the simulation before following the same days), the model predicts the groundwater level more accu-
rately at the three locations.
Evaluation Calibration

Outflow weir
Water Level (m)

Impoundment ground level


5Sep00 30Sep00 25Oct00 19Nov00 14Dec00 8Jan01

Observed Simulated

Figure 3. Simulated and observed groundwater levels inside the impoundment near the outflow weir (Point A) from September 6, 2000, to January 4,
Evaluation Calibration

Water Level (m)

Impoundment ground level


5Sep00 30Sep00 25Oct00 19Nov00 14Dec00 8Jan01

Observed Simulated

Figure 4. Simulated and observed groundwater levels inside the impoundment near the return flow outlet (Point B) from September 6, 2000, to Janu-
ary 4, 2001.


Evaluation Calibration

Impoundment ground level


Water Level (m)


5Sep00 30Sep00 25Oct00 19Nov00 14Dec00 8Jan01

Observed Simulated

Figure 5. Simulated and observed groundwater levels inside the impoundment on the west side (Point C) from September 6, 2000, to January 4, 2001.

Evaluation Calibration

Water Level (m)


5Sep00 30Sep00 25Oct00 19Nov00 14Dec00 8Jan01

Observed Simulated

Figure 6. Simulated and observed ditch water levels outside the impoundment near the return flow discharge (Point D) from September 6, 2000, to
January 4, 2001.

Several reasons can be offered for differences between the coefficient (R2), which ranged from 0.8 to 0.92. RMSE and
simulated and observed data. Even though MIKE SHE is a d values (table 1) indicate that the model matched well the
comprehensive model, some uncertainty in accurately simu- observed data at Points A and D. The model was less accurate
lating field hydrological processes will always exist. The at Point B, and performed poorly at Point C. The discrepancy
lack of accurate unsaturated and saturated zone information at Points B and C is mainly attributed to the error in the
can result in mass balance errors during the solution of the full boundary conditions due to the scarcity of data.
Richards equation describing the unsaturated zone flow.
These errors occur because the unsaturated and the saturated MODEL EVALUATION RESULTS
modules are run in parallel and are coupled by a mass balance The next step was to evaluate the calibrated model. Time
calculation at each time step (MIKE SHE, 1999). More series plots of simulated and observed levels for the
extensive monitoring to cover boundary conditions, addi- monitoring locations at Points A, B, C, and D are shown in
tional groundwater levels in the field and in the impound- figures 3 to 6, respectively. At the three locations inside the
ment, water depth in the impoundment, and longer periods of impoundment, the model overestimated the peaks of the
data collection should result in improved simulations. water levels during the pumping period (September 6, 2000,
Previous studies modeling groundwater levels using to October 14, 2000). For the rest of the evaluation period
MIKE SHE relied mostly on graphical comparison of (October 14, 2000, to October 22, 2000) and during the
simulated and observed time series (Refsgaard, 1997; calibration period (October 23, 2000, to January 23, 2001),
Jayatilaka et al., 1998; Demetriou and Punthakey, 1999). No the model performed better because there were no pumping
clear criteria have been established to judge the success of events. This peak flow overestimation was probably due to
groundwater level modeling. Demetriou and Punthakey the flooding module in MIKE SHE/MIKE 11. When the
(1999) stated that calibration with an overall average error of water level rises above the inner canals banks, MIKE
less than 1.0 m could be considered as good, which is an error SHE/MIKE 11 automatically imposes the water depth above
of 33% with respect to the maximum range of the observed the channel banks on all of a designated flooding area in the
values. Jayatilaka et al. (1998) presented only a correlation reservoir. This results in overestimating the peak flows, since

Vol. 47(5): 7
Table 1. Mean, standard deviation, RMSE, and index of agreement (d) for the water
level at the four monitoring locations for the calibration and evaluation periods.
Mean (m) Standard Deviation (m)
Calibration Evaluation Calibration Evaluation RMSE (m) d
Point Obs.[a] Sim.[b] Obs. Sim. Obs. Sim. Obs. Sim. Calib. Eval. Calib. Eval.
A (outflow weir) 8.33 8.29 8.60 8.59 0.19 0.17 0.36 0.35 0.09 0.09 0.94 0.98
B (return weir) 8.52 8.35 8.72 8.67 0.20 0.16 0.29 0.34 0.25 0.14 0.66 0.95
C (west side) 8.61 8.32 8.77 8.60 0.18 0.17 0.25 0.36 0.32 0.25 0.59 0.84
D (borrow ditch) 8.39 8.42 8.34 8.31 0.45 0.45 0.14 0.15 0.05 0.03 0.73 0.92
[a] Observed.
[b] Simulated.

the canal fills in much faster than the reservoir. If the flooding water that can be stored in the impoundment. The discussion
were represented by a 2D wave equation that represented is divided into two parts: for the period in which the model
the physical processes occurring, the water level might have was calibrated (October 23, 2000, to January 4, 2001) and an
been better predicted. Uncertainties in model predictions extended period that covers the entire dry season (October
may also result from errors in estimating pumped volume us- 23, 2000, to May 28, 2001). The results for both time periods,
ing pump speed data. In addition, a deep cut at the pump in- along with the rainfall series, are shown in figures 8, 9, 10,
flow location caused by the impact of high velocity occurred and 11.
in the reservoir. This deep cut was not represented in the mod- The dry period in southern Florida extends from Septem-
el due to lack of data, resulting in further error. Furthermore, ber to May, with 34% of the total annual rainfall falling
it is possible that the deep cut facilitates rapid exchange of during this period. In order to assess the performance of the
water between the two sides of the embankment. impoundment during this period, MIKE SHE was run for
RMSE and d values (table 1) show that the model selected alternatives. Alternative 1 (15 cm of clay lining in
performed better at all locations during the evaluation period the entire impoundment) and Alternative 2 (lining the inner
as compared to the calibration period. This is probably ditch inside the impoundment and the embankment) will be
because during the wet season, the water table is high and less discussed in this section. For most of the dry period in 2001,
spatially varied. As a result, the boundary values used seem southern Florida was in extreme to exceptional drought
to be more accurate than the ones used during the calibration conditions (Drought Monitor, 1999). This period was,
period. therefore, selected to test the alternatives in extreme
For a better evaluation of model performance, scatter- conditions. No weather data were collected at the site after
grams (fig. 7) were generated for the four locations for the January 31, 2001. The data from the UFIFAS Immokalee
entire model running period (September 9, 2000, to January Weather Station, 10 km from the study area, were used. The
4, 2001). Scattergrams for Points B, C, and D are not shown dry season runs were made from October 23, 2000, to May
for brevity. R2 values and the slopes (a) of regression lines 28, 2001. From October 23, 2000, to January 30, 2001, the
(y = ax) were calculated for Points A, B, C, and D. The closer weather data used were from the onsite weather station
these two parameters are to one, the better the simulation. R2 (figs. 8 through 11). The pattern of irrigation scheduling
values were found to be 0.94, 0.86, 0.76, and 0.76, (amount and timing) during the calibration period was used
respectively. The slopes values were found to be 1.00, 1.00, to estimate the irrigation data for 2001.
1.02, and 1.00, respectively. At Point A, the scattergram
showed that, on average, the model showed a high correlation 9.6
with the observed values, indicating a good match (fig. 7). At y = 1.00x
Point B, the scattergram showed that the model slightly R 2 = 0.94
underestimated low values and slightly overestimated high
values (data not presented). The scattergram at Point C 9.1

showed a similar trend of underestimating low values and

overestimating high values, but the model predictions were
less correlated with the observed values than at Point A (data
not presented). Errors in R2 occurred because one groundwa-
ter well was used to assign boundary values to the entire
boundary. The increase in error is evident in monitoring
locations that are farther from the groundwater well location, 8.1
such as Point C as compared to Point A, which is very close 8.1 8.6 9.1 9.6
to the groundwater well. This is further corroborated by the
RMSE and d values (table 1). At Point D, the scattergram
showed an underestimation of low values, but the model 1:1 Line Regression Line
converged at higher values (data not presented).
Figure 7. Scattergram of observed against simulated groundwater levels
PREDICTIVE SIMULATIONS RESULTS at Point A from September 6, 2000, to January 4, 2001.
The following discussion on the alternatives for increas-
ing storage concentrates on the duration and the volume of


Calibrated period Extended dry period
100 0

Volume (m 3 x1000)
minimum storage volume

Rainfall (cm)
20 25

0 30
23Oct00 12Dec00 31Jan01 22Mar01 11May01
Alternative 1 Present conditions

Figure 8. Weekly times series of water volume in the impoundment for Alternative 1 compared to the present conditions from October 23, 2000, to
May 28, 2001.

Calibrated period Extended dry period

100 0
Volume (m 3 x1000)

80 5

Rainfall (cm)
minimum storage volume 10
20 25
0 30
23Oct00 12Dec00 31Jan01 22Mar01 11May01

Alternative 2 (15 cm) Present conditions

Figure 9. Weekly times series of water volume in the impoundment for Alternative 2 (15 cm) compared to the present conditions from October 23, 2000,
to May 28, 2001.

Calibrated period Extended dry period

100 0
Volume (m 3 x1000)

80 5
Rainfall (cm)

minimum storage volume 10

20 25
0 30
23Oct00 12Dec00 31Jan01 22Mar01 11May01

Alternative 2 (30 cm) Present conditions

Figure 10. Weekly times series of water volume in the impoundment for Alternative 2 (30 cm) compared to the present conditions from October 23,
2000, to May 28, 2001.

PRESENT CONDITIONS (average depth of 0.1 m for half of the impoundment) (figs. 8
Calibration Period through 11). For the present conditions, the volume in the
An assessment of the present conditions, specifically the impoundment falls below the minimum volume of use in the
volume of water retained in the impoundment without any impoundment within the first week of the dry season. In
management or structural changes, based on the calibrated addition, the two rainfall events that occur during this period
and evaluated model results, was made for comparison with (November 20, 2000: 2.3 cm, 0.9 in.; December 28, 2000:
alternatives. A weekly time series of the water storage in the 3.6 cm, 1.4 in.) failed to increase the volume in the
impoundment is presented for all the alternatives with a line impoundment to an extent that would produce any usable
showing the volume beyond which water cannot be used water. The main reason for low retention of the rainfall is the

Vol. 47(5): 9
Calibrated period Extended dry period
100 0

Volume (m 3 x1000)
80 5

Rainfall (cm)
minimum storage volume 10
20 25
0 30
23Oct00 12Dec00 31Jan01 22Mar01 11May01

Alternative 3 Present conditions

Figure 11. Weekly times series of water volume in the impoundment for Alternative 3 compared to the present conditions from October 23, 2000, to
May 28, 2001.

high seepage rate from inside the impoundment to the water provided from the impoundment with this alternative (fig. 8).
table or the surrounding ditch. The additional water could also be used for freeze protection
Dry Period
For the present conditions, the water retention in the
impoundment is minimal and has practically no response to
the rainfall events that occur during the dry period (figs. 8
Calibration Period
through 11).
The purpose of Alternative 2 is to explore whether
reducing the seepage losses through the embankments and
from the conveyance canal inside the impoundment will
Calibration Period result in improved storage capacity. This alternative is also
Clay liners are commonly used to reduce seepage losses.
useful when the impoundment is a protected wetland, but the
To simulate the effect of clay lining, changes were made to
embankments can be modified. Clay liners with thicknesses
both saturated and unsaturated zone modules. The use of of 15 and 30 cm (6 and 12 in.) were tested for this alternative.
bentonite, a commonly used clay liner used for lining
The evaluation results for the 15 cm (6 in.) thick liner (fig. 9)
landfills, was simulated. For the saturated zone module, Kvsat
show that the quantity and duration of water retention are
and Khsat and a specific yield value were changed to represent increased compared to present conditions, but are less than
the clay liner. A value of 1 109 m/s for both Kvsat and Khsat
Alternative 1. It provides enough water to irrigate the grove
and a specific yield of 0.02 were used (EPA, 1984). For the
for one week at the beginning of the calibration period and for
unsaturated zone, a soil moisture characteristic curve and an one week after each major rainfall event (fig. 9). In total,
exponent for the Brooks and Corey hydraulic conductivity three weeks of irrigation water is provided in Alternative 2
function obtained from the published data were used (EPA,
(15 cm, 6 in.). This alternative shows that impoundments
1984). A value of 12 for the hydraulic conductivity function designated as protected wetland might be modified to support
exponent was used from the published data of Rawls et al.
the ecological functions and serve as an alternative water
(1993). This alternative is suitable for impoundments where
supply source. These results show that significant seepage
lining will not result in disturbance of protected wetland losses occur through the embankment and the conveyance
areas. For this alternative, a thickness of 15 cm (6 in.) of
ditch inside the impoundment.
compacted bentonite clay liner was tested. The clay liner is
For the 30 cm (12 in.) thick clay liner, evaluation results
installed in the impoundment bottom and along the embank- (fig. 10) show a higher volume and retention time than with
ments. Simulation results for Alternative 1 during the
the 15 cm (6 in.) clay liner. The choice between these two
calibration period are shown in figure 8. Using a 15 cm (6 in.)
options will require a cost benefit analysis and effects on the
thick liner provides increased volume retention when wetland hydroperiod if the impoundment is a protected area.
compared to the present conditions. Slower infiltration
An additional week of irrigation after a rainfall event during
results in a higher detention time. The sustained water
the dry period, e.g., December (fig. 10), can help in
retention after the November 20, 2000, rainfall event (fig. 8) sustaining a good citrus crop under water shortage condi-
allowed sufficient water to be stored to irrigate for three
weeks. In total, five weeks of irrigation are provided during
the calibration period. Dry Period
Figures 9 and 10 also show the results from Alternative 2
Dry Period
(lining embankment and conveyance ditch with 15 cm liner
Alternative 1 (15 cm of clay liner added in the entire
and 30 cm liner) for the dry period. Using the 15 cm (6 in.)
impoundment) resulted in water volume retained in excess of thick clay liner, the volume retained after early January 2001
the minimum storage volume level for approximately
never exceeds the minimum storage volume level in
2 months from midDecember to midFebruary and could quantities that would provide irrigation water. In total,
provide water for irrigation for approximately eight weeks. Alternative 2 (15 cm) provided two weeks of irrigation
Overall, approximately 13 weeks of irrigation water could be


mainly after rainfall events in November and December (fig. built, use of these impoundments for water supply will reduce
9). Using the 30 cm (12 in.) thick clay liner, four weeks of the additional land area required for building new distributed
irrigation are provided in total from October 23, 2000, to May impoundments. Such use of impoundments should also result
28, 2001 (fig. 10). in improved downstream water quality due to increased
retention of nutrients through plant uptake and increased
ALTERNATIVE 3: REGULAR PUMPING OR WATER nutrient assimilation in the impoundment. The MIKE
RECYCLING SHE/MIKE 11 simulations were found to be very effective in
Alternative 3 is solely a managerial change and not a modeling the complex surface/groundwater interactions in
structural one. It was shown in the results of previous addition to the different hydraulic structures and pumps that
alternatives that the lateral seepage losses are highest through exist in a high groundwater table setting.
the embankment and the distribution ditch. Whenever the A study evaluating the combined effects of several
impoundment is full, the water seeps out of the impoundment impoundments distributed within a large subwatershed of the
and is captured in the surrounding borrow ditch. It can be Caloosahatchee River basin would provide greater insight
argued that if water is pumped back inside the impoundment into the basinwide effect (e.g., effect on the river peak flow
on a regular basis from the borrow ditch, it may result in and estuarine ecosystem) of the modeled measures. The
increased water retention within the grove. Continuous upscaling of this study into a watershed scale can involve:
recycling may drastically reduce the water being lost to S Surveying most of the impoundments in the area, clas-
groundwater, part of which may flow outside the grove and sifying them into high, medium, and low seepage im-
eventually to the river. In order to avoid drying of the ditch, poundments.
a flow of 0.66 m3/s (8700 gpm) was pumped into the S Performing a modeling study, similar to this one on me-
impoundment for 12 h once every three days. This flow is dium and low seepage reservoirs.
lower than the average amount pumped during the wet S Translating the results of this study in terms of input
season. In the model, the pumping period was extended for and output for the different parts of the watershed into
one month (i.e., until November 14, 2000). During the entire the Caloosahatchee River.
pumping time, the water volume inside the impoundment S Running the model at the basinwide scale.
was maintained at full capacity (fig. 11). This will provide S Comparing the results with the present conditions.
enough irrigation water for the entire period of pumping up Promising results from the upscaled study would be a
to November 14, 2000. Once the pumping is stopped, the major contribution to the CERP goals for efficient water use
volume recedes at rates similar to the present conditions. in southern Florida.
Results for this alternative are encouraging and call for
further investigation with regards to its cost and its effects on ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
the water table in the surrounding groves. Also worth The authors would like to thank the SFWMD for funding
investigating is the effect of pumping, for a short period of this research. Special thanks are due to Mr. Akin Owasino and
time, after each major rainfall event during the dry season. Drs. Eric Flaig and Ken Konya of the SFWMD. The authors
would also like to thank the citrus growers in the area for their
cooperation and AMS Consulting and Mr. Dale Hardin,
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS UFIFAS, for their assistance with providing survey data.
This study would not have been possible without the
The MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 integrated hydrologic model
assistance of Mr. Roger Copp and DHI, Inc.
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