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Inflow Performance

Relationships for
Damaged or Improved
Wells Producing Under
Solution-Gas Drive
Mark A. Kilns, SPE, Chevron U.S.A. Inc., and Mark W. Majcher,
SPE, Conoco Inc.

Summary. Inflow performance of Introduction drilling or completion can dramatically de-

21 theoretical solution-gas-drive One of the most important problems con- crease well productivity.
reservoirs was simulated with the fronting a petroleum engineer is predicting By calculating the performance of numer-
pressure/production behavior in an oil and ous solution-gas-drive reservoirs, improved
Weller method. These reservoirs con- empirical relationships can be developed that
gas reservoir given a host of possible oper-
tained a wide range of rock and fluid could apply to solution-gas-drive reservoirs
ating schemes. By predicting the response
properties, relative permeability char- of an oil reservoir for various hardware and in general. With the inclusion of skin, one
acteristics, and skin effects. Two pressure scenarios, a first-case estimate to may accurately predict the level of stimula-
types of inflow performance relation- maximize profitable reserves development tion response that might be achieved by
can be achieved. decreasing the severity of wellbore damage
ships (lPR's) were developed from
Computer solutions for the performance by a stimulation technique, such as matrix
about 19,500 generated data pOints. acidizing or fracturing.
prediction of solution-gas-drive reservoirs
The first type, using traditional IPR have evolved since the early 1950's. How-
nomenclature, represents dimension- ever, most methods were algebraically in- Model Development
less pressure vs. the oil flow rate nor- tensive and required considerable compu- To construct IPR curves, the BHFP and its
malized to its actual, maximum flow tation time. In 1965, Weller! devised an corresponding flow rate for a particular
rate. The second relates dimension- improVed method of calculating the per- reservoir pressure must be known. Weller's
formance of depletion-type reservoirs. This method! was used in this study to deter-
less pressure with the ratio of flow method, with the help of a few simplifying mine those parameters.
rate to the maximum theoretical, un- assumptions, provided a fast and simple Weller describes the pressure gradient as
damaged flow rate. means of predicting pressure performance
Results show that Type 1 IPR's are for gas/oil flow in a reservoir. By plotting op l'-oqoBo (r] -r2 )
-=141.2-- - - .... (1)
strongly dependent on bubblepoint the bottomhole flowing pressure (BHFP) vs. or rkkroh r]-rJ
flow rate, a useful method for estimating oil-
pressure and reservoir depletion ef-
well productivity, known as the IPR, can be The oil saturation at any time and location
fects. Skin characteristics and reser- established. can be estimated from
voir extent have serious effects only Voge}2 used the Weller method to calcu-
on the unnormalized, Type 2 curves. late IPR curves for wells producing from
Nonlinear regression techniques several depletion-drive reservoirs with a va-
then were used to develop empirical riety of PVT properties and relative perme-
ability data. He introduced the notion of
equations that fit normalized, dimen- _92.6 qoco;l'-o; In re+rw, ...... (2)
dimensionless IPR curves. Vogel noticed
sionless flow rate as a function of that the dimensionless curves exhibited simi- ko;h r+rw
dimensionless pressure, depletion, lar shapes for various reseryoir conditions.
and bubblepoint pressure. Type 2 From this, he proposed a reference curve
equations were developed that in- that could be used to estimate well produc-
tivity for most undamaged solution-gas-drive
cluded the effects of skin, depletion, The fractional recovery, NpIN, is calculat-
bubblepoint pressure, and the ratio Standing 3 presented a companion set of ed with the Muskat 4 method.
of reservoir extent to well bore radius. curves to Vogel's curve that enabled esti- Eqs. 1 and 2 calculate pressure and satu-
The resulting equations proved to be mation of productivity for damaged or im- ration proflles for a specified flow rate in
statistically sound and generally are proved wells with flow efficiency and di- a stepwise manner from the outer bounda-
mensionless pressure. However, his curves ry (known pressure) to the wellbore. To con-
significantly more accurate than tradi- serve computer time and because pressure
do not hold for certain cases of low flow-
tional IPR approaches. ing pressure and high flow efficiencies. gradients gradually steepen approaching the
This study has tried to examine several wellbore, a variable stepping procedure was
factors that affect the calculation of IPR incorporated. At any point more than 200
curves. Critical variables include reservoir ft from the wellbore, a step of 1.0 ft was
rock properties, fluid properties, bubble- used; between 100 ft and 200 ft, a step of
point pressure, and depletion. Also, zonal 0.5 ft; between 10 ft and 100 ft, a step of
damage around the wellbore caused during 0.05 ft; and within 10 ft of the wellbore, a
step of 0.01 ft was used. The variable step-
Copyright 1992 Society of Petroleum Engineers ping procedure was checked by comparing
JPT December 1992 1357
represent a significant
Variable Base-Case Value Range
improvement in
Pb' psia 2,000 1,000 to 4,000
Oil gravity, GAPI 35 25 to 45 accuracy over
re' ft (acre) 744.7 (40) 526.6 (20) to 1,052.2 (80) traditional IPR
SfJC' % 5 Oto 10
SOT' GAl SO 20 to 40 approaches and
k, md 100 10to 1,000 incorporate 19,492
cp, % 15 10 to 20
Swe. % SO 20 to 40 data points with a
$ o -4to +6 wide range of reservoir
A 2 4to 00
characteristics. "
its results with those obtained by use of a cosity-Lee et al. 7; solution GOR, oil pressure, Pwf IpT' with the ratio of flow rate
constant f:..r of 0.01 ft. The results were vir- compressibility, and oil FVF -Vazquez and to maximum flow rate without damage or
tually identical. This procedure provided an Beggs 8 ; and relative permeability-Bur- improvement (s=O). The effects of initial
accurate solution while markedly reducing dine. 9 reservoir pressure (bubblepoint pressure),
computation time. reservoir depletion, oil gravity, residual oil
Because Weller did not account for skin Model Verification. To verify the accura- saturation (ROS), critical gas saturation, and
in his fonnulation, the method had to be ad- cy of the developed model, data from relative and absolute penneabilities were in-
justed to simulate the performance of dam- Vogel's2 original work were used with it vestigated along with skin effect. Table 1
aged or improved wells. Hawkins 5 viewed and the results were compared with the in- lists each variable, the base-case value, and
the skin effect as a zone of finite width with flow performance curves that Vogel calcu- the range used. For each case, runs were
altered penneability and defined it as lated. IPR curves were generated for three made with eight different skin values: 6, 4,
different stages of reservoir depletion with 2,0, -1, -2, -3, and -4. Also, for each
Vogel's Case A data. The curves from the data case and skin, curves were generated
two works were virtually identical. Any for seven depletion stages. These combina-
minor differences in results most likely were tions of conditions resulted in the develop-
To include the skin effect in the model, caused by conversion of Vogel's graphical ment of 1,344 IPR curves, with 19,492 data
Eq. 3 was solved for k s ' If k and rw are data to workable, tabular form. points.
known, a value of altered permeability can
be calculated by specifying a,skin value and Data Generation. To develop a general
Factors Affecting IPR
damage radius. For a given skin effect, equation to predict inflow performance for
Curve Calculations
varying rs did not affect resulting IPR any solution-gas reservoir, IPR curves were
curves; therefore, a constant damage radius generated for wells producing from 21 the- Figs. 1 through 11 show the effects of sev-
of 4 ft was used in the model. oretical reservoirs. As with Vogel's, the re- eral variables on the generated IPR curves.
To encompass the desired range of PVT sulting IPR curves were plotted in dimen- It is quite clear that bubblepoint pressure and
data, general correlations were used to es- sionless form. Two types of dimensionless reservoir depletion have significant effects
timate those values. The following correla- curves were generated. Type 1 relationships on the dimensionless curves. The investiga-
tions were used to develop the rock and fluid plot the dimensionless pressure vs. the ra- tion of bubblepoint or initial pressure (all
properties of the modeled reservoirs: gas tio of flow rate to actual, maximum flow reservoirs in this study were assumed to be
compressibility-Dranchuk et at. 6; gas vis- rate. Type 2 data relate the dimensionless at the saturation pressure initially) is of par-

1 1

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
- Pr
= 1990


= 1500
= 1000
o 0
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. i-Effect of bubblepoint pressure on dimensionless IPR Fig. 2-Effect of reservoir depletion on dimensionless IPR
curves. curves.

1358 December 1992 JPT

1 1

0.8 0.8 -i



0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
o API =26 o Sor = 0.20
.. API
=30 sor. = 0.30
API =45 .. Sor = 0.40
0 0.6 0.8
0.2 0.4 1 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 3-Effect of API gravity on dimensionless IPR curves. Fig. 4-Effect of ROS on dimensionless IPR curves.

ticular interest because Vogel limited him- depletion significantly affect dimensionless in lower producing rates and a straighter
selfto relatively low bubblepoint pressures IPR curves. curve. In this study, IPR curves were cal-
in the construction of his reference curve. Figs. 3 through 8 show the effects of oil culated for a wide range of skin values that
In this study, the pressure was varied from gravity, ROS, critical gas saturation, abso- included both positive (damage) and nega-
1,000 to 4,000 psia. The resulting IPR lute permeability, relative permeability ex- tive (stimulation) values, from +6 to -4.
curves showed that at lower bubblepoint ponent, and reservoir extent, respectively. Fig. 9 plots regular IPR curves for several
pressures, the curves straightened. As ex- These plots indicate that although the curves skin values. The flow rates do indeed
pected, the curves for 1,000 and 2,000 psia are not identical, they generally exhibit a decrease, and the curves straighten as well-
are similar to Vogel's reference curve; how- similar shape and also demonstrate much bore damage increases. Fig. 10 represents
ever, the higher-pressure curves are well less variance than the bubblepoint pressure the curves as dimensionless pressure vs. the
outside it. and depletion plots. Therefore, these vari- ratio of flow rate to the maximum, un-
Fig. 2 depicts dimensionless IPR curves ables have only a minor effect on calculat- damaged flow rate. This plot is similar to
for several reservoir depletion stages. As the ed, dimensionless IPR curves. Standing's,3 except it is based on skin
reservoir depletes, the curves tend to Although he investigated only one skin rather than flow efficiency. Fig. 11 shows
straighten. These plots strongly indicate that value, Vogel noticed that the inclusion of the skin effect on dimensionless IPR curves
both bubblepoint pressure and reservoir positive skin in his IPR calculations resulted when they are normalized to their individu-

1 1





Sgc .. 0.00
o Sgc = 0.05
.. Sgc = 0.10
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 5-Effect of critical gas saturation on dimensionless IPR Fig. 6-Effect of absolute permeability on dimensionless IPR
curves. curves.

JPT December 1992 1359

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
Co -

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0 ra = 526.6

ra = 744.7
ra =1053.2

o 0
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 7-Effect of relative permeability exponent on dlmension- Fig. a-Effect of reservoir extent on dimensionless IPR curves.
less IPR curves.

al, maximum flow rates. These curves are Fig. 12 compares the two curves. Clear- no effect on dimensionless, normalized
all virtually identical, which indicates that ly, they are quite similar. Noting this, and curves, Fig. 13 indicated that redid indeed
for normalized, dimensionless plots only, that bubblepoint pressure and reservoir affect the unnormalized curves, particular-
skin has no effect. depletion playa primary role in IPR curve ly those with negative skin values. With this
shape, a new regression model was devel- in mind, an equation was developed through
Development of Empirical oped to relate dimensionless flow rate with nonlinear regression of the data that related
IPR Equations dimensionless pressure, bubblepoint pres- dimensionless flow rate not only to skin and
Because most of the IPR curves exhibit ap- sure, Pb, and depletion, Pro The resulting dimensionless pressure but also to re/ rw.
proximately the same shape, with little var- equation is This equation is given as
iance, it seemed desirable to fit the 19,492
data points to an empirical equation that was qo _ =M[ 1.0-0. 1225( PW )
simple and could be applied as a general (qo)max s - O Pr
reference curve for all solution-gas-drive
reservoirs. Nonlinear regression techniques
were used to determine the regression pa-
rameters and to make inferences from them.
-0.705(:~r, ............... (6) -0.8775(:~) 2l ............. (7)

Pr re
Type 1 Curves (Dimensionless, Normal- where n=(0.28+0.72 ) 0 476
ized Form). Initially, the data were fit to Pb r
where M= (_In_re-w_-__.__ _ ) .
a Vogel-type equation (second-degree poly-
nomial). The reSUlting equation is x(1.235 +O.OOlpb)' In - -0.476+s
Table 2 provides statistical information rw
~ = 1.0-0.1225( Pwj ) on each of the three equations. Eq. 4 and If a value of re is uncertain or unknown,
Vogel's equation are statistically compara-

r, . . . . . . .
(qo)max Pr the multiplier, M, may be approximated by
ble. However, Vogel's curve tends to un- 6.886/(6.886+s). This and all succeeding
-0.8775(:~ (4)
derpredict flow rate by approximately 1.8%,
with a maximum error of 54 %. The bubble-
multiplier approximations were determined
by regressing the data without considering
point-pressure/depletion relationship (Eq. 6) re/rw' Fig. 14 provides the predicted
where qo is the oil-producing rate, Pwf is yields a much better data fit, reducing the curves from this equation using the approx-
the corresponding flowing sandface pres- average absolute error 365 % and the maxi- imation. The multiplier approximations
sure, Pr is the average reservoir pressure, mum error by nearly half. Besides provid- match fairly well with the actual multipli-
and (qo)max is the maximum oil-producing ing a much-improved fit, Eq. 6 allows a ers. The maximum error when using the ap-
rate, assuming 100% drawdown. To provide simple, more universal application as a proximations is 9 %, which gives the user
a comparison and to evaluate any improve- dimensionless IPR curve. a good degree of confidence.
ments made, Eq. 4 and Vogel's equation The same type of equation was fit with
(Eq. 5) were plotted. Type 2 Curves (Dimensionless, Unnor- Vogel's curve and is given as
malized Form). In fitting the data to the
~=1.0-0.2(Pwf) dimensionless, unnormalized form (dimen-
sionless pressure vs. the ratio of flow rate qo =M[1.0-0.2(Pwf)

r ......... rl . . . . . . . .
(qo)max Pr to the theoretical, maximum, undamaged (qo)maxs=O Pr
flow rate), it seemed that a multiplier could
-0.8( :~ (5) be applied to the dimensionless, normalized
curves. Although Fig. 8 showed that re had
-0.8(:~ (8)

1360 December 1992 JPT



Ii 1000 0.6


o 0.0 .. ~ -
o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.4 1.6 1.8
q 0 (atilo/d)

Fig. 9-Effect of skin on regular IPR curves. Fig. i0-Effect of skin on dimensionless, unnormalized IPR

where M= ( In ~ -0.492 ). where M= ( In ~ -0.467 )

"With the inclusion In ~-0.492+s In re -0.467 +s

of skin, one may rw rw
accurately predict the An approximation of this multiplier is given
as 6.810/(6.81O+s).
level of stimulation For the case that includes bubblepoint
and n=(0.28+0.72 ;:)
response that might pressure and reservoir depletion, a Type 2
be achieved by equation also was determined. This equa- x(1.235 +O.OOlPb).
tion provides a relationship for dimension-
decreasing the less flow rate as a function of dimensionless
The approximation for this multiplier is
6.835/(6.835 +s).
severity of wellbore pressure, skin, re/rw' bubblepoint pressure,
A statistical summary of these equations
and reservoir depletion. The resulting equa-
damage by a tion is
is provided in Table 3. Eqs. 7 through 9 do
stimulation technique, an excellent job of accounting for variabili-
ty from skin and well spacing; however, Eq.
such as matrix 9 reduces average error by 87% over Eqs.
acldizing or fracturing." 7 and 8. Curves similar to those shown in
Fig. 14 can be developed for each equation.
These equations can be used to predict
skin or production improvements from

1 1

0.8 0.8

.0.6 Q.
\ Q.
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
o S =6 = VOGEL
S =0 = EQUATIO 4
... S = -4
1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Fig. ii-Effect of skin on dimensionless, normalized IPR curves. Fig. i2-Comparison of Eq. 4 with Vogel's equation.

JPT December 1992 1361

"These new reference
Vogel-Type Inc. curves anow a simple,
Bubblepoint and
Vogel-Type Vogel Depletion yet more accurate
Eq.4 ~ Eq. 6 solution with broader
Average error 0.257 x 10- 5 0;00967 0.00067 applications than
Average absolute error 0.0336 0.0338 0.0092
Sum of squares (SSTO) 2.382 2.382 2,S82 Vogel's original
Error sum of squares (SSE) 48.6 50.1 428
Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.9795 0.9789 0.9982 equation."
Maximum error, ok 52.2 54.2 23.3

stimulation. One useful application is to qo2 6.81O+s 1 The effects of numerous reservoir and
write the equations in terms of present and and - = ........... (13) fluid properties on the calculated curves
future conditions and divide them by one qo 1 6.81O+s 2 were investigated. Bubblepoint pressure and
another. Assuming that P1 IPr is the same The bubblepoint-pressure/depletion equa- reservoir depletion had a significant effect
(an example may be a pumped-off well), Eq. tion and multiplier approximation are given on the curves. Skin and relrw had a serious
7 would reduce to below. influence on the unnormalized curves only.
re Several empirical equations were devel-
re In --0.467+s 1 oped that related dimensionless flow rate to
In --0.476+s 1
rw dimensionless pressure, skin effect, bub-
rw ...... (14)
- - " - - - - - , ..... (10) re blepoint pressure, depletion effect, and
re In --0.467+s2 relrw' These equations were tested and
In - -0.476+s2
rw proved to be statistically sound. They are
suitable as general reference curves for
qo2 6.835+s 1 solution-gas-drive reservoirs. However, it
where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to pres- and - = ........... (15) is recommended that the equations that ac-
ent and future conditions, respectively. qol 6.835+s 2 count for bubblepoint pressure and deple-
With the earlier approximations, Eq. 10 tion be the first choices because they
reduces to These forms of the equations provide use-
ful, accurate, and concise tools for the en- significantly improve prediction accuracy.
gineer to predict a new flow rate for a Results of this study also provide a means
6.886+s 1 desired skin improvement and vice-versa . of determining inflow performance of
. . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) damaged or stimulated wells based on skin
qol 6.886+s 2 effect, a property readily determined from
ill summary, dimensionless IPR curves were pressure-buildup data. These new reference
The same can be done for the Vogel equa- curves allow a simple, yet more accurate so-
tion and its multiplier approximation. calculated for 21 theoretical solution-gas-
drive reservoirs, each with eight different lution with broader applications than Vogel's
skin values and seven reservoir depletion original equation.
In - -0.492+s 1 stages. These reservoirs encompassed a
rw wide range of reservoir data, PVT proper- Nomenclature
...... (12)
re ties, and relative permeability characteris- Bo = oil FVF, bbI/STB, O/L3
In - -0.492+s 2 tics. This combination of conditions resulted Boi = initial oil FVF, bbl/STB,
rw in 1,344 IPR curves. L 3/L3


0.6 r-----L---+--'...vI-c---t-----1

0.4 r-----L---t---~~-t----.J

,t .e:
~ 0.4

Fig. 13-Effect of reservoir extent on
dimensionless, unnormalized IPR curves.
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
q I(q )max_ o
o 0

Fig. 14-Predlcted dimensionless, unnormallzed IPR curves (Eq. 7).

1362 December 1992 JPT


Vogel-Type Inc.
Bubblepoint and
Vogel-Type Vogel Depletion
Eq.7 ~ Eq.9.
Average error 0.00298 0.01108 0.00141
Average absolute error 0.04040 0.04109 0.01144
Sum of squares (SSTO) 6.315 6,315 6,315
Error sum of squares (SSE) 85.0 88.9 7.8
Correlation coefficient (R2) 0.9865 0.9859 0.9988
Kilns Majcher

Mark A. Kiln. Is dist~ot .ngl.,....~;:

Coi = oil compressibility at initial References
conditions, psi -I, Lt2/m 1. Weller, W. T.: "Reservoir Performance Dur- Chevron U.S.A. Productron Co. In l.ost
h = reservoir thickness, ft, L ing Two-Phase Flow," JPT (Feb. 1966) Hills, CA, where his respol1)ibllltles In-
k = absolute reservoir 240-46; Trans., AIME, 237. clude the design and Implemel1iatlonof.
permeability, md, L2 2. Vogel, J.V.: "Inflow Performance Relation- a 'Lost Hills diatomite waterflood and the
k oi = relative permeability to oil at ships for Solution-Gas Drive Wells," JPT (Jan. dlre~on of the new welt development
1968) 83-92; Trans., AIME, 243. program of the district. He pre\,lously
initial conditions, md, L2 3. Standing, M.B.: "Inflow Performance Rela- was a'professor otpetroteum engtneer.
k ro = relative permeability to oil tionships for Damaged Wells Producing by Ing at PennaylvaniaState U.; a cprtSUlt-
ks = altered permeability resulting Solution-Gas Drive," JPT(Nov. 1970) 1399- ant; and worked In drilling, produ~tton.
from skin effect, md, L2 1400. and reservoIr engineering for Chevfl)D .
M = multiplier 4. Muskat, M.: "The Production Histories of Oil on the U,S.gulfcoast, Permian Bas1n,
n = polynomial exponent
Producing Gas-Drive Reservoirs," J. Applied and San Joaquin Valley. Kline holde a
Physics (1945) 16, 147-53. PhD degree In petrolewn1Utd natur.
N = original oil in place, STB, L3 5. Hawkins, M.F.: "A Note on the Skin Effect," gas engineering from . p~t\(lIylvanla
Np = cumulative oil production, Trans., AIME (1956) 207, 356-60. State U. He was a 1989-9c)~$ec
STB, L3 6. Dranchuk, P.M., Purvis, R.A., and Robinson, tlon membership chalrman,l9B3-84
NpI = cumulative oil production D. B.: "Computer Calculations of Natural Gas Pittsburgh Sect'on chairman, 1984-88
during transient period, Compressibility Factors Using the Standing and Technl<l8l editor, 1984....7 Cereer Gutd-
Katz Correlation," Inst. of Petroleum Tech- anceCommlttee member, 1991-tf
nical Series, No. IP 74-008 (1974) 1-13. chairman of the Dlsttngulsbtd Lecturer
P = pressure, psia, m/Lt2 7. Lee, A.L., Gonzalez, M.H., and Eakin, B.E.: Committee, and 1982....'ohatrman of
Pb = bubblepoint pressure, psia, "The Viscosity of Natural Gases," JPT(April 'the Education and Profe_nallallt;
m/Lt2 1966) 997-1000; Trans., AIME, 237. Technical Committee. KIlns ~l'vIR{the
Pr = reservoir pressure, psia, 8. Vazquez, M. and Beggs, H.D.: "Correlations 1986 SPE Outstsndlng Young Me...
m/Lt2 for Fluid Physical Property Prediction," JPT Award. Mark W........... a rtservolr
(June 1980) 968-700. engtneer for Coi1oco Inc. In MfdJand~ TX.
Pwf = BHFP, psia, m/Lt2 9. Burdine, N.T.: "Relative Permeability Calcu- He previously worked In the Reservoir
qo = oil-producing rate, STBID, lations From Pore Size Distribution Data, Study Group of Conoce's Production
L3/t Trans., AIME (1953) 198, 71-78. Engineering & Research Section In
(qo)max Houston; MaJcher holde as. and lIS
= oil flow rate at Pwf =0, SI Metric Conversion Factors degrees In petroleum and natur81 gas
absolute open flow, STBID, engineering from Pennsylvania $tate U.
acre x 4.046873 E+03 = m2
L3/t API 141.5/(l31.5+ o API) = g/cm'
r = radial distance from center of bbl x 1.589 873 E-OI = m'
cp x 1.0* E-03 = Pa's
well, ft, L ft x 3.048* E-OI = m
R2 = coefficient of determination md x 9.869233 E-04 = I'm2
re = external drainage radius, ft, L psi x 6.894757 E+OO = kPa
psi-I x 1.450377 E-OI = kPa- 1
rs = damage radius, ft, L
rw = wellbore radius, ft, L 'Conversion factor is exact.
s = skin effect
Sgc = critical gas saturation, fraction Provenance
So = oil saturation, fraction Original SPE manuscript, Inflow Perform-
Soi = oil saturation at initial ance Relationships for Damaged or
conditions, fraction Improved Wells Producing Under Solu-
Sor = ROS, fraction tion-Gas Drive, received for review Oct.
Swc = connate water saturation, 9, 1989. Revised manuscript received May
fraction 5, 1992. Paper accepted for publication Oct.
'A = pore size distribution index 2, 1992. Paper (SPE 19852) first presented
/1-0 = oil viscosity, cp at the 1989 SPE Annual Technical Confer-
/1-oi = oil viscosity at initial ence and Exhibition held in San Antonio,
conditions, cp, miLt Oct. 8-11.
4> = porosity, fraction JPT

JPT December 1992 1363

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