Defining Issues 17 6 Derecognition Nonfinancial

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Defining Issues

FASB clarifies scope of derecognition of

nonfinancial assets
February 23, 2017

KPMG reports on ASU 2017-051, which defines in-

substance nonfinancial assets and includes guidance on
partial sales of nonfinancial assets.

Applicability would be considered financial assets if they were

Companies that sell/transfer nonfinancial assets. sold independently.

Key facts and impacts Noncontrolling interest in transferred

The ASU clarifies that the guidance in ASC 610- assets
20 on accounting for derecognition of a When a seller receives a noncontrolling interest in
nonfinancial asset and an in-substance the nonfinancial assets (and in-substance
nonfinancial asset applies only when the asset (or nonfinancial assets, if any) transferred or
asset group): exchanged (e.g. in a partial sale of real estate), it
accounts for that interest as noncash
does not meet the definition of a business; consideration and measures it at fair value.
is not a not-for-profit activity. The new guidance eliminates the partial profit
recognition models in real estate and
Definition of in-substance nonfinancial nonmonetary transactions guidance when a seller
asset retains a noncontrolling interest in the transferred
Nonfinancial assets include intangible assets, asset(s).2
land, buildings, and materials and supplies, and
A seller recognizes its full gain in earnings when it
may have a zero carrying value.
loses its controlling financial interest in the
The FASB has defined an in-substance subsidiary and transfers control of the underlying
nonfinancial asset as a financial asset (e.g. assets. A seller does not recognize a gain in
receivable) included in a contract, or consolidated earnings if it retains a controlling financial
subsidiary, in which substantially all of the fair interest.
value (excluding cash and cash equivalents) is
ASC 610-20 does not apply to transfers of
concentrated in nonfinancial assets.
investments (e.g. equity method investments)
When the definition is met, the seller applies the even if the underlying assets are nonfinancial
guidance in ASC 610-20 to all of the assets in the assets.
group or subsidiary, even if individual assets

ASU 2017-05, Clarifying the Scope of Asset Derecognition Guidance and Accounting for Partial Sales of Nonfinancial
Assets; issued February 22, 2017
ASC 360-20, Property, Plant, and Equipment Real Estate Sales; ASC 845, Nonmonetary Transactions

2017 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International
Cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

1 | DI 17-6
The following flowchart highlights the transactions to which the new guidance applies.

Is the transaction
within the scope of
ASC 860
ASC 860? Yes


Is the buyer a Apply

customer? ASC 606


Is the set a business?
ASC 810-10


Do any other scope Apply

exceptions apply? other guidance


Is it a nonfinancial asset
(NFA) or group/
ASC 610-20
subsidiary?* NFA


Is substantially all of
Apply ASC 610-20 to Separate assets
the fair value
each distinct asset Yes Sub from subsidiary Assets
nonfinancial assets?*


Separate parts and apply

Apply Subsidiary or Does the group include
appropriate guidance to
ASC 810-10 group? Grp a subsidiary? No
Sub distinct assets/liabilities

* If the transfer includes other contractual arrangem ents that are not the assets of the seller that will be derecognized (e.g. guarantees), those
contracts are separated and accounted for under the applicable guidance.

2017 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International
Cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

2 | DI 17-6
What is outside the scope of the ASU? Other
ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with ASC 610-20 does not apply to a lease contract, a
Customers sale-leaseback transaction, a contribution in the
scope of ASC 720-25 or ASC 958-605, an
If an entity transfers assets to a customer, it
investment in a venture accounted for using
accounts for the transaction under ASC 606.
proportionate consolidation, a conveyance of oil
Investments and gas mineral rights, a common control
If the transferred asset is an investment (e.g. an transaction or the exchange of an airline take-off
equity method investment), an entity accounts for and landing slot.
the transaction under the guidance on transfers
of financial assets under ASC 860. Derecognition
An entity uses the guidance in the new revenue
Business recognition standard to determine whether it is
If the group or subsidiary is a business and is sold transferring multiple, distinct assets and
to a noncustomer, an entity accounts for the recognizes a gain or loss for each distinct asset
transaction under the derecognition guidance in transferred.
ASC 810.3
When an entity transfers nonfinancial assets (and
Subsidiary in-substance nonfinancial assets, if any) included
If substantially all of the fair value of a transferred in a subsidiary and retains (or receives) an equity
subsidiary (that is not a business) is not interest, it first determines whether it has
concentrated in nonfinancial assets, an entity retained a controlling financial interest in the
accounts for the transaction under the subsidiary. If so, the entity does not derecognize
derecognition guidance in ASC 810. the assets and accounts for the sale of the
noncontrolling interest in the subsidiary under the
Business combination
consolidation guidance covering decreases in
If a nonfinancial asset is transferred as
ownership. That guidance requires recognizing
consideration in a business combination, an entity
the gain or loss in equity.
accounts for the transfer under ASC 805.
If the entity does not retain a controlling financial
Nonmonetary exchanges
interest, it applies the new revenue recognition
If there are nonreciprocal transfers or standard to evaluate whether a contract exists
nonmonetary exchanges between entities in the and whether it has transferred control of the
same line of business to facilitate sales to underlying assets to their owner (i.e. the
customers or potential customers, an entity subsidiary holding the assets post-sale).
accounts for the transactions under ASC 845.

Does the seller have a

controlling financial Apply ASC 810 for decreases in
interest in the owner ownership interest.
entity post-sale?


Apply ASC 606 guidance; consideration

Does a contract exist? is recognized as a liability and the asset
No is not derecognized.


Record gain/loss equal to the

Has the seller
consideration received less the carrying
transferred control? Yes amount of each distinct asset.


Consideration received is recognized

as a contract liability. The asset is not
derecognized until control transfers.

KPMGs Defining Issues: FASB Clarifies the Definition of a Business
2017 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International
Cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

3 | DI 17-6
Measurement If the entity retains (or receives) a noncontrolling
An entity measures its gain or loss on interest in the entity that owns the asset post-
derecognition of each distinct asset as the sale, that noncontrolling interest is considered
difference between the amount of consideration noncash consideration and is included in the
received and the carrying amount of the distinct transaction price at its fair value.
asset. Including the retained noncontrolling interest in
The consideration received is (1) the transaction the transaction price at its fair value results in the
price as determined using the new revenue entity recognizing a 100 percent gain on the sale
recognition standard and (2) the carrying amount of the asset. This contrasts with partial gain
of liabilities assumed by the other party. If there recognition under current US GAAP for partial
is more than one distinct asset, the entity sales of real estate. An entity also would
allocates the total consideration received under recognize the full gain or loss on transfers of
the contract to each one using the allocation nonfinancial assets within the scope of ASC 610-
guidance in the new revenue recognition 20 to equity method investees.

Example: Implementation

Background Company X concludes that it no longer has a

Company X owns 100% of Entity A, which is a controlling financial interest in Entity A. The
consolidated subsidiary that holds land, a criteria for a contract are met, and Entity A has
building subject to operating leases and rent control of all of its assets.
receivables. Analysis
Entity A does not meet the definition of a Company X derecognizes each of Entity As
business under the FASBs new guidance, and assets and recognizes a total gain of $8 million
the assets held by Entity A are not an output of the fair value of the retained interest of $6
Company Xs ordinary activities. million plus cash of $9 million less the carrying
Substantially all of Entity As fair value is amount of $7 million.
attributable to nonfinancial assets. Company X does not need to determine whether
Company X concludes that all of Entity As each of Entity As assets is distinct (nor does it
assets, including the rent receivables, are either allocate the total consideration to each one),
nonfinancial or in-substance nonfinancial assets. because control of all the individual assets
transfers at the same time.
The total carrying amount of Company Xs
investment in Entity A is $7 million. However, the ASU defines the unit of account as
each distinct asset included in the subsidiary
when substantially all of the fair value of the
Company X transfers a 60% ownership interest subsidiarys assets is concentrated in
in Entity A to Company Z for $9 million. The fair nonfinancial assets.
value of Company Xs 40% retained interest is
$6 million.

Real estate entities Additionally, sales of noncontrolling ownership

The FASB recently issued guidance that clarified interests accounted for under the equity method
the definition of a business, which will result in that are considered in-substance real estate
characterizing more real estate properties as under US GAAP now will be accounted for under
nonfinancial assets and not businesses. ASC 860 on transfers and servicing regardless of
whether the buyer is a customer or a
Because ASC 610-20 applies when real estate noncustomer.
does not meet the definition of a business, we
believe most noncustomer real estate sales will
fall within its scope.

2017 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International
Cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

4 | DI 17-6
Effective date and transition entity must apply the new definition of a business
The new ASU is effective at the same time as the to determine which transactions are in the scope
new revenue recognition standard. An entity of the new ASU, regardless of the entitys
applies the guidance using a full retrospective or transition method.4 However, an entity does not
modified retrospective approach regardless of need to revisit its existing allocation to goodwill if
which approach it chooses for adopting the new it changes its conclusion about whether a
revenue recognition standard. At adoption, an transferred group of assets is a business.

Public business
Effective dates: entities and certain
other entities* All other entities
Annual periods In fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2017 December 15, 2018
Interim periods In fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2017 December 15, 2019
Early adoption allowed? An entity is required to apply the amendments in
this ASU at the same time that it applies the
new revenue recognition standard. However, the
earliest an entity may apply this ASU or the new
revenue recognition standard is for annual and
interim periods in fiscal years beginning after
December 15, 2016.
*(1) public business entities; (2) not-for-profits that have issued, or are conduit bond obligors for,
securities that are traded, listed or quoted on an exchange or an over-the-counter market; and (3)
employee benefit plans that file financial statements with the SEC.

ASU 2017-01, Clarifying the Definition of a Business

Contributing authors
Nick J. Burgmeier; Angie Storm; Sam H. Hall; Casey C. Miles

KPMGs Financial Reporting View

The descriptive and summary statements in this newsletter are not intended to be a substitute for the potential requirements of the standard or any other potential or
applicable requirements of the accounting literature or SEC regulations. Companies applying U.S. GAAP or filing with the SEC should apply the texts of the relevant laws,
regulations, and accounting requirements, consider their particular circumstances, and consult their accounting and legal advisors. Defining Issues is a registered
trademark of KPMG LLP.
The KPMG name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.
2017 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International
Cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

5 | DI 17-6

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