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Dating Contract By Leneka Rhoden.

In an effort to get to know each other better, we will agree to abide by this dating contract. Since
handbooks or instructions for life were never provided when we were born, here to, there are no
absolute rules. These suggestions and guidelines are designed for us to determine if we really
want to continue our relationship or move on. Different events, time of year and even the
weather can influence our timing; therefore the following suggestions are in random order. We
will complete as many suggestions as we can and make up more if we feel they would be

THIS AGREEMENT executed on the ____ day of ____, 20__, by and between
Mr. ___________________ and Ms. _______________ is legally binding and enforced by and
in the state of _____________.
Guy and Girl are together if all parties agree to terms and conditions of upon signing the


1.1 Dating. Guy agrees to take Girl on an official date at least ________ time(s) a
1.2 Fine Dining. In the occasion when couple goes out for fine dining, Guy may
take Girl to _____________, Wendys , _____________, or ______________
no more than half the time.
1.3 Chivalry is Dead. Girl may not spend more than allotted amount of $_____ on
going out each week. In addition, if girl is all about womens rights or is a
feminist then she shall pay at least half the time. They asked for equal rights,
they got equal rights.


As far as sex is concerned, you both need to do whats right. If you both want to wait, go ahead
and wait. If you both want to gradually discover intimacy with this person, you should do that. In
the event you want to attack each other and screw your brains out until the sun comes up, lucky
you! As far as sex is concerned, you should be thinking about compatibility here.
2.1 In General. Girl agrees to perform first sexual act on or before ______-months
period of first official date.
2.2 Duties. In addition, Guy shall watch the following movies from start until finish, in
a cuddling position: _______________, The Notebook, _______________, ______________;
2.3 Completion Date. The sexual acts to be performed shall be completed on or
before the ___ day of __________, 20__ unless extended by Guy, in his discretion
(i.e. unfortunate timing of menstrual cycle).


3.1 Services Not Enclosed. Girl shall not, under any circumstances, allow said Guy to
_______________, ___________, ____________, put his _________ in her __________, or
_______. Furthermore,
Guy shall not _____________, __________, ___________ or _________.


4.1 Break-Up. In the event of an unforeseen breakup, as in the case of cheating,

erectile dysfunction, and/or _______________, terms shall be met as follows.
4.2 Return of Possessions. Possession of items shall return to their original owner,
with the exclusion of gifts. Guy really wants his_________, favourite shirt, and
4.3 Your Secret Bitch! Guy will keep Girls secrets and girl will do the same for the guy.


5.1 Pet Names. In the event that said couple wishes to call each other by Pet
Names, they will not do so in public in consideration of single people and the
weak stomached.
5.2 T.o.M. Guy shall always be informed, whether via phone, e-mail, text, or IM at
least one week in advance to the Girls Time of the Month (T.o.M). Guys really
hate Tom, hes an asshole. See clause 2.2 for alternate means of satisfaction.
General Guidelines
Include me in your activities. When I am dating someone, they are auditioning to be my best
friend, my lover, and my childs other set of DNA. And, I am auditioning to be theirs. I do not
want them to tell me what they do; I want to join them in doing it. I also want them to see what
I do. No secret activities for me.

Share your problems with me. Now, just as it is important for the person I am dating to listen to
my problems, it is important for them to share their problems with me. I know I am sexy and
can make you say Ahhh!, but I want to be respected for my mind. Maybe you have just met
your birth father, you have a nagging boss at work, or youre having a problem I have had to
deal with before. I also want to learn how you plan to address your problems and see how well
you take advice.

Listen to my problems. It is important for the person I am dating to listen my problems because
the way I react to and solve them shapes my character and molds me into the individual I will
become. I may not be able to deal with my new stepfather or know how to talk to an aging
parent and I need to vent.

Spend time with me. I want to see the person I am dating. I want to see you during the daytime,
not just for DVD and pizza at midnight (that is a bootycall). Couples do everything together
when they get married, so I want to know if we get along and work well together while I am
dating you.

Help me if I need it and let me help you. I am not perfect and I will need help in doing the
things that I do. This is more than just problem-sharing; this is more like with chores or tasks. I
hate sitting around watching my wife wash the dishes or assemble a new piece of furniture, so I
jump in and help. I do not want to date someone who just tells me what to do. I want them to
get their elbows dirty helping me doing it. Marriage is a partnership, not a boss/employee

This agreement is a tool to communicate, as well as a symbol of your commitment. This contract
is intended to be, and should be thought of as serious and comparable to marriage, including an
exclusive sexual relationship and a promise not to be intimate with another. The signatures on
this agreement are not in any way, shape, or form legally binding including church or
government authority. The signatures only represent our sincere intentions to commit ourselves
to this personal relationship.

Signed______________ Date _________ Signed_______________ Date _________

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