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Introduction and Guidelines

In LTE systems Mobility is complicated since there are lots of scenarios including lots of parameters, formulas, calculations and thesholds.
The purpose for this KO is to simplify the calculation for the Mobilty events (Idle Mode and Connected Mode) based on the Paramters thresholds you want to select fo
The Mobility "Parameter sheet" includes many parameters controlling Mobility thresholds ifluencing the reselection, session continuity and HO decisions (Intra LTE. In
You can make use the available paramters values as Baseline. You can also change the parameters based on your own network's strategy.Only the green fileds can be
Mobility Parameters sheet

The "Mobility Events" sheet shows the formula's with the parameters inputed in the "Mobilty Parameter" sheet and the calculated thresholds that govern the mobiliy
When you change the thresholds or parameters in the "Mobility Parameter" sheet, they will be directly adjusted in the formulas and calculations in :mobility Event" s
Mobility Events Sheet

Additionally, there are TAB's for different Events showing the thresholds in graphs for better illustration.
The threshold values are also related to the parameter values in the "Mobility Parameters" sheet and change automatically based on your input.
This is very helpful when you need to make new Mobility strategies; you can select different parameter settings and graphically see the thresholds that influence mob
This is important to set the proper mobility parameters, espcially there are many dependencies among the event thresholds.
The Events that are illustrated Graphycally are:
Idle Mode Cell-reselection (LTE->LTE)
Idle Mode cell-reselection (LTE->UMTS)
Connected Mode: Intra frequency HO (LTE->LTE)A3 Event
Connected Mode: IRAT Session ContinuityA2 Event
3G Idle Mode: Cell-reselection (UMTS->LTE)
A5 Event
B2 Event

This KO illustrates the mobility events in LTE showing the parameters, thresholds, formulas and calculations controlling the mobility Events.
The graphs with the thresholds triggering the mobility events will be helpful also to visualize the effect of the parameters' settings and dependencies.
Using this KO will be mostly beneficial to facilitate calculation of mobility event thresholds, especially when setting Mobility strategies for your netwokrs.
This KO is based completely on Alex documents related to Idle Mode, Session Continuity, HO features.
If there is any question, or you find any discrepency, or if you have any idea to add or modify please let me know @
mters thresholds you want to select for your network.
tinuity and HO decisions (Intra LTE. Inter Frequency, and IRAT).
trategy.Only the green fileds can be changed.

d thresholds that govern the mobiliy events. Also description for each Event is included.
nd calculations in :mobility Event" sheet.

e the thresholds that influence mobility events.

and dependencies.
gies for your netwokrs.
Function Parameter Parameter Value
Idle qRxLevMin -120
Idle sIntraSearch 62
Idle qHyst 4
Idle qOffsetFreq 0
Idle qRxLevMin (for LTE Cell) -120
Idle qRxLevMin (for UTRAN Freq) -115
Idle threshServingLow 14
Idle threshXLow 4
Idle sNonIntraSearch 14
Dedicated sMeasure 0
HO A3Offset 30
HO hysteresisA3 10
Dedicated sMeasure 0
A2 a2ThresholdRsrpPrim -108
A2 a2ThresholdRsrqSec -195
A2 hysteresisA2Prim 20
3G absPrioCellRes.sPrioritySearch1 44
3G qRxLevMin (on 3G cell) -115
3G qRxLevMin (on 3G cell for LTE Eutran relation) -120
3G Threshhigh 18
A1 a1ThresholdRsrpPrim -136
A1 a1ThresholdRsrqPrim -195
A1 hysteresisA1Prim 10
A1 timeToTriggerA1Prim 640
A1 a1ThresholdRsrpSec -136
A1 a1ThresholdRsrqSec -195
A1 hysteresisA1Sec 10
A1 timeToTriggerA1Sec 640
A1&A2 triggerQuantityA2Prim 0 (RSRP)
A1&A2 triggerQuantityA2Sec 1 (RSRQ)
A5/B2 ueMeasurementsActive 0
Priority connectedModeMobilityPrio 7
Priority connectedModeMobilityPrio 5
Priority connectedModeMobilityPrio 1
Priority 0
A5&B2 a5B2MobilityTimer 0
A2 triggerQuantityA2Prim 0 (RSRP)
A2 triggerQuantityA2Sec 1 (RSRQ)
A2 hysteresisA2Sec 10
A2 a2ThresholdRsrqPrim -195
A2 a2ThresholdRsrpSec -140
B2 b2Threshold1Rsrp -140
B2 b2Threshold1Rsrq -195
B2 b2Threshold2RscpUtra -115
B2 b2Threshold2EcNoUtra -240
B2 b2Threshold2Geran -110
B2 hysteresisB2 10
B2 timeToTriggerB2 640
B2 triggerQuantityB2 0 (RSRP)
Measurement on 3G measQuantityUtraFDD 0 (RSCP)
idle qOffsetFreq 0
Number of Measurement maxMeasUtraFdd 5
Number of Measurement maxMeasGeran 5
Number of Measurement maxMeasInterFreqEUtra 7
A5 a5Threshold1Rsrp -140
A5 a5Threshold2Rsrp -136
A5 a5Threshold1Rsrq -195
A5 a5Threshold2Rsrq -195
A5 hysteresisA5 10
A5 timeToTriggerA5 640
A5 triggerQuantityA5 0 (RSRP)
A3 cellIndividualOffsetEUtran 0
A2 timeToTriggerA2Sec 640
A2 timeToTriggerA2Prim 480
Idle tReselectionEutra 2
Idle tReselectionUtra 1
Idle tReselectionGeran 2
A3 triggerQuantityA3 0 (RSRP)
A3 timeToTriggerA3 40
3G treselection (on 3G cell for LTE Eutran relation) 1

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MO Class
LTE Intra Frequency Cell Reselection Paramters
LTE Intra Frequency Cell Reselection Paramters
LTE Intra Frequency Cell Reselection Paramters
LTE Intra Frequency Cell Reselection Paramters
LTE Cell Reselection to 3G Parameters
LTE Cell Reselection to 3G Parameters
LTE Cell Reselection to 3G Parameters
LTE Cell Reselection to 3G Parameters
LTE Cell Reselection to 3G Parameters
LTE IntraFrequency HO Paramters
LTE IntraFrequency HO Paramters
LTE IntraFrequency HO Paramters
Coverage Triggered session Continuity to 3G parameters
Coverage Triggered session Continuity to 3G parameters
Coverage Triggered session Continuity to 3G parameters
Coverage Triggered session Continuity to 3G parameters
3G setting for measurement intesification on absolute priority Frequency
3G level of RSCP coverage
3G setting for measurement on EUTRAN relation
3G setting for measurment on higher priortity Freq
A1 Threshold
A1 Threshold
A1 Hystereris
Time to trigger for A1
A1 Threshold
A1 Threshold
A1 Hystereris
Time to trigger for A1
Controls Trigger Quantity for A1 and A2 Primary events
Controls Trigger Quantity for A1 and A2 Secondary events
Activates or deactivates A5/B2 measurements on EUTRAN inter-frequencies, GERAN, UTRA and CDMA2000 frequencies for mobility purposes.
Priority for EUTRAN FREQ
Priority for UTRAN FREQ
Priority for GERANFREQ
Priority for Voice
The length of time the eNodeB waits for reports from A5/B2 measurements configured in the UE for mobility reasons.
Controls Trigger Quantity for A1 and A2 Primary events
Controls Trigger Quantity for A1 and A2 Primary events
Coverage Triggered session Continuity to 3G parameters
Coverage Triggered session Continuity to 3G parameters
Coverage Triggered session Continuity to 3G parameters
RSRP threshold value (for the serving cell) for the Event B2 measurement
RSRQ threshold value (for the serving cell) for the Event B2 measurement
RSCP threshold value for the Event B2 measurement.Used only when measQuantityUtraFDD is set to RSCP.
Ec/No (ratio of energy per modulation bit-to-noise spectral density) threshold value for the Event B2 measurement. Used only when measQuantityUtraFDD is set to ECNO.
QCI dependent offset for the absolute threshold b2Threshold2Geran. If the value of the offset is 0, then the threshold corresponding to this QCI profile will be the same as the
Hysteresis value for the Event B2 measurement
Time by which the Event B2 criterion must be fulfilled before the first measurement report is sent
Quantity that triggers the Event B2 measurement
Measurement quantity used for all types of UTRA FDD measurements.
Indicates a frequency-specific offset to apply when evaluating triggering conditions for measurement reporting
Number of measurements that can be concurrently performed by the UE on UTRA FDD measurement objects. Note that if the feature Automated Neighbo
Number of measurements that can be concurrently performed by the UE onGERAn measurement objects. Note that if the feature Automated Neighbor R
The number of measurements that can be concurrently performed by the UE on E-UTRA frequencies other than the serving cell frequency.
RSRP threshold value (for the serving cell) for the Event A5 measurement
RSRP threshold2 value (for the target cell) for the Event A5 measurement
RSRQ threshold value (for the serving cell) for the Event A5 measurement
RSRQ threshold2 value (for the target cell) for the Event A5 measurement
Hysteresis value for the Event A5 measurement
Time by which the Event A5 criterion must be fulfilled before the first measurement report is sent
Quantity that triggers the Event A5 measurement
Offset value for the neighbor cell. Used when UE is in connected mode. This attribute is modified by SON function HoOscCtrlRel
Time to trigger for A2
Time to trigger for A2
Time for reselection to EUTRAN
Time for reselection to UTRAN
Time for reselection to GERAN
Quantity that triggers the Event A3 measurement
Time to trigger for A3
Reselection time for Cell reselection from 3G to LTE
measQuantityUtraFDD is set to ECNO.
to this QCI profile will be the same as the "base" value in the MO class, namely b2Threshold2Geran.

if the feature Automated Neighbor Relations (ANR) is enabled, one ANR measurement on a UTRA FDD measurement object might be configured for a U
he feature Automated Neighbor Relations (ANR) is enabled, one ANR measurement on a UTRA FDD measurement object might be configured for a UE. T
might be configured for a UE. Therefore, the recommended minimum value when ANR is enabled is 2, to be able to accommodate at least one Event B2
ht be configured for a UE. Therefore, the recommended minimum value when ANR is enabled is 2, to be able to accommodate at least one Event B2 Tar
odate at least one Event B2 Target Good Enough EUTRA measurement for every UE.
te at least one Event B2 Target Good Enough EUTRA measurement for every UE.
Scenario Thresholds

Intra cell Reselection Start: RSRP (meas) < -58

Idle Mode Cell-reselection (LTE->LTE) R(serving) = RSRP(meas) + 4
R(neighbor) = RSRP(meas) - 0
IRAT Reselection measurement Starts: RSRP (meas) < -106
Idle Mode cell-reselection (LTE->UMTS) A. RSRP(meas) < -106
and B. RSRP(3G) > -111
Connected Initiated UE measurement (LTE->LTE) Measurement starts when RSRP(meas) < 0

M(n) > M(s) + 4

Connected Mode: Intra frequency HO (LTE->LTE)A3 Event
M(n) < M(s) + 2
Connected Initiated UE measurement (SC) Measurement starts when RSRP(meas) < 0
A2 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -110 (or -197)
Connected Mode: IRAT Session ContinuityA2 Event
A2 event ends when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -106 (or -193)

UE intensify measuring on LTE if RSCP(3G) < -71

3G Idle Mode: Cell-reselection (UMTS->LTE)
UE Selects LTE Cell if RSRP(LTE) > -102

A1 Event A1 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > -135 (or -194)

A5 Event happens when Both conditions are fulfilled:

RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -141 (or -196)
RSRP (Target) (or RSRQ) > -135( or -194)
A5 Event
A5 stopps when one of the conditions are fulfilled:
RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > -139 (or -194)
RSRP (Target) (or RSRQ) < -137( or -196)
B2 Event happens when Both conditions are fulfilled:
RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -141 or (-196)
Either: RSCP (or EcNO) > -114( or -23)
OR: GERAN > -109
B2 Event
B2 Event is stopped when one of the conditions is fulfilled:
RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > -139 or (-194)
Either: RSCP (or EcNO) < -116( or -25)
OR: GERAN < -111

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Formula and Parameters Value

Intra cell Reselection Start: RSRP (meas) < "-120"+"62"

R(serving) = RSRP(meas) + "4"
R(neighbor) = RSRP(meas) - "0"
IRAT Reselection Starts: RSRP (meas) < "-120"+"14"
A. RSRP(meas) < "-120+"14"
and B. RSRP(3G) > "-115"+"4"

Measurement starts when RSRP(meas) < "0"

M(n) > M(s) + "3"+"1"-"0"

M(n) < M(s) + "3"-"1"-"0"

Measurement starts when RSRP(meas) < "0"

A2 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < "-108"-"2" (or "-195-"2")

A2 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < "-108"+"2" (or "-195+"2")

UE intensify measuring on LTE if RSCP(3G) < "44" + "-115"

UE Selects LTE Cell if RSRP(LTE) > "18" + -120"

A1 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > "-136" + "1" or ("-195" + "1")

A5 Event happens when Both conditions are fulfilled:

RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < "-140" (or "-195") - "1"
RSRP (Target) (or RSRQ) > "-136"( or "-195") - "0" + "1"
A5 stopps when one of the conditions are fulfilled:
RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > "-140" (or "-195") + "1"
RSRP (Target) (or RSRQ) < "-136"( or "-195") - "0" - "1"
B2 Event happens when Both conditions are fulfilled:
RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < "-140" (or "-195") - "1"
Either: RSCP (or EcNO) > "-115"( or "-24") - "0" + "1"
OR: GERAN > "-110" - "0" + "1"
B2 Event is stopped when one of the conditions is fulfilled:
RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > "-140" (or "-195") + "1"
Either: RSCP (or EcNO) < "-115"( or "-24") - "0" - "1"
OR: GERAN < "-110" - "0" - "1"
Formula & Parameters

Intra cell Reselection Start: RSRP (meas) < "qRxLevMin"+"sIntraSearch"

R(serving) = RSRP(meas) + "qHyst"
R(neighbor) = RSRP(meas) - "qOffsetFreq"
IRAT Reselection Starts: RSRP (meas) < "qRxLevMin"+"sNonIntraSearch"
A. RSRP(meas) < "qRxLevMin+"threshServingLow"
and B. RSRP(3G) > "qRxLevMin (for UTRAN Freq)"+"threshXLow"

Measurement starts when RSRP(meas) < "sMeasure"

M(n) > M(s) + "A3Offset"+"hysteresisA3"-"cellIndividualOffsetEUtran"

M(n) < M(s) + "A3Offset"-"hysteresisA3"-"cellIndividualOffsetEUtran"

Measurement starts when RSRP(meas) < "sMeasure"

A2 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < "a2ThresholdRsrpPrim"-"hysteresisA2Prim" (or "a2ThresholdRsrqPrim-"hysteresisA2Prim")

A2 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < "a2ThresholdRsrpPrim"+"hysteresisA2Prim" (or "a2ThresholdRsrqPrim+"hysteresisA2Prim")

UE intensify measuring on LTE if RSCP(3G) < "absPrioCellRes.sPrioritySearch1" + "qRxLevMin (on 3G cell)"

UE Selects LTE Cell if RSRP(LTE) > "Threshhigh" + qRxLevMin (on 3G cell for LTE Eutran relation)"

A1 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > "a1ThresholdRsrpPrim" + "hysteresisA1Prim" or ("a1ThresholdRsrqPrim" + "hysteresisA1Prim")

A5 Event happens when Both conditions are fulfilled:

RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < "a5Threshold1Rsrp" (or "a5Threshold1Rsrq") - "hysteresisA5"
RSRP (Target) (or RSRQ) > "a5Threshold2Rsrp"( or "a5Threshold1Rsrq") - "qOffsetFreq" + "hysteresisA5"
A5 stops when one of the conditions are fulfilled:
RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > "a5Threshold1Rsrp" (or "a5Threshold1Rsrq") + "hysteresisA5"
RSRP (Target) (or RSRQ) < "a5Threshold2Rsrp"( or "a5Threshold1Rsrq") - "qOffsetFreq" - "hysteresisA5"
B2 Event happens when Both conditions are fulfilled:
RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < "b2Threshold1Rsrp" (or "b2Threshold1Rsrq") - "hysteresisB2"
Either: RSCP (or EcNO) > "b2Threshold2RscpUtra"( or "b2Threshold2EcNoUtra") - "qOffsetFreq" + "hysteresisB2"
OR: GERAN > "b2Threshold2Geran" - "qOffsetFreq" + "hysteresisB2"
B2 Event is stopped when one of the conditions is fulfilled:
RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > "b2Threshold1Rsrp" (or "b2Threshold1Rsrq") + "hysteresisB2"
Either: RSCP (or EcNO) < "b2Threshold2RscpUtra"( or "b2Threshold2EcNoUtra") - "qOffsetFreq" - "hysteresisB2"
OR: GERAN < "b2Threshold2Geran" - "qOffsetFreq" - "hysteresisB2"

IntraFreq Cell Reselection will start when sRxLev <= sIntraSearch. Ranking for cells will be based on:
R(serving) = Meas RSRP + qHyst
R(neighbor) = Meas RSRP -qOffset.

IRAT Cell Reselection will start when sRxLev <= sNonIntraSearch. The cell reselection will happen when Srxlev < threshServingLow and the Target 3G
cell Srxlev > threshXLow

Measurements start when RSRP is less than sMeasure

A3 event happens when M(n)+ CellOffset -HystA3 > M(s) + A3Offset

A3 event stops when M(n)+ CellOffset +HystA3 < M(s) + A3Offset

Measurements start when RSRP is less than sMeasure

Coverage triggered session continuity will start based on RSRP (Primary measurement) and RSRQ (secondary Measurement) when it fulfills A2
Event. The UE will release LTE with redirect message, thus it goes to idle mode and selects a suitable 3G cell.

Set LTE cell priority higher than wcdma priority. Measurement detection on LTE cell higher priority is done every 60s. UE intensify measuring on LTE
if RSCP(3G) - qRxLevMin(3G) <absPrioCellRes.sPrioritySearch1. UE Selects LTE Cell if RSRP(LTE) -qRxLevMin (EutranFreqRelation)>Threshhigh for
treselection time

A1 Event happens when M(s) is better than a threshold

For A5 event to be fulfiled 2 conditions shall be reached.

1-Serving cell is worse than a threshold
2-The target cell is better than another threshold.

To exit A5 event one of these 2 conditions shall be reached.

1-Serving cell is worse than a threshold
2-The target cell is better than another threshold.

For B2 event to be fulfiled 2 conditions shall be reached.

1-Serving cell is worse than a threshold
2-The target cell is better than another threshold.
In the formulas, For Condition2, I have added 3G and 2G, but only one of them will be applicable for B2 event

To exit B2 event one of these 2 conditions shall be reached.

1-Serving cell is worse than a threshold
2-The target cell is better than another threshold.
In the formulas, For Condition2, I have added 3G and 2G, but only one of them will be applicable for B2 event
Idle Mode Cell-reselection (LTE->LTE)

Intra cell Reselection Start: RSRP (meas) < -58

M(n) > M(s) + 4

Note: The actual intra LTE cell reselection is based on ranking. Neighbor cells are reduced by qOffsetFreq = -0 and S
Cell Reselction towards the best cell will happen. The above is just an illustration to show the difference between

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Back to: Introduction
qHyst = 4 qOffsetFreq = -0

tReselectionEutra = 2

Cell Reselection

ed by qOffsetFreq = -0 and Serving cell is increased by qHyst = 4 and the measured cells are ranked.
w the difference between in RSRP between the serving and the neighbors sites for a successful cell reselection.
M (n)

M (S)
Idle Mode cell-reselection (LTE->UMTS)

IRAT Reselection measurement Starts: RSRP (meas) < -106

sNonIntraSearch = 14

Condition1 for IRAT reselection: A. RSRP(meas) < -106

threshServingLow = 14

qRxLevMin = -120

Condition1 for IRAT reselection: and B. RSRP(3G) > -111

qRxLevMin (for UTRAN Freq) = -115

Note: This illustration is considering the priority for the 3G system with lower priority than LTE thus we are using "

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Back to: Introduction
Condition 1

threshServingLow = 14

Cell Reselection to 3G

Condition 2

threshXLow = 4 tReselectionUtra = 1

LTE thus we are using "Low" threshold values.

M (S)

M (n)
Idle Mode cell-reselection (UMTS->LTE)

UE intensify measuring on LTE if RSCP(3G) < -71


qRxLevMin (on 3G cell) = -115

UE Selects LTE Cell if RSRP(LTE) > -102

qRxLevMin (on 3G cell for LTE Eutran relation) = -120

Note: This illustration is considering the priority for the LTE system with higher priority than 3G thus we are using

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Back to: Introduction
Condition 1

absPrioCellRes.sPrioritySearch1 = 44

Cell Reselection to LTE

Condition 2

Threshhigh = 18 treselection (on 3G cell for LTE Eutran relation) = 1

n 3G thus we are using "High" threshold values.

M (S)

M (n)

Eutran relation) = 1
A2 EVENT RSRP (or RSRQ) for Serving Cell depend

sMeasure (Triggers only in RSRP)= 0

A2 event ends when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -106 (or -193)

a2ThresholdRsrpPrim (or a2ThresholdRsrqPrim) = -108 (or -195)

A2 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -110 (or -197)

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Back to: Introduction
RSRQ) for Serving Cell depending on Parameter: triggerQuantityA2Prim = 0 (RSRP)

hysteresisA2Prim = 2

timeToTriggerA2Prim = 480

A2 Event starts
timeToTriggerA2Prim = 480

A2 Event stops
A3 EVENT RSRP (or RSRQ) for Serving Cell depending on Parameter: triggerQuanti

sMeasure (Triggers only in RSRP)= 0

M(n) > M(s) + 4

Note: in the illustration CellindvidualOffset is considered zero though it is included in the formula including M(n)

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Back To: Mobility Events
Back to: Introduction
ng on Parameter: triggerQuantityA3 = 0 (RSRP)

hysteresisA3 = 1

A3Offset = 3

hysteresisA3 = -1

timeToTriggerA3 = 40

A3 Event Starts

n the formula including M(n)

M (S)
A3 Event Stops

M (n) M(n) < M(s) + 2

A5 EVENT RSRP (or RSRQ) for Serving Cell de

sMeasure (Triggers only in RSRP)= 0

A2 event ends when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -106 (or -193)

a2ThresholdRsrpPrim (or a2ThresholdRsrqPrim) = -108 (or -195)

A2 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -110 (or -197)

A5 Condition 1 starts: RSRP (Target) (or RSRQ) > -135( or -194)

a5Threshold2Rsrp (or a5Threshold2Rsrq) = -136 (or -195)

A5 Condition 1 ends: RSRP (Target) (or RSRQ) < -137( or -196)

A5 Condition 2 ends: RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > -139 (or -194)

a5Threshold1Rsrp (or a5Threshold1Rsrq) = -140 (or -195)

A5 Condition 2 starts: RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -141 (or -196)

Note: A1 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > -135 (or -194). When A1 Event is triggered UE will stop search
Note: if UE enters A2 event, the Timer " a5B2MobilityTimer = 0" will start. If it expires before the finding good targ

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Back to: Introduction
RSRQ) for Serving Cell depending on Parameter: triggerQuantityA2Prim = 0 (RSRP) and triggerQuantityA5 = 0 (RSRP)

A2 Event starts

hysteresisA2Prim = 2

timeToTriggerA2Prim = 480

hysteresisA5 = 1

hysteresisA5 = 1

gered UE will stop searching for A5/B2/A3 Target.

fore the finding good target, and no QCI1 exists, release with redirect will take place
5 = 0 (RSRP)

M (n)

A5 Condition 1

A5 Event starts

A5 Condition 2
timeToTriggerA5 = 640

M (S)
B2 EVENT RSRP (or RSRQ) for Serving Cell depending on Parameter: triggerQuantityA2Prim = 0 (RSRP) an

sMeasure (Triggers only in RSRP)= 0

A2 event ends when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -106 (or -193)

a2ThresholdRsrpPrim (or a2ThresholdRsrqPrim) = -108 (or -195)

A2 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -110 (or -197)

B2 Condition 1 ends: RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > -139 or (-194)

b2Threshold1Rsrp (or b2Threshold1Rsrq) =-140 (or -195)
B2 Condition 1 starts: RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) < -141 or (-196)

B2 Condition 2 starts: Either: RSCP (or EcNO) > -114( or -23) (or OR: GERAN > -109)

b2Threshold2RscpUtra(or b2Threshold2EcNoUtra or b2Threshold2Geran)=-115 (or -24 or -110)

B2 Condition 2 ends: Either: RSCP (or EcNO) < -116( or -25)( or OR: GERAN < -111)

Note: A1 event starts when RSRP(meas) (or RSRQ) > -135 (or -194). When A1 Event is triggered UE will stop searching for A
Note: if UE enters A2 event, the Timer " a5B2MobilityTimer = 0" will start. If it expires before the finding good target, and n

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tityA2Prim = 0 (RSRP) and triggerQuantityB2 = 0 (RSRP) and for 3G Target Cell: measQuantityUtraFDD = 0 (RSCP)

A2 Event starts

hysteresisA2Prim = 2

timeToTriggerA2Prim = 480

hysteresisB2 = 1 B2 Condition 1

B2 Event Starts

B2 Condition 2

hysteresisB2 = 1 timeToTriggerB2 = 640

will stop searching for A5/B2/A3 Target.

finding good target, and no QCI1 exists, release with redirect will take place
M (S)
M (n)

ggerB2 = 640

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