LBM 1 SGD 2 Hormon

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Glands and Hormone

Step 1

1. Hypothalamus: - bagian dari cerebrum untuk mengatur sekresi kelenjar dan metabolisme.
2. Gland: organ tubuh yang mensekresi suatu zat untuk dikeluarkan. Contohnya hormone untuk
disekresikan ke aliran darah.
3. Hormone: suatu zat yang dikeluarkan oleh kelenjar endokrin yang nantinya akan diangkut
melalui aliran darah dan nantinya akan berfungsi pada jaringan target.
4. Pituitary /hipofisis: suatu kelenjar yang terletak di dasar serebrum di bawah hipotalamus.

Step 2

1. Explain the main function of the endocrine system!

2. What is the function of hormone in general?
3. What is the classification of hormone?
4. Explain the gland that make up endocrine system!
5. Explain the kinds of hormone and the function!
6. Explain mechanism of hormone get in to organ target!
7. What are the factors that can influenced the hormone metabolism?
8. How the mechanism feedback of hormone?
9. How is the secretion of the hormone?
10. Explain the kinds of interaction communication between cell!

Step 3

1. Explain endocrine and exocrine system!

2. Explain the main function of the endocrine and exocrine system!
- Produce hormone that flowed in to blood that is required by the tissue in the body.
- Control and stimulates the body glands
- Activity stimulant the growth tissue. Ex: somototrofin
- Regulated metabolism oxidation and enhances the absorption of glucose in the small
intestine . ex: insulin and glucagon
- Regulate water and electrolyte balance
3. Explain the gland that make up endocrine system!
- Pituitary gland
- Hypothalamus
- Thymus
- Pineal gland
- Testes
- Ovaries
- Thyroid
- Adrenaln glands: adrenal kortex and medulla
- Gonad
- Parathyroid
- Pancreas

4. What is the function of hormone in general?

- Response to the system and injuries
- Growth and reproductive develop
- Homeostasis ion
- Immune response the body: pengaturan kortisol dan sitokin
- To control and coordinate the activities of organ in our body
- Stimulated carbohydrate and fat or lipid for energy
- Changes chemistry reaction in cell
- Metabolism may increase as hormone T3 and T4
- Changes the permeability of the membrane
5. What is the classification of hormone?
Aldosteron: adrenal keseimbangan garam dan air
Antideuretik: dihasilkan kelenjar hipofisis ginjal menahan air
Kortikosteroid: dihasilkan kelenjar adrenalanti peradangan

6. Explain the kinds of hormone and the function!

TRH: reproduction of hypothalamus.
- For control energy eppetite
- Mute weight and body temperature
Growth Hormone:
- It produce peaks in early adulthood and declines with ages
- It helps to sleep and rest
Production of pituitary: TSH to growth
- Help to keep your bones and joins strong, your memories sharp, your skin moist and your
blood vessel elastic
Prolactin: pregnant women
- To keep sugar level balance
ADH (Antideuritik hoemone)
Oksitosin: mempengaruhi produksi air susu
- Stimulated the production of digestive enzyme and helps to control appetite.
Stress hormone:
- To keep you motivated
- Produce in smaller amounts in the ovaries and adrenal glands of women and fuels sexual
7. Explain mechanism of hormone get in to organ target!
Hipotalamus get the signal every hormone have the receptor go to hipofisis anterior by
blood vessel, posterior by nervous or system portal influenced cell target to secreted the
8. What are the factors that can influenced the hormone metabolism?
- Hormone synthesis and secretion
- The transport system hormone in plasma
- Speed of hormone degradation
- Speed hormonal changes form inactive to active
9. How the mechanism feedback of hormone?
- Otak TRH aliran darah hipofisis anterior (tonjolan hipotalamus) stimulated TSH
ke kelenjar tiroid stimulated T3 and T4 di kelenjar tiroid T3 (Menghambat stimulasi
TSH TRH : negative feedback, T3 menambah stimulasi TSH TRH: positive feedback)
10. How is the secretion of the hormone?
fesikel membrane melakukan sekresi dari sel endokrin dengan cara fusi/ bersatunya fesikel dg
membrane plasma sbg respon ransangan sekresi
11. Explain the kinds of interaction between every cell!
Komunikasi hormone
a. K h Endokrin: hormone aliran darah organ target mempengaruhi aktivitasbsel organ.
Komunikasi juga terjadi antara 2 hormone kelenjar pituitary anterior sekresi hormone
tropin stimulasi kelenjar endokrin sekresi kelenjar hormone target
b. K h Neuroendokrin: akson dlm hipoytalamus perluasan diri ke jaringan pituitary
posterior sekresi hormone aliran darah ke organ target

Sel saraf hipofisis sekresi hormone pengatur tertentu system vascular khusus
menghubungkan hipotalamus dan pituitary anterior dalam aliran darah ke sel target
organ masing masing
c. K h Parakrin: k h jaringan/ local

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