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9/11/2017 List of currencies - Wikipedia

List of currencies
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For a list of current national currencies, see List of circulating currencies.

For a list of alternative currencies, see List of alternative currencies.
For a list of digital currencies, see List of digital currencies.
For a list of cryptocurrencies, see List of cryptocurrencies.
For a list of historical currencies, see List of historical currencies.
For a list of fictional currencies, see List of fictional currencies.
For a list of currencies with ISO codes, see ISO 4217.

A list of all currencies, current and historic. The local name of the currency is used in this list, with the adjectival
form of the country or region.


Afghani Afghanistan
Aka Tuva
Angolar Angola
Argentino Argentina
Ariary Madagascar
Austral Argentina
Auksinas Lithuania

Baht () Thailand
Balboa Panama
Bitcoin World
Birr Ethiopia
Bolvar Venezuela
Boliviano Bolivia
Budju Algeria

Cedi Ghana
Chervonets Russia
Coln 1/18
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Costa Rican coln Costa Rica

Salvadoran coln El Salvador
Continental currency United States of America
Conventionsthaler Holy Roman Empire
Crdoba Nicaragua
Portuguese Cruzado Portugal
Real Brazil
Real Brazil
Cruzeiro Real Brazil
Cupon Moldova
Cryptocurrency Internet based.
Customs gold unit Republic of China (19121949)

Dalasi The Gambia
Daler Danish West Indies
Denar Macedonia
Denier France
Dinar ()
Algerian dinar Algeria
Bahraini dinar Bahrain
Bosnia and Herzegovina dinar Bosnia and Herzegovina
Croatian dinar Croatia
Iraqi dinar Iraq
Jordanian dinar Jordan, Palestinian territories
Kelantanese dinar Kelantan
Krajina dinar Krajina
Kuwaiti dinar Kuwait
Libyan dinar Libya
Republika Srpska dinar Republika Srpska
Serbian dinar Serbia
South Yemeni dinar South Yemen
Sudanese dinar Sudan
Swiss dinar Iraq
Tunisian dinar Tunisia
Yugoslav dinar Yugoslavia
Diner Andorra (commemorative only)
Dinero Spain
Dinheiro Portugal
Dirham ()
Moroccan dirham Morocco
United Arab Emirates dirham United Arab Emirates
Dobra So Tom and Prncipe 2/18
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Antigua dollar Antigua
Australian dollar Australia, Kiribati, Nauru and Tuvalu
Bahamian dollar Bahamas
Barbadian dollar Barbados
Belize dollar Belize
Bermudian dollar Bermuda
British Columbia dollar British Columbia
British North Borneo dollar British North Borneo
British West Indies dollar British West Indies
Brunei dollar Brunei
Canadian dollar Canada
Cayman Islands dollar Cayman Islands
Continental dollar Colonial America
Cook Islands dollar Cook Islands
Dominican dollar Dominica
East Caribbean dollar Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts
and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Fijian dollar Fiji
Grenadan dollar Grenada
Guyanese dollar Guyana
Hawaiian dollar Hawaii
Hong Kong dollar Hong Kong
International dollar hypothetical currency pegged 1:1 to the United States dollar
Jamaican dollar Jamaica
Kiautschou dollar Qingdao
Kiribatian dollar Kiribati
Liberian dollar Liberia
Malaya and British Borneo dollar Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, British North Borneo and Brunei
Malayan dollar Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore
Mauritian dollar Mauritius
Mongolian dollar Mongolia
Namibian dollar Namibia
Nevisian dollar Nevis
New Brunswick dollar New Brunswick
New Zealand dollar New Zealand, Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, Pitcairn Islands.
Newfoundland dollar Newfoundland
Nova Scotian dollar Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island dollar Prince Edward Island
Penang dollar Penang
Puerto Rican dollar Puerto Rico
Rhodesian dollar Rhodesia
Saint Kitts dollar Saint Kitts
Saint Lucia dollar Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent dollar Saint Vincent 3/18
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Sarawak dollar Sarawak

Sierra Leonean dollar Sierra Leone
Singapore dollar Singapore
Solomon Islands dollar Solomon Islands
Straits dollar Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore
Sumatran dollar Sumatra
Surinamese dollar Suriname
Old Taiwan dollar Taiwan
New Taiwan dollar Taiwan
Texan dollar Republic of Texas
Tobagan dollar Tobago
Trinidadian dollar Trinidad
Trinidad and Tobago dollar Trinidad and Tobago
Tuvaluan dollar Tuvalu (not an independent currency, equivalent to Australian dollar)
Zimbabwean dollar Zimbabwe
North Vietnamese ng North Vietnam
South Vietnamese ng South Vietnam
Vietnamese ng Vietnam
Drachma () Greece
Dram () Armenia

Ekwele (Ekuele) Equatorial Guinea

See also: Scudo (below)

Angolan escudo Angola
Cape Verdean escudo Cape Verde
Chilean escudo Chile
Mozambican escudo Mozambique
Portuguese escudo Portugal
Portuguese Guinean escudo Guinea Bissau
Portuguese Indian escudo Portuguese India
Portuguese Timorese escudo East Timor
So Tom and Prncipe escudo So Tom and Prncipe
Spanish escudo Spain
Euro (E, ) Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
Countries that have made legal agreements with the EU to use the euro: Andorra, Monaco, San
Marino, Vatican City
Countries that unilaterally use the euro: Montenegro, Kosovo
Currencies pegged to the euro: Cape Verdean escudo, CFA franc, CFP franc, Comorian franc, 4/18
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Bulgarian lev, Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark, So Tom and Prncipe Dobra.

Fanam Madras Presidency
Fiorino Tuscany
Aruban florin Aruba
Austrian florin Austria
East African florin Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda
Lombardy-Venetia florin Lombardy-Venetia
Forint Hungary
Algerian franc Algeria
Belgian franc Belgium
Burundian franc Burundi
Cambodian franc Cambodia
Central African CFA franc Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo,
Equatorial Guinea, Gabon
CFP franc New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna
Comorian franc Comoros
Congolese franc Democratic Republic of Congo (replaced in 1967, re-established in 1998)
Djiboutian franc Djibouti
French franc France
French Camerounian franc French Cameroun
French Equatorial African franc French Equatorial Africa
French Guianan franc French Guiana
French Polynesian franc French Polynesia
French West African franc French West Africa
Geneva franc Geneva
Guadeloupe franc Guadeloupe
Guinean franc Guinea (replaced in 1971, re-established in 1985)
Katangese franc Katanga
Luxembourgish franc Luxembourg
Malagasy franc Madagascar
Malian franc Mali
Martinique franc Martinique
Monegasque franc Monaco
Moroccan franc Morocco
New Caledonian franc New Caledonia
New Hebrides franc New Hebrides
Runion franc Runion
Rwanda and Burundi franc Rwanda and Burundi
Rwandan franc Rwanda
Saar franc Saar 5/18
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Saint Pierre and Miquelon franc Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Swiss franc Switzerland, Liechtenstein
Togolese franc Togo
Tunisian franc Tunisia
US occupation franc France (issued and used by Allied soldiers, never backed by any government)
West African CFA franc Benin, Burkina Faso, Cte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal,
Vaud franc Vaud
Dominican franco Dominican Republic
Luccan franco Lucca
Ticino franco Ticino
Frange Kor
Aargau Frank Aargau
Appenzell Frank Appenzell
Basel Frank Basel
Berne Frank Berne
Fribourg Frank Fribourg
Glarus Frank Glarus
Graubnden Frank Graubnden
Liechtenstein frank Liechtenstein
Luzern Frank Luzern
Schaffhausen Frank Schaffhausen
Schwyz Frank Schwyz
Solothurn Frank Solothurn
St. Gallen Frank St. Gallen
Thurgau Frank Thurgau
Unterwalden Frank Unterwalden
Uri Frank Uri
Vlor frank Vlor
Westphalian frank Westphalia
Zrich Frank Zrich

Gazeta () Ionian Islands
Genevoise Geneva
Gineih Egypt
Gourde Haiti
Grosz Krakw
Guaran Paraguay
Guilder British Guiana
Austro-Hungarian gulden Austria-Hungary 6/18
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Baden Gulden Baden

Bavarian Gulden Bavaria
Danzig Gulden Danzig
Dutch gulden Netherlands
Fribourg Gulden Fribourg
Luzern Gulden Luzern
Netherlands Antillean gulden Netherlands Antilles
Netherlands Indian gulden Netherlands Indies
Neuchtel gulden Neuchtel
Schwyz Gulden Schwyz
South German Gulden Baden, Bavaria, Frankfurt, Hohenzollern, Wrttemberg and other states
Surinamese gulden Suriname
West New Guinean gulden West New Guinea
Wrttemberg Gulden Wrttemberg

Hryvnia () Ukraine
Hwan ( or ) South Korea

Inca Peru
Inti Peru

Ukrainian karbovanets Ukraine
Kelantan keping Kelantan
Trengganu keping Trengganu
Kina Papua New Guinea
Kip Laos
Kolion Russia
Konvertibilna marka ( ) Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kori Kutch
Korona Hungary
Bohemian and Moravian koruna Bohemia and Moravia
Czech koruna Czech Republic
Czechoslovak koruna Czechoslovakia
Slovak koruna Slovakia
Koruuni Greenland 7/18
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Faroese krna Faroe Islands (not an independent currency, equivalent to Danish krone)
Icelandic krna Iceland
Krona Sweden
Austro-Hungarian krone Austria
Danish krone Denmark, Greenland
Liechtenstein krone Liechtenstein
Norwegian krone Norway
Yugoslav krone Yugoslavia
Austrian Netherlands kronenthaler Belgium
Holy Roman Empire Kronenthaler Holy Roman Empire
Kroon Estonia
Kuna Croatia
Kuna Independent State of Croatia
Malawian kwacha Malawi
Zambian kwacha Zambia
Kwanza Angola
Kyat ( ) Myanmar

Laari Maldives
Lari () Georgia
Lats Latvia
Lek Albania
Lempira Honduras
Leone Sierra Leone
Moldovan leu Moldova
Romanian leu Romania
Lev () Bulgaria
Libra Peru
Lilangeni Swaziland
Israeli lira (, pound) Israel
Italian lira Italy
Italian East African lira Italian East Africa
Italian Somaliland lira Italian Somaliland
Lebanese lira ( )Lebanon
Luccan lira Lucca
Maltese lira Malta
Neapolitan lira Naples (Kingdom of Joachim Murat) 8/18
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Papal States lira Papal States

Parman lira Parma
Sammarinese lira San Marino
Sardinian lira Sardinia
Tripolitanian lira ( )Tripolitania
Turkish lira Turkey
Turkish new lira Turkey
Tuscan lira Tuscany
Vatican lira Vatican City
Venetian lira Venice
Litas Lithuania
French colonial livre French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Martinique, Mauritius and Runion
French livre France
Guadeloupe livre Guadeloupe
Jersey livre Jersey
French livre parisis France
French livre tournois France
Haitian livre Haiti
New France livre New France
Luxembourgish livre Luxembourg
Saint Lucia livre Saint Lucia
Loti Lesotho

Azerbaijani manat Azerbaijan
Turkmenistani manat Turkmenistan
Maneti Georgia
Maraved Spain
Danzig Mark Danzig
Estonian mark Estonia
German Mark Germany
German Goldmark Germany
German Papiermark Germany
German Reichsmark Germany
German Rentenmark Germany
German South-West African Mark German South-West Africa
East German Mark East Germany
Hamburg Mark Hamburg
New Guinean Mark New Guinea
Saar Mark Saar
Marka 9/18
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Bosnia and Herzegovina konvertibilna marka ( ) Bosnia and Herzegovina

Polish marka Poland
Markka Finland
Metica Mozambique (proposed)
Metical Mozambique
Mohar Nepal
Mon Japan
Mun Korea

Nahar Chechnia (planned and printed but never used)
Naira Nigeria
Nakfa Eritrea
New pence Britain
Ngultrum (
) Bhutan

Obol Ionian Islands
Ora Orania, South Africa
Ostmark Lithuania
East German mark East Germany (known as the Ostmark, or East mark)
Ostruble Lithuania
Ouguiya ( )Mauritania

Pa'anga Tonga
Bangladeshi Paisa () Bangladesh
) India
Indian Paisa (
Nepalese Paisa ( ) Nepal
Omani Paisa ( )Oman
Pakistani Paisa ( )Pakistan
Macanese pataca () Macau
Maltese pataca Malta
Portuguese Timorese pataca Portuguese Timor
Peng Hungary
Penning Sweden
Perper 10/18
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Serbian perper Serbia

Montenegrin perper Montenegro
Perun Montenegro (proposed)
Catalan peseta Catalunya
Equatorial Guinean peseta Equatorial Guinea
Peruvian peseta Peru
Spanish peseta Spain
Argentine peso Argentina
Argentine peso argentino Argentina
Argentine peso ley Argentina
Argentine peso moneda corriente Argentina
Argentine peso moneda nacional Argentina
Bolivian peso Bolivia
Chilean peso Chile
Colombian peso Colombia
Costa Rican peso Costa Rica
Cuban convertible peso Cuba
Cuban peso Cuba
Dominican peso Dominican Republic
Ecuadorian peso Ecuador
Guatemalan peso Guatemala
Guinea Bissau peso Guinea Bissau
Honduran peso Honduras
Japanese government-issued Philippine fiat peso Philippines
Malvinas Islands peso Malvinas Islands (Falkland Islands)
Mexican peso Mexico
Nicaraguan peso Nicaragua
Paraguayan peso Paraguay
Philippine peso fuerte Philippines
Philippine peso Philippines
Puerto Rican peso Puerto Rico
Salvadoran peso El Salvador
Uruguayan peso Uruguay
Venezuelan peso Venezuela
Phoenix Greece
Neapolitan piastra Mainland part of Two Sicilies
Sicilian piastra Sicily
Two Sicilies piastra Two Sicilies
Piastre Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam
Ottoman Turkish piastre Ottoman Empire
Pitis Brunei 11/18
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Alderney pound Alderney (commemorative, same as British pound
Anglo-Saxon pound Anglo-Saxon England
Australian pound Australia
Bahamian pound Bahamas
Bermudian pound Bermuda
Biafran pound Biafra
British pound (sterling) United Kingdom, British Indian Ocean Territory (accepted)
British West African pound Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone
Canadian pound Canada
Connecticut pound Connecticut
Cypriot pound Cyprus, Akrotiri and Dhekelia
Delaware pound Delaware
Egyptian pound Egypt
Falkland Islands pound Falkland Islands
Fijian pound Fiji
Gambian pound Gambia
Georgia pound Georgia
Ghanaian pound Ghana
Gibraltar pound Gibraltar
Guernsey pound Guernsey
Israeli pound Israel
Jamaican pound Jamaica
Jersey pound Jersey
Libyan pound Libya
Malawian pound Malai
Maltese pound Malta
Manx pound Isle of Man
Maryland pound Maryland
Massachusetts pound Massachusetts
New Brunswick pound New Brunswick
Newfoundland pound Newfoundland
New Guinean pound New Guinea
New Hampshire pound New Hampshire
New Jersey pound New Jersey
New York pound New York
New Zealand pound New Zealand
Nigerian pound Nigeria
North Carolina pound North Carolina
Nova Scotian pound Nova Scotia
Oceanian pound Kiribati, Nauru, New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu
Palestine pound British Mandate of Palestine
Pennsylvania pound Pennsylvania
Prince Edward Island pound Prince Edward Island
Rhode Island pound Rhode Island 12/18
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Rhodesia and Nyasaland pound Rhodesia and Nyasaland

Rhodesian pound Rhodesia
Saint Helena pound Saint Helena
Pound Scots Kingdom of Scotland
Solomon Islands pound Solomon Islands
South African pound South Africa
South Carolina pound South Carolina
Southern Rhodesian pound Southern Rhodesia
Sudanese pound Sudan
(New) Sudanese pound Southern Sudan
Syrian pound Syria
Tongan pound Tonga
Virginia pound Virginia
West Indian pound British West Indies
Western Samoan pound Samoa
Zambian pound Zambia
Pula Botswana

Qiran Iran
Quetzal Guatemala

Riyal Iran
Rai stones Yap
Rand South Africa
Reaal Curaao
Angolan real Angola
Argentine real Argentina
Azorean real Azores
Brazilian real Brazil
Cape Verde real Cape Verde
Central American Republic real Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua
Colombian real Colombia
Ecuadorian real Ecuador
Gibraltar real Gibraltar
Honduran real Honduras
Mexican real Mexico
Mozambican real Mozambique
Paraguayan real Paraguay
Peruvian real Peru
Philippine real Philippines 13/18
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Portuguese Guinea real Guinea Bissau

Portuguese real Portugal (plural ris)
Santo Domingo real Santo Domingo
Salvadoran real El Salvador
So Tom and Prncipe real So Tom and Prncipe
Spanish colonial real Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay
and Venezuela
Spanish real Spain
Venezuelan real Venezuela
Reichsmark Germany
Reichsthaler Germany
Renminbi ( or ) China
Rentenmark Germany
Rial ()
Moroccan rial Morocco
North Yemeni rial North Yemen
Omani rial Oman
Tunisian rial Tunisia
Yemeni rial Yemen
Riel Cambodia
Danish West Indies rigsdaler Danish West Indies
Danish rigsdaler Denmark
Greenlandic rigsdaler Greenland
Norwegian rigsdaler Norway
Riksdaler Sweden
Rijksdaalder Netherlands
Malaysian ringgit Malaysia
Brunei ringgit Brunei known in English as the dollar
Rixdollar Ceylon
Riyal ()
Hejaz riyal Hejaz
Qatari riyal Qatar
Saudi riyal Saudi Arabia
Zanzibari riyal Zanzibar
Roepiah Netherlands Indies
Ruble ()
Armenian ruble Armenia
Azerbaijani ruble Azerbaijan
Belarusian ruble Belarus
Russian ruble Russia
Tajikistani ruble Tajikistan
Transcaucasian ruble Transcaucasia 14/18
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Transnistrian ruble Transnistria

Rublis Latvia
Rufiyah (

Afghan rupee Afghanistan
Bhutanese rupee Bhutan
Burmese rupee Burma
Danish Indian rupee Danish India
East African rupee Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda
French Indian rupee French India
Gulf rupee Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and UAE
Hyderabad rupee Hyderabad
Indian rupee ( , )) India
Javan rupee Java
Mauritian rupee Mauritius
Nepalese rupee ( ) Nepal
Pakistani rupee ( )Pakistan
Portuguese Indian rupia Portuguese India
Seychellois rupee Seychelles
Sri Lankan rupee ( , ) Sri Lanka
Travancore rupee Travancore
Zanzibari rupee Zanzibar
Rupiah Indonesia
Indonesian rupiah Indonesia
Italian Somaliland rupia Italian Somaliland
Riau rupiah Riau
West New Guinea rupiah West New Guinea
Rupie Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania
Ry Japan

Schilling Austria

see also: Escudo (above)

Bolivian scudo Bolivia
Lombardy-Venetia scudo Lombardy-Venetia
Maltese scudo Malta
Milanese scudo Milan
Papal States scudo Papal States
Piedmont scudo Piedmont and other mainland parts of the Kingdom of Sardinia
Sardinian scudo Sardinia 15/18
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Setu (Historically used in Southern India and Sri Lanka)

Shah () Ukraine
New Shekel ( ) Israel, Gaza Strip, West Bank
Shekel ( )Israel, Gaza Strip, West Bank
East African shilling Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda
Kenyan shilling Kenya
Somali shilling Somalia
Somaliland shilling Somaliland
Tanzanian shilling Tanzania
Ugandan shilling Uganda
Skender Kor
Sol Peru
Peruvian sol (18631985) Peru
Kyrgyzstani som () Kyrgyzstan
Uzbekistani som () Uzbekistan
Somalo Italian Somaliland
Somoni () Tajikistan
Speciedaler Norway
Speciethaler Schleswig-Holstein
Srang Tibet
Sucre Ecuador
Syli Guinea

Tael (, ling) China
Taka () Bangladesh
Tala Samoa
Tallero Eritrea
Talonas Lithuania
Tangka Tibet
Bukharan tenga Bukhara
Kokand tenga Kokand
Khwarazmi tenga Khwarazm
Tenge () Kazakhstan
Thaler Germany, Austria, Hungary
Basel Thaler Basel
Berne Thaler Berne
Bremen Thaler Bremen
Danzig Thaler Danzig
Geneva thaler Geneva 16/18
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Hannovarian Thaler Hannover

Hesse-Kassel Thaler Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel)
Mecklenburg Thaler Mecklenburg
Prussian Thaler Prussia
St. Gallen Thaler St. Gallen
Saxon Thaler Mecklenburg
Solothurn Thaler Solothurn
Valais thaler Valais
Westphalian Thaler Westphalia
Zrich Thaler Zrich
Tical Cambodia
Tgrg (T) Mongolia
Tolar Slovenia
Toman ( )Iran
Trade dollar
British trade dollar Great Britain
Japanese trade dollar Japan
United States trade dollar United States of America

Vatu Vanuatu
Venezolano Venezuela
Hanoverian vereinsthaler Hannover
Hesse-Kassel vereinsthaler Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel)
Mecklenburg vereinsthaler Mecklenburg
Prussian vereinsthaler Prussia
Saxon vereinsthaler Saxony

Wn () China
Won (,)
Korean won Korea
North Korean won North Korea
South Korean won South Korea

Yang () Korea
Yen ()
Korean yen Korea
Japanese military yen Hong Kong 17/18
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Yen Japan
Taiwanese yen Taiwan
Yuan (, or ) China
Chinese yuan (, or ) China
Chinese renminbi yuan ( or ) China
Manchukuo yuan () Manchukuo
Taiwanese old yuan (Old Taiwan dollar) Taiwan
Taiwanese new yuan (New Taiwan dollar) Taiwan

Zare Zare
Zoty Poland
Krakw zoty Krakw
Polish zoty Poland

See also
List of circulating currencies
ISO 4217

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