Sustaining Operation: Camasis, Angel Monic Liz F. 12-ABM

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Camasis, Angel Monic Liz F.

12- ABM

Sustaining Operation
Planning for Continuity and Growth
Every company wants to grow their business, yet few know how to sustain it for the
long-term or look beyond the next quarterly or yearly report. Growing a business requires the
right intellectual capital, carefully selected strategic partnerships, and products and/or services
with strong marketplace demand. Beyond these fundamentals, sustaining growth requires a
strong operational foundation to reduce the risks to the business over time.
What causes change?

Every organization faces challenges from within the business. For example, the internal
environment might be affected by inefficiency, changes in the workforce or high levels of staff
absenteeism. Organizations also face many challenges in their external environment. These might
include legislation that set new standards, advances in technology or changes.


To acquire a working knowledge of the change process concepts and some tools and techniques
in managing change. Specially for planned change, you must be clear at the start why you are initiating
the change. When and how you will measure and evaluate the desired results.

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