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Types of Speech

Group 3
Types of Speech
According to Preparation and Delivery

You may be called upon to say a few words or report at

a meeting. If the specific assignment to speak allows you only
a short time to prepare what you will say, you are presenting
an impromptu speech.
Principles of Impromptu Speech
Impromptu speaking means giving an unrehearsed talk.
In some classroom situations, a person simply selects a subject,
goes to the speakers stand, and begins.
At a meeting, you may be called on to present a report on a
specific topic, or you may be asked to stand and speak on a
topic being discussed.
Fundamental principle is that the ideas voiced about the topic
are unprepared and unrehearsed.
It takes no rehearsal time or time for looking up materials.

It lacks organizing of the words.
It sounds disorganized, it is probably due to the fact that you are
rambling or talking around the topic or you are repeating ideas
Preparing for an Impromptu Speech
Organize the information and ideas before delivering the speech
to the audience.

Methods for developing Impromptu Speech

Talk about: 1. Importance of topic to yourself
2. Importance of topic to audience
3. Summarize
Talk about: 1. Advantages
2. Disadvantages
3. Summarize

Talk about: 1. Whats wrong with the subject
2. How to correct what is wrong
3. Summarize
Presenting a Speech Impromptu
It is wise not to start too fast but rather to pick up speed and
power as you go along.
Observe bodily actions and gestures in keeping with the speech
You articulation, pronunciation, and grammar should be of high

According to Preparation and Delivery


In most instances when you are called upon to speak,

You will be given some time to prepare what will you

say and to rehearse it well in advance. In most of your
speaking assignments in life, you will use an
extemporaneous mode if delivery.
Principles of Extemporaneous Delivery

It fits between the impromptu and manuscript delivery.

It is carefully planned, prepared, and rehearsed, much as the

manuscript, but does not have the exact wording.
Advantages of Extemporaneous Delivery

You have time to research and organize your thoughts.

You can sound spontaneous without being spontaneous.

Your time is largely spent in research and rehearsal, not creating a

manuscript or memorizing it.

You can be yourself as you look and speak to your audience.

You have greater flexibility to react and respond to audience

Preparing for an Extemporaneous Delivery

Begin your research well in advance of the day your are to


Prepare the speech well in advance of the day you are to


Rehearse your speech several times before you present it.

Presenting a Speech Extemporaneous
Pause, smile and relax in front of the audience.
Be confident
Use clear distinct voice and use the precise wording you have
Do not speak too rapidly to your audience.
Use appropriate bodily actions and gestures for your topic, good
grammar, articulation, and pronunciation.
Effective speaking is the result of a deep and abiding desire to
share your ideas with your listeners by Drake.
Also known as formal speech.
It should be carefully prepared and rehearsed.

Principles of Manuscript Delivery

You have to state your ideas exactly and precisely.
Speakers in this category are high government officials and other
such individuals who dare not risk misunderstanding by being
Wording is extremely important, take the time to create the
precise wording or phrasing that says exactly what you mean.
Preparing a Manuscript
Write it so it will sound as though you were speaking
Make it sound conversational but at the same time observe all
the attributes of effective word usage.
Best to type it double-spaced, using large type and underlining
special words.
Select your words carefully.
Make frequent of your thesaurus.
Begin your speech preparation long before your delivery so that
you have time to work through the organization, the phrasing,
and the selection of words.
Principle of Good Speech Composition
Know specifically what response you want your audience to
Decide what organization you will use.
Wording(writing) your speech.
Keep your words clear (understandable).
Economy of words.
Make your speech move ahead toward the conclusion.
How to prepare a Written Speech
Determine your purpose.
Analyze your audience.
Gather your material and.
Organize and write your speech.

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