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Oral Communication

Xellaine Salem Guidance Councilor

Dorothy Torres Teacher
Figie Ku Kim Bok Joo/Korean Exchange Student
Jan Andres Filipino Student1
EarldonSalada - Filipino Student2
Isaac Geronilla Filipino Student3 -------- WALA

Title: Sana madiasdhsaihd

Notice ()- indicates subtitles

--First Day of school--

Teacher/Dory: Good morning class! You can call me Ms. Torres and welcome to
Philippine International University. Since it is the first day, you have to introduce your
name, where you live, and what school are you from. So, lets start from here
(Points to the right)

(Students introduce their names in front of the class)

Student1/Jan: My name is Jan Andres. I live in CDO and I'm from PIU

Student2/Earldon: I'm EarldonSalda from CDO and I'm from Philippine International

Kim Bok Joo/Figie: Annyeonghaseyo! Je irumun Kim Bok Jooimnida Korean

International School at Seoul Korea.
(pronunciation: an-yung-hasayo je eerumun Kim Bok Jooeem-nida Korean International
School at Seoul Korea)
(translation: Hello! My name is Kim Bok Joo from Korean International School at Seoul,

Teacher/Dory: So we have an exchange student from Korea. Class, be sure to be

patient and good to him okay?

Students: Yes Maam

Student 2/Earldon: Ugh, speaking of Korean people, I remembered those Kpop songs
they have that sounds Jeje . So annoying to my ears!

Student 1/Jan: I guess youre right Earldon. I heard that Korean people are very Jeje
and annoying.
--2 hours later--
Teacher/Dory: Okay class? I have here an activity for you. It should be done by pair. So
please pick your partners now.

Student 3 : Hey Jan! You want to be my partner?

Student 1/Jan: Yeah sure!

Student 2/Earldon: But what about me?

Student 1/Jan: You have no choice. You should pair with him. That Korean guy


Kim Bok Joo/Figie: Annyeonghaseyo! Lets be partners then.

(Earldon looks at his two friends with pleading eyes)

Student 3/ : Yeah dude. Just deal with him.

Student 2/Earldon: Excuse me for a while

(Goes to teacher)

Student 2/Earldon: Excuse me maam. Can you please make it by threes?

Teacher: Why? Whats the problem?

Student 2/Earldon: I dont have a partner.

Kim Bok Joo: What abo-ut me? I ca-n be yo-ur pair.? ( broken English)

Teacher: Yes. You should work with him.

Student 2/Earldon: I dont want to!

Kim Bok Joo: Why?

(teary eyes)

Student 2/Earldon: I dont know, Im not comfortable being paired with him. I feel

Teacher/Dory: Okay thats enough! Come with me, you two. Im bringing you to the
guidance councilor.
--Going to the Councilor
(Teacher knocks and opens the door)

Teacher/Dory: Good day Ms. Salem

Guidance Councilor/Xellaine: Good day Ms. Torres, Mr. Salada, joheunhalu Kim
(Nods head)
(pronunciation: tso-won halu)
(translation: good day)
So what brings you here?

Teacher/Dory: These students are having a problem coping with each other. Can you
please talk to them?

Guidance Councilor/Xellaine: Of course.

Teacher/Dory: Thank you. Ill leave this two to you. I still have class.

Guidance Councilor/Xellaine: Okay Ma'am

(Teacher exits)
(Councilor looks at the two students)

Guidance Councilor/Xellaine: So, whats going on?

Kim Bok Joo/Figie: Seonsaeng (pronunciation: sn-si) (translation: teacher) gave us an

activity and she want us to work with a partner. And she let us choose our partner.

Guidance Councilor/Xellaine: And then?

Kim Bok Joo/Figie: Eoridongsubsaengunimipatuneorolsontekhabnida

(pronunciation: Eo-ree dong-sub-saeng-un imi pa-tu-neo-rol son-te-hab-ni-da)
(translation: Our other classmates already chose their partners. And were the only ones
I asked him if he could be my partner. He said he doesn't want to. He even said mean
words to me.

Guidance Councilor/Xellaine: Gwaenchanha Mr. Kim

(pronunciation: phen-cha-na)
(translation: Okay)
(faces Earldon)
And why is that Mr. Salada?

Student 2/Earldon: Because I dont like him. I dont like Korean people!
(Stands up)
(Add on please)..

Guidance councilor/Xellaine: Now calm down--

Kim Bok Joo/Figie: But youre discriminating us and at the same time stereotyping. Not
all of us are the same We all have different personalities and attitudes. if you were in
our shoes, maybe youre perspectives will change. We dont understand your music too
but we didnt judge you. Why do you hate Koreans so much? IN KOREAN ( because
Kim Bok Ju cant speak English well)

Guidance councilor/Xellaine: What Kim is trying to say is : But youre discriminating us

and at the same time stereotyping. Not all of us are the same We all have different
personalities and attitudes. if you were in our shoes, maybe youre perspectives will
change. We dont understand your music too but we didnt judge you. Why do you hate
Koreans so much?

Earldon: *stares blankly and reflects

*flashback occurs
Andres: Hi Earldon! How are you? You seem really happy today.
Earldon: Hi Andres, Glad you noticed. Its actually my 2nd anniversary with my girlfriend. I
feel so lucky to have her. Im actually planning to throw a suprise party for her in the
classroom. Do you wanna come with me?
Andres: No thanks bro, I dont want to be a third wheel. Good luck with your girlfriend
Earldon: Okay thanks
--4 hours later
*Earldon happily walks to the classroom with love music
*Earldon barges in his girlfriends classroom with a gift
Earldon : HAPPY ANNIVERS------ BABE?
*sees a Korean guy making out with Earldons girlfriend
Earldon: What the *****? What is wrong with you and on our anniversary too?
Girlfriend: Babe Its not what it looks like!
Korean Guy: *looks at Earldon with a smug and happy look
Earldon: I cant believe you would betray me and for someone like him. *EArldon leaves
*flashback disappears

( Earldon realizes that his actions toward Kim Bok Ju were wrong)
Earldon starts crying

Guidance Counselor:
Mr. Salada, you should learn to respect other people. We have different cultures,
languages, skin color, races, beliefs and many more. We differ in everything that we
have, and we should always remember that God created us equally. No one has the
right to judge and discriminate other people, especially because of their race and
preferences. God loves and accepts us all just the way we are.


Student 2/Earldon: Im very very sorry for being so insensitive and self-centered. I dont
realize it until now. Youre right. I dont have the right to judge and discriminate others.
Instead I should love everybody and respect them. Im sorry for stereotyping you. I just
had a bad experience with Koreans in the past.

Guidance Councilor/Xellaine: Im glad youve realized it Mr. Salada, now what can you
say about what he said?


Kim Bok Joo/Figie: It hurts knowing that you had something bad to say about us. But I
hope you mean everything you said and I forgive you. Korean
*Guidance COunselor translates

(Smiles while standing up and offers a hand to Student 2)

Kim Bok: Friends? Broken English

Student 2/Earldon: Friends

(Stood up, smiles, and accepts hand shake)

----- At The Classroom------

Student 2/Earldon: Guys, I have realized something.

Student 3/Jan: What is it? What happened there?

Student 2/Earldon: I was wrong. We shouldnt have treated Kim Bok Ju like that.

Student 1/Isaac: Why? How can you say that?

Student 2/Earldon: Stereotyping and discriminating others are not good. We can hurt
other peoples feelings and at the same time God will not be pleased with us. Others are
not saying things about Filipino culture and here we are talking about theirs without
even appreciating everything. Lets stop this.

Student 3/Jan: Yeah. I guess youre right. That was inappropriate.

Student 1/Isaac: We should apologize to him for not treating him right.

Student 2/Earldon: Exactly. You two should go now. Im done doing it.

Student 3/Jan and 1/Isaac: Okay.

(Approaches Kim Bok Joo/Figie)
(man hug)

--The End

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