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Fall 2014

Lesson Plan Format

Field Study Teacher: Christa Pete School: Mesa
Grade Level: 4th Grade Number of Students in Class: 20
Unit: The Solar System Lesson Duration: 40 minutes (2 day)
Day, Date, and Time of Lesson: Week 1, Day 1 & 2
1. Objective(s): Describe what the eight planets in the solar system are and explain in their own words
what they known or have learned from watching the video on the eight planets in the solar system.
2. Colorado Academic Standards:
Standard: 3. Earth Systems Science
Prepared Graduates:
Describe and interpret how Earth's geologic history and place in space are relevant to our understanding
of the processes that have shaped our planet.
Concepts and skills students master:
1. Earth is part of the solar system, which includes the Sun, Moon, and other bodies that orbit the Sun in
predictable patterns that lead to observable paths of objects in the sky as seen from Earth.
Evidence Outcomes:
a. Gather, analyze, and interpret data about components of the solar system (DOK 1-2)

ISTE Standards
1. Creativity and innovation
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
2. Technology operations and concepts
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
3. Learning Target(s): After the watching the video I will be able to identify what the eight planets in the
solar system are. Using the Educreation video, I will be able to demonstrate my knowledge of what I
know, what I learned, and what I found interesting about the eight Planets in our Solar System.
4. Assessment: There will be an informal assessment as the teacher observes the students as they write
in their science journals and work with their groups to create a rough draft of what their presentation
will look like. The teacher will also assess the students understanding of the eight planets by reviewing
their journal entries and their collaboration of their presentations. Their journal entry and rough draft
should include their interpretation of the information they have gathered from the video they have
watch about the eight planets in the solar system. The information they have gathered should also
include the analyzation of what they know, an interesting fact and what they learned about the planets.
With this information the students will also be assessed on their gathering of data put into their
presentation using the Educreation software.

Fair Good Excellent
Follows Project Directions 1 2 3 4
Creativity 1 2 3 4
Time used wisely; Finished Project 1 2 3 4
Group teamwork 1 2 3 4
Presentation 1 2 3 4
Understanding of Educreation Software 1 2 3 4
Total Possible Points: 24 Teacher Comments:

Total Points Earned: _____

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Fall 2014
Key Vocabulary: Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Planets, Upload,
Embed, Record, Undo, Redo, Color Scale, Pointer, Delete, Add Page.
Prerequisite Technology Skills: Students will need to be familiar with working a computer; and they will
also need to register for an account to use the Educreation software.
5. Materials: Science notebooks; pencil; color pencils; crayons; online video; computer; Educreation software (internet).
6. Essential Questions or Big Picture Statement: What do the students already know about the eight
planets in our solar system? What will the students find interesting and learn about the eight planets
after discovering the information from watching a brief video of the solar system? How will the students
put the information they have gathered into their presentation using the Educreation software.
7. Introduction/Anticipatory Set: To get the students attention the teacher will gather the students in
their table groups and ask them what they know about the solar system. The teacher will then inform
the students of their objectives for that day and will start with the lesson by first showing the students a
PowerPoint of the eight planets and after the teacher will show the students the Educreation software
they will be using to create their presentation on the Planets in our Solar System. But, before starting
the lesson the teacher will ask the students if they understand what they will be doing and if they have
any questions. To check if they understand the teacher will ask the students to give a thumbs up,
thumbs down, or a sideways thumb.
8. ****Step-by-Step Lesson Process:****
Day 1
Step 1: Gather students in their table groups. (2 minutes); Step 2: Inform students of the lesson, which
will focus on the planets of the Solar System, they will be working on by presenting to the students a
brief recording, using the software Educreations, of the different types of planets they will be
introduced to in the video. Such as, the size and the distance from the sun. During this time the teacher
will ask the students to write down or memorize the names of the planets (3 minutes informal
assessment); Step 3: The teacher will tell the students to grab their science notebooks which will be
used to write their interpretations of the information they will gather and analyze after watching the
video of the planets in the solar system. Meanwhile, the teacher will bring up the video that the
students will be watching while the students are getting their science journals (2 minutes); Step 4: After
gathering their notebooks and in their seats, the students will be informed that they will be watching
the video of the solar system. Also, at this time the teacher will inform the students to pay attention to
the information they will be given in the video by writing down the names of the planets and any other
information such as the size, distance from sun, the orbit of the planets, and the classification of the
planets (inner/outer, etc.) they find interesting that they can add to their journal entry so they can use
this information to include in their recording presentation. (1 minute informal assessment); Step 5:
Remind students what they are going to be writing down. Begin 8 minute video (8 minutes); Step 6:
After video, the teacher and the students will have a discussion on what was included in the video. After
the discussion the teacher will inform the students that they should have written in their science
journals about what they already know about the solar system, what they found interesting, and what
they learned from the video about the solar system. With this information, the students will be
informed that they will use their gathered information from the video to begin work on their
presentation with their group members. They will also be informed that they will need to prepare their
presentation with their groups on paper before using the Educreation software. With the software, the
students will be asked to record the information they sketched on paper to assist them with their final
presentation. Students will be asked to begin their presentations with their groups. But before starting,
the teacher will briefly explain to the students what the software Educreation is and inform the students
that once they are finished with their draft they may begin creating their recording presentation with
Educreation. They will also be informed that they will be presenting their recorded presentation on the
next day. During this time, the teacher will walk around assessing the students work to make sure they

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Fall 2014
have followed directions and I will be available to answer any questions the students may have (20
minutes informal assessment); Step 7: Teacher will inform the students that they have a minute to
finish what they are working on (1 minute); Step 8: Teacher will inform students to put their science
notebooks and materials needed to assist with their presentations away and to clean up their areas.
Before releasing the students we will go over the planets in the correct order and the teacher will ask
each student what they learned and ask if they still have questions about the lesson (3 minutes
informal assessment).

Day 2
Step 1: Gather students in their table groups. (2 minutes); Step 2: Inform students they will be
presenting their recording videos to the class. But first, they will be given 10 minutes to add finishing
touches to their presentations. (11 minutes); Teacher will inform students that they should be
completed with their recordings and that they need to save and share their presentation with the
teacher. (2 minutes); Step 3: Students will each come up by their groups and present what they have
created to the class (Informal assessment 20 minutes); Step 4: Discussion on what the students liked
about creating their presentations using Educreations. End of Lesson. (5 minutes).

Label Assessments: After watching the short video of the solar systems, the students will be asked to
write in their Science Journals and create with their groups a rough draft of what their recorded
presentation will look like. (This should include the information they learned while watching the video).
They will also be asked to write one or two interesting things they did not know about our solar system.
Teacher will walk around the classroom checking students notebooks to make sure they are making an
entry in their journals about what they learned and what they found interesting. If the students have not
followed the directions the teacher will correct the students to make sure they are on track. Teacher will
also be available to answer students questions.

Students incorporated feedback from BOTH instructor comments and peer review, and articulated
how they used the feedback to improve their lesson plan.

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