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Optimal Topology Control With Physical Power Flow

Constraints and N-1 Contingency Criterion
Gokturk Poyrazoglu, Student Member, IEEE, and HyungSeon Oh, Member, IEEE

AbstractIn this paper, a novel solution method is proposed for Magnitude of apparent power flow from
the optimal topology control problem in AC framework with N-1 Bus to Bus .
reliability. The resultant new topology of the proposed method Parameters
is guaranteed to yield a better objective function value than the
global solution of the problem with the original topology. In order Number of buses.
to prove our statement, semi-definite programming relaxation Number of branches.
is formulated to find a lower bound to the objective function
value of the problem. The proposed method is favorable for Number of generators.
parallelization to increase the computational efficiency, and the Admittance matrix, defined as
parallel computing flowchart is presented. Computational time of .
the algorithm for IEEE test cases is reported. An in-house power
market simulator is developed to simulate a market environment th element of .
complete with optimal topology control mechanism. Simulations Max apparent power flow capacity of the
held by participating human subjects are analyzed under the sub- transmission line connecting Bus to Bus
titles of the total operating cost, real power losses, and locational .
marginal price (LMP) variance. A simple example is illustrated
Half shunt capacitance of the transmission
to show that the resultant network topology may increase the real
power losses while still providing a lower operating system cost line connecting Bus to Bus .
than that of the original topology. Real power demand at Bus .
Index TermsAC optimal power flow, locational marginal Reactive power demand at Bus .
pricing, optimal topology control, semi-definite programming, Max and min voltage magnitude at Bus .
transmission switching.
Max and min real power capacity of the
generator at Bus .
NOMENCLATURE Max and min reactive power capacity of
the generator at Bus .
Positive semi-definite.
Bus indices.
Trace of a matrix.
Branch (transmission line) index with
terminal buses . Sets
Variables Set of all buses, has a cardinality of .
Real power supply from the generator at Set of all buses linked to a generator,
Bus . , has a cardinality of .
Reactive power supply from the generator Set of all transmission line indices, has a
at Bus . cardinality of .
Real part of voltage at Bus . Set of connected bus pairs, has a cardinality
Imaginary part of voltage at Bus . of . If th element in has terminal
Voltage magnitude at Bus , defined as buses , then th element of is
and th element of is

Manuscript received March 08, 2014; revised June 27, 2014 and October 02,

2014; accepted November 24, 2014. This work was supported in part by US
ECENT studies have shown that reconfiguration of the
DoE (under the CERTS initiative). Paper no. TPWRS-00339-2014.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University at existing energy grid, without any physical technological
Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 USA (e-mail:; hso1@buf- improvement, arises the opportunity to provide a significant
increase in the overall operational efficiency of the system.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at One actively studied area is the optimization of transmis-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2014.2379112 sion topologyoften termed, transmission switching. The

0885-8950 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


motivation lying beneath this idea is to reconfigure a power gramming with binary variables on both IEEE 118-bus and
transmission network by switching off transmission lines in RTS-96 system test cases. As of now, all the literature men-
order to result in a new topology, functioning at an econom- tioned in this paper employed a linearized DC OPF model,
ically efficient operational point in terms of total system cost. which does not guarantee a feasible AC dispatch. However,
New operation point still needs to meet all constraints in place Barrows [16]subsequently presented a method to correct DC
by the original system. The idea of purposefully switching model solutions to ensure a feasible but not necessarily op-
lines off is not new, as it has been utilized extensively within timal AC power flow solutions. He also verified that DC OPF
the power industry as a corrective mechanism in response to may underestimate savings from OTC. Additionally, Polturi
network contingencies [1], [2]. However, it had been a common [17]presented the AC OPF formulation for OTC, and took a
belief within industry that the reconfiguration of a transmission brute force approach to solve each problem individually. His
network would induce increased power loss during operation simulations indicate up to 9% savings is possible by topology
when the real power generations are fixed [3]. Contrary to control. Lastly, the AC OPF formulation was considered in
general belief, Bacher [4]proposed switching as a means to [18]by Khanabadi to utilize transmission switching as a con-
minimize system losses by temporarily opening a transmission gestion management tool with respect to voltage security and
line (temporarily taking the line out of operation). N-1 contingency analysis.
In order to realize the most benefit from transmission In order to provide a detailed modeling of the power system,
topology control, Fisher [5]merged optimal topology control we formulated OTC problem within AC framework with an
(OTC) with DC OPF (OPF including linear approximations). additional N-1 contingency criterion constraint. Moreover, we
Linearized DC approximations of the problem were formu- have extended our research by developing in-house electric
lated as a mixed integer linear programming (MIP) and 25% power market simulation software [19]. Our software allows
reduction on the operating system cost was observed for IEEE human subjects to act as market participants in power market
118-bus test case. Promising results were also reported using environment. We are interested in optimal topology control
a similar approach by Hedman in [6]. However, even with mechanism and its possible implementation to a market envi-
the computational benefits provided by DC OPF formulation, ronment. Our main intention is to simulate how people behave
the efficiency of transmission switching algorithms is still in the market with such technological advancement.
insufficient for practical use. Subsequently, several heuristics For the completeness of our study, we bound the objective
for transmission switching were proposed in the following function value of OTC problem by adopting the relaxation of
literature. OPF in the form of semi-definite programming (SDP). Low and
Barrows [7]analyzed the results of optimal transmission Lavaei provided a derivation of SDP relaxation from AC OPF
switching on an RTS-96 network in order to reduce computa- problem in [20]. They reported that SDP relaxation of OPF re-
tional complexity. Ruiz [8]proposed an algorithm to identify turns the global optimal solution for several IEEE test cases.
a promising candidate component for switching, and in some However, Lesieutre examined the limits of SDP in [21]and by
cases was able to achieve a computational time up to four providing an example, he showed that the zero duality gap is
orders of magnitude less than previous algorithms. Ruiz also not always the issue in power system. Lavaei, later, presented
proposed tractable transmission topology control policies to se- the necessary conditions of zero duality gap in radial networks
lect candidate lines and captured 96% potential cost savings in in [22]. In our study, SDP always yields a better or equally
[9]. Fuller [10], however, proposed another heuristic relying on acceptable solution as that of the original OPF. Therefore, in
a line-ranking parameter based on the optimal solution of DC this study, the objective function value of SDP relaxation will
OPF. Cong [11]developed a pre-screening method to identify a be considered only as a lower bound. Using SDP solution as
candidate list for switchable lines hoping to reduce the number a lower bound for AC OPF problem was also considered by
of integer variables in OTC problem. Moreover, transmission Raghunathan [23]while seeking the global optimal solution of
switching was also combined with planning problems in the OPF.
following literature. This research represents the first attempt in related literature
Villumsen [12]used transmission switching in capacity ex- using SDP relaxation as a lower bound in an OTC problem. By
pansion planning by merging a decomposition technique with a providing a lower bound, we are able to select a limited number
stochastic integer-programming problem. Khodaei [13]decom- of candidate lines to be switched off. Moreover, we proved that
posed the capacity expansion planning problem into a master the resulting topology will lead a globally better solution than
and two sub-problems while considering transmission topology the original topology.
as a variable. IEEE 73- and 118-bus test cases were used in the Secondly, to the authors' best knowledge, enabling human
research and their performances indicated that a total cost re- subjects to directly interact within a simulated power market en-
duction between 0.04% and 0.07% was achieved from the sim- vironment complete with optimal topology control mechanism
ulations. that satisfies N-1 contingency criterion is also another first at-
Additionally, N-1 reliability imposed by FERC [14]was tempt in related literature.
studied with optimal topology control under pre-contingency
and post contingency situations. A detailed definition of N-1 II. MOTIVATION
contingency criterion is given in Section V. Hedman [15]ana- A simple 3-bus system example is illustrated in Fig. 1(a).
lyzed N-1 reliable optimal DC OPF solutions with transmission The transmission line connecting Bus 1 and Bus 3 has a max-
switching, where the problem was formulated as linear pro- imum flow limit of 100 MVA and the other lines are infinite
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


paper. Instead, we have restricted our attention in the first place

to a local optimal solution provided by MATPOWER:


Fig. 1. (a) 3-bus original network. (b) 3-bus network after switching operation.
The interior-point method solver within MATPOWER [25]is
employed to solve (1). If there exists a feasible solution, the
resulting local optimal solution is guaranteed to be a feasible
in capacity. Suppose generators are located at Bus 1 and Bus solution; however, it should be noted that the global optimal so-
2 and their generation costs are $10/MWh and $20/MWh, re- lution (which is not solved for in MATPOWER) may be dif-
spectively. Furthermore, there are 200 MW, 100 MVar real and ferent than the local optimal. In this study, we're interested to
reactive power demands at Bus 3. Lastly, all three lines are iden- provide an upper and a lower bound for the problem (1) not to
tical and their resistance and reactance are 0.007 and 0.04 find the exact global solution but to find a range for it. Hence,
, respectively. If we solve AC OPF while all 3-transmis- MATPOWER solution will be treated as an upper bound for (1)
sion lines are available, the solution of the problem will be real and relaxed AC OPF problem in the form of SDP is adopted
power generation of 74.7 MW at Generator 1 and 127.1 MW at to provide a lower bound for (1). This approach limits the ex-
Generator 2 with the objective function value of $3289.08. Max- istence of the global solution between upper and lower bound
imum power flow limit on the line connecting Bus 1 and Bus 3 (refer to Section VI for details).
prevents a cheaper generator (Gen1) serving all the loads. How- Reliability and resiliency of the power system are the two
ever, if transmission switching takes place, the decision will be main goals in today's power industry. Such reliability is ex-
made on switching the congested line off. This decision allows pected to be maintained even in a single component failure con-
all demand to be met by the cheapest generator as illustrated dition. In power system operation, typically, all available trans-
in Fig. 1(b). The solution of OPF problem will be real power mission components are utilized. Within industry, component
generation of 206.55 MW at Generator 1 and 0 MW at Gener- failure scenarios are typically referred to contingencies. Con-
ator 2 with the objective function value of $2065.47. An impor- sider a transmission network with N transmission lines. If such
tant analysis can then be made on LMP. LMPs at Buses 1, 2, a system is able to withstand (continue to operate) after the loss
and 3 in the former case with a congested line are $10/MWh, of a single transmission line, the system would be said to have
$20/MWh, and $31.15/MWh, respectively. The main reason of met the N-1 contingency criterion. More specifically, N-1 con-
LMP variance in this system is defined in [24]as the congestion tingency criterion is a common term used to predict a system's
on a transmission line systematically splits LMP at each end operational status after single component within the system fails
of the line. However, LMPs at Buses 1, 2, and 3 in the latter to operate [14].
case after switching operation are $10/MWh, $10.29/MW, and N-1 contingency criterion when applied to AC OPF refers
$10.62/MWh, respectively. This small LMP difference in the to the ability of rescheduling generators immediately after the
latter case is caused by the power loss associated with the line single contingency occurs with no violation of physical con-
resistance. straints, so that the system can move from one stable operation
state to another. In general, a single contingency would be con-
III. AC OPTIMAL POWER FLOW WITH sidered as the loss of a transmission line or a generator; how-
N-1 CONTINGENCY CRITERION ever, the problem of interest in this study is to see the effect of
The objective function of an AC OPF problem is to mini- topology control on reliability. Therefore, hereinafter only the
mize the operating cost of the system, subject to real and reac- loss of transmission line will be considered as a contingency. In
tive power balance equalities, and some inequalities including this sense, each contingency changes the topology of the system.
real and reactive power generation, apparent power flow, and Complete problem formulation of AC OPF with N-1 reliability
voltage reliability limits. AC OPF problem generally be mod- is called super
eled in the form of (1), where the control variable consists
of by1 vectors of real part of voltage and imaginary
part of voltage and the by1 vectors of real and
reactive power injections, then is the set of non-
linear equations represent the real and reactive power balance,
and is the set of equations represent the power flow limits
as nonlinear functions and the variable limits. Lastly, and are
given vectors as parameters.
Mathematical programming in the form of (1) is a nonlinear
programming with a non-convex feasible region; hence the so- ..
lution methods of the problem are beyond the scope of this .
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Each problem in the set can be solved individually with no

shared information. This structure makes our proposed method
a great candidate for parallel computation.
Immediately after solving N+1 OPFs, we are able to identify
system [25]and it can be modeled in the form of (2) where the set of N-1 contingency condition for the original
is the vector of control variables associated with the given topology. Let define as the feasible region of , then
topology, for all is the vector of control variables we can define as a set of line indices when :
associated with the topology when th transmission line is off,
and are the given vectors of ramp down and ramp up
limits of control variables.
The constraint set given in (2) may tighten the feasible region includes the line indices, which are required-to-be-al-
of (1), however, it guarantees that the system is able to adjust ways-on, because there is no feasible state of operation when
its state and maintain stable operation even with a loss of any the associated line is out of service. As an additional benefit
transmission line. More specifically, the change on each element while identifying , the objective function values of all
of after a single contingency has to be in the allowable limit N+1 problems also provide us the candidate list of our optimal
range. It should be noted that the objective function value of (2) topology control problem. The members of the candidate list are
can be higher than that of (1). Moreover, the complexity of the the topologies leading to an operating cost lower than the cost
problem and the required computational solution time increase with the original topology. Let as the objective function
significantly with the number of contingencies of interest. of and define the set of candidate list accordingly:
In this study, we will provide here an alternative solution.
Instead of solving the super system in the form of (2), we will
solve separate sub problems formulated in the form of (1). Next,
number of OPF's have to be solved in order to determine and represents the best candidate line index with the lowest
the contingency condition of the original topology. The operating cost.
resulting set will be denoted as for the original topology
in the same fashion as was suggested in [15].
In OTC problem, we would like to find an optimal topology,
yet we do not want the system to be vulnerable after switching At this point, it is necessary to determine if the resulting net-
operation. Although the new topology may reduce the operating work after switching line off will still satisfy the N-1 contin-
cost of the system, we still want the system to show N-1 relia- gency condition of the original topology. Our purpose here is to
bility same as the original topology. Upon completion of the be sure that decision of transmission switching does not make
OTC algorithm we compare the original condition with the system more vulnerable than the original state. Hence, once
the one from new topology . the best candidate is obtained, N-1 OPFs with different topolo-
Our research represents the first attempt in literature to gies will be created by switching off one transmission line at a
consider such a strong constraint for N-1 contingency in OTC time.
problem. Next, we let be a set of secondary problems, where
is the AC OPF problem in the form of (1) while both th and
IV. PARALLEL COMPUTATION OF OTC 1st transmission lines are open and the others can be derived
We will provide here a parallel computing algorithm for accordingly:
one line switching with N-1 contingency criterion; however, it
can be easily updated for topology control involving multiple
switching actions. By adopting the proposed solution method These problems are created to compute the N-1 contingency
for OTC, we can create sub-problems in the form of nonlinear condition for the best candidate. Let define as
programming. Since each sub-problem of interest has different the feasible region of , then we can define as a set
topology, the problem parameters are independent of one of line indices when :
another. This independence makes the parallel computation
possible for OTC problem. For a given transmission system
with the assumption that N transmission components are in
operation, hereinafter called the original topology, we can
create N different topologies by switching a single transmission
line off at a time. Each topology comes with a different set of If two condition sets are identical or is better than
constraints because of different admittance matrix. Let be a , our proposed OTC algorithm stops and
set of created AC OPF problems in the form of (1), where returns the solution of OPF problem . Otherwise, we delete
is the problem created with the original topology and is the the best candidate from the candidate list and choose a new
problem created with the topology while th transmission line and keep comparing the retrieved with .
is open: The algorithm will be only terminated and return the solution
of if it also satisfies the N-1 contingency criterion. Other-
wise, we select another candidate topology from the list. But if
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 2. Computational time versus total number of branch.

the set of is empty after deleting the latest candidate from

the set, then there is no topology guaranteed to have less or equal
objective function value than the original topology. In this case,
the proposed algorithm returns the solution of original problem
A detailed flow chart of the parallel computation of optimal
topology control problem with N-1 contingency criterion is
given in Fig. 3. MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox was
used in this research to solve such a computationally intensive
problem using multicore processors. Two quad-core proces-
sors (2.5 GHz) and a 24-core single server were used in this
research. IEEE 30-, 57-, 118-, and 300-bus test cases were
tested. Those test cases have 41, 80, 186, and 411 branches,
respectively. Computational time is given in Table I and results
are summarized in Fig. 2.


SDP OPF is a convex relaxation of classical AC OPF for-
mulated in rectangular form by ignoring con-
straint, where . Bai [26]first presented an SDP tech-
nique to solve AC OPF with no consideration of transmission
line flow limits. Lavaei and Low [20]expanded the formulation
of AC OPF with transmission line flow limits and proved that if
the solution of SDP satisfies the rank-1 condition of W, it can be
surmised that the solution is the global optimizer for a nonlinear
AC OPF problem [22], [23], [27]. In order to formulate SDP, a Fig. 3. Parallel computation flow chart for optimal topology control.
number of matrices must be defined earlier, where
is the unitary vector in which only the th element is 1 and all
others are 0: (3c)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.






The matrices given in (3a)(3g) are well-defined parameters

for any given problem with an admittance matrix . The vari-
able vector in (3h) is the optimal operation point of the system
under a specified objective function. The matrix , which is Fig. 4. One line switching results, upper and lower bounds.
constructed by vector , will be used as a control variable in the
SDP. Finally, SDP relaxation of AC OPF problem be formu-
lated in (4) (the interested reader is referred to [20]and [27]for The problem given in (4) was formulated in MATLAB and
derivation of SDP OPF). Our SDP formulation differs from that solved with the use of YALMIP toolbox [28]and SeDuMi 1.3
of [20]as follows: solver. Our developed software package for (4) is available via
1) Our updated SDP is capable of handling piecewise linear [19]. For the sake of clarity, an example is given to illustrate the
cost functions (4c). This is necessary when simulating the range of the global solution, and to determine the set of candi-
block-offer market structure used in our experiment with date list in Fig. 4.
human subjects. now represents the cost of generation Modified IEEE 30-bus test case [25]has 41 transmission
at Bus , represents the line segments, and repre- lines; hence the shown 41 solutions in Fig. 4 represent the
sent the power generation and cost coordinate for th line total operating costs of the system after one line has been
segment of generator at Bus respectively. Lastly, de- switched off. If there exists no feasible solution after a single
notes the slope of th line segment of generator at Bus . line switching, no cost will be shown in the figure. Blue stars
2) Equation (4f) is an additional constraint to set the angle of
the reference bus to zero degree. We are able force the di-
agonal element of associated with the imaginary com- (4)
ponent of the reference bus to be zero due to the property
of a positive semidefinite matrix given below ( repre-
sents the bus ID of reference bus).
Fact: If , then each , and if , then
for all . Similarly, if , then each , (4a)
and the statement still holds.
SDP OPF has a convex feasible region if the rank-1 condi-
tion of is ignored. However, the solution may not be phys- (4b)
ically meaningful for AC OPF. If the solution of SDP satisfies
the rank-1 condition of , the solution is the global optimizer (4c)
of problem (1). However, in general, the rank-1 condition will
not be satisfied and SDP solution leads to an infeasible solution
to (1). Therefore, in this study, the solution of SDP OPF will (4e)
only be considered as a lower bound for (1). This follows the (4f)
principles of Lemma 1 as stated below.
Lemma 1: If the total operating cost of the system with the re-
configured topology found by interior point method is less than
the total operating cost of the system with the original topology
found by SDP, then the reconfigured topology is guaranteed to
be a better one than the original topology.
represent for all . The stars below the upper
Proof: The solution of SDP is a lower bound for AC OPF.
bound (red dash line) actually shows the line indices in the set of
The approach we took is that SDP solution with the original
candidate list because decision of switching them off lead
topology is always better than or equal to the local solution with
to lower cost than the original topology. Lemma 1; however,
original topology. If a local solution with a different topology
states that only the solutions under the lower bound (green dash
is better than the SDP solution, it is guaranteed that the new
line) are guaranteed to be a globally better solution than that of
topology is globally better than the original one. Let
the original topology. Therefore, we select the best candidate as
as the objective function of in the form of SDP:
. Here, we need to check N-1 contingency condition
of the best candidate. However, the best candidate doesn't sat-
isfy the requirement of two condition sets as .
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Hence we select the second best candidate as our new candi-

date, . Indeed, switching 29th line off has the same N-1
contingency condition as the original topology.


A. Simulation Tool
An electric power market simulator can be used as an excel-
lent teaching tool to give students the opportunity to learn the
fundamentals of power economics while participating in several
market simulation experiments. Developed simulators in other
studies may be found in [29][33]. Here, we are interested in op-
timal topology control mechanism and its possible implemen- Fig. 5. Operating costs for 25 trading periods.
tation to a market environment. Our main intention is to sim-
ulate how people behave in the market with the technological
advancement. An electric power market simulation software,
complete with an OTC mechanism was developed and human
subjects, students of graduate and undergraduate level, took the
role of a person responsible of trading in a generator company.
Interested readers are referred to [34]for more detail; however,
for the completeness of this study, we will describe the simula-
tion tool briefly.
Participated students are informed in advance that the sim-
ulated power market is advanced with optimal topology con-
trol mechanism. In order to provide a realistic market environ-
ment to be competitive and confidential, participants can only
see their own dispatch amount and economic data. Human sub-
Fig. 6. Real power losses for 25 trading periods of an experiment.
jects should decide their offers for a trading period based on a
forecasted load and their own cost data. Their main objective is
to achieve high profit in each trading period. costly than the original network but also satisfies the N-1 con-
The following discussions on the total operating cost of tingency constraint. Proposed OTC algorithm found a topology
the system, real power losses, and locational marginal prices that leads 5% cost reduction within 22nd trading period, and
(LMPs) are based on an experiment held by human subjects for 10% within the 16th trading period.
25 trading periods.
C. Real Power Losses
B. Total Operating Cost
Fig. 6 shows the real power losses in MW with respect to
The objective of an OTC problem is to minimize the total 25 trading periods. In general, proposed OTC algorithm returns
operating cost of the system by considering the transmission a solution with lower power losses than the original topology
network as a variable in optimization problem. Although this solution. However, one interesting instance deserving careful
approach may decrease the operating cost of the system by attention is the 5th trading period in Fig. 6. During this period
switching operation, the resulted topology may not satisfy the the operating cost of the system after OTC with N-1 contingency
same N-1 contingency criterion as the original topology. is less than the cost of the original topology, yet higher power
Real and reactive power load parameters and cost functions of loss was observed as opposed to our expectation. Hence, our
generators are different in each trading period given in Fig. 5 and observation is that even though the operating cost of the system
they may be found online via [19]. For each trading period, the is reduced after transmission switching operation, real power
total operating cost of the system is given in Fig. 5. In order losses do not necessarily decrease.
to better illustrate our N-1 contingency criterion, we also in-
cluded the case when not considering N-1 contingency condi- D. Locational Marginal Price Variance
tion in Fig. 5 labeled as w/o N-1. Due to the similarity of The price of electricity at a particular bus is determined by
the solutions gathered with and without N-1 contingency crite- what is known as the LMP. LMP is well defined for ACOPF
rion, we believe it to be unnecessary to plot the results of no N-1 problem modeled in the form of (1). It is defined by the dual vari-
contingency condition throughout the remainder of the paper. able pertaining to the real power balance constraint. However,
The 5th trading period, as magnified in Fig. 5, illustrates how OTC problem is indeed a mixed integer nonlinear programming
the results differ with and without N-1 contingency condition. (MINLP) so that the dual variables are not well defined. Here,
Although there exists a topology with a better solution, due to we would like to note that, our intention in this section is not to
no satisfaction of N-1 contingency constraint, our proposed al- compare the dual variables of two problems. Instead, we simply
gorithm finds another topology that is still guaranteed to be less want to compare well-defined LMP in two different topologies.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


transmission line switching mechanism. Proposed OTC algo-

rithm in this study is designed to provide strict adherence to N-1
contingency condition as defined by U.S. Federal Energy Reg-
ulation Commission.
This is the first attempt within electric power market simu-
lation literature to successfully simulate optimal topology con-
trol problem with no linearization on constraints with partici-
pation of human subjects. All data presented in this paper was
collected from direct human interaction. A parallel computation
algorithm was utilized to increase computational efficiency of
such computationally expensive problem solving.
Analyses of the results gathered from the experiments were
discussed under the subtitles of total operating cost of the
Fig. 7. Locational marginal price at bus 20 for 25 trading periods.
system, real power loss, and LMP variance. We observed
that the total operating cost of the system may decrease after
transmission switching. We also observed that although optimal
topology control provides the lowest system cost, the real power
losses of the system may increase. We didn't observe a direct
relation of the power losses with the operating cost. Lastly,
the LMP data at several buses shows that a significant change
on LMP is possible before and after transmission switching
operation. Hence, our further research aimed at advancing our
knowledge of LMP in optimal topology control problem.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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