Electromagnetic Effects of Overhead Transmission Lines

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A report prepared by the Working Group on Electromagnetic and
Electrostatic Effects of Transmission Lines, General Systems
Subcommittee. L.O. Barthold, Chairman, Power Technologies
Inc; W.G. Finney, R.J. Donovan Inc; E.G. Lambert, Pacific Gas
& Electric Co; H.E. Skelton, Ontario Hydro; R.H. Schlomann,
American Electric Power Service Corp; L.E. Zaffanella, General
Electric Co; P.C. Williams, B.C. Hydro & Power Authority; C.F.
Clark, Bonneville Power Administration; D.C. Hubbard, A.B.
Chance Co; and L. Delaplace, Boston Edison Co.

ABSTRACT rents or fault currents, E/M induced voltages

appear at the open ends of partially grounded
This paper summarizes practical problems loops of the lines. These voltages can be as
associated with electromagnetic currents in- high as 0.1 volt per mile per amp of current
duced by high voltage transmission lines. It or even greater on lines which closely paral-
deals with the safeguards necessary to coun- lel other circuits. This may correspond to
teract these currents and develops a method the order of 300 volts/mile under normal load
of calculation of electromagnetically induced conditions or as high as five kV/mile under
voltages and currents. short circuit conditions. Methods for compu-
tation of current in specific cases are given
INTRODUCTION in subsequent paragraphs.
In 1971, the IEEE Working Group on E/S Where passive conductors are grounded at
and E/M Effects prepared two papers on elec- two or more points, the E/M induced current
trostatic effects of transmission lines./1,2/ which flows in the passive line is limited by
These papers treated the types of problems the total impedance of the passive circuit--
that could arise, some safeguards that were i.e., the impedance of the line plus that of
useful, and discussed methods of calculation the ground return path. For a low resistance
of E/S induced voltages. ground path, the current flowing in loops of
line of any length will be virtually constant,
This report, prepared by the same work- since the impedance of the line will increase
ing group, deals with the same issues but re- with length in the same proportion as will
stricts itself to E/M effects. Because the the induced voltage on the line. Thus, in
E/M problem is closely related to the manner the majority of cases, the E/M induced volt-
of grounding and concern over step potential, age appears as a series drop in the passive
these questions have also been dealt with in circuit and may not represent a serious
this report. problem.
References 1 and 2 include some prelimi- For high resistance ground paths, the
nary consideration of shock criteria, such current in the circuit is limited primarily
criteria being equally applicable to E/S and by the resistance of the ground path. In
E/M induced effects. However, no single cri- this case, the E/M induced voltage will ap-
terion is felt to be adequate to all classi- pear across the grounding resistance. Cur-
fications of exposure and the working group rent flow through the grounding point can
is now attempting to define classifications elevate the potential of a local or remote
of exposure and to assign shock criteria ap- ground above the true ground potential.
plicable to each.
Thus, persons at work on or near a line
The following paragraphs will identify can be subject to the following E/M induced
E/M effects of significance, give some exam- shocks:
ples where problems have arisen, and cite
safeguards that many utilities have found 1. Potentials between an open ended
useful. line and ground
E/M Induction in Parallel Circuits 2. Potentials between a grounded line
and a remote ground
- On parallel or underbuilt lines adjacent
to circuits carrying either normal load cur- 3. Step or touch potentials at or near
ground electrodes
Consider an example case where a man
comes in contact with a conductor on a sup-
posedly de-energized circuit which is ground-
ed by a single ground connection at some
point remote from him. Assume the following:
a) the E/M induced voltage is 0.1 volts
Paper T 73 441-3, recommended and approved by the IEEE Transmission & per mile per ampere.*
Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for Presentation at
the IEEE PES Summer Meeting & EHV/UHV Conference, Vancouver, B.C.
Canada, July 15-20, 1973. Manuscript submitted February 21, 1973; made * These values should be specifically calcu-
available for printing May 11, 1973. lated for a given case.

b) the body and contact resistance of Rl would presumably be made up of driven
the man is 1500 ohms. grounds or a grillage of some sort. A work-
man standing at a different location is also
c) the source reactance (Thevenins equi- grounded through foot contact. R2 would nor-
valent) is small compared to 1500 ohms.* mally be very much greater than Rl. Current
I, flowing through R1, produces a voltage aR1
d) the load current in a parallel cir- which is impressed across the workman's body
cuit is 1000 amperes. resistance, RB, in series with his local
ground resistance
e) the threshold of-dangerous shock is
taken as 5 milliamperes for this classifica- An actual case history can be cited in
tion of exposure. connection with Figure 1(a). The instance
involved inadvertent energization of a 4000-
Then, if the distance between the man volt line grounded through --an effective re-
and the ground connection is D, sistance, R1, of 15 ohms. The remaining im-
pedance including the line and the station
D = 1500 x (.005) -
075 miles 396 ft. = ground was 2.1 ohms. The fault current was
(0-.l).(l000) only 135 amperes, but the voltage across the
lineman and his ground contact was 15x135 or
Note that, if a short circuit of 10,000 2020 volts!
amperes occurred on the parallel line, the
approximate safe distance would be 0.0075 The lineman's ground contact resistance
miles or only 40 feet from the ground was found to be 600 ohms. Adding to this a
connection. 1500-ohm value for body resistance, head to
foot, his combined circuit resistance was ap-
Current flowing to ground through a re- proximately 2100 ohms. The resultant current
sistive ground connection can cause dangerous through him then was 2020/2100 or 0.96 am-
step or touch potentials. The discussion of peres. Uslng Dalziel's electrocution formula
this problem in succeeding paragraphs, while I = 0.165 VeaT t becomes less than 2 cycles
directed toward currents from E/M induction for a possible fatal duration.
is equally applicable toother currents--e.g.,
fault current accidentally occurring on the His work location in this case was
circuit being worked on. grounded through moderately low resistance,
but he was not protected adequately.
Figure 1 illustrates some of the effects
of grounding. It is useful in a general Figure 1(b) shows a similar case, except
ground analysis to consider the ground sur- where R2 is the resistance of a remote ground
face as an imperfect surface ground below connection with which the workman might come
which a "true" ground plane exists. into contact.
Figure 1(a) shows a conductor
an effective resistance R1.
grounded Figure l(c) illustrates another phenome-
effective ground
through non. In this figure, the

v t X & KSX&~~I-)u h


-TZUE rqeoi.1a
Fig. l(a) Fig. 1(c)

q Po E IAL

cmeOUL b

*t1 fim - J - s '- ILA JL

Fig. l(b) Fig. 1(d)

* These values should be specifically calcu- resistance, R1, is more accurately represent-
lated for a given case. ed as a distributed resistance. A workman
bridges several feet of this resistance with induced currents. Other utilities use buried
each stride, subjecting himself to a portion grounding mats for the same purpose. In
of the drop IR1. locations where these procedures are impossi-
ble to carry out, the alternative of estab-
In Figure l(d), an extended local ground lishing two work zones within a work area is
is provided, minimizing all of the effects another possible method. A "zone of equipo-
cited above. tential" is set up in the area of the line,
etc., and another area on the ground which is
During normal work periods,safety grunds protected from dangerous step potentials. All
should usually be fenced off or otherwise other areas are roped off.
kept clear of work sites to protect workmen
from dangerous step potentials from the Safeguards:
ground, should the line be accidentally re-
energized./3/ These clearances are more than 1. When work is proceeding on a line,
adequate to protect line personnel against safety grounds should always be applied to
danger from ground potentials from E/M cur- the line at the work site and to all conduc-
rent flow. However, where the line is left tors in multiconductor bundles, if insulated
unattended during non-working periods, un- spacers are used.
authorized entry to the work site by persons,
children and animals can result in severe and 2. All conducting objects within a work
even fatal shock. A particular concern re- area should be bonded together to create a
ported by one utility in this respect is the "zone of equipotential" so that it is not
case where a line is being strung and the possible to receive a shock through contact
conductors are temporarily anchored to a tree with the main ground at the work site and a
stump or a rod for the night. Children en- second remote ground which is present in the
tering the work site have been known to at- work area.
tempt to swing on the conductors, as the angle
of the conductors to the ground often allows 3. When more than one phase is ground-
this, and have received shocks as a result. ed, jumpering from phase to phase with
In these cases, it has been found necessary minimum cable sag and employing a single
to post watchmen at the site during non- common ground lead will minimize cable
working hours. stress.
Where safety grounds may be required to 4. Clean conductors using hot stick
ground high currents due to accidental ener- techniques before attaching grounding or
gizing of a grounded line, attention must be jumper clamps.
given to the current capacity, the possible
IR drop, and the E/M effect created with re- 5. The possibility of shock from step
spect to adjacent grounds and/or conductors. and touch potentials is reduced by fencing
Long or loosely sagging safety grounds can the area around the ground rod to block ac-
whip about violently under large surge cur- cess to these potentials if the line is ac-
rents. The effect is more pronounced when cidentally energized.
three phases are grounded and all three
phases are accidentally re-energized. Stres- Insulated Shield Wires
ses generated can also result in grounding
cable termination failure. Overhead shield wires are installed on
transmission lines to provide a path to
Clean connections are also an important ground for lightning protection. Previously,
corsideration in assessing safety ground per- the shield wires have been grounded at every
formance and can be a critical factor when tower (see Figure 2(a)). With the advent of
high currents result from accidental energiz- high load carrying EHV transmission lines,
ing. High resistance contacts to oxidized the insulated shield wire scheme provides a
conductors contribute to excessive IR drop power loss savings and may serve as a possi-
and contact burning. ble medium for telephone carrier communica-
tion. Insulating the overhead shield wires
To protect from touch and step poten- does not degrade lightning protection, or
tials at winches and cranes in contact with impair operation of the transmission line,
de-energized lines, some utilities use limit- but it may create a situation that could
ed access ground mats in the area of winches give rise to electromagnetic induction
and cranes. Ground mats must be bonded to problems for linemen and maintenance per-
vehicles to provide an equipotential situa- sonnel. However, with proper designs and
tion. Caution should be exercised when step- working procedures, the effects are mini-
ping on or off these mats. Step and touch mized. /4-12/
potentials at the base of metal structures
may be eliminated by the use of mats, insula- During construction of the overhead
ted ladders or walk ways. Mats must be bond- shield wires in the vicinity of an existing
ed to ground rods adjacent to the vehicle or and operating EHV transmission line, both
structure. electrostatic and electromagnetic effects may
cause some concern to linemen. Shield wire
In flat, clear areas some utilities use stringing operations might require special
ground mats to cover the entire work area rolling grounds and possibly ground grids at
with limited access, etc., to protect person- tensioner and puller sites. During mainte-
nel in work areas from dangerous shock if nance operations when working above an ener-
there is a re-energization of the line from gized line, the shield wire should be bonded
any cause. This measure also eliminates the to the tower and/or gloves or hot stick tech-
possibility of shock from steady state E/M niques employed.
An insulated shield wire scheme, as schemes are both the electrostatic and elec-
shown in Figure 2(b), eliminates the power tromagnetic effects. These effects associat-
loss due to the magnetically induced circula- ed with the insulated shield wire principally
ting currents. The grounds collapse the re- affect only linemen and maintenance person-
latively high voltage potentials that could nel. After a satisfactory design is prepared,
be electrostatically induced from the ener- only working procedures for construction and
gized transmission line. The sectionalized maintenance need be implemented.
lengths are established to limit the maximum
allowable electromagnetically induced voltage Arcing on Removal of Grounds
on the shield wire. The induced voltage to
ground builds up linearly from the ground to When a ground is removed from a line
the open end. The maximum allowable induced where there is E/M induced current flow
voltage at any point on the shield wire must through the ground, an arc will develop across
be kept lower than the reignition voltage the open break between the line and ground
that will support and sustain an arc initi- conductor. The length of the arc produced
ated by a lightning stroke. will depend upon the magnitude of the current
broken and the voltage which appears across
An insulated shield wire scheme, as the open break when the arc is extinguished.
shown in Figure 2(c), reduces the circulating Andrews et al showed that the reach of arcs
currents induced from the power conductors, as produced by breaking currents below 100 A is
well as performing as a telephone communica- given by: /13/
tion carrier. However, the same electromag-
netic effects may occur during construction Arc Reach, in feet = 0.0165 VI
and maintenance as previously discussed. It
is important to note that transposition of where V = voltage across the break in kV
shield wires can eliminate all or most of the I = current broken in amps
positive or negative sequence E/S or E/M ef-
fects. The zero sequence coupling is not in- Using this equation and typical values
fluenced. This is important from a safety of electromagnetically induced voltages and
standpoint, since the limiting concern is one currents on long transmission lines, it can
of short circuit induction. The communica- be shown that breaking E/M induced currents
tion protective coupling device at the termi- by the removal of grounds from the line can
nals must be able to supply a path to ground result in arcs several feet in length appear-
in the event of a lightning stroke. The de- ing across the break between the line and the
vice must also be able to continuously dis- ground conductor. It may be difficult or im-
charge the electrostatically induced effects possible to extinguish such an arc using a
and possibly havean impedance matching trans- standard ground switch, and quite dangerous
former. Associated with many devices is a to line operating personnel if the ground is
ground disconnect switch which is installed removed manually.
in the shield wire before the communication
coupling protector in order to ground the Safeguards:
shield wirefor carrier equipment maintenance.
1. The rating of switches used to
To summarize, with the advent of higher ground lines should be chosen to ensure that
current carrying power circuits the induced they can break induced voltage and current
circulating losses becomes appreciable. To arcs likely to be encountered on the line to
eliminate or reduce these losses, insulating which they are connected. Alternatively,
the shield wire becomes necessary. However, load break switches can be installed.
inherent with any insulated shield wire
2. Operating personnel must observe
strict limits of approach when manually ap-
- -
A A A plying or removing grounds from lines. This
procedure will ensure that personnel cannot
come into contact with the arc on removal of
the ground from the line.
Fig. 2(a)
Grounded Shield Wire Scheme Thermal Instability of Ground Rods
On wood pole lines, it may be necessary
AA A; A A 'A to ground the line using a safety ground made
up from driven rods. If the power to be dis-
sipated by this ground because of induced
Fig. 2(b) current flow is high enough, the ground will
Typical Insulated & Sectionalized begin to heat. If the power to be dissipated
Shield Wire Scheme is large, the rod will heat rapidly and will
eventually dry out the soil around it. If
this happens, the resistivity of the soil
will rise quickly and the resistance of the
rods will rise as a consequence. The effici-
ency of the ground as a safety device is,
therefore, impaired.
Protective Coupling Devices
In unpublished tests conducted by B.C.
Fig. 2(c) Hydro, where currents were circulated through
Typical Insulated and Transposed ground rods in various configurations in two
Shield Wire Scheme types of soil (alluvial loam and rocky soil),
it has been found that noticeable ground rod condition is most likely to occur during con-
heating occurs only when the power dissipated struction of a line when temporary grounds
by 5/8" diameter copper ground rods exceeds may be left on remote incomplete structures
5OW per foot of buried rod. for fairly long periods of time. In reported
cases, the resulting fires have caused heavy
The B.C. tests on individual rods at damage.
higher levels of power show that rods may
heat very rapidly, reaching the boiling point Fires of this type can usually be pre-
of water within a matter of minutes. Drying vented by applying rigid standards for the
of the soll will then occur, the time taken grounding of lines under construction or
depending on the particular soil conditions. lines of a temporary nature, especially where
In instances where this phenomenon has oc- the line is known to be subject to high
curred in the field, the resistance of a levels of induced voltage and current.
single rod ground has been seen to rise from
60ato 1200,nin a matter of minutes. Buried Pipes
Additional tests on 6 ft. single rods in It is a common misconception that buried
moist clay, with initial resistance as low as pipes, cable armor, etc., are not subject to
7.8 ohms,displayed a rapid rise in resistance E/M induction and, consequently, there is a
and soil disturbance during simulated acci- temptation to be lax about safety precautions
dental energizing at 15 kV. in such cases. Pipelines which parallel
transmission lines, particularly if covered
On steel tower lines, the substantial with a non-conducting protective coating,
nature of the foundations and associated should be installed and maintained with the
ground conductors will probably ensure that same precautions cited above for parallel
heating will not occur.- above-ground conductors.
Safeguards: Some measurements were made on a 34-inch
coated pipe buriedin proximityto an EHV line.
1. Increase the thermal capacity of the The results of these unpublished tests by the
grounds by increasing the number of ground Southern California Gas Co. indicated that
rods used to the point where thermal insta- with full-rated li"ne current of 1700 amperes,
bility of the ground cannot occur over the pipe-to-ground voltage varied quite a bit
period that the ground rods will be in use. along the 55-mile pipe but were generally in
the range from 20 to 100 volts. To protect
2. Sectionalize the line involved so personnel at valve or blow off stack loca-
that the maximum possible power which must be tions, local ground mats were found effective.
dissipated by the ground cannot cause thermal
instability in the ground. Railroad Catenaries
3. Use additional grounds in the vicin- Electrified railways often parallel pow-
ity of the work ground to decrease the load er circuits. The overhead catenaries and on-
on the work ground to a point where thermal board electrical equipment directly connected
instability is prevented. tothem should be maintained with the same
safety precautions as are used on a parallel
4. Consider the use of deeper grounds transmnission line.
where soil conditions permit this.
Communication Circuits
Sparking at Ground Rods
Communication circuits (especially open
In controlled tests, sparking has been wire circuits) parallel to transmission lines
observed at the base of ground- rods and in are subject to significant electromagnetic
vegetation immediately adjacent to grounds coupling if the exposure is long and the
when the voltage on the ground with respett separation between facilities is insuffi-
to true ground potential exceeds 1200 V. The cient. On a poorly coordinated installation,
onset of sparking is immediate even in very the magnitude of induced voltage on the com-
wet conditions and burning and charring may munication facility can be substantial during
occur in green vegetation. The area affected steady state conditions and excessive during
may extend for 3 '-6" from the rod, because fault conditions on the power lines. /14,15/
conduction occurs along plant stems and in This can result in a possible shock for per-
root systems. sons contacting the communication circuit
(maintenance, installation, etc.) and ad-
In dry conditions, this effect has been versely affect equipment at the terminals.
known to cause grass fires which could have The longitudinally induced voltage in a
precipitated larger conflagrations. shielded communications cable will normally
be less than that of an open wire circuit.
The most practical safeguard is to cut This reduction is dependent on the shield
vegetation away from the areas around groun-d- factor of the cable. Although the communica-
rods or conductors before subjecting the tion utility normally provides protection at
ground to induced current flow. the terminal, the voltage breakdown of the
protective device may be on the order of 300
Pole Fires to 600 volts, and these protectors may not
always operate as designed.
Fires on wooden pole structures may be
started by persistent arcing at loose or in- It is assumed that danger exists if a
correctly fitted grounding devices. This person is in contact between an energized
conductor and ground when the energized con- The short circuit (Thevenin's) impedance
ductor has longitudinally induced e.m.f. in of the parallel wire is quite simple if one
excessof 50 or 60 volts r.m.s. In this case, considers the main conductors as constant
the power line is assumed to be in normal current sources--i.e., not influenced by in-
operation (steady state condition). /141 For teraction with the fence or other parallel
transient conditions on the power lines, this circuit. In evaluating Thevenin's equivalent
voltage may be between 430-650 volts. impedance, current sources are replaced by an
open circuit, so the Thevenin's impedance is
Calculations for the induced voltage on simply the impedance of the fence itself:
the communication circuits are based on
Carson's equationsand are discussed at length
in the EEI-Bell Laboratory Reports. /15/ ZTh = Zff (3)
Approximate calculations can be made using It is apparent from Figure 3 that any
the curves developed in these reports or a resistance at the point where the fence is
more rigorous approach can be used which will grounded -must be included in the Thevenin' s
normally involve computer application. impedance. Thus, the shock current seen by
someone touching the terminal at point (p) is:
To protect equipment, it is normal prac- I(Rg + Zff) + R (4)
tice to apply some sort of protective device
at the terminal such as carbon blocks, gas
tubes, or grounding relays. While these de- .where Rp is the sum of contact resistance,
vices can be obtained to give a voltage body resistance and ground resistance of the
breakdown to protect the equipment, it may be *affected person. This is illustrated in
necessary to have additional protection for Figure 4.
personnel safety, One successful means of
providing this additional safety is to reduce
the communication circuits to short segments
throughout the exposure to the power lines by
means of isolating transformers, or to "can- a I-
cel" the electromagnetic induced voltage'by
neutralizing transformers.
In some instances, it may be necessary
to establish special instructions concerning
the maintenance procedures used by communica- _-_
tion maintenance personnel. In those special
cases, where the communication circuit volt- I~~~~
age cannot reasonably be reduced to a safe
level, maintenance personnel should consider
the communication wires energized and apply
portable grounds prior to any work involving p
contact with these wires.
Figure 3
Thevenin's Equivalent Circuit for Analysis of
E/M Coupling
It was shown in a previous paper that an
object which is energized by electrostatical-
ly coupled voltage may be analyzed in terms
of a Thevenin's equivalent circuit. /2/ The
same approach is useful in representing elec-
tromagnetically induced voltages. Figure 3
shows a passive conductor (f) (fence, paral-
lel line, etc.) grounded at one point and in
parallel with a current-carrying conductor
(a). The open circuit (Thevenin's equivalent) Figure 4
voltage at (p) in Figure 3 is simply:
The foregoing discussed shock for the
VTh = IaZaf (1) case where one end of a conductor is open-
circuited. The analysis need not assume that
where Zaf is the mutual impedance per unit the fence terminates at (p), merely that it
length between conductors times their total is open-circuited at some point beyond (p)--
parallel length. If there were several i.e., thatno current flows in the fence prior
current-carrying conductors, as is the case to contact, if the fence is grounded at (p).
in a three-phase line for example, the rela-
tionship of (1) can be expanded: Addition of E/S and E/M Voltages
(2) In most practical circumstances, pro-
VTh = (IaZ af IbZbf Iczcf+ )
blems of E/M induction have no E/S component
and vice versa; in other words, an excessive Mutual Impedance Between Two Wires - a,b With
E/M charge usually arises when one end of a Common Ground Return
conductor is grounded or when grounds are not
sufficiently frequent. But, the fact that a Zab Rab + i Xab
ground exists anywhere on a conductor is suf-
ficient to drain off any electrostatically R ab = 10o3 , (0.2528) + ARab
induced charge. Similarly, ungrounded con- ab
ductors may see a large E/M component of
voltage included from one end to another, but Xab l0o- (0.74113 log10
assuming no E/S component, this is normally
of no concern to the first ground contact, be
it a grounding switch or a human being. + 2.4715) + A Xab
Theoretically, it is quite possible to s = spacing between conductors in feet
have both components present, in which case
they can be added by superposition. One p = earth resistivity in L * m
might imagine an insulated fence as shown in
Figure 5, for example, where a very high re- uj = 2 IlTf with = frequency in Hz
sistance to ground exists at the center--so
high that the electrostatically induced charge
has significant value, resulting in a uniform
voltage E 5 on the fence. Rab, Rab, Xab Xab inRm/mile
Rab = l10 [ - p s' cos%3
6.785 f- s'2 cos 2 %
107 P
I ///*~'~I V-K (3.661 + log10 1,}
+ 2.951 f s'2.3 sin 2.3
+ 6.355 f ts 3cos 3A7
+ .1011 { Vp cos4 ]
-7.084 f2 '4 cos 4 %

1015 p2 J
Figure 5
Assuming that a very high current flows aXb = 10 [ o
103 pf s cos 3
in the energized conductor, and that its
phase angle lags the conductor voltage by
90, a value of E/M voltage of Em will result 2.318 p ,2 cos 2 .
at one end of the fence and -En at the other. 107 e
These components can be added to Er vectori-
ally to produce the composite open-circuit j
voltages, 'T and E'T. The Thevenin's equiva- + 6.355 s'3 cos 3.J
lent of the composite sources can most easily 101P
be derived independently and thus added.
This is, of course, conservative since the
very circumstances which cause excessive cur-
9.020 s'4 . sin 4.3
rent in the phase of concern is likely to de-
1015 p2
press its voltage. 20.77 s4 cos 4.3
Thus, the technique for adding E/M and 1015
E/S effects is not difficult, but neither is
it likely that simultaneous solution would
lead to design procedures or safety standards (3.842 + log1o ,fE: )I
that their separate consideration would have
missed. =Cos-1 ha + hb
Calculation of Self and Mutual Impedances s

Mutual impedance between transmission

line -conductors and wires close to around ha, hb are the heights of conductors a
(fences, communication circuits, etc.) can and b, respectively.
be computed using the following equations,
which account for Carson's correction fac- s' = distance between one conductor and
tors. /16/- the image of the other.
A simplification is normally introduced EHV Transmission Conference, Montreal,
in power systems analysis neglecting the Quebec, Canada, September 30-October 2,
terms & A
Rab and xab 1968.
This simplification practically does not (13) F. E. Andrews, L. R. Johnson, and M. A.
affect the results for values of terrain re- Andrews, "Interrupting Ability of Horn
sistivity equal to lO00f.m or higher and for Gap Switches," IEEE Transactions (PAS)
separations between wires up to 1000 feet. pp. 1016, 1950.
(14) "Directives Concerning the Protection of
REFERENCES Telecommunication Lines Against Harmful
Effects from Electricity.Lines," Inter-
(1) "Electrostatic Effects of Overhead Trans- national Telegraph and Telephone Consul-
mission Lines: Part I - Effects and tative Committee (CCITT), International
Safeguards," by IEEE Working Group on Telecommunications Union 1962, p. 25,
( plemented 15).
E/S and E/M Effects, IEEE Transactions,
Vol. PAS-91, pp. 422-426, 1971. (15) Engineering Report No. 14, Joint Subcom-
(2) "Electrostatic Effects of Overhead Trans- mittee on Development and Research,
mission Lines: Part II - Methods of National Electric Light Association and
Calculation," by IEEE Working Group on Bell Telephone System, April 1932.
E/S and E/M Effects, IEEE Transactions, (16) E. Clarke, "Circuit Analysis of AC Power
Vol. PAS-91, pp.426-433, 1971. Systems," Vol. I, pp. 372-384.
(3) W.L. Clifton, "Inadequacies of Safety
Grounds on Transmission and Distribution
Circuits," AIEE Conference Paper CP 60-
496, 1960.
(4) Central Station Engineers of the Westing- Discussion:
house Electric Corporation, Electrical
Transmission and Distribution Reference E.H. Skelton, (Ontario Hydro, Toronto, Ontario Canada): When
Book, Fourth Edition Copyright 1964, stringing a line in the near vicinity of a live line, the workers must be
Chapter 23, pp. 741-783. protected against electromagnetically and electrostatically induced
charges, both steady state and due to surges. They must also be
(5) T.D. Wood, Jr., "Use of Insulated Over- protected from fault currents on the line under construction due to
accidental energizing of the line or contact with the neighbouring live
head Ground Wire for Communications," line. Such currents may be of the order of thousands of amperes, and
AIEE Conference Paper presented at the protection against them will easily take care of induced currents.
Special Technical Conference on EHV Com- Ontario Hydro protects the operators of tension stringing machines
munications, Control and Relaying, March by placing the machines on a grounded metallic grid. The machine is
14-16, 1962, Dallas, Texas. bonded to the grid, and the tail of the conductor is bonded to the
machine through brushes and a slip ring. Step voltages off the grid are
(6) G. E. Farmer, "The Use -of Insulated avoided by fencing off a three-foot no man's land outside the perimeter
Ground Wires on a Transmission Line for of the grid. This setup, and the associated precuations followed by the
Communication Channels,' IEEE Power Appa- men, are cumbersome and expensive, but have proved their worth
ratus and Systems, pp. 84-891, December several times. The most spectacular occasion was a windy day when a
phase of a 500 kV line flashed over to the static wire of a new circuit
1963. being strung. Although the line was tripped off six times, the workmen,
(7) J. Reichman, "Using Insulated Overhead only a few spans away, were not aware that anything was wrong until
one of them saw the flash.
Ground Wires for Carrier Relaying,"
Transmission and Distribution, pp. 34-39, Manuscript received August 2, 1973.
November 1965.
(8) H.R. McNutt, Jr., W.C. Guyker, Jr., and
W.J. Blaser, "Economics Favor Insulated D. A. Gillies and D. E. Perry, (Bonneville Power Administration,
EHV Static Wires," Electric Light and Portland, Oregon 97208): This report by the Working Group on
Power, pp. 52-54, September 1966. Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Effects on Transmission Lines calls
attention to a very real problem area for the industry. Induced voltages
(9) IEEE Winter Power Meeting Report, "Static will increase as right-of-way capacities are increased and we believe that
Wire on 500 kV Used for Communications," this must result in review of line designs, protective grounding practices,
and work procedures. This paper, along with those the Working Group
Electrical WorM p. 147, February 21,1966. published on Electrostatic considerations (Ref. 1 & 2), should provide a
guide to those making such a review. However, as presented, we believe
(10) D.E. Hedman and H.C. Sampers, "345 kV, these papers, by necessity, cover such a broad field that it would be
60-Cycle Ground Wire Losses," Electric difficult to use as a guide for developing safe working procedures for an
Light and Power, p. 28, September 1967. individual system.
We hope that future work of the committee would be to convert
(11) J.H. Mallory, "Design Considerations in these papers into a guide with sections specifically aimed at Distribution,
Overhead Ground Wire Communications," Sub-transmission, EHV System, etc.
paper presented to Pacific Coast Elec- We do have the following specific comments:
1. The statement regarding the effect of high resistance ground
trical Association Engineering and Oper- paths limiting current would apply to very high resistance grounds when
ating Section Communications Group, Los considering E/M. Since the E/M circuit is usually high impedance with a
Angeles, Calif., March 10, 1967. large inductance, resistance, added vectorially, must be quite high to
have any appreciable effect on the current. The effect of resistance on a
(12) W.R. Johnson and E.G. Lambert, "500 kV low impedance fault source is well know, but users should not expect
Transmission Lines of Pacific Gas arid
Electric," paper presented at the IEEE Manuscript received August 6, 1973.
to eliminate their E/M problems by having a high footing resistance. It more terms into account. Carson's series in convenient form for
will, in fact, magnify their troubles. computer calculations2 in metric units are:
2. The principle of protective grounding at the work site to
provide a low impedance local path in parallel with the lineman was ARab = 410-4w [-b1acos0
developed to minimize the lineman hazard of an accidental energiza-
tion. As Step and Touch problems on ground due to E/M and E/S +b2a2 (c2 cos 20 + 0 sin 20)
couplings increase, protective grounding practices must be reevaluated. 3 cos 30
We find E/S currents of 2 to 3 amperes on EHV lines. Tower footing
resistance of over 100 ohms then can develop significant voltages to be -d4a4 cos 40
considered in developing work procedures for groundmen.
3. We believe additional work should be done on the Arc Reach -b5a 5 cos 50
formula. The formula would indicate that a recovery voltage of less
than 20 kV with 40 amperes current would not be extinguished on +b6a6 (c6 cos 60 + 0 sin 60)
BPA 500-kV lines. Single Pole Reclosing Tests have indicated about
45-kV recovery voltage at 40 amperes as about the limit. This would +b7a7 cos 70
seem to indicate that the formula is not "straight line" and that it
should be reviewed at least at EHV levels. -d8a 8 cos 80
Our protective grounding procedure is to apply the protective
grounds to an electromagnetic circuit (low voltage), for example; -.. in Q2/km
ground switches closed at each end. If necessary, then open the ground
switches during the work (low current into the ground) and close them and AXab = 4-10-4 cA [b1a cos 0
again to remove the protective grounds (low voltage). -d2a2 cos 2d
4. The paper seems to imply that the 5 milliampere let go induced
current limit is also applicable to transient induced currents. The let go +b3a3 cos 3 0
current limit should not be considered the limit for induced currents
related to high magnitude fault currents. Since fault currents are cleared -b4a4 (c4 cos 409 + & sin 40)
within cycles, the transient induced current will normally be cleared
prior to a person's reaction time and let go limits do not apply. +b5a5 cos 50
Dalziel's investigation of maximum current limits versus duration
reported in IEEE Spectrum 1969, suggests a 10 cycle fault would -d6a6 cos 60
indicate that a transient induced current of nearly 1 amp could be
tolerated. We are not suggesting 1 amp as a recommended limit, only +b7a7 cos 70
pointing out that 5 milliamps is not applicable for transient currents.
5. If series capacitors are not bypassed (either automatically or -b8a8 (c8 cos 8 0 + 0 sin 80)
manually) and remain electrically a part of the circuit and substation +... ] in 2/km
ground switches are closed, very high induced currents can result. A
condition can arise during line maintenance in which the induced circuit Each 4 successive terms form a repetitive pattern. The coefficients b,
is limited only by the positive sequence resistance with all three phases c, d, are constants, except for subtraction of lna in c, which can be
grounded since the series capacitance cancels the line inductance. The stored in lists. They are obtained from the recursive formulas
resulting impedance can be less than 0.05 ohm per mile for a 500-kV
line and can theoretically result in over a 1000 amps induced current on
a 500-kV double circuit line. b, =
6 for odd subscripts,
bi = bi-2 + 2) with starting valuc
b 2= for even subscripts,
1 1 I

ci = ci2 + i + i+2 with starting value c2 = 1.3659315 - lna,

H. W. Dommel (University of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, B. C.): di = 4 bi, with sign = 1 changing after each 4 successive terms
The members of the Working Group have provided an excellent (sign=+l fori= 1,2,3,4;sign=-I fori=5,6,7,8,etc.).
summary of the problems associated with electromagnetic coupling.
The following comments are rather minor and are offered to supple- For a> 5 the following asymptotic expansion should be used:
ment the section on the calculation of mutal impedances.
It is true that the equation of the paper, which has been obtained 4R10 =4 ( _ osO a + cos3 _os2
+3 cos 56
by truncating Carson's infinite seriesl after the 4th term, is quite Rab a_ a

accurate for many applications. There are cases, however, where more
terms in Carson's series must be used, namely in cases of wide separa-
tion, low earth resistivity or higher harmonics (e.g., harmonics on dc -45 cos70
lines). Figures 1 and 2 show the exact values for Rab and Xab (solid in Q2/km a7
lines) as well as the values obtained with equation of the paper (dotted Is
lines) as a function of separation for a low earth resistivity of 10Q2-m 2d210-4
and a frequency of 60 Hz. Conductor a was 50 feet above ground and
Xab = 5iInn-
conductor b 0.5 feet above ground. Obviously, the equation of the
paper becomes unacceptably inaccurate in this cases as the separation 4l10-4 (cos* cos 3 3 cos 56 45 cos 70\
becomes large. aa3 aa 5 a7
The number of terms of Carson's series which must be used is i12k
basically a function of the parameter in Q2/km.
a = 47r/Y. 10-4
[11 J.R. Carson, "Wave Propagation in Overhead Wires With Ground
in m, f in Hz, p in 12 -m). The equation of the paper is very accurate Return," Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 5, 1926, pp.
for f = 60 Hz, p = 100 12-m for separations up to 1000 feet (a = 0.663); 539-554.
at 3000 feet the error is still only about 3% (a = 1.99). Since most [2] H. W. Dommel, "A Method for Solving Transient Phenomena in
calculations are made on computers nowadays, it is very easy to take Multiphase Systems," Second Power System Computation Con-
ference, Stockholm (Sweden), June 1966, Report No. 5.8.
[3] S. Butterworth, Electrical Characteristics of Overhead Lines. El.
Manuscript received July 27, 1973. Research Association, Techn. Report Ref. O/T4, 1954,
0.1 r Is it not true that the commonly used 1500 ohm value is applicable
llJ only as a limiting resistance when a solid contact has been made and a
-j substantial body current is flowing? It would seem more realistic to
define a safe exposure potential for consideration in E/M effects (where
the source impedance tends to be much lower than E/S source
ci 0 I-.
impedances) and to eliminate the nonlinear body resistance as a factor
in this calculation. The authors quote acceptable levels of 50 to 60
z 500 1000 1500 ",N2000 volts r.m.s. later in the paper under the topic Communication Circuits.
Wouldn't these levels also be applicable here?
DISTANCE IN FEET NN Substantial portions of the discussion of hazards of ElM Induction
4 in Parallel Circuits deal with hazards caused directly by the high currents
which could be produced by accidental energization of a grounded line.
-0.1 While many of the safety practices will be the same for both cases, the
reader should not confuse the two hazards.
Fig. 1. Rab as a function of separatioin (p = 10 Q2-m, f = 60 Hz, One possible practice which could be useful in eliminating some of
the high currents and resulting potentials from severe cases of
ha = 50 feet, hb = 0.5 feet) longitudinal induction would be to ground long double-circuit lines
only at the work site, and not at the substation. While this would
introduce additional hazards in the event of a flashover and power
follow-through, it could be used to eliminate the steady-state hazard of
E/M induction.
0.3 The authors state that transposition of shield wires can eliminate
all or most of the positive or negative sequence E/S or E/M effects. We
disagree. There is no way that transposition of shield wires can create
the condition of equal exposure to each phase that this would require.
Under Communication Circuits the danger values (50-60 volts
LLI r.m.s. steady state and 430-650 volts for transient conditions) originated
in Reference #13 rather than #11 as stated by the authors. In addition,
ci there are a number of additional references which we feel would be
helpful in this area and which we are including below.
C:4 Appendix Eqn. 2 gives VTh as a sum of several terms. It should be
noted that this will be a vectorial sum and that in the balanced phase
current case much of the induced voltage from one phase will be
m 0.1 cancelled by the other phases.
The authors state that both E/M and E/S voltages may be present.
Is it not also true that if a high enough resistance is present to allow a
substantial E/S voltage, no E/M currents of consequence could flow in
the affected circuit?
Nowhere under the heading Calculation of Self and Mutual
0 Impedances do the authors offer a calculation of self impedance. The
0 500 1000 1500 2000 self impedance terms are necessary in the consideration of the shielding
DISTANCE IN FEET effects of transmission line shield wires and of any grounded conductors
included in a communication circuit for shielding purposes.
Even the simplified forms of John Carson's equations presented in
Fig. 2. Xab as a function of separation (same assumptions as in Fig. 1.) the Appendix are sufficiently complicated that the digital computer is
a most useful tool in evaluating them. The subset of Carson's work
presented here is valid only for certain cases of ground resistivity and
circuit separation. It seems likely that some future reader of this paper
will almost certainly misapply these formulas in computerized calcula-
tions. Therefore we feel that Carson's work should be published in its
generalized form. A consistent generalized set of equations based on
Carson's work and which can be used in place of the simplified forms in
R. E. Judkins and D. E. Nordell (Northern States Power Company, the Appendix is presented below.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401): This paper focuses attention on a Two parallel, ground return conductors (usually taken as above the
hazard area that is often neglected in the field. Personnel hazards due to earth but the method will give good results for shallowly buried conduc-
both electrostatic and electromagnetic effects are particularly severe in tors also) have impedances as follows2 (notation and dimensions as in
the case of close separations for extended distances, as in the instance the appendix except as noted):
of unenergized conductors of double circuit lines and in the case of Self
insulated shield wires. Electromagnetic induction hazards can be
especially severe in the case of line to ground (zero sequence) faults on Zaa =Raa +aa +Zaa (1)
long parallels of this type of construction.
In order to clarify the contents of this paper and to make it Mutual
valuable for future reference, there are several points on which we
would appreciate the authors' further comment:
In the section under EIM Induction in Parallel Circuits, the authors ab iXab + Z ab (2)
state that induced voltages can be "as high as 0.1 volt per mile per
ampere". It is not stated whether this ballpark figure applies to a Where the usual impedance terms in ohms per mile are defined by
balanced or to an unbalanced (fault) current situation. Modeling of a
benchmark case indicates that induction on an adjacent conductor (a Raa = metallic resistance of conductor (3a)
shield wire in this case) would be on the order of 0.6 volt/mile/ampere aa~~~2
for induction from a faulted phase. The value of 0.1 volt/mile/ampere Xaa = .002022 If*n (3b)
would be typical of voltages calculated and measured by NSP for GMRa
instances involving balanced phase current induction on underbuilt
communication facilities. Could the authors comment on the basis of
their figure?
Xab = .002022 f *ln- (3c)
In their first example, the authors assume a body and contact
resistance of the man of 1500 ohms. If combined with an allowable GMR = geometric mean radius of particular conductor (3d)
shock current of 5 milliamperes, their calculation would indicate a (taken from tables of conductor characteristics)
threshold of safety of 7.5 volts across the body. This low a value for an
allowable shock level seems unnecessarily restrictive. Assuming that an and the terms added by Carson to include the effects of the earth are
allowable current level is 5 milliamperes (to which we agree), this would
indicate that the body resistance of 1500 ohms is unreasonably low. Z'aa = .004045 *f [P(ra
* Oa)+iQ (ra Oa)] (4a)
Manuscript received August 6, 1973. Z'ab = .004045 fPrab, abab ab, 0ab)] (4b)
The functions P and Q are solved using two new variables defined here 1) Edison Electric Institute - Bell System Joint Engineering Reports:
for each case. a) No. 26, "Shielding of Ground - Return Circuits at Low
Frequencies", March, 1934.
Self b) No. 31, "Low Resistance Grounds", June, 1935.
c) No. 36, "The Use of Power and Telephone Transpositions within
ra =/T7p
a .8565 * 10-3
2 h~~~~~~a
(Sa) Exposure Sections", July, 1936.
d) No. 44, "Neutralizing Transformers", August, 1940.
Oa= 0 (5b) e) No. 48, "Low Frequency Shielding in Telephone Cables", July,
Mutual 2) "Wave Propagation in Overhead Wires with Ground Return", J. R.
Carson, Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 5, pp. 539-554, 1926.
rab=Tph- .8565 S' 103
3) Interference Between Power Systems and Telecommunication Lines,
(6a) H. R. J. Klewe, London: Edward Arnold, 1958.
4) "Mutual Impedance of Crossing Earth-Return Circuits", M. Kra-
fab= tan1
(radians) (6b)
kowski, Proceedings of the IEE (London), Vol. 114, pp. 253-257,
Feb., 1967.
5) "Telephone-Interference Calculation for Multiconductor Power
Wab horizontal separation of conductors (6c) Lines", W. S. Meyer and H. W. Dommel, IEEE Transactions on
Power Apparatus and Systems, PAS-88, pp. 35-41, Jan., 1969.
Then 6) "A System Approach to Inductive Coordination", R. E. Judkins
7r 1 2 and J. M. Thorson, IEEE paper #T 73 368-8, presented at the 1973
1 Summer Power Meeting in Vancouver, B.C.
P(r, 0) =- -S4) +
2 (In-)
y S2 + 2 0 ' S 2
- +/yl1
2 2
+ a3
VT3- P. C. Williams and A. P. Lyttle (British Columbia Hydro & Power
= Authority Vancouver, 1 B.C. Canada): The B.C. Hydro and Power
Q(r, 0)
(ln- )
(1-S4) 2
0 -
S'4 Authority has an extensive high voltage network which includes 1,137
circuit miles of 500kV lines. Most, if not all of the 500 kV lines either
(8) run in parallel with other 500kV lines or with lines of a lower voltage.
- + 2 04 The system crosses all types of terrain at altitudes ranging between
72 8 03-2 2 sea level and
6,500 ft. All types of climatic and soil conditions are
In these equations, ln y is .57722 (Euler's constant) and S2,S'2,S4,S'4, Our experience with the problems of electromagnetic induction
01, 03, a2, and a4 are the following infinite series: on parallel lines is therefore quite extensive and our general findings are
as follows:
1. Under conditions of normal load current flow, measurements
made on our system tend to suggest that for single circuit lines of
n=nEZ 2cos[(4n-2)01(
(r/2)4n minimal intercircuit spacings the magnitude of the voltages elec-
S2 (2n)! (2n- 1)!
n (9a tromagnetically induced on a partially grounded parallel line will not be
greater than the figure of 0.1 volts per mile per amp of parallel load
current given in the report and that for normal circuit spacings this
(r/2)4n 2 sin [(4n - 2)0] ( l)n+l value of induced voltage will be substantially reduced. However, we
2= 1 have not, as yet, made any measurements on double circuit lines and we
n=1I (2n)! (2n- 1)! are therefore unable to confirm the existence of induced voltages in
excess of 0. 1 volts per mile per amp of parallel load current.
2. With regard to voltages induced on circuits as the result of
S4 =E (r/2)4n cos[4n ] n+ l short circuits on a parallel line we have also concluded that very high
n= I (2n+l)! (2n)! values of voltage may be electromagnetically induced under these
An However, our calculations indicate that voltages of a much lower
(r/2) sin [4n 0] n +l magnitude than those given in the report will exist under the worst
n= (2n+l)! (2n)! conditions possible and that the effect of such an occurrence at a work
site along a line will not be worse than accidental re-energization or an
00 r4n-3 cs(n30 intercircuit fault to the line. Since our safety regulations already protect
personnel from the hazards which result from accidental line re-
a = E r43 cos [(4n 3) 01
n=l (4n- l) 2n- (2k-1)2] I-l)n +l energization or intercircuit faults and because the frequency of occur-
rence of parallel line faults during work periods is very low we do not
feel that this type of condition encroaches upon the basic safety of line
k= 1 personnel.
3. The main operational problems that we have experienced have
1 r4n [(4n- 1) 0J cos
resulted from the flow of steady state 60 Hz electromagnetically
03=5 (-
- I )n+ 1 induced currents into field grounds at work sites remote from terminal
(4n+ 2n (2k- 1)2 stations. This situations has also been compounded by the generally
k= 1
k=Yr poor soil conditions which exist throughout British Columbia.
We have found that under these conditions field grounds built
from driven rods:
00 2n (a) invariably support a considerable potential to true ground
since their resistance to ground is usually high,
a2= n=lI
[ k l kI 4I ' term inS2l [nth (b) have a tendency to become thermally unstable unless a
substantial number of rods are driven and,
00 2n+l (c) are subject to spontaneous, continuous sparking at the soil to
rod interface if the potential on the ground rod exceeds 1200 V.
- 51
1 kn term inS4] ~~~~~th As we are invariably forced to use driven rods as ground electrodes
(9h) at remote sites because of difficulties in terrain we are therefore forced
to accept that high potentials will almost certainly be present on all
grounded and bonded structures at work sites for the entire period that
As Carson pointed out in his paper, "It is to be regretted that the the safety ground at the site is attached to the line and that a multi-rod
foregoing formulas appear so complicated. The series, however, are ground must be used if a thermally stable ground electrode is to be built.
very rapidly convergent . . .". We agree and would add that the 4. Under test conditions, we have found that the maximum lengths
programming effort required to handle this solution is minimal. Wehave of arcs drawn on breaking elect-rostatically and electromagnetically
a BASIC subroutine which evaluates P and Q for an r and 0, and will induced currents with ground disconnects and by manual operation of
supply it on request.
Additional references include the following: Manuscript received August 13, 1973.
field grounds corresponded roughly to the dimensions given by insertion The discussor's observation of E/S currents in the range of
of the appropriate parameters into the equation for arc reach given by several amperes flowing in a single-point ground is not surprising. For
Andrews et al. However, we also found that during these tests the arcs long lines this current can exceed ten amperes. Where current of this
of largest dimensions were only produced when the contact separation magnitude can result from grounding of a passive conductor to a tower,
was extremely slow and that arcs of this type were very unstable and particularly where shield wires are not used or are insulated and cannot
tended to self-extinguish quickly. be counted on to provide alternative paths to ground through lower
We have therefore concluded that the likelihood of a self resistances, precaution should be taken not only to protect linemen, but
perpetuating arc forming across an insulator stack or across the contacts to protect the public from access to such towers.
of a ground disconnect on removal of a circuit ground carrying EjM These discussors also point out the importance of including a more
current is very remote. However, we have found that where an arc is complete representation of Carson's corrections and present them in an
repeatedly restruck due to some secondary effect i.e. a loose conductor alternative form. Subsequent to their discussion, they have supplied an
swinging in the wind; pole fires or insulator damage can occur. intermediate debugging check which the authors are pleased to include
5. Concerning safe working practices we have found that a greater in this Closure.
number of incidents involving hazard to personnel were recorded on Based on the configuration shown in Figure 1 of this Closure, and
parallel lines than on isolated lines. In these cases the incidents almost assigning shield wire characteristics as Raa (shield) = 6.09 ohms/mile
invariably resulted from misinterpretation or momentary disregard of and GMR (shield) = .000398 ft., the following values for r, 0, P and Q
the safety regulations under which the linemen were working at the result:
time. In fact, after experiencing several of these incidents over a short
period subsequent to the construction of the major sections of the Power Shield
500kV system it became obvious that some form of advanced training .10283, 0 .10615, 0
program was needed. r,6: Shield
Accordingly a comprehensive training scheme for tradesmen was Communication .071224, - .48448 .074175, - .46365
established. The program:
(a) covered the theoretical and practical aspects of E/S and E/M Power Shield
induction, safety grounding and the existing safety regulations.
(b) developed the concept of providing an equipotential zone in P, Q: Sheild .37088, 1.4690 .37024, 1.4539
all work areas. Communication .37869, 1.6436 .37801, 1.6241
(c) gave methods by which dangerous situations might be avoided
using actual case histories as examples. These, in turn, result in the following self- and mutual impedances:
(d) promoted an infeed of information to the safety engineer so
that new or unique difficulties could be dealt with quickly. Z .090007 + i .77319
Our conclusion therefore, with regard to the Report presented by Sp
the Work Group is of general agreement with the information presented Z PC = *091902 + j .44349
on those areas covered by this discussion. This report will undoubtably
be of great use to those utilities presently experiencing operational Zss = 6.1798 + jl.9187
difficulties with parallel transmission circuits and might possibly be used Zsc = .091736 + j .43767
with some modification, to form the basis of standardized work
proceedures in the furture. We would however, stress the need for a
comprehensive training program for operational personnel if hazardous The authors agree that additional work should be done on the
situations are to be avoided since, in our experience, the concept of arc-reach formula. The formula given is quite elementary and obviously
induction and hence the need for a variety of work procedures to suit a not applicable for many ehv applications. The authors are aware of no
range -of complex practical situations, is not readily appreciated. data extending this arc-reach to longer gaps.
The term "transient," as applied to induced currents, is generally
used to describe the one-time discharge of a capacitive current, not a
short-duration a-c discharge as the discussors bring up. In any case, the
discussors' point is technically correct; i.e., most exposures which limit
IEEE Working Group or Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Effects of the current to 5 ma under normal operating conditions could produce I
Transmission Lines, General Systems Subcommittee, Transmission and ampere or more for the time it normally takes for a protective relay to
Distribution Committee. The authors appreciate the contributions clear. But, the prudence of permitting high currents because of coordina-
made by discussions submitted on this Committee's report. tion of relay times with human capacity for various current levels is
Mr. Dommel correctly pointed out that special applications require debatable.
more rigorous calculation of mutual impedance than provided by the Messrs. Gillies and Perry bring up an important point in citing
equations presented in the Appendix. The additional details supplied by the effect of series capacitors in the E/M current problem.. Users of
Dommel are a valuable addition to the Committee's report. series-compensated lines would be well-advised to review the effect of
Mr. Skelton's comments regarding the proper grounding of string- series compensation on induced current levels and the consequent
ing equipment are also useful. It is probably as important to cite exposures during anticipated maintenance procedures.
instances such as Mr.- Skelton mentions, where precautions against E/M Messrs. Judkipnsand Nordell bring up a series of additional points
effects are successful, as it is to cite those where inadequate precautions which are significant in the evaluation of E/M effects.
can cause difficulty. The value of 0. 1 volt/mile/ampere was cited as an example value,
Messrs. Gillies and Perry aptly observed that a Working Group representative of coupling to an individual conductor of a closely
paper of this breadth can present almost rudimentary principles of safe spaced or underbuilt circuit for balanced conditions. This is consistent
working procedures, recognizing that detailed guides of practice must, with the discussors' observations.
to some extent, vary with the systems and practices used within individ- The discussor's criticism of the example calculation made is
ual companies. probably justified. Although the text explicitly suggests that example
The authors do not agree with the discussor's statement that an values are given and recommend specific values for a particular case,
E/M circuit is usually a high-impedance source. Considering the 1500 ohms while a reasonable and conservative criteria for body contact
Thevenin's equivalent shown in Figure 3 of the paper, the Thevenin resistance in its own right is lower than should be used where a combina-
voltage, ETh, is; dependent only on the current flowing in the tion of other adverse circumstances are also hypothesized. The authors
energized circuit and the relative spacing of the conductors. The current do feel, however, that the current level is a Inore'fundamental criteria
which flows in a passive circuit as a result of this induced voltage, how- than open-circuit voltage and feel that shock exposure should be
ever, is limited by the self-impedance of the passive circuit, comprised described in these terms. This particularly true for electrostatic coupling
of the self-impedance of the passive conductor with its earth return, (probably more limiting tb dimensional design of transmission lines than
plus the sum of grounding resistances at the two terminals through E/M coupling) where the current flow is relatively independent of body
which current circulates. The self-impedance of the passive conductor is resistance.
typically in the range of 0.8 ohm per mile. Thus, a passive conductor of Whether or not a safer practice would result from a single point
one mile between ground points with a 1-ohm ground at each terminal ground at the work site, as mentioned by the discussors, is safer or more
would still be limited more by grounding resistance than by the dangerous than multiple grounds would seem to depend heavily on the
conductor impedance. It is almost axiomatic that for closely spaced working rules established by a particular company. For example, a line
grounds and practically achievable ground resistance, most of the deemed to be "grounded" by virtue of a very remote single-point
induced voltage will appear across the grounding resistances. This argues ground, would be most hazardous to personnel who presumed such a
for close spacing of ground points to keep that drop and the consequent ground was effective at a point some distance from the work site.
step potential to a minimum. Conversely, grounding a line at both terminals, while not affording
maximum protection at intermediate sites, will usually hold conductor
Manuscript received October 31, 1973. voltage within reasonable bounds at intermediate points.
With regard to transposition of shield wires, there is a locus of
shield wire positions for single-circuit, horizontal configurations, where
transposition of the shield wires will cancel E/S and ElM currents due to 50'
positive- or negative- sequence currents in the phase conductors. For
shield wire locations close to that locus,'including normal placement of 0 Shield
shield circuits, the transposition eliminates most such coupled current.
it is true, however, as pointed out in the text, that no amount of '
transposition of either shield wires or phase conductors will eliminate
zero-sequence coupling between the two circuits.
Judkins and Nordell are correct in their observation that ETh is the
sum of several terms which tend to cancel one another, and that the
vector sum of E/S voltage and E/M voltage is of little practical concern 7 5' 80'
when circuit constants are such as to permit significant components of Comm Is
Messrs. Williams and Lyttle contribute usefql observations on
experience of B.C. Hydro with 500-kV lines. Particularly important is 20'
the observation made by these discussors to the effect that protective
measures which prepare for accidental energization of a line 'being
worked on are apt to be more than adequate for any coupled E/M
effect. Of course, the procedures, equipment, and crews themselves e : 100 meter ohms
involved in construction of lines often differ from those involved'in f : 60 Hz
maintenance. -The danger of accidental energizatipn of lines during
construction is often academic, and in such circumstances the E/M
hazard is predominant.
The authors agree with the advantage in training linemen as to the
principles involved in E/S and E/M induction. Certainly'no practical set
working rules can anticipate all circumstan6e$, and in that regard there Fig. 1. Example configuration for debugging and numerical check of
is no substitution for a basic understanding of the phenom-ena involved. Carsons Equation


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