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ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2011 QUESTION PAPER BOOKLET M.Sc. (PHYSICS) Marks: 75, ‘Time : 2.00 hrs. Hall Ticket No.: I. Please enter your Hall Ticket Number on Page 1 of this question paper and on the OMR sheet without fail. I. Read carefully the following instructions: 1. This Question paper has two Sections: Section A and Section B 2. Section A consists of 25 objective type questions of one mark each. ‘There is negative marking of 0.33 mark for every wrong answer. ‘The marks obtained by the candidate in this Section will be used for resolving the tie cases. Section B consists of 50 objective type questions of one mark each. ‘There is no negative marking in this Section. 4, Answers are to be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instructions provided there upon. An example is shown below 10. (2 @® © @ Calculators are permitted. Logarithmic tables are not allowed. s oo All questions are to be answered. Hand over both question booklet and the OMR sheet at the end of the exam- ination. x This book contains 26 pages LiL. Values of physical constants: 63 x 10 J.s ; kp = 88x 10° J/K € = 1.6 x 107 C ; ty = 4 x 10-7 Henry/m ; ¢o = 8.85 x 10? Farad/m c= 3x 10° m/s; h= V-1¢ Vy be SECTION - A 1. lim 20 sinhz — 2 sin — rcos x. ) is equa to B. -1/2 Cc. 1/2 D. 1/3 2. If A and B are n x n matrices, which of the following does not equal (A + B)*? A? + 2AB + B? A? + AB+ BA+ B? (A+B)A+(A+B)B (B+A)? Sopp Which of the following functions represents the graph shown above? V-lo satisfies A Bo Bae B. rd = o& c. oe = po D. a + Dee 5. Which of the following can represent a conservative force? (i, j, & are unit vectors) A. Cliy+jz+ kz) B. C(ix +jy+hy) Cc. Ceryzit+ 5 +h D. Clizt jy + ke) 6. Consider a body of mass 500 gm connected to two springs as shown in the figure below. The springs are of equal length and spring constant. The body is displaced vertically upward by a small distance x and then left. Which of the following statements is true about the oscillations executed by the body? ‘A. Motion is simple harmonic and periodic. B. Motion is simple harmonic but not periodic. C. Motion is not simple harmonic but periodic. D. Motion is neither simple harmonic nor periodic. 4 N-10 7. A particle moves in a potential V = A/r®, The corresponding force is given by 2aF A AF Boat oc 4 r AF bp. = 8. A wave traveling on a string is given by y(a,t) = 10sin(0.1a — 224). The wavelength and frequency of the wave are given by A. \=62.9 cm, v=3.5 He B. A=314em,y=7Hz C. A=0.002 cm, A=0.3 Hz D. \=6.28 cm, A=35 Hz 9. Lissajous figure produced by two sine waves of equal frequency w and equal ampli- tude A but 90° out of phase will be A. adiagonal line of length A B. acircle with radius A C. an ellipse with major axis A D. asine wave 10. As temperature increases, the viscosity of a liquid in general A. decreases B. increases C. initially decreases, passes through a minimum and then increases D. remains constant 11. Blood flows through our arteries of radius R with a flow rate Q. If the arteries become clogged so that the radius is reduced by a factor of two, the flow rate Q is reduced by A. a factor of two B. a factor of four C. a factor of eight D. a factor of sixteen V-lo 12. A gas has an equation of state PV = ©, where P denotes pressure, V denotes volume and © is a constant. Work done W is obtained by integrating —PdV between the initial volume, V; and the final volume, V;. W is proportional to 1 1 MY B. (Viv)? A © (7) Y-Vy VitVy 13. Let AW be the work done during a reversible process. Then AW is A. a perfect differential for any process. B. a perfect differential only for an isothermal process. C. a perfect differential only for an adiabatic process. D. not a perfect differential for any process, 14. The partial derivative of temperature (7°) with respect to volume (V) keeping en- tropy (S) constant, () , equals 7 OV a (35), OP Bo (3s), av © (Fp), oP >. (Fr), 15, Helmholtz free energy, usually denoted by the symbol F or A is a natural function of A. temperature T and volume V. B. entropy $ and pressure P. C. entropy $ and volume V. D. temperature 7 and pressure P. 6 Velo 16. A plane electromagnetic sinusoidal wave of frequency 40 MHz travels in the X- direction. At some point and at some instant, the electric field (£) has its maxi- mum value of 750 N/C and is along the Y-axis. What is the magnetic field 5 in magnitude and direction when B = j750N/C? A. 2.5 x 10-6 Wb/m? and along Z-axis B. 2.5 x 10-® Wb/m? and along X-axis C. 2.5 x 10-° Wb/m? and along Y-axis D. 2.5 x 10"! Wb/m? and along Z-axis 17. Dominated by diffraction effects, what is the angular resolution of a normal human eye (of pupil diameter 2 mm) at a wavelength 600 nm and what is the separation between two points that the human eye can resolve from a distance of 20 m? A. 0.3 rad and 6 ym B. 3 mrad and 6 ym C. 3 rad and 60 um D. 3% 1074 rad and 6 mm 18. Which of the following optical components is critical to differentiate between an unpolarized light and a circularly polarized light? A. Half wave plate B. Quarter wave plate C. Polarizer D. Half wave plate and polarizer 19. A cylinder of radius R with the right side cut_at an angle 30° as shown in the figure below is kept in a uniform electric field Z, with its axis along the direction of electric field. A. 0 B. -(1R?EV3)/2 ©. -nRE/2 D. RE V-J0 20. A parallel plate capacitor is filled with two dielectrics of dielectric constant ky and ky as shown in the figure below. A is the area of cach plate and d is the separation between the plates. ky Me: d alii ‘The capacitance of the capacitor is given by _ A (ath A. c= ( ; ) B. C= A(m—m) c. cn SA (Ao) D. c= SA +h) 21. An electron travelling horizontally enters a region as shown in the figure below where a uniform magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the plane of the paper and directed into. Which one of the following phrases most. accurately describes the motion of the electron after it enters the field? electron A. Helical B. Circular clockwise C. Circular anticlockwise D. Elliptical clockwise Vel 22. What is the equivalent resistance for the figure given below? A. 52 B. 102 Cc. 159 D. 202 23. An alternating voltage V = 50sin(30t) is applied to the primary of a 10:1 step- down transformer and the secondary of this transformer is connected to the input of a half-wave rectifier. The average output voltage (Vpc) of this rectifier is AL BV B. 5/rV C. 10/rV D. 5/v2V 24. The ground state energy of a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator is 6.2 eV. If the oscillator undergoes a transition from its n = 3 level to n = 2 level by emitting a photon, what is the wavelength associated with the photon? A. 500m B. 62nm C. 100nm D. 200 nm 25. The de-Broglie wavelength of a neutron (kinetic energy 3/2 kT) at 0°K is A. 15A B. 2A c. oA D. 273A 26. 27. 28. 29. SECTION - B Let m and n be positive integers with m > n. When 8m_+ 7n is divided by 5, we get remainder 1, When 7m + 8n is divided by 5, we get remainder 2. If m—n is divided by 5, the remainder has to be necessarily equal to A. 2 B. 3 ca 4 D1 If (logy 2) (logs x) (loge x) = (logs x)(log, x) + (logy x)(loge x) + (loge 2)(log, x) and x #1, then z is equal to A. 12 B. 24 Cc. 44 D. 48 ‘The solution of the differential equation dy =2+-zy is to be obtained under the condition that y = 0 at x =0. The solution is given by What should be the value of a such that the straight line +y = a will be a tangent to the circle 2? + y? = 4? A 4 B. v2 C. 22 D. 4 10 30. V?(Inr) is equal to 31. 32. al 1 Boa 1 Cc. a 1,1 D. 5+a At very small x, the expression (0-7-3) behaves as A, -52? 2 B. 1+5 r » l-= © 2 Dz |2| =2, where z = x + iy, represents a A. straight line B. circle C. dlipse D. parabola . What shouid be the value of a so that the matrix 10 0 0a -a Oa a can become orthogonal? vop> geen ll V-lo 34, The eigenvalues of the matrix 101 010 101 are given by A. 10,1 B. 0,12 Cc. 1,21 D. 1411 35. The commutator of two hermitian matrices is A. hermitian B. unitary C. anti-hermitian D. orthogonal 36. A mouse of mass m jumps on the outside edge of a freely turning ceiling fan of rotational inertia J and radius R. The ratio of the new angular velocity to the old one is given by oe oe v. he 37. A particle of mass m has a speed v = A/z, where z is the displacement at time t. ‘Then the force on the particle at time ¢ is proportional to A. ts B. ri? Cc 1 D. 13 V-10 12 38. A boat of mass m with initial speed v, is launched on a lake. The boat is slowed by the water by a force F = —me"/A, where A is a constant. What is the distance the boat sails before it stops? AA B. Less than A C. Greater than A D. A(1+0) 39. A projectile is fired with a velocity v, such that it passes through two points P and Q both at a distance h above the horizontal. The gun has been adjusted for maximum range. The separation of the points P and @ is given by AL St agh eVIgh (v3 - 2gh)/9 2 o paw 40. A particle of mass m starts from rest in a constant gravitational field under a frictional force equal to kmv*, where k is a constant and v is the instantaneous velocity. The distance the particle falls in accelerating from the velocity v, to v2 is given by A. jem 1, (g-k? B. a” (2) k et! in(g (ed = oF] in (9a et D. 6g (55m) 41. A particle at rest is attracted towards a center of force F according to the relation F =—-am/z*, where z is the distance from the centre of force and a is a constant. ‘The time required for the particle to reach the force centre from a distance d is proportional to A. dl? B. @ Cd D & 13 V-10 42, 43. 44, 45. The density of a thin rod of length 1 varies with the distance z from one end as p= oor. ‘The centre of mass is at a distance A. 3i/4 B. 41/3 Cc. 1/3 D. 1/2 How much work is done around the path shown below by the force F = A(iy? + 3227), where A is a constant? y <2 “ —i> powP CREE A spring-mass system of mass M suspended from a spring of spring constant k, and equilibrium stretching h, is equivalent to a simple pendulum of mass m and length A. h/4n? B. h Cc. h/2 D. 4z%h If a pendulum bob is suspended by a string of length L inside a fluid (the bob is times more dense than the fluid), the period of small oscillations of the pendulum will be given by A. 2nV/nl]g B. 2/4 C. 2ny/ ane D. 20 /E]gn uM Velo 46. The dispersion relation for deep water waves is given approximately by w? = gk+ te . ‘The phase velocity and the group velocity can be equal only when A. g and Tk? are equal. B. gis greater than 2. C. gis equal to 22%. D. gis negligible compared to Zi? 47. Standing waves are generated in a pipe with one end closed while the other being open. If the length of the pipe is | and speed of sound in air is given by v,, the fundamental frequency of the standing wave pattern is given by A. »,/2l B. v,/2nl Cc. »v,/ D. v,/4l 48. A metallic cube of length | = 1 m is stretched out uniformly by a force F normal to each of its faces. If Y and o are the Young’s modulus and Poisson's ratio for the material, the deformation of the cube is given by D. 49. A soap bubble of radius F has e uniformly distributed charge q on its surface. The excess pressure inside the bubble is Bt mar o 248 15 V-lo 50. Water has a surface tension of 0.4 N/m. In a 3 mm diameter vertical tube if the liquid rises 6 mm above the liquid outside the tube, what is the contact angle? A. cos(11) B. sin(11) C. cos“*(0.11) D. sin~?(0.11) 51. One thousand water droplets with radius r = 10-%m coalesce to form a single droplet. If the surface tension of water is T = 7.5 x 10-?Nm-!, how much energy is liberated when the droplets coalesce? A. 85x 10-5 B. 85x10? J C. 85x10 J D. 45x10-7J 52. A given quantity of gas is taken from state A to state C quasi-statically and re- versibly by two paths: A C and A -+ B -+C (sce figure below). During the process A + C, work done by the gas is 60 J and the heat absorbed equals 90 J. During the process A + B + C, the work done by the gas equals 45 J. The heat absorbed in this process equals A. 1053 B. 75J Cc. 15d D. 453 16 Velo 53. Which of the following is a correct statement of the second law of thermodynamics? ($= entropy; dQ = energy gained by the system in the form of heat; dW = energy gained by the system in the form of work; T= temperature; F = Helomboltz free energy) A. ds<¥ B. dS<0 Cc. dU=dQ+dw D. dF2>1 The expectation value of the momentum operator will respect to the above wave function is equal to A. 1 B. 0.5 Cc. 1/2 D. 0 73. The current Ip flowing through the silicon diode shown below is given in the first approximation by 10kQ 10KQ bo 1.4V) : A. OmA B. 0.33 mA C. 0.38 mA D. 0.43 mA 2 V-lo 74. The current flowing through the zener diode shown in the figure below (with the Zener breakdown voltage equal to 6 V) is R=1KO Vv; vz BV ev Vea A. OmA B. 7mA Cc. &3mA D. 13mA 75. The half life of thorium is 1.4x10"° years. What is the time required for 10% of a sample of thoriun to disintegrate? A. 2.13 x 10° years B. 2.13 x 10" years C. 2.13 x 10° years D. 2.13 x 10° vears 23 V-lo

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