Maharashtra Physics

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Written as per the revised syllabus prescribed by the Maharashtra State Board

of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune.

Physics II


. XII Sci.

Salient Features

Exhaustive coverage of syllabus in Question Answer Format.

Covers answers to all Textual Questions and Numericals.

Covers answers to all Board Questions till date.
Includes marking scheme for Board Questions from 2013 to 2016.

Covers relevant NCERT Questions.

Simple and Lucid language.

Neat, Labelled and authentic diagrams.

Solved & Practice numericals.

Printed at: Dainik Saamana, Navi Mumbai

Target Publications Pvt. Ltd.

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In the case of good books, the point is not how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get
through to you.
Std. XII Sci. : PERFECT PHYSICS - II is a complete and thorough guide critically analysed and
extensively drafted to boost the students confidence. The book has been prepared as per the Maharashtra State
board syllabus.
While preparing the book, our main aim was to make a students journey of learning and understanding the
various concepts, an effortless and pleasant process.
Our Sub-topic wise classified Question and Answer format of the book will help the student to
understand each and every concept thoroughly. Neatly labelled diagrams have been added wherever required.
Answers to all textual and intext questions have been provided.
We have included National Council Of Educational Research And Training (NCERT) questions and
problems based on Maharashtra State board syllabus along with their solutions which will help the students to
have a better grasp of the concept and prepare him/her on a competitive level.
For the students to have a crystal clear idea about the board paper pattern and the range of questions asked,
we have included Solved Board Questions and Numericals upto the latest year. Board Questions from old
syllabus which fall under the revised syllabus are also added. Solved Board Questions from 2013 to 2016 have
been included along with its marking scheme which is indicative and is subject to change as per Maharashtra
State Boards discretion.
To develop better understanding of concepts; we have discussed relevant points and questions in the form
of Additional Information. Any additional information about a concept is provided in the form of Note. We had
developed the concept of Brain Teasers, which are theory questions and numericals build within the frame work
of State Board syllabus to develop higher order thinking among students. Concept Builders are designed to
enable the students guage their grasp of a given concept and strengthen it further. A quick review of each chapter
is provided in the form of Summary. Definitions, statements and laws are specified with italic representation.
Formulae are provided in every chapter which are the main tools to tackle numericals. Ample amount of solved
problems are provided to understand the application of different concepts and formulae.
Practice Problems and Multiple Choice Questions will help the students to test their range of preparation
and the amount of knowledge of each topic. Selected multiple choice questions have been provided with hints to
help the students overcome conceptual or mathematical hinderances.
The journey to create a complete book is strewn with triumphs, failures and near misses. If you think weve
nearly missed something or want to applaud us for our triumphs, wed love to hear from you.
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A book affects eternity; one can never tell where its influence stops.

Best of luck to all the aspirants!

Yours faithfully,

There will be one single paper of 70 Marks in Physics.

Duration of the paper will be 3 hours.
Physics paper will consist of two parts viz: Part-I and Part-II.
Each part will be of 35 Marks.
Same Answer Sheet will be used for both the parts.
Each Part will consist of 4 Questions.
The sequence of the 4 Questions in each part may or may not remain same.
The paper pattern for PartI and PartII will be as follows:

Question 1: (7 Marks)
This Question will be based on Multiple Choice Questions.
There will be 7 MCQs, each carrying one mark.
One Question will be based on calculations.
Students will have to attempt all these questions.

Question 2: (12 Marks)

This Question will contain 8 Questions, each carrying 2 marks.
Students will have to answer any 6 out of the given 8 Questions.
4 questions will be theory-based and 4 will be numericals.

Question 3: (9 Marks)
This Question will contain 4 Questions, each carrying 3 marks.
Students will have to answer any 3 out of the given 4 Questions.
2 questions will be theory-based and 2 will be numericals.

Question 4: (7 Marks)
This Question will contain 2 Questions, each carrying 7 marks.
Students will have to answer any 1 out of the given 2 Questions.
4/5 marks are allocated for theory-based question and 3/2 marks for numerical.

Distribution of Marks According to Type of Questions

Type of Questions Marks Marks with option Percentage (%)

Objectives 14 14 20
Short Answers 42 56 60
Brief Answers 14 28 20
Total 70 98 100
Topicwise Weightage
Marks Without Marks With
No. Topic Name
Option Option
10 Wave Theory of light 03 04
11 Interference and Diffraction 04 06
12 Electrostatics 03 04
13 Current Electricity 03 04
14 Magnetic Effect of Electric Current 03 04
15 Magnetism 03 04
16 Electromagnetic Induction 04 06
17 Electrons and Photons 03 04
18 Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei 04 06
19 Semiconductors 03 04
20 Communication System 02 03

Sr. No. Unit Page No.
10 Wave Theory of light 1
11 Interference and Diffraction 34
12 Electrostatics 78
13 Current Electricity 122
14 Magnetic Effect of Electric Current 157
15 Magnetism 186
16 Electromagnetic Induction 204
17 Electrons and Photons 255
18 Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei 280
19 Semiconductors 321
20 Communication System 356
Board Question Paper - March 2015 371
Board Question Paper - October 2015 373
Board Question Paper - March 2016 375
Board Question Paper - July 2016 377

Note: 1. * mark represents all Textual questions.

2. # mark represents all Intext questions.


10 WaveTheoryofLight

10.0 Introduction 10.6 Refraction of a plane wavefront
at a plane surface
10.1 Wave theory of light
10.7 Polarisation
10.2 Wavefront and wave normal
10.8 Plane polarised light
10.3 Huygens principle
10.9 Brewsters law
10.4 Construction of plane and
spherical wavefront 10.10 Polaroid

10.5 Reflection at a plane surface 10.11 Doppler effect in light

10.0 Introduction Q.2. State the drawbacks of Newtons

corpuscular theory.
Q.1. State the postulates of Newtons
Ans: Drawbacks of Newtons corpuscular theory:
corpuscular theory.
i. It could not explain partial reflection
Ans: Postulates of Newtons corpuscular theory: and refraction at the surface of a
transparent medium.
i. Every source of light emits large
ii. It was unable to explain phenomenon such
number of tiny particles known as
as interference, diffraction, polarisation etc.
corpuscles in a medium surrounding
the source. iii. This theory predicted that speed of light
in a denser medium is more than the
ii. These corpuscles are perfectly elastic,
speed of light in a rarer medium which
rigid and weightless.
was experimentally proved wrong by
iii. The corpuscles travel in a straight line
Focault. Hence Newtons corpuscular
with very high speeds which are
theory was rejected.
different in different media.
iv. When particles are emitted from the
iv. One gets a sensation of light when the source of light, the mass of the source
corpuscles fall on the retina. of light must decrease but several
experiments showed that there is no
v. Different colours of light are due to change in the mass of the source of
different sizes of corpuscles. light.
because density and temperature of
Additional Information isotropic medium are same throughout.
iii. Different colours of light waves are due
Maxwells electromagnetic theory:
to different wavelengths of light waves:
i. Maxwell postulated the existence of
Each wave has its own wavelength. As
electromagnetic waves.
the wavelength changes, its colour and
ii. According to Maxwell, light waves are
frequency also changes. This is
electromagnetic waves which require no
indicated by change in the colour.
material medium for their propagation. So
light can travel through a medium where there iv. The material medium is necessary for
is no atmosphere i.e., in vacuum. the propagation of wave: Periodic
iii. Thus, Maxwell established relationship disturbance is created in the medium at
between electricity and magnetism. one place which is propagated from that
place to another place. The medium only
iv. Electromagnetic nature of light was
carries disturbance and hand it over to
experimentally proved by Maxwell in 1873.
the next particle. To explain the
Plancks quantum theory: propagation of light waves through
i. Max planck proposed quantum theory in order vacuum, Huygens suggested the
to explain black body radiation. existence of a hypothetical medium
ii. According to Plancks quantum theory, light is called luminiferous ether.
propagated in the form of packets of light
energy called quanta. Note:Light waves are assumed to be
iii. Each quantum of light (photon) has energy, transverse whose speed in a hypothetical
E = h E
medium is given by v = , where E
where, h = Plancks constant
= 6.63 1034 Js and are elasticity and density of the
= frequency of light medium respectively.
Q.4. State the merits of Huygens wave theory of
10.1 Wave theory of light light.
*Q.3. Give a brief account of Huygens wave Ans: Merits of Huygens wave theory of light:
theory of light. [Oct 01, 04] i. It gives satisfactory explanation for laws
Ans: Huygens wave theory of light: of reflection, refraction and double
In 1678, Dutch physicist Christian Huygens refraction of light assuming transverse
proposed a theory to explain the wave nature nature of the light waves.
of light. This theory is called Huygens wave ii. It also explains the theory of
theory of light. interference and diffraction.
According to wave theory of light, a source of iii. It explains the phenomenon of
light sends out disturbance in all directions. polarisation of light.
When these waves carrying energy reach the iv. It experimentally proved that velocity of
eye, they excite the optic nerves and the light in rarer medium is greater than that
sensation of vision is produced. in a denser medium.
Main postulates of Huygens wave theory: Q.5. State demerits of Huygens wave theory of
i. Light energy from a source is light. [Oct 01]
propagated in the form of waves: The Ans: Demerits of Huygens wave theory of light:
particles of the medium vibrate about i. This theory could not explain rectilinear
their mean positions in the form of propagation of light.
simple harmonic motion. Thus, the ii. It could not explain Compton effect,
particles transfer energy from one photoelectric effect, Raman effect etc.
particle to its neighbouring particle and iii. It could not explain properly the
reach the observer. propagation of light through vacuum.
ii. In homogeneous isotropic medium, the This is because ether has high elastic
velocity of wave remains constant: constant and zero density which gives
Speed of the wave is not affected contradictory results.
iv. According to Huygens wave theory, *Q.6. Define the following terms.
luminiferous ether medium exists i. Wavefront ii. Wave normal
everywhere in the universe even in iii. Wave surface
vacuum which is treated as material Ans: i. Wavefront:
A locus of all the points of the medium
medium for propagation of light waves.
to which waves reach simultaneously so
However, Michelsons and Morleys that all the points are in the same phase
theory disapproved the existence of is called wavefront.
ether medium.
ii. Wave normal:
A perpendicular drawn to the surface of
Additional Information
a wavefront at any point of a wavefront
Huygens theory was not accepted immediately due in the direction of propagation of light
to following reasons: waves is called a wave normal.
i. If light were waves, they should bend around P
the sharp corners in the same manner as the P N1
sound waves. P
ii. If light were waves, they could not travel wavefront
through vacuum. This difficulty was overcome S N2
by assuming the existence of a hypothetical Q wave normal
medium (ether) which was assumed to fill the Q
whole space. Q N3

In the figure curve PQ, PQ and P Q

10.2 Wavefront and wave normal represent wavefronts at different instants
of time. SN1, SN2 and SN3 represent
Concept Builder wave normals.

Concept of wavefront: iii. Wave surface:

i. According to Huygens theory, light travels in The surface of sphere with source as
the form of waves which are emitted from the centre and distance travelled by light
source. wave as radius where each wave arrives
ii. Consider a point source S of light situated in simultaneously is called wave surface.
air or vacuum. Light waves spread out in all Q.7. State different types of wavefronts with
possible directions from the source of light examples.
with same speed c. Ans: Depending upon the source of light,
iii. After time t seconds, each light wave covers a wavefronts are classified into three types.
distance equal to ct. i. Spherical wavefront:
E A wavefront originating from a point
A source of light at finite distance is
called spherical wavefront.
D ct Example: Candle flame produces
S spherical wavefront
C P2
iv. Draw a spherical surface by considering radius P
ct and S as its centre. This surface cuts waves
of light at different points A, B, C, D, E etc. S
Q Q1 Q2
v. All the points on this surface are in the same R
phase. It is an equiphase surface. Such a R1
surface is called spherical wave surface or a R2
spherical wavefront. Spherical wavefront

ii. Plane wavefront: iv. In anisotropic medium, it travels with
A wavefront originating from a point different velocities in different directions
source of light at infinite distance is due to variation in densities of the
called plane wavefront.
Example: The light from the Sun Q.9. State the main characteristics of wave normal.
reaches the surface of the Earth in the Ans: Characteristics of wave normal:
form of plane wavefront. i. It gives the direction of propagation of
ii. It is perpendicular to wavefront.
iii. In a homogeneous isotropic medium,
Ray of light wave normal is same as direction of ray
(Wave normal) of light.
Source at iv. It is drawn from the point of generation
infinity of wavefront.
Plane wavefront
10.3 Huygens principle
iii. Cylindrical wavefront: *Q.10.State Huygens principle. [Oct 99, 04]
A wavefront originating from a linear Ans: It is the geometrical construction to determine
source (slit) of light at a finite distance new position of a wavefront at any later
instant from its position at any earlier instant.
is called cylindrical wavefront.
Example: A tube light emits cylindrical
i. Every point on the primary wavefront
acts as a secondary source of light and
sends out secondary waves (wavelets) in
all possible directions.
ii. The new secondary wavelets are more
effective in the forward direction only
Ray of light (i.e., direction of propagation of wave-
(Wave normal) front).
iii. The resultant wavefront at any position
is given by the tangent to all the
Cylindrical wavefront secondary wavelets at that instant.

Q.8. State the main characteristics of wavefront. Q.11. Distinguish between primary source of light
Ans: Characteristics of wavefront: and secondary source of light.
i. Wavefronts travel with the speed of light Ans:
in all directions in an isotropic medium. No. Primary source Secondary source
ii. The phase difference between any two of light of light
points in the same phase on the two i. It is a real source of It is a fictitious
consecutive wavefronts is 2. So, if the light. source of light.
phase at a crest is 2, then phase at next ii. It sends out primary It sends out
consecutive crest = 4 and so on. Hence waves in all possible secondary waves
at any crest, the phase is 2n and phase directions. only in the forward
at any trough is (2n + 1) , where n is an direction.
integer. iii. Primary wave is Secondary wave is
iii. It always travels in the forward effective at every effective only at the
direction. During the propagation of point on its surface. points where it touches
spherical wavefront from a source, wave the envelope.
becomes weaker. It is so because same iv. Primary source is Secondary source is
energy is distributed over circumference situated in air. situated on a
of larger circles of increasing radii. wavefront.
Ans: Huygens construction of plane wavefront:
10.4 Construction of plane and spherical wavefront
i. A plane wavefront is formed when point
of observation is very far away from the
Brain Teaser primary source.
ii. Let PQR represent a plane wavefront at
Q.12.What is the shape of the wavefront in each
any instant. According to Huygens
of the following cases?
principle, all the points on this
i. Light diverging from a point source.
wavefront will act as secondary sources
ii. Light emerging out of a convex lens
of light sending out secondary wavelets
when a point source is placed at its focus.
in the forward direction.
iii. The portion of the wavefront of light
from a distant star intercepted by the iii. Draw hemispheres with P, Q, R. as
earth. (NCERT) centres and ct as radius. The surface
Ans: tangential to all such hemispheres is
Diverging P1Q1R1. at instant t. It is a new
spherical wavefront at time t.
wave front
iv. The plane wavefronts is propagated as
plane waves in homogeneous isotropic
Point medium. They are parallel to each other.
Source Rays

Figure (a) P P1 N1
wave front ct
Q Q1 N2

Rays ct
R R1 N3

PQR: Plane wavefront at any instant,

Figure (b)
P1Q1R1 : Plane wavefront after time t,
i. The geometrical shape of the wavefront for PP1N1, QQ1N2, RR1N3 : wave normals at PQR
the light diverging from a point source would
be diverging spherical wavefront, as shown in v. PP1N1, QQ1N2, RR1N3 are the wave
figure (a). normals at P, Q, R respectively. These
ii. For a point source placed at the focus of a wave normals show the direction of
convex lens, the rays emerging from the lens propagation of plane wavefront.
are parallel. Hence the wavefront is a plane vi. The new wavefront P1Q1R1 is parallel to
wavefront as shown in figure (b). primary wavefront PQR.
iii. As the star (i.e. source of light) is very far i.e.
at infinity, the wavefront of the light coming *Q.14.Explain the Huygens construction of
from it which is intercepted by earth is a plane spherical wavefront. [Mar 12]
wavefront as shown in figure (b). Ans: Huygens construction of spherical wavefront:
i. Spherical wavefront is formed when
*Q.13.Explain the Huygens construction of plane source of light is at a finite distance
wavefront. [Oct 99] from point of observation.
OR ii. Let S be the point source of light in air.
Using Huygens principle explain the PQR represents spherical wavefront at any
propagation of a plane wavefront. [Mar 06] instant. The wavefront PQR acts as a
primary wave which is propagated i. The incident rays, reflected rays and
through air. normal to the reflecting surface at the point
of incidence, all lie in the same plane.
N1 ii. The incident rays and the reflected rays
ct lie on the opposite sides of the normal.
iii. The angle of incidence is equal to angle
P of reflection. i.e., i = r.
ct Explanation:
S Q Q1 N2

R ct B
PQR : Primary wavefront, A Q
P1Q1R1 : Secondary wavefront after time t,
SPN1, SQN2, SRN3 : Wave normals at P, Q, R R
iii. According to Huygens principle, all the P
points on PQR will act as secondary
sources of light and send secondary i r i r
wavelets with same velocity c in air.
iv. To find out new wavefront at a later instant X Y
A1 B1
t, draw hemispheres with P, Q, R. as
Reflection of light
centres and ct as radius in the forward
direction. XY : Plane reflecting surface
v. The surface tangential to all such AB : Plane wavefront
hemispheres is an envelope at that instant RB1 : Reflecting wavefront
t. Such a surface is passing through the A1M, B1N : Normal to the plane
points P1, Q1, R1. on the hemispheres and AA1M = BB1N = i = Angle of incidence
touching all the hemispheres. This surface TA1M = QB1N = r = Angle of reflection
is the new wavefront at that instant t.
vi. SPN1, SQN2, SRN3 are the wave i. A plane wavefront AB is advancing
normals at P, Q, R respectively. obliquely towards plane reflecting surface
vii. These wave normals show the direction XY. AA1 and BB1 are incident rays.
of propagation of spherical wavefront. ii. When A reaches XY at A1, then ray at
viii. The new wavefront P1Q1R1 is parallel to B reaches point P and it has to cover
PQR at every instant. distance PB1 to reach the reflecting
Note: The intensity of secondary waves varies from surface XY.
maximum in forward direction to zero in iii. Let t be the time required to cover
backward direction. This indicates that secondary distance PB1. During this time interval,
waves are effective only in forward direction. secondary wavelets are emitted from A1
10.5 Reflection at a plane surface and will spread over a hemisphere of
radius A1R, in the same medium.
*Q.15. With the help of a neat diagram, explain the Distance covered by secondary wavelets
reflection of light from a plane reflecting to reach from A1 to R in time t is same
surface on the basis of wave theory of light. as the distance covered by primary
OR waves to reach from P to B1.
On the basis of wave theory of light explain Thus A1R = PB1 = ct.
the laws of reflection. [Oct 96] iv. All other rays between AA1 and BB1
Ans: Reflection of plane wavefront from plane will reach XY after A1 and before B1.
reflecting surface: Hence they will also emit secondary
According to laws of reflection: wavelets of decreasing radii.
v. The surface touching all such hemispheres ii. The incident rays, refracted rays and
is RB1 which is reflected wavefront, normal lie in the same plane.
bounded by reflected rays A1R and B1Q. iii. Incident ray and refracted ray lie on
vi. Draw A1M XY and B1N XY. opposite sides of normal.
Thus, angle of incidence is Explanation:
AA1M BB1 N i and angle of Phenomenon of refraction can be explained on
the basis of wave theory of light.
reflection is MA1R NB1Q r .
RA1B1 = 90 r B M
PB1A1 = 90 i
vii. In A1RB1 and A1PB1 P
A1R = PB1 (Reflected waves travel equal i
i air (1)
distance in same medium in equal time). i
X A1 r Y
A1B1 = A1B1 (common side) B1
glass (2)
A1RB1 A1PB1 r r
RA1B1 = PB1A1 N1
90 r = 90 I i=r N R1
viii. Also from the figure, it is clear that Refraction of light
incident ray, reflected ray and normal lie XY : plane refracting surface
in the same plane. AB : incident plane wavefront
ix. This explains laws of reflection of light B1R : refracted wavefront
from plane reflecting surface on the AA1, BB1 : incident rays
basis of Huygens wave theory. A1R, B1R1 : refracted rays
Note: AA1M = BB1M1 = i : angle of incidence
1. Frequency, wavelength and speed of light do RA1N = R1B1N1 = r : angle of refraction
not change after reflection.
2. If reflection takes place from a denser [Diagram + labelling 1 Mark]
medium, then phase changes by radian. i. Let XY be the plane refracting surface
separating two media air and glass of
Q.16. Draw neat and labelled ray diagram of
refractive indices 1 and 2 respectively.
reflection of light from a plane reflecting
ii. A plane wavefront AB is advancing obliquely
surface using plane wavefront.
towards XY from air. It is bounded by rays
[Mar 96, Oct 99, 04, 12] AA1 and BB1 which are incident rays.
Ans: Refer Q.15 (diagram) iii. When A reaches A1, then B will be at P.
It still has to cover distance PB1 to reach XY.
10.6 Refraction of a plane wavefront at a plane iv. According to Huygens principle, secondary
surface wavelets will originate from A1 and will
spread over a hemisphere in glass.
Q.17.*Explain refraction of light on the basis of v. All the rays between AA1 and BB1 will reach
wave theory. Hence prove laws of refraction. XY and spread over the hemispheres of
[Mar 96, Mar 13 old course] increasing radii in glass. The surface of
OR tangency of all such hemispheres is RB1. This
Prove the laws of refraction on the basis of gives rise to refracted wavefront B1R in glass.
wave theory of light. vi. A1R and B1R1 are refracted rays.
[Mar 02, 03, 05, Oct 03, 05, 06] vii. Let c1 and c2 be the velocities of light in air
Ans: Laws of refraction: and glass respectively.
i. Ratio of velocity of light in rarer medium viii. At any instant of time t, distance covered by
to velocity of light in denser medium is a incident wavefront from P to B1 = PB1 = c1t
constant called refractive index of denser Distance covered by secondary wave from A1
medium w.r.t. rarer medium. to R = A1R = c2t. [ Mark]
Proof of laws of refraction: 2
i. From figure, >1 .(1)
AA1M + MA1P = 90 .(1)
c1 2
and ii. Since , = .[From 1]
MA1P + PA1B1 = 90 .(2) c 2 1
From equations (1) and (2), c1
>1 c1 > c2
AA1M = PA1B1 = i c2
ii. Similarly, Hence, velocity of light in rarer
NA1R = N1B1R1 = r medium is greater than velocity in
We have, denser medium.
N1B1R1 + N1B1R = 90 .(3)
and Q.19. On the basis of Huygens wave theory of
N1B1R + A1B1R = 90 .(4) light, prove that velocity of light in a rarer
From equations (3) and (4), medium is greater that velocity of light in a
N1B1R1 = A1B1R = r [ Mark] denser medium. [Mar 13]
Ans: Refer Q. 17 & Q. 18
iii. In A1PB1,
[Ray diagram 1 Mark, Description
sin i = PB1 = c1t .(5) Mark, Proof of Snells law 1 Mark,
A1B1 A1B1
Angle of incidence in rarer medium is greater
iv. In A1 RB1 ,
than angle of refraction in denser medium
A1R c t Mark, Conclusion: c1 > c2 Mark]
sin r = = 2 .(6)
A1B1 A1B1
Q.20. Define wave number. Write down its unit
v. Dividing equation (5) by (6), and dimensions.
sin i c t / A1B1 c1 t
= 1 = Ans: i. Definition:
sin r c 2 t / A1B1 c 2 t Wave number is defined as number of
sin i c waves per unit distance.
= 1 .(7) [ Mark] OR
sin r c2
Reciprocal of wavelength of the light is
Also 1 = 2 = 12 .(8) called wave number.
c 2 1 1
It is given by =
where 12 = R.I. of glass w.r.t air.
sin i 2 ii. Unit: m1 in SI system and cm1 in CGS
= [ Mark]
sin r 1 system.
vi. From the explanation, it is clear that iii. Dimensions: [M0L1T0]
incident rays AA1, BB1, refracted rays Note:
A1R, B1R1 and normal MN and M1N1 lie 1. During refraction, speed and wavelength of
on the same plane XY. Also incident ray light change but frequency remains the same.
AA1 and refracted ray A1R lie on 2. Change in wavelength is due to change in
opposite sides of normal MN. Hence, speed of light as it travels from one medium to
laws of refraction can be explained. another.
Q.18. Show that velocity of light in rarer medium 3. More dense is the medium, smaller is the
is greater than velocity in denser medium. wavelength.
[Oct 08] 4. Phase of light does not change during
Ans: i. To show velocity of light in rarer refraction.
medium is greater than velocity in denser 10.7 Polarisation
medium, we have to prove, c1 > c2.
From figure, *Q.21.What do you mean by polarisation? [Oct 09]
(Refer figure of Q. 17 Refraction of light) Ans: Polarisation:
The phenomenon of restriction of the vibration
i > r sin i > sin r
of light waves in a particular plane
sin i
>1 perpendicular to direction of wave motion is
sin r called polarisation of light.

Concept Builder Note:

1. There is no effect of position of slit on the
Concept of Polarisation: propagation of longitudinal waves. This means
i. Consider two slits S1 and S2 which are kept longitudinal waves cannot be polarised.
parallel to each other. A string AB is passed 2. There is effect of position of slit on the
through both the slits. One end of the string A propagation of transverse waves. This means,
is in our hand and the other end B is fixed to a transverse waves can be polarised. So, polarisation
is the property of transverse waves only.
rigid support as shown in figure (a).
ii. Now, end A of string is given a jerk up and
Additional Information
down so that transverse wave is formed in the
string. It is observed that, transverse wave Explanation of transverse nature of light:
i. Consider a tourmaline crystal C1 with its
passes through both the parallel slits without
crystallographic axis perpendicular to the
loss in amplitude of vibrations as shown in direction of propagation of light.
figure (b). ii. Ordinary light (unpolarised light) is made
iii. Now the slit S2 is kept perpendicular to slit S1. In incident on crystal C1 as shown in figure (a).
this case, transverse wave travels up to slit S2 but iii. The components of electric field vector which are
there are no vibrations in the string through S2 as in the plane of paper pass through the crystal and
shown in figure (c). This means slit S2 does not the components of electric field vector which are
perpendicular to the plane of paper are blocked.
allow the transverse wave to pass through it.
iv. Light transmitted through the crystal C1 has only
In this case, amplitude of vibration reduces to one component of electric vector. Thus, crystal
zero. C1 has restricted the vibration of light in one
S1 S2
direction. Thus light is polarised by crystal C1.
B Hence C1 is called polariser and the light
A transmitted by it is called linearly polarised light.
v. Now, another tourmaline crystal C2 with its axis
Figure (a) parallel to crystal C1 is placed in the path of
S1 S2
linearly polarised light. In this case, polarised
B light is fully transmitted through crystal C2.
A vi. When the crystal C2 is rotated with respect to
crystal C1, the intensity of light transmitted by
Figure (b) crystal C2 decreases.
vii. When axis of crystal C2 is perpendicular to
S1 crystal C1, then no light is transmitted through the
B crystal C2 as shown in figure (b).
A Plane
C1 polarised C2
Figure (c) light

iv. Instead of transverse vibration, if we produce Plane

longitudinal vibration then it will pass through light
the slit without any change in amplitude of Figure (a)
vibration even though the slits may be parallel or
at right angles to each other. Plane
C1 polarised
v. From the above experiment, it is concluded light C2
that transverse vibrations can pass through the
slits only in certain conditions, i.e., vibrations No light
are restricted in certain plane. This
phenomenon is called polarisation. light Figure (b)


viii. From the above explanation, it is observed

that there is restriction of vibration of light
in the plane of propagation, hence light is
ix. Crystal C1 polarised the ordinary light i.e., Unpolarised light Unpolarised light
unpolarised light, so it is called polariser while
crystal C2 detects the polarising nature of light This representation shows a component of
hence it is called analyser or detector. light vector in plane of paper and also
x. Since polarisation takes place only in case of
other component of light vector ()
transverse waves, hence light is a transverse
perpendicular to plane of paper.
Note: Superposition of plane polarised light, one
with vibration in the plane of paper and other
Concept Builder with vibration perpendicular to the plane of
paper gives an unpolarised light.
Concept of unpolarised light:
i. According to Maxwell, light is an *Q.23.How will you distinguish between polarised
and unpolarised light?
electromagnetic wave.
ii. Electromagnetic wave consists of electric and
No. Polarised light Unpolarised light
magnetic field vectors which vibrate
perpendicular to each other and both are also i. The light in which The light in which the
perpendicular to the direction of propagation of vibrations of the vibrations of the
the light wave. electric field electric vectors are in
iii. The phenomenon concerning light are vectors are all possible
described by only the electric vector i.e., light confined only to directions, which are
one plane is called perpendicular to the
is represented by the electric field vector E .

polarised light. directions of
propagation, is called
iv. In an unpolarised or ordinary light, the electric as unpolarised light.

field vector E is always perpendicular to the ii. Polarised light has Unpolarised light has
direction of propagation of light. the electric electrical component
v. There are infinite number of directions component only in in every direction at
perpendicular to the direction of propagation one direction at a any time.
of light. So the electric field vector may be given time.
along any one of these directions. 10.8 Plane polarised light
vi. For example, if the light propagates along
the X-axis, the electric field vector may be Q.24. Explain the following terms with necessary
along Y-axis, or along Z-axis or along any diagram.
direction in Y-Z plane and at any instant, i. Plane polarised light
electric vector can be resolved into two *ii. Plane of vibration
mutually perpendicular components. *iii. Plane of polarisation
Ans: i. Plane polarised light: The light waves
Q.22. Define unpolarised light? Give its symbolic in which vibrations of the electric field
representation. vectors are confined only to one plane
are called plane polarised light.
Ans: Unpolarised light: ii. Plane of vibration: The plane in which
A light in which the vibrations of the electric the vibrations of polarised light take
vectors are in all possible directions, which place is called as plane of vibration.
are perpendicular to the directions of iii. Plane of polarisation: The plane
perpendicular to the plane of vibration
propagation is called as unpolarised light.
in which there are no vibrations of
Symbolic representation of unpolarised light is polarised light is called as plane of
as shown in figure. polarisation.
In this position, the polariser and the
A Plane of vibration D analyser are said to be in crossed position.
P Plane of
Plane polarised light S Polariser Analyser

Unpolarised Q R
Ordinary light Light unaffected
ABCD is plane of vibration, Plane polarised light
PQRS is plane of polarisation Figure (a)

Q.25. Draw a neat labelled diagram showing the Polariser Analyser

plane of vibration and plane of polarisation
for polarised light. [Oct 14]
Ans: Refer Q.24 (only diagram) No light
[Diagram 1 Mark, Labelling 1 Mark] Ordinary light Plane polarised light
Q.26. State any four methods to produce plane Figure (b)
polarised light.
Ans: Plane polarised light can be produced by: 10.9 Brewsters law
i. reflection Q.28. Define polarising angle.
ii. scattering Ans: The angle of incidence of ordinary light at
iii. refraction which reflected light from transparent medium
iv. property of dichroism in calcite or is completely plane polarised is called
quartz materials polarising angle.
v. polaroids.
*Q.29.State Brewsters law.
Q.27. Explain a method to detect plane polarised Ans: Statement:
light. The tangent of the polarising angle is equal to
Ans: Detection of plane polarised light: the refractive index of the refracting medium
i. Naked eyes or the polariser alone cannot at which partial reflection takes place.
make distinction between unpolarised According to Brewsters law, tan ip = .
light and plane polarised light. To
analyse the nature of light, another Q.30. Show that when light is incident at
crystal (analyser) is used. polarising angle ip, then tan ip = where
ii. The tourmaline crystal is used to is the R.I. of the medium.
produce plane polarised light. Ans: i. Let XY be the interface of refracting media
iii. If the polariser is rotated in the path of Ordinary light
ordinary light, the intensity of the light A N C
transmitted from the polariser remains
unchanged. It is because in each Plane polarised light
orientation of the polariser, the plane ip ip Medium I
polarised light is obtained which has
vibrations in a direction parallel to the X Y
B 90
axis of the crystal in that orientation. rp Medium II
iv. If the analyser is rotated in the path of
Partially polarised light
the light transmitted from the polariser,
so that the axis of the polariser and the N D
analyser are parallel to each other, then AB : incident ordinary light
the intensity of light is found to remain BD : partially polarised or unpolarised light
unaffected [see figure (a)]. BC : reflected plane polarised light
v. If the axis of the polariser and the
ABN : incident unpolarised angle
analyser are perpendicular to each other
NBC : reflected polarised angle
as shown in figure (b), then the intensity
of light becomes minimum. ABN : incident polarising angle

ii. From laws of reflection, sin i p sin i p
ABN = NBC = ip =
sin rp cosi p
Also, CBD = 90
iii. From figure, sin rp = cos ip
ip + 90 + rp = 180 cos ( 90 rp ) = cos ip
rp = 90 ip .(1) 90 rp = ip
sin i p
iv. From Snells law, = ip + rp = 90 .(3)
sin rp
iv. In the figure, ip = r
sin i p
= [From equation (1)] [from laws of reflection]
sin 90 i p
But ip + rp + DBC = 180
sin i p 90 + DBC = 180 [From equation (3)]
cosi p DBC = 90
tan ip = BD BC
Hence proved. Hence reflected and refracted rays are
Q.31. State and explain Brewsters law. [Oct 09] perpendicular at polarising angle.
Ans: Refer Q.29 and Q.30 Note:
*Q.32.Show that when the light is incident at 1. When rays of light are allowed to fall on a
polarising angle, the reflected and refracted transparent or translucent object, then some
rays are mutually perpendicular to each part of light gets reflected and remaining part
other. gets refracted. This phenomenon is called
Ans: i. In the figure, partial reflection.
AB = incident ray 2. In 1808, Malus discovered the phenomenon of
BD = refracted ray polarisation by reflection.
BC = reflected ray 3. When a beam of unpolarised monochromatic
We have to show BD BC light is incident on a plane glass plate, some
i.e. DBC = 90 part of light is reflected while the rest is
transmitted. The reflected light is partially
Ordinary light polarised. At certain angle of incidence,
A M C reflected ray is completely polarised.
10.10 Polaroids
Completely plane
ip = r polarised light
ip Q.33. What is a polaroid?
X Y Ans: A large sheet of synthetic material packed
B 90
rp with tiny crystals of a dichroic substance
oriented parallel to one another so that it
transmits light only in one direction of the
electric vector is called a polaroid.
A thin and large sheet of synthetic material
ii. From Snells law, capable of producing plane polarised beams
sin i p of large cross-section is called polaroid.
= .(1)
sin rp Example: H-Polaroids, K-Polaroids etc.
From Brewsters law, Polaroi
tan ip = .(2)
iii. From equations (1) and (2), S
sin i p
= tan ip Unpolarised light Plane polarised light
sin rp

iii. They are used to produce and analyse
Additional Information polarised light.
iv. They are used as filter in photography.
In 1852, W.H. Herapath discovered a synthetic v. They are used in window of aeroplanes
material, iodosulphate of quinine, known as to control amount of light.
Herapathite. vi. Used in polarising sunglasses (goggles)
Though it showed strong dichroism, these crystals to protect the eyes from glare of sunlight.
were not stable and were affected by slight strain. vii. They are used to improve colour
Hence they were not of much use. contrast in old oil paintings.
In 1934, E.H. Lamb developed a new type of viii. They are used in calculators, watches,
pollarizer called as Polaroid. He arranged herapathite monitors of laptops which have LCD
crystals side by side to form a single crystal of large screens.
dimensions. Crystals were arranged in such that their Q.35. What is a polaroid? State its two uses.
optic axes remained parallel. [Mar 15]
Polarising action of a polaroid: Ans: Refer Q.33, Q.34
i. To understand polarising action of polaroids, [Explanation 1 Mark, Any two uses
two polaroids P1 and P2 are kept in such a way Mark each]
that their axes are parallel as shown in
figure(a). Q.36. What is dichroism?
Ans: i. The property by which some doubly
refracting crystals absorb the ordinary
Unpolarised Polaroid Plane
rays (O-rays) completely and extra-
Polaroid Plane
light P1 polarised P2 polarised ordinary rays whose direction is
light light parallel to the optic axis passing
Figure (a) Parallel position of polaroid through the crystal, is called dichroism.
ii. The crystal possessing dichroism
ii. When light is incident on P1, the emergent
property is called dichroic crystal.
light from P1 is plane polarised. This is now
iii. Dichroic substance produces linearly
transmitted through the second polaroid P2.
polarised light.
iii. When one polaroid P1 is fixed and the second
iv. This property of substance is used to
polaroid P2 is rotated about its axis, the
construct a polaroid.
intensity of transmitted light gradually
Example: Tourmaline crystal.
iv. When axis of P2 is perpendicular to the axis of Q.37. Distinguish between ordinary and extra
P1, i.e., crossed to each other, the intensity ordinary ray.
becomes zero as shown in figure (b). Ans:
No light No. Ordinary ray Extra ordinary ray
i. The ray which obeys The ray which does
Unpolarised Polaroid Plane Polaroid
P1 polarised Snells law and laws not obey the laws of
light P2
light of refraction is refraction is called
Figure (b) Transverse position of polaroid called ordinary ray. extra ordinary ray.
ii. It is denoted by O. It is denoted by E.
v. The intensity of the transmitted light being
twice maximum (bright) and twice minimum iii. It passes undeviated It deviates after
(dark) when polaroid P2 completes a full through the crystal. refraction.
rotation. iv. Inside the crystal, Inside the crystal,
speed of O-ray is speed of E-ray is
Q.34. State the main uses of polaroids. less than E-ray. more than O-ray.
v. The speed is The speed is not
Ans: Uses of Polaroids:
constant in the constant in the
i. Polaroids are used in motor car head medium. medium.
lights to remove head light glare. vi. It gives spherical It gives ellipsoidal
ii. Used in three dimensional movie cameras. wavefront. wavefront.

vi. The equation in terms of wavelength is
10.11 Doppler effect in light
given by,
*Q.38.Explain the Doppler effect in light. v
= .(3)
Ans: Statement: 0 c
The frequency change of light waves when In equation (3), we use the positive sign
there is relative motion between the source of when the source moves away from the
light and observer is called Doppler effect in observer and we put the magnitude of v,
light. Similarly, when the source moves
Explanation: towards the observer, () sign and
magnitude of v is used.
i. Consider a source of light S moving
relative to observer 1 and 2. *Q.39. Explain red and blue shift.
ii. When the source of light S moves Ans: i. Red shift:
towards observer 1 and away from When the source is receding away from
observer 2, the wavelength of light the observer, then the frequency of light
appears to be less to observer 1 and appears to be decreasing or the
more to the observer 2. wavelength of light appears to be
iii. The apparent frequency of light as increasing to the observer. Therefore,
perceived by an observer is given by the spectral line gets displaced towards
red end, hence it is known as the red

1 v shift.
= 0 c = cv .(1)
0 ii. Blue shift:
c v
1 v When the source is approaching the

c observer, then the frequency of light
where 0 is the actual frequency of light, appears to be increasing or wavelength
is the frequency of light as measured appears to be decreasing, i.e., the
by the observer. spectral line in electromagnetic
v = radial component of velocity of source spectrum gets displaced towards violet
relative to the observer. end, hence it is known as blue shift.
c = speed of light in vacuum. Q.40. Explain the applications of Doppler effect
iv. When v << c, then of light in astronomical physics.
equation (1) can be written as, Ans: i. Doppler effect of light is used to
v determine the radial velocities of distant
= 0 1 galaxies.
ii. It is used to measure the speed of
[From binomial expansion]
rotation of the sun.
v a. The east and west edges of the sun are
0 = 0
c photographed. Each contains absorption
0 v lines due to elements such as iron
0 c vaporised in the sun and also some
absorption lines due to oxygen in the
= .(2) earths atmosphere.
0 c b. When the two photographs are put
[where, = 0] together so that the oxygen lines coincide,
v. The negative sign is used in equation (2) the iron lines in the two photographs are
when the source moves away from the displaced relative to each other.
observer and we substitute the c. In one case, the edge of the sun
magnitude of v. Similarly, (+) sign is approaches the earth and in the other,
used when the source moves towards the the opposite edge recedes from the
observer and we substitute the earth. Measurements show a rotational
magnitude of v. speed of nearly 2 km/s.
Q.41. Explain the Doppler effect in measurement 3. Wavefront is the locus of the points of
of plasma temperature. medium at which waves reach simultaneously
Ans: i. In thermonuclear fusion experiments, so that all the points are in the same phase.
scientists come across extremely hot 4. According to Huygens principle, every point
gases or plasma where the temperature on the wavefront acts as secondary source. At
is of the order of millions of degree any later instant, these sources give rise to
celsius. new wavefronts at that instant.
ii. At such high temperatures, molecules of 5. Huygens principle is used to find new shape
glowing gas are moving away and and position of wavefront at any later instant.
towards the observer with high speeds.
iii. Due to Doppler effect, the wavelength 6. The shape of the wavefront depends on the
of a particular spectral line is apparently nature of source. It is spherical for the point
changed. source at finite distance and cylindrical for a
linear source.
iv. One edge of the line now corresponds to
an apparently increased wavelength 7. The refractive index of medium 2 with respect
due to molecules moving directly to medium 1 for a pair of media is given by
towards the observer and the other edge sin i c
Snells law: 1 2 = = 1
to an apparently decreased wavelength sin r c2
2 due to molecules moving directly
away from the observer. 8. The reciprocal of wavelength is called the
v. The line is thus observed to be 1
wave number ( ). It is given by, =
broadened. The breadth of the line can be
measured by using a diffraction grating. 9. Refractive index of a medium is the factor by
vi. Since and c are known, the which the velocity of light changes when light
velocity v can be calculated using the travels from one medium to another medium.
formula, c sin i
= a = a =
3RT cg g sin r
v= , where R is the molar gas
10. The wavelength range of visible light is from
constant, T is absolute temperature and
4000 to 8000 . The corresponding
M is the mass of one mole.
frequency range is from 0.75 1015 Hz to
Note: Doppler effect in light is symmetric, i.e., it 3.75 1014 Hz.
depends only on the relative velocity of the 11. Polarisation is the phenomenon of the
source and the observer. The difference occurs restriction of the vibrations of light waves to a
because light does not require a medium for particular direction in a medium. If vibration
propagation and the speed of light is same for occurs in all possible planes passing through
any observer whether the observer and/or the direction of propagation, then light waves are
source is moving. unpolarised. If vibrations occur only in a single
Summary plane, then light wave is plane polarised.
12. Light waves are transverse and it is possible to
1. Wave theory of light was first proposed by a produce and detect polarised light.
Dutch physicist Christian Huygens in 1678
assuming hypothetical ether medium 13. According to Brewsters law, tangent of the
everywhere in the space. angle of polarisation is numerically equal to the
refractive index of the medium i.e., tan iP = .
2. Huygens wave theory explained various
14. Polaroid is an artificially made material which
phenomena like reflection, refraction,
only transmits light with a single plane of
interference, polarisation, diffraction,
double refraction but it could not explain
photoelectric effect, rectilinear propagation 15. Doppler effect in light explains red shift and
of light, Compton effect, Raman effect etc. blue shift in wavelength of light.
Example 2
The refractive index of glass is 1.5. What is the
1. Velocity of light in vacuum: c = speed of light in glass? [Speed of light in vacuum
is 3 108 ms1] (NCERT)
sin i c Solution:
2. Snells law: 12 = = 2 = 1= 1
sin r 1 c2 2 Given: = 1.5, c = 3 108 m s1
To find: The speed of light in glass (vg)
ca c
3. Velocity of light in a medium: v = Formula: =
a Calculation: From formula,
4. Wavelength of light in a medium: m = c
vg =

5. Relation between R.I of different medium:
3 108
i. ab bc ca = 1 =
ii. ab = vg = 2 108 m s1
b c c a

Ans: The speed of light in glass is 2 108 m s1.
iii. ca =
a c Example 3
iv. ab bc = ac Light of wavelength 4500 in water has a
wavelength 4000 in glass. Find the R.I. of glass
1 w.r.t. water.
6. Wave number: =
Given: w = 4500 , g = 4000
7. Critical angle: ic = sin1 To find: Refractive index (wg)
Formula: wg =
8. Brewsters law: = tan ip g
Calculation: From formula,
9. Dopplers shift: = = 4500 9
0 c 0 wg = =
4000 8

w g = 1.125
Solved Examples Ans: The refractive index of glass w.r.t. water is
Example 1
What is the wave number of a beam of light in air
Example 4
if its frequency is 9 1014 Hz?
The number of waves in 6 cm of vacuum is same
[Given: c = 3 108 m/s]
as the number of waves in x cm of a medium. If
Given: = 9 1014 Hz, c = 3 108 m/s the refractive index of the medium is , find x.
To find: Wave number [Oct 10]
Formula: v = Solution:
Calculation: From formula, Given: Number of waves in 6 cm of vacuum
= Number of waves in x cm of
v c
= = ....[ v = c for air] medium,
1 9 1014 = .
Now, = = 2
c 3 108 To find: Distance (x)
= 3 106 m1 1 vac.
Formulae: i. ii. vacmed. =
Ans: The wave number of the beam is 3 106 m1. med.

Calculation: Using formula (i), ii. Frequency remains unchanged on entering
1 1 another medium.
vac and med 2 = 5.09 1014 Hz
vac med
For refracted light,
1 1 Using formula (ii),
6 x .... [Given]
vac med
2 = 1
vac 6 a w
= ....(1)
med x 589 109
Now, using formula (ii), 1.33
vac 2 = 4.43 107 m
vacmed. =
med Using formula (ii),
v1 c
3 6 aw = =
= ....[From (1)] v2 v2
2 x
12 c 3108
x= v2 = =
3 a w 1.33
x = 4 cm v2 = 2.26 108 m/s
Ans: The distance x is 4 cm. Ans: i. For reflected light, wavelength is
589 109 m, frequency is 5.09 1014 Hz
and speed is 3 108 m/s.
Example 5 ii. For refracted light, wavelength is
Monochromatic light of wavelength 589 nm is 4.43 107 m, frequency is 5.09 1014 Hz
incident from air on a water surface. What are and speed is 2.26 108 m/s.
the wavelength, frequency and speed of
(a) reflected and (b) refracted light? Refractive
Example 6
index of water is 1.33.
Determine the change in wavelength of light
Solution: during its passage from air to glass, if refractive
Given: 1 = 589 nm = 589 109 m, index of glass with respect to air is 1.5 and
c = 3 108 m/s, aw = 1.33 frequency of light in 4 1014 Hz. Find the wave
To find: i. Wavelength (1), frequency (1) number of light in glass.
and speed (v1) of reflected light [Velocity of light in air = 3 108 m/s].
ii. Wavelength(2), frequency (2) and [Mar 08]
speed (v2) of refracted light Solution:
Formulae: i. v = Given: ag = 1.5, = 4 10 Hz,

1 v c = 3 108 m/s
ii. aw = = 1
2 v2 To find: i. Change in wavelength of light
Calculation: ()
i. For reflected light, ii. Wave number of light in glass
1 = 589 109 m a
Formulae: i. c = ii. ag =
Using formula (i), we get g
v1 = 11 or c = 11
Now, for air, v1 = c = 3 108 m/s iii. = 1
c 3108 Calculation:
1 = =
1 589 109 i. Using formula (i),
3000 c 3 108
= 1014 a = = 0.75 106
589 4 1014
1 = 5.09 1014 Hz a = 7500
Using formula (ii), Using formula (iii),
a 7500 A

= = 1.75 106 m1
g = = 5.714 107
a g 1.5 Ans: i. The change in wavelength of light is
g = 5000 2857. [ Mark]
= a g ii. The wave number of light in glass is
1.75 106 m1. [ Mark]
= 7500 5000
= 2500 Example 8
ii. Using formula (iii), Determine the change in wavelength of light
1 during its passage from air to glass, if the
= = 2 106 m1
0.5 10 6 refractive index of glass with respect to air is 1.5
Ans: i. The change in wavelength of light is and the frequency of light is 5 1014 Hz. Find the
2500 . wave number of light in glass (velocity of light in
ii. The wave number of light in glass is air c = 3 108 m/s). [July 16]
2 106 m1. Solution:
Given: ag = 1.5, = 5 10 Hz
Example 7
To find: i. Change in wavelength ()
Determine the change in wavelength of light
ii. Wave number of light in glass
during its passage from air to glass. If the
refractive index of glass with respect to air is 1.5

and the frequency of light is 3.5 1014 Hz, find c

the wave number of light in glass. [Velocity of Formulae: i. =

light in air (c = 3 108 m/s)] [Mar 16] a
Solution: ii. ag = [ Mark]
14 g
Given: ag = 1.5, = 3.5 10 Hz,
c = 3 108 m/s 1
iii. =
To find: i. Change in wavelength of light
() Using formula (i),
Wave number of light
a = =
c 3 108
= 0.6 106 m
Formulae: i. c = 5 1014
a a = 6000 [ Mark]
ii. ag = [ Mark] From formula (ii),
g = a =
iii. = 1 [ Mark] a g
= 4000 [ Mark]
Calculation: = a g
Using formula (i), = 6000 4000
c 3 108 6 = 2000
a = = 106 = 0.8571 106 m Using formula (iii),
4 1014 7
a = 8571 [ Mark] g = [ Mark]
Using formula (ii), g
8571 1
g = a = =
a g 1.5 4000 1010
g = 5714 [ Mark] = 2.5 106 m1
Ans: i. Change in wavelength is 2000 .
= a g [ Mark]
= 8571 5714 ii. Wave number of light in glass is
= 2857 2.5 106 m1. [ Mark]
Example 9 3
= 0.7660
The wavelength of monochromatic light is 5000 4
in air. What will be its wave number in air? = 0.5745
[Mar 13 old course] r = sin1 (0.5745)
Solution: = 354
Given: = 5000 = 5 107 m Ans: The angle of refraction of the ray of light is
To find: Wave number ( ) 354.
Formula: = [ Mark]
Example 12
Calculation: From formula, What is the Brewster angle for air to glass
1 transition? [Refractive index of glass = 1.5]
= [ Mark]
5 107 (NCERT)
= 2 106 m1 Solution:
Ans: The wave number of monochromatic light is Given: = 1.5
2 106 m1. [1 Mark] To find: Brewster angle (ip)
Formula: = tan ip
Example 10 Calculation: From formula,
A ray of light passes from air to a medium making ip = tan1 () = tan1 (1.5)
an angle of incidence 61 and angle of refraction ip = 56.3 = 5618
34. What is the refractive index of the medium? Ans: Brewster angle for air to glass transition is
Solution: 56.3 or 5618.
Given: i = 61, r = 34
To find: Refractive index of the medium (am) Example 13
sin i For a glass plate as a polariser with refractive
Formula: am =
sin r index l.633, calculate the angle of incidence at
Calculation: From formula, which light is polarised. [Mar 14]
sin 61 Solution:
am = Given: = 1.633
sin 34
0.8746 To find: Polarising angle (ip)
= Formula: = tan ip [ Mark]
= 1.564 Calculation: From formula we get,
a m
Ans: The refractive index of the medium is 1.564. ip = tan1 (1.633) [ Mark]
ip = 5831
Example 11 Ans: The angle of incidence at which light is
A ray of light is incident on a water surface of polarised is 5831. [1 Mark]
refractive index making an angle of 40 with the
3 Example 14
surface. Find the angle of refraction. [Mar 10] A ray of light is incident on the surface of a glass
Solution: plate of refractive index 1.55 at the polarising
4 angle. Calculate the angle of refraction.
Given: i = 50, w =
3 Solution:
To find: Angle of refraction (r)
sin i Given: R.I. of glass, = 1.55
Formula: w = To find: Angle of refraction (r)
sin r
Calculation: Using formula, Formula: tan ip =
sin i sin 50 Calculation: From formula,
sin r = =
4 tan ip = 1.55

3 ip = tan1(1.55) = 57 10
Since ip + r = 90, Solution:
r = 90 ip = 90 (57 10) Given: (r)air = 6400 , (r)glass = 4000 ,
r = 3250 (v)air = 4400
Ans: The angle of refraction of the ray of light is To find: Wavelength (v)glass
3250. r air v air
Formula: ag = = [ Mark]
Example 15 r glass v glass
For a given medium, the polarising angle is 60. Calculation: From formula,
What will be the critical angle for the medium? r glass
Solution: (v)glass = (v)air [ Mark]
r air
Given: ip = 60
To find: Critical angle (ic) 4400 4000
= [ Mark]
1 6400
Formulae: i. = tan ip ii. = (v)glass = 2750
sin i c
Ans: The wavelength of violet light in glass is 2750 .
Calculation: Using formula (i) we get, [ Mark]
= tan 60 = 3
Using formula (ii) we get, Example 18
1 1 The speed of light in air is 3 108 m/s. If the R.I.
sin ic = = = 0.5774
3 of glass is 1.5, then find the time taken by light to
ic = sin1 (0.5774) travel a distance of 20 cm in glass.
ic = 3516
Given: c = 3 108 m/s, ag = 1.5,
Ans: The critical angle for the medium is 3516.
dg = 20 cm = 0.2 m
*Example 16 To find: Time of travel (t)
If the critical angle of a medium is sin1 (3/5), find c
Formula: ag =
the polarising angle. [Mar 15] vg
Solution: Calculation: From formula,
1 3 c 3 108 30
Given: ic = sin vg = = = 108
5 1.5 15
a g
To find: Polarising angle (ip)
vg = 2 108 m/s
Formula: = tan ip [ Mark]
The time taken by light to travel a
Calculation: sin ic = (from given data) distance of 2 101 m in glass is given
1 dg 0.2
But, = [ Mark] t= = = 1 109 s
sin i c vg 2 108
1 5 Ans: The time of travel of light is 109 s.
= = = 1.667 [ Mark]
3 3

5 Example 19
From formula, The velocity of light in air is 3 108 m/s. Find the
ip = tan1 () frequency and wavelength of a beam of light in
ip = tan1 (1.667) diamond whose wavelength in air is 4800 .
ip = 592 [Given: R.I. of diamond is 2.4]
Ans: The polarising angle of the medium is 592. Solution:
[ Mark] Given: c = 3 108 m/s, ad = 2.4
a = 4800 = 48 108 m
*Example 17 To find: i. Wavelength in diamond (d)
Red light of wavelength 6400 in air has
ii. Frequency in diamond (d)
wavelength 4000 in glass. If the wavelength of
violet light in air is 4400 , find its wavelength in Formulae: i. ad = ii. c =
glass. (Assume that r v) [Mar 2000, Oct 14] d

Calculation: Using formula (i) we get, Ans: i. The frequency of light in diamond is
6.67 1014 Hz.
d = a
ii. The wavelength of light in diamond is
a d
1875 .
4800 48000
= = = 2000
2.4 24 Example 21
d = 2000 For a light wave of certain frequency, the
Now using formula (ii), difference in the wavelength in alcohol of R.I.
c = a a 1.35 and glass of R.I. 1.5. is 440 . Find the
c frequency of light wave. [Given: c = 3 108 m/s]
a = Solution:
Given: aalc = 1.35, ag = 1.5, alc g = 440
3 108
= To find: Frequency (a)
48 108
= 6.25 1014 Hz Formula: 12 = 1
But, d = a
Frequency remains same Calculation: From formula,
d = 6.25 1014 Hz a
aalc =
Ans: i. The wavelength of light in diamond is alc
2000 . a
alc = .(1)
ii. The frequency of light in diamond is a alc
6.25 1014 Hz. a
Now, ag =
Example 20 g
The velocity of light in air is 3 108 m/s. Find the a
frequency and wavelength of a beam of light in g = .(2)
a g
diamond whose wavelength in air is 4500 .
[Given: R.I. of diamond = 2.4] Subtracting equation (2) from
Solution: equation (1),
Given: c = 3 108 m/s, a
alc g = a
a = 4500 = 4.5 107 m, ad = 2.4 a alc a g
To find: i. Frequency in diamond (d) 1 1
ii. Wavelength in diamond (d) = a
c a a alc a g
Formulae: i. a = ii. ad =
440 = a
a d 1 1

Calculation: From formula (i), 1.35 1.5
c 1.5 1.35
a = 440 = a
a (1.5) (1.35)
3 108 0.15
= 440 = a
4.5 107 (1.5) (1.35)
= 6.67 1014 Hz 440 1.5 1.35
Since frequency of a given colour of a =
light remains same in any medium,
a = 5940
a = d = 6.67 1014 Hz
Now, c = a a
From formula (ii),
a =
d = a a
a d
7 3 108
= 4.5 10 a = 10
= 0.5051 1015
2.4 5940 10
= 1.875 10 m 7
a = 5.051 1014 Hz
d = 1875 Ans: The frequency of light wave is 5.051 1014 Hz.
Example 22 ii. The frequency of light in glass is
The light of wavelength 6400 is incident 4.68 1014 Hz.
normally on a plane parallel glass slab of iii. The wavelength of light in glass is
thickness 5 cm and = 1.6. The beam takes the 4000 .
same time to travel from the source to the
Example 23
incident surface as it takes to travel through the
A parallel beam of monochromatic light is
slab. Find the distance of the source from the
incident surface. What is the frequency and incident on glass slab at an angle of incidence 60.
Find the ratio of the widths of the beam in glass
wavelength of the light in glass?
to that in air, if refractive index of glass is 1.5.
[Given: c = 3 108 m/s] [Mar 01, Oct 15]
Solution: Solution:
Given: a = 6400 = 6.4 107 m, Given: i = 60, g = 1.5,
dg = 5 102 m, ag = 1.6, Let dg = width of beam in glass slab,
c = 3 108 m/s da = width of beam in air
To find: i. Distance of source (da) dg
To find: Ratio of widths
ii. Frequency in glass (g) da
iii. Wavelength in glass (g) sin i
d Formulae: i. g = [ Mark]
Formulae: i. t= ii. ag = a sin r
c g
d g cos r
Calculation: ta = tg (given) ii. = [ Mark]
da cosi
From formula (i),
Calculation: From formula (i),
da dg sin i
sin r =
c vg g
c da sin 60
sin r = [ Mark]
v g dg 1.5
c 0.8660
But, = ag = = 0.5773
vg 1.5
da r = sin1 (0.5773) = 35 16 [ Mark]
ag = From formula (ii),
dg d g cos r cos3516'
da = ag dg = 1.6 5 102 = = [ Mark]
da cosi cos 60
da = 8 cm d g 0.8164
From formula (ii), = = 1.6
da 0.5
ag =
g d g 16
= =8:5
a 6400 64000 d a 10
g = = =
a g 1.6 16 Ratio of the widths of beam = 8 : 5
Ans: The ratio of widths of the beam in glass to that
g = 4000 in air is 8 : 5. [ Mark]
Now c = a a
3 108 3 *Example 24
a = = 7
= 1015 The refractive indices of water for red and violet
a 6.4 10 6.4 colours are 1.325 and 1.334 respectively. Find the
a = 4.68 1014 Hz difference between velocities of the rays for these
But, a = g two colours in water. [Oct 98, Oct 13]
g = 4.68 1014 Hz Solution:
Ans: i. The distance of source from incident Given: r = 1.325, v = 1.334
surface is 8 cm. To find: Difference between velocities (vr vv)

c *Example 26
Formula: = [ Mark]
v The width of a plane incident wavefront is found
Calculation: From formula, to be doubled in a denser medium. If it makes an
c 3 108 angle of 70 with surface, calculate the refractive
vr = = = 2.264 108 m/s
r 1.325 index for the denser medium.
[ Mark] Solution:
c 3 108
vv = = = 2.249 108 m/s AB = width of incident
v 1.334
B wavefront
[ Mark] Rarer i
Now, medium CD = width of refracted
i C wavefront
vr vv = 2.264 108 2.249 108 A r
Denser r
[ Mark] medium r
= 0.015 108 m/s
vr vv = 1.5 106 m/s D
N1 N2
Ans: The difference between velocities of the rays
for red and violet colours is 1.5 106 m/s.
Given: i = 70, CD = 2AB
[1 Mark]
To find: Refractive index ()
Example 25 cosi AB sin i
Formulae: i. ii. =
The width of a plane incident wavefront is found cos r CD sin r
to be doubled in a denser medium. If it makes an
Calculation: From formula (i),
angle of 70 with the surface, calculate the
refractive index for the rarer medium. cos 70 AB

Solution: cos r 2AB
0.3420 1

cos r 2
Rarer B
medium i cos r = 0.684
i D
Ar r r = 4651
E From formula (ii),
sin 70 0.9397
= =
M sin (4651) 0.7295
= 1.288
From the figure,
ADE = r, DAB = i = 70 Ans: The refractive index for the denser medium is
ED cos r 1.288.
= =2
AB cosi
*Example 27
cos r = 2 cos i If the difference in velocities of light in glass and
cos r = 2 0.3420 [cos 70 = 0.3420] water is 0.25 108 m/s, find the velocity of light in
= 0.684 air. [Given : g = 1.5, w = 4/3]
r = cos1 (0.684) = 46.8 Solution:
Now, 4
Given: g = 1.5 and w =
sin r sin 46.8 0.7289 3
da = = =
sin i sin 70 0.9396 vw vg = 0.25 108 m/s
da = 0.78
To find: Velocity of light in air (c)
Ans: The refractive index for the rarer medium is c
Formula: =
0.78. v
Calculation: From formula, 1.33 1.5 2.7 107
c c 0.167
g = and w =
vg vw c = 3.233 108 m/s
c c Ans: The velocity of light in air is 3.233 108 m/s.
vg = and vw = [1 Mark]
g w
*Example 29
c c 1 1 A ray of light travelling through air, falls on the
vw v g = =c
w g w g surface of a glass slab at an angle i. It is found that
the angle between the reflected and refracted ray is
1 1
0.25 108 = c 90. If the speed of light in glass is 2108 m/s, find the
4 / 3 1.5 angle of incidence. [c = 3 108 m/s]
3 10 3 2 Solution:
=c =c
4 15 4 3 Given: c = 3 108 m/s, vg = 2 108 m/s
9 8 The angle between reflected and
12 refracted ray i.e., BOD = 90
(in figure)
0.25 108 = c To find: Angle of incidence (i)
sin i
c = 12 0.25 108 Formula: =
sin r
c = 3 108 m/s Calculation:
Ans: The velocity of light in air is 3.00 108 m/s. Incident ray
Reflected ray
Example 28 A i i B
If the difference in velocities of light in glass and
water is 2.7 107 m/s, find the velocity of light in r
air. Refracted ray
(Refractive index of glass = 1.5, Refractive index
of water = 1.333) [Mar 14]
Solution: From the figure, i + r + 90 = 180
Given: g = 1.5, w = 1.333, i + r = 90
vw vg = 2.7 107 m/s r = 90 i
To find: Velocity of light in air (c) c 3 108
= = = 1.5
c vg 2 108
Formula: =
v From formula,
Calculation: From formula we get, sin i sin i sin i
= = = = tan i
c c sin r sin 90 i cos i
g = and w =
vg vw i = tan1 () = tan1 (1.5)
c c i 5619
vg = and vw = [ Mark] Ans: The angle of incidence of the ray is 5619.
g w
Example 30
c c
vw vg = Light of wavelength 5000 falls on a plane
w g reflecting surface. What are the wavelength and
1 1 frequency of the reflected light? For what angle
2.7 107 = c [ Mark] of incidence is the reflected ray normal to the
1.333 1.5
incident ray? (NCERT)
1.5 1.333
= c Solution:
1.333 1.5 = 5000 = 5000 1010 m, c = 3 108 m s1,
0.167 Wavelength of reflected light = Wavelength
2.7 107 = c
1.333 1.5 of' incident light = 5000
Also, v = 6.86 105 m s1
c 3 108 Ans: The speed with which the star is receding from
v= = 10
= 6 1014 Hz earth is 6.86 105 m s1.
5000 10
Now, i = r
Also, i + r = 90 Example 33
i + i = 90 or 2i = 90 With what speed should a galaxy move with
respect to us so that the sodium line at 589.0 nm
i = 45
is observed at 589.6 nm?
Ans: i. The wavelength and frequency of light
is 5000 and 6 1014 Hz respectively.
Given: = 589.6 589 = 0.6 nm
ii. At 45, the reflected ray is normal to the
To find: Speed of the galaxy (v)
incident ray.
Formula: =
Example 31 0 c
The earth is moving towards a fixed star with a Calculation: From formula,
velocity of 30 km s1. An observer on the earth
observes a shift of 0.58 in the wavelength of v= c
light coming from the star. Find the actual 0
wavelength of light emitted by the star. 0.6 8
= 3 10
Given: v = 30 km s1 = 30 103 ms1, = 3.06 105 ms1
= 0.58 , c = 3 108 ms1 v = 306 km/s
To find: Actual wavelength of light emitted Ans: The galaxy should move with a speed of
(0) 306 km/s.
Formula: =
0 c Example 34
Calculation: From formula, A light source approaches the observer with
c velocity 0.8 c. Find the Doppler shift for the light
0 = of wavelength 5500 .
3 108 Given: = 5500 , v = 0.8 c
0 = 0.58
30 103 To find: Doppler shift ( )
0 = 5800 1 v / c
Ans: Actual wavelength of light emitted by the star Formula: =
is 5800 . 1 v / c
Calculation: From formula,
Example 32
1 0.8
6563 H line emitted by hydrogen in a star is = 5500
found to be red-shifted by 15 . Estimate the 1 0.8
speed with which the star is receding from the = 1833.33
Earth. (NCERT) Doppler Shift = 5500 1833.33 3667
Solution: Ans: The doppler shift in wavelength is 3667 .
Given: 0 = 6563 = 6.563 107 m
Example 35
To find: Speed (v)
A characteristic wavelength of light from a
v galaxy is observed to be increased in wavelength
Formula: =
0 c as compared with terrestrial sources, by about
Calculation: From formula, 0.4%. What is the radial speed of the galaxy with
respect to earth?
v= c Solution:
0 100.4
15 1010 Given: = 0
= 3 108 100
6563 10 To find: Radial speed (v)
v 9. A ray of light strikes a glass plate at an angle
Formula: =
c 0 of incidence 57. If the reflected and refracted
rays are perpendicular to each other, find the
Calculation: Since, = 0 index of refraction of glass.
100.4 10. A radar wave has frequency of 8.1 109 Hz.
= The reflected wave from an aeroplane shows a
0 100
frequency difference of 2.7 103 Hz on the
On subtracting 1 from both sides, we get, higher side. Deduce the velocity of aeroplane
100.4 in the line of sight.
1= 1
0 100
11. The velocity of light in vacuum is 3 108 m/s,
0 100.4 100 in glass it is 1.8 108 m/s and in water it is
0 100 2.25 108 m/s. Calculate the R.I. of
0 0.4 i. glass ii. water
= iii. glass w.r.t. water.
0 100
12. The wavelength of blue light in air is 4500 .
= 0.004 What is its frequency? If the refractive index
of glass is 1.55, find its wavelength in glass.
From formula,
[Given: c = 3 108 m/s]
= 0.004 13. If the refractive indices of glass and water
v = 0.004 c = 0.004 3 108 with respect to air are 3/2 and 4/3 respectively.
v = 1.2 106 m/s Calculate the velocity of light in glass and
Ans: Radial speed of galaxy with respect to earth is water. From the result, calculate the refractive
index of glass w.r.t. water.
1.2 106 m/s.
[velocity of light in air = 3 108 m/s]
EXERCISE 14. The width of plane incident wavefront is found
to be doubled in a denser medium. If it makes an
Section A: Practice Problems
angle of 71 with the interface, calculate the
1. What is the wave number of a beam of light in refractive index of the denser medium.
air if its frequency is 1.35 1014 Hz ? 15. The reflected light is found to be completely
[c = 3 108 m/s] plane polarised when sun light is incident on
2. The velocity of light in a medium is 2 108 m/s water surface at an angle of 37 with water
and in air is 3 108 m/s. Find the R.I of the medium. surface. Determine angle of refraction and
3. The R.I. of ice and diamond are 1.31 and 2.42 refractive index of water.
respectively. Find the R.I. of diamond w.r.t. ice. 1 v / c
16. Given = (1 v/c) and = .
4. A light wave has a wavelength 4100 in 1 v2 / c2
glass. If the R.I. of glass is 1.5, find the
For what value of v/c, these equations differ
wavelength of light in air.
by 10% ?
5. Calculate the polarising angle for water.
[ = 1.33] Section B: Theoretical Board Questions
6. The critical angle for glass is 37. What is the 1. State Huygens principle and explain
polarising angle for the specimen? Huygens construction of a spherical
7. A ray of light is incident on a transparent plate wavefront. [Oct 96, Mar 03, 05]
of a material of refractive index 3 at the 2. Define a wavefront and explain Huygens
polarising angle. Find the angle of refraction. construction of a plane wavefront. [Mar 98]
8. A clear crystal has a critical angle of 24.4 for 3. Define:
green light. What is the polarising angle of i. Wavefront ii. Wave normal
incidence? [Mar 99, Oct 2000, 06]
4. State Huygens principle of propagation of 7. The wavelength of a beam of light in air is
light and explain refraction of light on the 3750 . Find the number of waves of the
basis of wave theory of light. [Oct 2000] beam in 10 cm of glass. Also find the time
5. State Huygens principle and prove Snells required by the beam to pass through 10 cm of
law for refraction of light on the basis of glass of refractive index 1.5.
Huygens wave theory. [Mar 04] [Velocity of light in air = 3 108 m/s]
[Mar 11]
6. State the laws of refraction. Derive the Snells
8. If the difference in the velocities of light in
law on the basis of Huygens wave theory of
light. [Mar 06] glass and water is 0.25 108 m/s, find the
velocity of light in glass.
7. State Huygens principle. Explain refraction of a
3 4
[Oct 11]
plane wavefront at a plane surface on the basis Given g = 2 and w 3
of Huygens wave theory of light. [Oct 08]
8. Draw a neat labelled ray diagram of refraction Section D: Multiple Choice Questions
of a plane wavefront at a plane surface.
1. The nature of light waves is similar to
[Oct 10, Oct 11]
(A) alpha rays (B) gamma rays
Section C: Numerical Board Questions (C) cathode rays (D) cosmic rays
1. The refractive indices of glycerine and 2. Huygens concept of secondary waves
diamond with respect to air are 1.4 and 2.4 (A) allows us to find the focal length of a
respectively. Calculate the speed of light in thick lens.
glycerine and in diamond. From these results (B) gives us the magnifying power of a
calculate the refractive index of diamond w.r.t. microscope.
glycerine. [Oct 96] (C) is a geometrical method to find a wavefront.
(D) is used to determine the velocity of light.
2. A ray of light is incident on a glass slab
3. According to Huygens wave theory, every
making an angle of 30 with the surface.
point on the wavefront behaves as a source of
Calculate the angle of refraction in glass and
(A) secondary waves.
velocity of light in glass, if the refractive
(B) stationary waves.
index of glass and velocity of light in air are
(C) surface waves.
1.5 and 3 108 m/s respectively. [Mar 98, 05]
(D) beats.
3. A ray of light is incident on a glass slab
4. In isotropic medium,
making an angle of 25 with the surface.
(A) speed of light changes.
Calculate the angle of refraction in glass and
(B) speed of light remains constant.
velocity of light in glass, if the refractive
(C) direction of propagation of light
index of glass and velocity of light are 1.5 and
3 108 m/s respectively. [Oct 01]
(D) wavelength of light changes.
4. The wave number of beam of light in air is
5. Luminiferous ether is a medium which is
2.5 106 per metre. What is the wavelength in (A) actually present in atmospheric air.
glass if refractive index of glass is 1.5? [Oct 02] (B) actually present everywhere.
5. The refractive index of glass with respect to (C) supposed to be present in atmospheric air
water is 1.125. If velocity and wavelength of according to Newtons corpuscular theory.
light in a glass are 2 108 m/s and 4 107 m (D) supposed to be present everywhere
respectively. Find the velocity, wavelength according to the Huygens wave theory
and frequency of light in water. [Oct 03] of light.
6. A ray of light travelling in air is incident on 6. Which of the following properties is true in
the glass making an angle of 30 with the case of ether?
surface. Calculate the angle by which the (A) Very high elasticity of volume.
refracted ray in glass is deviated from its (B) Very high elasticity of shape.
original path and velocity of light in glass (C) Very low elasticity of volume.
[R. I of glass is 1.5] [Oct 05] (D) Very low elasticity of shape.

7. According to wave theory of light, velocity of 14. Cylindrical wavefront can be obtained from
light in rarer medium is (A) point source of light.
(A) equal to velocity of light in denser (B) light source like slit.
medium. (C) light source like circle.
(B) greater than velocity of light in denser (D) point source of light at infinity.
15. Plane wavefront can be obtained from
(C) less than velocity of light in denser
(A) any point source of light .
(B) point source placed at focus of convex
(D) approximately equal to velocity of light
in denser medium.
(C) linear source of light.
8. Huygens wave Theory of light could not (D) co-axial source.
explain _______. [Mar 08] 16. A spherical wavefront propagating in a
(A) reflection medium will change into _______.
(B) refraction (A) circular wavefront
(C) interference (B) cylindrical wavefront
(D) Photoelectric effect (C) plane wavefront
9. Which of the following phenomenon is not (D) elliptical wavefront
explained by Huygens construction of 17. As a plane wavefront propagates, its radius of
wavefront? curvature _______.
(A) Refraction (A) decreases
(B) Reflection (B) increases
(C) Diffraction (C) first increases and then decreases
(D) Origin of spectra (D) remains infinity
10. The wavefront originating from the point 18. Light from star reaching on earths surface is
source of light at finite distance is _______ in the form of _____ wavefront.
wavefront. (A) spherical (B) plane
(A) spherical (B) plane (C) cylindrical (D) elliptical
(C) cylindrical (D) circular
19. The wavefront obtained from a source of light
11. According to Huygens construction, is cylindrical at time t, the source of light is
tangential envelope which touches all the (A) a point source at finite distance.
secondary spheres is the position of _______. (B) a point source at infinite distance.
(A) original wavefront (C) a thin linear source.
(B) secondary wavefront (D) of a large size and of any shape.
(C) geometrical wavefront
(D) extended wavefront 20. When wavefront strikes a reflecting surface,
(A) it comes to rest.
12. A wavefront is (B) it penetrates the reflecting surface.
(A) a surface perpendicular to the direction (C) the surface bends.
of propagation of light. (D) the points on the surface become source
(B) a surface parallel to the direction of of secondary wavelets.
propagation of light.
(C) a surface without any specific orientation 21. During the refraction of a green light from denser
to direction of propagation of light. medium to rarer medium, the property of light
(D) a surface which has nothing to do with which always remains constant is its [Oct 10]
intensity of light. (A) speed (B) frequency
(C) wavelength (D) direction
13. Spherical wavefront propagating in a
homogeneous and isotropic medium gives rise to 22. A parallel beam of light traveling in glass is
(A) plane wavefront. incident obliquely on water surface. After
(B) spherical wavefront. refraction, its width _______. [Mar 10]
(C) both spherical and plane wavefront. (A) decreases (B) increases
(D) cylindrical wavefront. (C) remains same (D) becomes zero

23. A parallel beam of light travelling in water is 31. The refractive index of glass is 1.68 and that
incident obliquely on a glass surface. After of an oil is 1.2. When a light ray passes from
refraction its width ______. [July 16] oil to glass, its velocity will change by a
(A) decreases (B) increases factor
(C) remains the same (D) becomes zero (A) 1/1.2 (B) 1.68 1.2
24. In case of refraction of light for normal 1 1
(C) (D)
incidence, there is no deviation because 1.4 1.68 1.2
(A) i = 90 then r = 0
32. A ray of light of frequency 4 1014 Hz is
(B) i = 0 then r = 0
refracted through glass of R.I 1.5.
(C) i = 0 then r = 90
(D) i = 90 then r = 90 If c = 3 108 m/s in air, the percentage
change in the wavelength from air to glass is
25. A ray of light passes from vacuum to a medium
(A) 50% (B) 25%
of refractive index . Angle of incidence is
(C) 20% (D) 33%
found to be twice the angle of refraction. The
angle of incidence is given by [Oct 13] 33. A light wave has a frequency of 4 1014 Hz
and a wavelength of 5 107 m in a medium.
(A) cos1 (B) cos1 ()

2 The refractive index of the medium is

(C) 2 cos1 (D) 2 sin1 (A) 1.5 (B) 1.33
2 (C) 1.0 (D) 0.66
26. The absolute refractive index of air is _______. 34. Time taken by the sunlight to pass through
[Oct 09] window of thickness 4 mm, whose refractive
(A) 0 (B) 0.95 index is 1.5, is
(C) 1 (D) (A) 2 101 s
27. The angle between the original direction of (B) 2 108 s
incident ray and reflected ray is (C) 2 1011 s
(A) angle of deviation due to reflection. (D) 2 1011 s
(B) angle of emergence.
35. The ratio of velocity of light in glass to water,
(C) angle of reflection.
(D) angle of refraction. if R.I of glass and water with respect to air are
3/2 and 4/3 respectively, will be
28. A monochromatic beam of light is refracted
(A) 9 /8 (B) 8/9
into water and then into glass. If a, w and g
(C) 3/4 (D) 2/3
are its wavelengths in air, water and glass
respectively, then 36. The velocity of light in vacuum is 3 108 m/s.
(A) a = w = g Determine the velocity, wavelength and
(B) a > w > g frequency of green light of wavelength
(C) a < w < g 5270 in glass. Refractive index of glass is
(D) a >w or g and w = g 1.5.
(A) 2 108 m/s, 3513 , 5.7 1014 Hz
29. Which of the following is correct?
(B) 3 108 m/s, 4513 , 6.7 1014 Hz
sin i c2
(A) 12 = (B) 12 = (C) 4 108 m/s, 8900 , 7.7 1014 Hz
sin r c1 (D) 5 108 m/s, 7000 , 8.7 1014 Hz
sin r
(C) 12 = 1 (D) 12 = 37. The refractive indices of glass and diamond
2 sin i
with respect to air are 1.5 and 2.4 respectively.
30. The velocity of light in air is c. Its velocity in The refractive index of diamond with respect
a medium of refractive index 1.4 will be to glass is
c [Mar 09]
(A) c (B)
1.4 (A) 0.62 (B) 0.9
(C) c 1.4 (D) c + 1.4 (C) 1.95 (D) 1.6
38. Monochromatic light of wavelength 6870 is 45. One cannot see through fog because
refracted through water surface. Determine its (A) fog absorbs light.
wavelength and frequency in water, if its (B) light is scattered by the droplets in fog.
frequency in air is 4.4 1014 Hz. [Refractive (C) light suffers total reflection at the
index of water is 1.33.] droplets in fog.
(A) 7100 , 3 1014 Hz (D) the refractive index of fog is infinity.
(B) 4933 , 4 1014 Hz
46. The transverse nature of light is shown by
(C) 6565 , 6 1014 Hz
(A) interference of light.
(D) 5165 , 4.4 1014 Hz (B) refraction of light.
39. A monochromatic light of wavelength 4310 (C) polarisation of light.
is incident on the surface of a glass slab of R.I (D) dispersion of light.
1.6. Determine the wavelength and frequency
47. The polarisation of an electromagnetic wave is
of light in glass, if its frequency in air is
determined by
5.8 1014 Hz.
(A) the electric field only.
(A) 5993 , 2 1014 Hz
(B) the magnetic field only.
(B) 4693 , 4 1014 Hz
(C) both the electric and magnetic fields.
(C) 3000 , 7 1014 Hz (D) the direction of propagation of
(D) 2694 , 5.8 1014 Hz electromagnetic waves.
40. When light travels from air to water, its speed 48. The plane of vibration and the plane of
is retarded by [W = 4/3] polarisation of a beam of light
3 4 (A) are identical to each other.
(A) 107 m/s (B) 107 m/s
4 3 (B) are orthogonal to each other.
(C) 2.25 108 m/s (D) 7.5 107 m/s (C) make an angle, which depends on the
colour of the light.
41. The refractive index of certain glass is 1.5 for (D) rotate with respect of each other along
yellow light of wavelength 591 nm in air. The the path of the beam.
wavelength of the light in the glass will be
(A) 591 am (B) 394 nm 49. Which of the following phenomenon is used
(C) 886.5 nm (D) 295.5 nm to test and measure the optical activity of
crystal like quartz?
42. The number of waves of electromagnetic (A) Interference (B) Polarisation
radiation of wavelengths 5000 in a path of (C) Diffraction (D) Refraction
4 cm in vacuum is
(A) 7.5 104 (B) 8 104 50. Unpolarised light consists of electric field
(C) 9 106 (D) 10 106 vectors in _______.
(A) any one plane
43. Light of a certain wavelength has a wave (B) plane of paper
number in vacuum. Its wave number in a (C) perpendicular to plane of paper
medium of refractive index n is _______. (D) all possible planes
[Oct 15]
n 1 51. Waves that cannot be polarised are _______.
(A) (B) (A) radio waves (B) X-rays
(C) visible light (D) sound waves

(C) (D) n 52. When unpolarised light is passed through
crossed polaroids, then light passing through
44. The frequency of a beam of light in air is first polaroid
8 1014 Hz. The wave number of the beam of (A) also passes through second polaroid.
light in air is (B) is blocked by second polaroid.
(A) 1.67 106 m1 (B) 2.67 106 m1 (C) partially passes through second polaroid.
(C) 3.67 106 m1 (D) 4.67 106 m1 (D) passes with greater intensity.

53. The critical angle does not depend upon 60. According to Brewsters law, at polarising
_______. angle, the reflected and refracted rays are
(A) wavelength (A) parallel to each other.
(B) refractive index (B) antiparallel to each other.
(C) temperature (C) perpendicular to each other.
(D) frequency (D) at 40 to each other.
54. When unpolarised light is incident on a plane 61. Angle of polarisation for a transparent medium
glass at Brewsters angle, then which of the (A) does not depend on wavelength of light.
following statements is correct? (B) increases as wavelength increases.
(A) Reflected and refracted rays are (C) decreases as wavelength increases.
completely polarised with their planes of (D) changes irregularly with increase in
polarisation parallel to each other. wavelength.
(B) Reflected and refracted rays are
completely polarised with their planes of 62. If the polarizing angle for a given medium is
polarisation perpendicular to each other. 60, then the refractive index of the medium is
(C) Reflected light is plane polarised but [Mar 16, Similar in Oct 08]
transmitted light is partially polarised. 1 3
(A) (B)
(D) Reflected light is partially polarised but 3 2
refracted light is plane polarised.
(C) 1 (D) 3
55. An unpolarised beam of transverse waves is
one whose vibrations 63. For a given medium, the polarising angle is
[Oct 11] 60. The critical angle for this medium
(A) occur in all directions. (A) 4723 (B) 6010
(B) occur in all directions perpendicular to (C) 2330 (D) 3516
the direction of wave propagation.
64. The angle of incidence at which the
(C) occur in one direction.
polarisation of light reflected from the surface
(D) occur in all directions parallel to the
of glass occurs is 58. The refractive index of
direction of wave propagation.
glass is [Mar 12]
56. A ray of light strikes a glass plate at an angle (A) 1.9 (B) 1.8
of 60. If reflected and refracted rays are (C) 1.7 (D) 1.6
perpendicular to each other, the R.I. of glass is
65. If the critical angle for total internal reflection
1 3
(A) (B) from a medium to vacuum is 30, then
2 2 velocity of light in the medium is
(C) 2/3 (D) 1.732 (A) 6 108 m/s (B) 3 108 m/s
57. Refractive index of material is equal to (C) 2 10 m/s (D) 1.5 108 m/s
tangent of polarising angle. It is called 66. The angle of incidence is 60 and the angle of
refraction is 30. The polarising angle for the
(A) Lamberts law (B) Braggs law
same medium is
(C) Brewsters law (D) Malus law
(A) 55 (B) 45
58. When a light wave suffers reflection at the (C) 30 (D) 60
interface from air to glass, the change in phase
of reflected wave is equal to 67. In a doubly refracting crystal, optic axis is a
(A) 0 (B) direction along which
(A) plane polarised light does not suffer
(C) /2 (D) 2
59. A ray of light incident on a glass slab gets (B) any beam of light does not suffer
completely polarised. If the angle of incidence deviation.
is , then the angle of refraction is _______. (C) double refraction does not take place.
(A) (B) 90 (D) O-ray and E-ray undergo maximum
(C) 180 (D) 90 + deviation.
68. Dichroism is the property where 5. 533
(A) unequal absorption of O-ray and E-ray 6. 5857
takes place. 7. 30
(B) equal absorption of O-ray and E-ray 8. 6733
takes place.
9. 1.54
(C) plane of polarisation rotates.
10. 180 km h1
(D) unequal reflection of O-ray and E-ray
11. i. 1.67
takes place.
ii. 1.33
69. If the shift of wavelength of light emitted by a iii. 1.25
star is towards violet, then this shows that star
12. 6.67 1014 Hz, 2903
(A) stationary. 13. 2 108 m/s, 2.25 108 m/s, 1.125
(B) moving towards earth. 14. 1.245
(C) moving away from earth. 15. 37, 1.327
(D) information is incomplete. 16. 0.44

70. If a star is moving towards the earth, then the Section C

lines are shifted towards _______.
1. 2.143 108 m/s, 1.25 108 m/s, 1.714
(A) red (B) infrared
2. 3516, 2 108 m/s
(C) blue (D) green
3. 379, 2 108 m/s
71. It is believed that the universe is expanding 4. 2667
and hence the distant stars are receding from 5. 2.25 108 m/s, 4500 1010 m, 5 1014 Hz
us. Light from such a star will show 6. 2444, 2 108 m/s
(A) shift in frequency towards longer
7. 4 105 m1, 5 1010s
8. 2 108 m/s
(B) shift in frequency towards shorter
wavelength. Section D
(C) no shift in frequency but a decrease in
1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (B)
5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (D)
(D) a shift in frequency sometimes towards
9. (D) 10. (A) 11. (B) 12. (A)
longer and sometimes towards shorter
13. (B) 14. (B) 15. (B) 16. (C)
17. (D) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (D)
72. A rocket is going away from the earth at a 21. (B) 22. (A) 23. (B) 24. (B)
speed 0.2c, where c = speed of light. It emits a 25. (C) 26. (C) 27. (A) 28. (B)
signal of frequency 4 107 Hz. What will be
29. (A) 30. (B) 31. (C) 32. (D)
the frequency as observed by an observer on
the earth? 33. (A) 34. (C) 35. (B) 36. (A)
(A) 4 106 Hz (B) 3.2 107 Hz 37. (D) 38. (D) 39. (D) 40. (D)
(C) 3 106 Hz (D) 5 107 Hz 41. (B) 42. (B) 43. (D) 44. (B)
45. (B) 46. (C) 47. (A) 48. (B)
ANSWERS 49. (B) 50. (D) 51. (D) 52. (B)
Section A 53. (D) 54. (C) 55. (B) 56. (D)
57. (C) 58. (B) 59. (B) 60. (C)
1. 4.5 105 m1
61. (C) 62. (D) 63. (D) 64. (D)
2. 1.5
3. 1.847 65. (D) 66. (D) 67. (C) 68. (A)
4. 6150 69. (B) 70. (C) 71. (A) 72. (B)


Hints to Multiple Choice Questions v

72. Using, =
c 0
sin i v 0.2c
25. = = 0 = 4 107 = 0.8 107 Hz
sin r c c
Given that, i = 2r Frequency of the signal as observed by the
sin 2r 2sin r cos r observer on earth = 0
= = = 2 cos r
sin r sin r = 4 107 0.8 107
= 3.2 107 Hz

cos r = r = cos1
2 2
= cos1 i = 2 cos1
2 2 2

31. glass = 1.68 and oil = 1.2

glass 1.68 v
oilglass = = = oil = 1.4
oil 1.2 v glass
vglass = voil
velocity changes by a factor .

32. = 4 1014 Hz, ag = 1.5

Using c = ,
c 3108 3
a = = = 106 m
4 1014
Now, ag = g = a
g a g

3 1
g = 106
4 1.5
3 2
= 106
4 3
= 106 m
a g
% change in wavelength = 100
3 1
106 106
= 4 2 100
3106 2 106
= 100
= = 33.33% 33%

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