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CEIG Rules and Electrical Gentral Condition

1) The Scrutiny reports pertains to the drawing covering the items of Electrical
Installation intended for the present proposal only.

2) The scrutiny reports takes into account of the present trends and practicas
followed in conformity with the statutory Provisions of Indian Electricity
Rules 1956 Bureau Of Indian Standerds in force on the date of scrutiny report.
In the event of any amendment/Modification/Insertion of new rules,they
should be completed with not with standing the scrutiny report issued.Revised
drawings as per the modified rules/new rules inserted should be submitted
suo-motto by the consumer and freshscrutiny report should be obtained
suspersiding the previous one.

3) The new leads/addtions and alterations should be coverd by an appropriate

sanction be of the suppliers and they shuld comply with the terms and
conditions of such sanction.

4) There shuld be a person holding valid Supervisory Competncy Certificate for

the operation and Maintenance of the installation

5) The manufactures test certificate should be got accepted separetely before

and HV equipments/cables are commissioned

6) Work permit system should be enclosed and adopted as per guidelines

prescribed in IS 5216 while undertaking erection and maintenance work in
electric supply lines and circuits.

7) 4Whenever construction of building in the vicinity of bare electric supply

lines is involved provisions contained under rule 77 to 82 of IER 1956 should
be followed.

8) Clearances stipulated under R51(1) of IER 1956 should be provided for the
switch board,for enebling convenient and safe working to the operating

9) Earthing system shoulde satisry the requirements provided under rule

37,38,51,61&67 of IER 1956 and IS 3043 should be ensured,earthing
systemother than TT system of earthing should be justifieds by a write up

10) When independent (stand by) source of supply using generators set etc., is
proposed positive arrengement should be made to prsent paralling of such
such source of supply either amoung them or with the suppliers source of
supply under and circumstances.

11) When separately derived source of supply using isolation Transformer is

preposed for sensitive loads like UPS,CNC machines Computer etc., netural
of such derived source of supply should be earthed elecrically independent
from any other source netural.

12) ELCB should be provided at the source and itself for the circuits feeding
socket outlets intended for the utilization of portable/hand hold equipements.

13) Suitable starting current limiting devices should be provided for the
Equipments when their starting current is likely to affect the other circuits by
causing excesive voltage drop.

14) Fault level at various locations should be arrived at and the adequacy at fault
Clearing devices at the respective location should always be ensured.

15) The relays and fault clearing device should be co-ordinator for affording
Discriminative protection to the circuits right from the HV panel upto the
MV panel different circuits and loads.

16) A suitable linked on an emargency tripping device with a manual reset

should be provided near each equipments motor/power plug as per Rule
50(1) (d) if Indian Electricity rule 1956.

17) The installation works should be carried ouit in accordance with Indian
Electricity rule Indian standard specifications and as per the general and
Specific condition & remarks stipulated in the scrutiny report.

18) Any Electrical Installation work including addtions,alterations repairs and

adjustments to existing electrical installation proposal and contained in the
above drawing proposals shall be carried out only by electrical contractors
licensed in this behalf by tamilnadu Electrical lincensing Board under rule
45 of IER 1956.

19) The service of mobile laboratory available in this deprtment may be utilised
for the purpose of high voltage equipments and precommissioning tests.

20) Any other canditions that may be imposed on an inspction at a late date.

21) The size of cable proposed for raising main UPS input panel to 60KVA UPS.
UPS output panel etc.,should be adequate for working level.

22) On the primary and secondary side of each upo either B/F of MCCB sholud
be provided for protection.

23) In the tap off box feeding form raising main each circuits,suitable for should
be provided.

24) All the wiring above the false ceiling should be enclosed in metal conduit

25) The earthing should be done as specified in IS 3043.

26) The clearancess for SSB shold be maintained as per Rule 51(1) (c) of IER

27) The OLTCs should be supported at the bottom.

28) The 11/2 pvc pipe lines from the oil collectoin pits of 1600KVA
Transformer to the oil soak pit should be replaced with 150mm dia hume
pipe lines.

29) HT Indoor area: Necessary ceiling level ventilators and windows should be
provided at the above room for adequate ventilation.

30) At the main MV panels the incomming & outgoing feeders are
identified.The name of the feeders the runes and size of the cable etc.,should
be marked permantly on the front side.

31) Generator synchronising panel: The passage to a width at not less than
750mm clear to a height at not less than 1.8 meters should be provided on
the both side of the above panel.

32) MV DG set panel the hinged doors should be replaced by bolted doors to
maintain adequate rear side clearance.

33) The relays Including O/C , E/F & differential relays should be installed of
the synchronizing panels connected to the Tripping circuits.

34) The opening around the vertical raising mains at the floor crossings should
be sealed with non-inflammable materials.

35) Adequate size of cable should be provided between RMG unit and HT VCB.

36) Sutiable mechanical/electrical interlock should be provided between the

incomers and Bus coupler of both EB bus and generator bus in main MV

37) The circuit for common area lighting should also be directly taken from main
switch gear panel.

38) Oil soak pit of requisite capacity should be provided for the 2 nos 1600KVA
transformer it the aggregate oil capacity exceeds 2000 Liters.

39) The wall separatly the transformer should be either 355mm thick brick wall
or 230mm thick RCC.

40) The approach distance between the tranformer & their secondary control
should be restricted to 15 meters by providing a door opening in HT panel

41) Adequate ventilation should be provided for HT VCB rom,MV panel

room,generator room.

42) Number of lighting conductor down conductor for the lighting protection of
the building should be carried out as per IS 2039.

43) Fire alarm,smoke detctors sholud be provided all the locations and
emergency lights shuold be provided in common areas power room etc.,

44) When the Three-phase Energy meter,donot opened the current

Transformer.The S1 & S2 terminals short circuited

45) DC series motor is starting Torque starting current may be 300

46) If the voltage exceeds 250v, all the DB and main switches should be
proveded with danger board.

47) Total load in the circuit should not exceed more than 800watts and number
of points should not more than 10 points.

48) Power device should have different circuits.

49) For lighting load the fuse wire should not exceed 5Amps capacity and power
it is 10Amps.

50) The minimun size of the conductor in sub circuits should not be less
than1/1.12mm(0.96mm2) in case of copper wores 1/1/40mm(1.5mm2) in
case if Aluminum wires.

51) All the boards should be connected fixed at a height of 1.5 meters.

52) The height of all the incandescent lamps shall be 2.5 meters from the floor
level and that of ceiling fan shall 2.75 meters.

53) In industrial fittings where high wattage lamps are emplyyed.The height may
be 6-7 meters.

54) Danger Board IER-35

55) Earthing Rule IER-61

56) The overhead lines should be minmum 6 meter between overhead line and
ground IER-77

57) A) Clearance above groung of lowest conductor IER-78

a) For low and medium voltage 5.791 meter
b) For high voltage lines 6.096 meter

B) The conductor height along the street IER-78

a) For low and medium voltage 5.486 meter
b) For high voltage 5.791 meter

58) The overhead line building cross must be 2.349 meter clearance from
Building height. IER-79

59) maximum interval between ,supports is 67.056 meter IER-85.

60) Electrical Installation and wiring (C-Certificate) IER-45

61) The load on a particular circuit shall not exced 800watts or 10 poits in case
of lighting and 2 points or 2000w in case of power of 15A sokets.

62) MV panel Body eatrthing shall be done 25*3mm copper flat.

63) Mechanical interlock shall be provided for the switches in the MV panel
such a manner that only one switch can switehed on of a time.

64) Mechanical interlock shall be provided for the Generator be incomming and
bus coupler in such a manner that two feeders can be switched on at a time.

65) All MV equipments shall be earthed with suitable size of copper flat/wire as
per earthing table.

66) Clearance between earth electrode and the wall shall be maintened as not
less than 1425mm and between the two earth electrodes shall be maintained
as not less than 3050mm.

67) All electrical equipments shall be provied with a starter where ever necessary
and a isolator as near as possible.

68) All the earth pits are interconnected to each other.

69) Suitable rating of HRU fuse shall be provided in all SSBs outgoing as per
backup HRC fuse table.

70) Working load on any feeder shall be limited to the current carring capacity of
the cable and that of the control switch gear.

71) Switch borards and distribution boards shall be erected with a front clearance
of 1000mm

72) Model diagram of all control panels and motor control center (MCC) wiring
diagram shall be submitted to CEIG office as soon as we receive the same
from the supplier of machinary.

73) Donot use wires with poor insulation.

74) Do ont use Fire extinguisher on electrical equipment unless it is clearly

marked for that purpose.use sand and blanket instead.

75) Do not throw water on live elecreical equipment in case of fire.

76) Do not allow visitors and unautorised persons to touch or handle elecrical
apparatus or come with in the danger zone HV appratus.

77) Drawing approval list

a) Site plan
b) Electrical sub station layout
c) SLD
d) Rasing main
e) Electrical layout flor plan

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