Cultural Pluralism

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Cultural Pluralism in Assam: A Critical Analysis Of The State Specific Problem

Submitted by: Supervised by:

Manash Pratim Hazarika Preeti Priyam Sharma

Saif Ali Khan
Simona Sahira Waheed




08 September 2012


Cultural Pluralism is a condition in which many cultures coexist within a society and
maintain their cultural differences. Here, we can cite the example of the United States which
has a relatively strong dominant culture which includes strong elements of nationalism, a
sporting culture and an artistic culture. In a pluralist culture, unique groups not only co-exist
side by side, but also try and adapt to the qualities of other groups. A successful pluralistic
society will place strong expectations of integration on its members rather than expectations
of assimilation. The existence of such institutions and practices is possible if the cultural
communities are accepted by the larger society in a pluralist culture and sometimes require
the protection of the law. Often the acceptance of a culture may require that the new or
minority culture remove some aspects of their culture which is incompatible with the laws or
values of the dominant culture.


The culture of Assam is traditionally a hybrid one which has developed due to cultural
assimilation of different ethno-cultural groups under various politico-economic systems in
different periods of history.. The people of the state of Assam are an intermixture of various
racial groups such as Mongoloid, Indo-Burmese, Indo-Iranian and Aryan. The Assamese
culture is a rich and exotic tapestry of all these races evolved through a long assimilative
process. The natives of the state of Assam are known as "Asomiya", which is also the state
language of Assam. The state has a large number of tribes, each unique in it's tradition,
culture, dresse and exotic way of life. Diverse tribes like Bodo, Kachari, Karbi, Miri,
Mishimi, Rabha, etc co-exist in Assam, most tribes have their own languages though
Assamese is the principal language of the state. Moreover, Assam is also home to a large
number of immigrants who have settled down in this state. These include- the Bangladeshi
Immigrants, Hindi Immigrants and people from the rest of North-East India. Most of the
people of Assam are the followers of Vaishnavism which does not believe in idol worship but
perform Namkirtana where the glory of Lord Vishnu is recited. Other religions such as
Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam etc. are also practiced in Assam.


1.Cultural Pluralism and Dilemmas of Justice by Monique Deveaux


This book is a judicious response to a critical issue in political theory-the challenge of giving
equal respect and recognition to minority groups and accommodating their claims for special
cultural rights and arrangements. The author says that liberal theorists fail to grant enough
importance to identity and the content of cultural life in their attempts to conceive of political
institutions for plural societies. She addresses the questions as whether and how we can
reconcile the competing claims of national linguistic and ethnic minorities and whether
collective identities deserve greater, not less, attention in political life.

2. Sons of the Soil by Myron Weiner


This article examines the contradictions between Indias affirmative action or preference
policies on behalf of socially and economically backward people and the measures taken by
the various state governments to provide special preferences to local people-the sons of the
soil as against migrants and other considered as outsiders. Considerable attention is paid to
the sons of the soil pressure groups in the State of Assam, and the impact of this on the
policies of the stat government. The tendency of state governments in general to adopt
preference policies for local people is often challenged in the courts. So far there has been no
clear cut policy in the judiciarys response to these challenges. The rulings of the high courts
and the Supreme courts have varied from one case to another.
OBJECTIVES (tentative)

To understand the concept of cultural pluralism

To make a study on a some cultures co-existing in Assam
To study the causes of ethnic clashes
To study how some ethnic groups are able to live in harmony with others
To study how different cultures in Assam have adapted to each other


Whether there exists cultural harmony in the state

Whether the minority cultures have the freedom to practice their culture


Cultural Pluralism sometimes works in favour of development of a region or a community as

interaction among different cultures is a common thing. So it helps in incorporating values
and norms from the culture which one mostly interacts with. The locals in Assam i.e. the
Assamese community mostly gets to interact with cultures of Marwari, Bengali, Bihari,
Bodos, Kachari, Karbi, Miri, Mishimi, Rabha community who are followers of Hinduism.
Although followers of the same religion, their culture varies in many ways and the extensive
interaction among the people leads to incorporating the values and norms from the other
culture. Thus cultural traits can be adopted due to such presence of Cultural Pluralism in

The topic of Cultural Pluralism in Assam is so vast that we cannot hope to study it in its
entirety. The wide variety of cultures present in Assam limits our study to only a few of them
from which we will try to generalize our conclusions. We have decided to do a doctrinal
research as shortage of time and money limits our research to books, journals, web sources
and newspapers.

We will be using doctrinal method for our research. We are going to make use of the books,
journals, and websites etc. which are the library sources. We will use this method basically
for the collection of information for our project.

We will be using the exploratory method as our topics of research are very vast and need an
in depth study.
We will also use the explanatory method as there is ample need of explanations in the topics
of our project.
We will also use the diagnostic method as we need a proper diagnosis of the state specific
problems of cultural pluralism.


Chapter 1- Introduction

1.1 Cultural Pluralism

1.2 Cultural Pluralism in Assam

Chapter 2- Literature Review

2.1 Cultural pluralism and dilemmas of justice by Monique Deveaux

2.2 Sons of the soil by Myron Weiner

Chapter 3- Objectives

3.1 To understand the concept of cultural pluralism.

3.2 To study the co existing cultures in Assam.

3.3 To study the causes of ethnic clashes.

3.4 To study how some ethnic groups are able to live in harmony with others.

3.5 To study how different cultures have adapted to each other

Chapter 4- Bodo Culture in Assam

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Lifestyle

4.3 Its Effects in the Assamese Culture

Chapter 5- Ahom Culture in Assam

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Lifestyle

5.3 Its Effects in the Assamese Culture

Chapter 6- Immigrants in Assam

6.1 Introduction and Identity

6.2 Lifestyle

6.3 Its Effects in the Assamese Culture

Chapter 7- A comparative Study

7.1 Co-existence

7.2 Clashes/ Ethnic Wars


1. The Bodos Of Assam: A Socio Cultural Study by Harka Bahadur Chhetri Atreya
2. Sons of the Soil: Migration and Ethnic Conflict by Myron Weiner
3. Continuity and Change Among the Tai-Ahom by Nitul Kumar Gogoi
Concept Publishing Company, 01-Jan-2006

Web Sources:

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