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(c) Micro Art Studio 2016

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2nd Edition Reference Sheet

Before the Game Heroic Rules

1. Decide on the size of the game Heroic Recovery: At the start of the Hero Models
2. Pick a Scenario Activation you may discard a card in the Heros suit
to stand up from being Toppled instead of spending
3. Deploy Terrain and Objectives Ranged Attack Sequence an Action.
4. Pick your Heroes 1. Check LoS and 2. Choose a Target, Heroic Move: At the start of the Hero Models
5. Reveal Heroes Range, Activation you may discard a card in the Heros suit.
6. Spend your Funds on Henchmen If you do, until the end of Activation This Model is
3. Target chooses a Reaction:
allowed to treat all Rough Ground as Open Ground
7. Draw cards 3.1. Hold Nerves: 3.2. Dive for Cover: and to make Special Move Actions (that can be
8. Determine First Player The Models status The Model immediate- combined with other Quick Actions):
remains unchanged. ly becomes Toppled.
9. Choose Deployment Zones Climb: Jump:
4. The Active Model rolls a number of dice The Hero Model may The Hero Model may
equal to its Guns modified as follows: Move up to his basic move horizontally up to
4.1. Weapons Range modifiers, Move in inches through his basic Move in inches
Game Turn Sequence: Open and Rough ignoring any terrain that
4.2. Weapons special rules,
1. Start of the turn Ground to be in base is up to 2 high. This
4.3. Elevation bonus. contact with the wall movement may not end in
1.1. Start of the Turn Effects
5. The Target Model rolls a number of dice he intends to climb. He a place that is more than
1.2 Drawing Cards: Draw 3+ the has to end this Action 2 higher than his starting
equal to its Reflex modified as follows:
number of Heroes cards. in base contact with the location.
5.1. Elevation 5.2. Cover.
2. Activations climbed wall, no higher
2.1. Stealing the Initiative: Highest up than his basic Move.
card wins. Heroic Deed: Players may discard a card to add a
2.2. Model Activations: One model Melee Attack Sequence number of successes to the test for Shooting, Melee,
per player sequentially. 1. Choose a Target in BtB, Casting or Activating Objectives, after the roll is
made. Court Cards and Aces add +2 successes to the
2.3. Delaying Activations: Highest 2. Declare Attack, test. Other cards add +1 success.
card wins. 3. Defender chooses a Reaction: Black Cards: Red Cards:
3. Surplus Activations 3.1. Fence: 3.2. Parry: May only be used for May only be used for
4. End of the turn The Model fights The defending Model Melee, Leaving Melee Shooting and Casting
4.1. End of Turn Effects back. gains +2F in this and Casting Buffs Magic Projectiles and
Action, but cannot or Auras on friendly Magic Attacks or Auras on
4.2. Effects expiration deal damage itself. Models. enemy Models.
Toppled Models Cards in Heros Suit:
cannot Parry. May only be used for Casting Spells, Activating
4. Both Models roll a number of dice equal to Objectives, Heroic Move and Heroic Recovery.
Actions their Fight modified as follows:
Move [Action] 4.1. Weapons and Models special rules,
Charge [Quick Action] 4.2. Bonus for Multiple Combat,
Fight [Action] 4.3. Elevation bonus.
Shoot [Action]
Cast a spell [Quick Action] Terrain
Special [Action] or Minimal space required to move through gaps:
[Quick Action] Cover 1/2 for 30mm Base Size,
as noted.
<50% covered +1R 1 for 40mm Base Size,
>=50% covered +2R 2 for any other Base Sizes.
At the end of every Action: Toppled +2R but only 1F, Open Ground: Everything up to 1 tall. All Stairs.
1. Special effects cannot Parry, next Models may move up to their Move in inches hori-
Action must be spent zontally and vertically each Action.
2. Healing to stand up. Rough Ground: Everything over 1 and less than
3. Damage 3 tall. All Ladders. Models may move up to HALF
their Move in inches horizontally and no more than
Elevation their Move vertically each Action.
>1 higher +1 F
Impassable Ground: Everything over 3 tall. Mod-
>=3 higher +1F Charge, +1G, els may not pass through them (unless climbing,
+1R jumping or using Heroic Move).

Wolsung SSG Reference Sheet, 2nd Edition, 2016

Mundane Climbing and Falling Special Abilities:
Jumping If a Model is hit with a ranged, magic Armor Piercing [x]: When inflicting damage ignore x
Climb: [Quick Action]: or melee attack or becomes Toppled points of the Target Models Armor.
Make a Reflex test with a Difficulty while within 1 of an edge of an elevated Beginners Luck: Once per game This Model may Re-
equal to the height of the climbed wall in terrain it is on, make a Reflex test with a roll all the dice it rolled in a single Test.
inches, rounding fractions down. Friendly difficulty of [2] to see if the Model Falls
Down. Fast Shot (Fast Strike) [x]: As a part of one Action
Models in BtB with both the climbing this model may attack up to x times. Each subsequent
Model and the climbed wall add a number Any barrier within If the barrier is at attack is resolved at a cumulative -1G (-1F).
of dice equal to their basic Strength to this 1 of the testing least 1 tall then
test. A Model may not climb higher than Model changes the it also provides a Gruesome Damage: This model deals +2 damage,
its basic Move value in inches. difficulty of this +2 Reflex bonus; instead of +1, for each Critical Hit. This special rule
test to [1]. if it is less than 1 only works in Melee unless it is conferred by a Ranged
If the climbing If the climbing Weapon or it specifically states otherwise.
Model scores equal Model fails to score tall it provides a +1
or more successes enough successes, it Reflex bonus. Hard to Kill: If This Models Wounds are reduced to
than the difficulty is placed Toppled If a Model rolls at least the number of 0 and it had more than 1 Wound at the moment it
of the test it is in BtB with the successes equal to the tests difficulty it suffered damage, it is reduced to 1 Wound instead.
placed in BtB with climbed wall at the remains where it was. Otherwise it Falls Immunity: Whenever This Model is targeted
the climbed wall level it started. Down. Hero Models may discard a card by an attack it has Immunity against, the attack
up to the climbed in their suit to pass this test. automatically misses.
level. Fall Down: Fall Damage: Move Penalty [x]: This Model suffers a penalty of x to
Jump [Action]: The Model falls The fallen Model its Guns (to a minimum of 1) this Activation if it first
Make a Move test with a Difficulty down from the suffers a hit with a made a Move Action, Charge Action or Moved as part
equal to the total distance jumped in edge it is closest Strength equal to of a Quick Action this Activation.
inches (measured diagonally if there is a to if there is more the height it fell in Protection [x]: Whenever This Model is targeted by
difference in levels), rounding fractions than one edge inches, rounding an attack of a type it has Protection from it gains +x
down. If the Model lands on an elevated within 1. Place fractions down Reflex for the purpose of resolving of this attack.
terrain but within 1 of its edge, make a the fallen Model and ignoring
Falling test. Toppled on the Armor. Quick: This Model can make a Move and then
lower level directly perform the Action this rule applies to. This is not a
If the jumping If the jumping Move Action. Ranged Weapons with Quick rule suffer
Model scores equal Model scores less below the point it
fell from. -1G Penalty if the model Moves and Shoots in the
or more successes successes than same Action.
than the difficulty the difficulty of If the falling Models base would overlap You cannot make more than one Quick Action per
of the Jump test the jump, it Falls a base of any other Model on the lower Action. Always complete the movement before
it is placed in the down and is placed level, each of these Models has to make making the other activity.
chosen spot. A Toppled a number a Reflex test against the Strength of the
Model may not end of inches along its falling Model. If they roll more success- Resistance [x]: Whenever This Model suffers
this Action more jump route equal es than the falling Model they jump to damage of a type it is Resistant to, the Model gains
than 1 higher than to the number of the side and are unharmed - move the +x unmodifiable Armor for purpose of resolving this
it started. A Model successes rolled Models so they are no longer in BtB damage.
may not attempt and suffers Fall with any other Model. If the falling Template: A Template is a 3 diameter circular area
to Jump a distance Damage. Model rolls equal or more successes placed on the battlefield that remains in play until the
longer horizontally they are hit, Toppled and suffer Crush end of turn.
than its basic Move Damage. The hit may cause Critical The height of the Template is equal to its diameter
in inches. Hits. The falling Model is placed Top- unless the specific rules state otherwise.
pled in BtB with them. A Model is Affected by a Template if it is within its
Crush Damage: area at any point during a game turn. The Effect of the
When a Model is hit by a falling Mod- Template is applied in the same Action the Model is
el it suffers damage equal to the total first affected by it. A Model may only be Affected by
Order of cards height it fell from, rounding fractions each Template once during a game turn.
down and modified as follows: Fire Template: The area of this Template is Rough
1. Spades
Armor Critical hits Ground. Effect: This Model suffers 2 Fire Damage,
2. Hearts ignoring Armor (but not Fire Resistance).
Hero Models may discard red cards to
3. Diamonds Acid Template: Effect: This Model suffers 2 Acid
boost the Reflex to jump out of the way.
4. Clubs Damage. If it has any Armor (but not Acid Resistance)
Hero Models may NOT discard cards it is reduced by 2 until end of turn.
to boost Strength to hit other Models
harder with their own falling body. Smoke Template: This Template blocks LoS through
it. Models within it gain Cover [1].
Mist Template: This Template blocks LoS through it.
Models within it gain Cover [1]. See Mist Walker and
Vulnerability: Double the damage This Model suffers
from an attack of a type it is Vulnerable to.

Wolsung SSG Reference Sheet, 2nd Edition, 2016

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