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Marwadi Education

Submitted To: Prof. Rhuta Mehta

Submitted by: Bawani Firoz (02)


Sr. Content Page

1 Preface 3
2 Acknowledgement 4
3 Objective 5
4 Introduction 6
5 History 7
6 Marketing research 8
7 Creating customer evangelists 9
8 Customer communities 10
9 Drawbacks 16
10 Clues 17
11 Sampling 19
12 Field work 20
13 Research Findings 21
14 Conclusion 25
15 Bibliography 27

There is several type of marketing, but I particularly focus

Marketing (WOMM). Word of mouth marketing is the
most powerful way of marketing in any of the sector.
Service sector has developed by this aspect of marketing.
In through out of my project I focus on evangelist
customer, because this is the best medium of advertising.

Organizations are creating customer communities or say

they are providing training to customer to become
Evangelist. They are not providing any kind of monetary
or non-monetary rewards to the customer, but customer
are advertising because they are self-satisfied with the
products or services.The customers become voluntary
advocates, actively spreading the word on behalf of the

There are some pros and cons of this marketing, but as I

jot down earlier that it is the most powerful way of

The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the

successful completion of any work would be incomplete
unless we mention some of the persons, as an expression
of gratitude, which made it possible, whose constant
guidance and encouragement served as a beckon light
and crowned the efforts and success.

I take this opportunity of expressing my gratitude to

Prof. Rhuta Mehta and my classmates who has always
been of immensehelp during the making of this project,
which helped me in a great deal in enhancing my
knowledge by virtue of practical application. There
guidance and support carried me all through the
preparation of this project.

Research Objectives:

 To know awareness level of evangelism marketing.

 To study components of evangelism marketing.

 To seek general perception of consumer towards

evangelism marketing.

 To analyze how effectively it works in present

marketing scenario.

 To predict future implications.


Evangelism marketing is an advanced form of word of

mouth marketing (WOMM) in which companies develop
customers who believe so strongly in a particular product
or service that they freely try to convince others to buy
and use it. The customers become voluntary advocates,
actively spreading the word on behalf of the company.

Evangelism marketing is sometimes confused with

affiliate marketing. However, while affiliate programs
provide incentives in the form of money or products,
evangelist customers spread their recommendations and
recruit new customers out of pure belief, not for the
receipt of goods or money. Rather, the goal of the
customer evangelist is simply to provide benefit to other

As they act independently, evangelist customers often

become key influencers. The fact that evangelists are not
paid or associated with any company makes their beliefs
perceived by others as credible and trustworthy.
Evangelism literally comes from the three words of
'bringing good news' and the marketing term justly draws
from the religious sense, as consumers are literally driven
by their beliefs in a product or service, which they preach
in an attempt to convert others.


Many people believe Guy Kawasaki, the former chief

evangelist of Apple Computer, to be the Father of
evangelism marketing. In his books “The Art of the Start"
and "How to Drive Your Competition Crazy” Kawasaki
states that the driving force behind evangelism
marketing is the fact that individuals simply want to
make the world a better place.Evangelist
customersspread their recommendations and recruit new
customers out of pure belief, not for the receipt of goods or

Marketing research plays an important role in the

process of marketing. Starting with market components
of the total marketing talks,it helps the firm to acquire a
better understanding of the consumers, the competition
and the marketingenvironment.


“Marketing research is a systematic gathering, recording

and analysis marketing problem to facilitate decision
- Coundiff& Still.

“Marketing research is a systematic problem analysis,

model building and fact finding for the purpose of
important decision making and control in the marketing
of goods and services.
- Phillip Kotler.

When customers are truly thrilled about their experience

with your product or service, they can become
outspoken "evangelists" for your company. This group of
satisfied believers can be converted into a potent
marketing force to grow your universe of customers.

In their book “Creating Customer Evangelist”: How Loyal

Customers Become a Volunteer Sales Force, Ben
McConnell and Jackie Huba outline six steps to creating
customer evangelists:

1. Customer plus-delta (Continuously gather customer

2. Napsterize knowledge (Freely share your knowledge)
3. Build the buzz (Create intelligent word-of-mouth
4. Create community (Encourage communities of
customers to meet and share)
5. Make bite-size chunks (Devise specialized, smaller
offerings to get customers to bite)
6. Create a cause (Focus on making the world, or your
industry, better)

"Creating Customer Evangelists" explains how

organizations as diverse as Southwest Airlines, Krispy
Kreme Doughnuts, The Dallas Mavericks, IBM, and others
successfully built their customer base and created
targeted marketing programs to involve their biggest
fans. These programs have produced legions of unofficial
salespeople and a cost-effective and powerful marketing


A strong avenue for evangelists is in the form of

customer communities, which bring together groups of
users of a product or service to share information and
discuss common issues. Some companies assist with such
events, for example General Motors' Saturn division in
Tennessee organizes an annual summer picnic for
thousands of customers. Another example is the Harley
Owners Groups (HOGS), organized by Harley Davidson,
which associate bikers locally and globally through
quarterly and annual meetings held all over the world.

Customer evangelism is such a strong form of marketing

for a number of reasons.

 First your customers know yourtarget market very

well because they are your target market. Since they
know the target so well, they can translate the
customer value proposition into language that is
familiar and easily understood by the target market.

 Second, they are seen as being genuine and

impartial sources of information. Unlike paid
endorsements or product placements, these
evangelists have little to gain by singing your praises
and they are therefore trusted.

 Finally, customer evangelism is a veryinexpensive

marketing method. It doesn’t require expensive air
time, glossy flyers, or creative advertisements.

Most critical to successful customer evangelism is

developing an incredible product or service that fills a
customer needs, is easy to use, and ultimately makes the
customer’s life better. Only products that are this
satisfying will gain a following strong enough to turn
short-term buzz into committed evangelism.


TiVo, the personal video recorder, is a great example of

such a product. It offers consumers the ability to pause
and rewind.

Television, easily record shows without fighting the

cryptic VCR interface, and is incredibly easy to use,while
people without a TV don’t completely understand its
value, those with a TiVo readily and frequently extol its
virtues. Being able to pause a movie in order to tend to a
crying baby and fast-forward over commercials and
rewind a fantastic sports play certainly makes the
experience of watching television better. In Creating
Customer Evangelists, Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba
describe 6 tenets of customer evangelism:

1. Customer Plus-Delta:
Rather than gathering customer feedback only at
discrete points like focus groups or satisfaction
surveys, gather feedback continuously. This is more
advantageous for small businesses anyway because
it is less expensive that running formal research.

2. Napsterize your knowledge:

Give away the information you have. Let customers

share and exchange information and let them try
before they buy. By giving away your knowledge,
you help spread the word on your company,
product, or service.

3. Build the buzz:

While buzz happens between consumers, there is

much that even a small company can do to help it
spread. Give your customers something worthy of
mention, and give it to them often. Start by focusing
on the “hubs”.

4. Create community:

People want to feel that they belong to something.

Providing a vehicle for your customers to connect
with each other will offer benefits to all involved.
Whether it is face-to-face or online clubs, discussion
groups, or newsletters, connect with your customers
often and help them connect at the same time.

5. Make bite-size chunks:

By offering a trial or introductory version of your

product or service, you can eliminate many of the
hurdles to the buying decision.

6. Create a cause:

When customers form an emotional bond with your

company, they are much more likely to evangelize
and to remain loyal. The most effective ways to
encourage that bond are to adopt a cause or sell a
dream. A cause can be a charitable organization or a
commitment to community service.

Small companies have many opportunities. A

sporting goods store can sponsor a little league team
and a woman’s clothing store can donate proceeds
to breast cancer research.
Organizations that focus on building word of mouth into
full-fledged evangelism grow faster, are more profitable
and have big-picture ideas that somehow change the
world. It’s fun, and exciting stuff.

Evangelist Marketing is a business. Strategy and tactics

using evangelism are designed just for you. It's easy to
underestimate the power of this kind of marketing
probably because it is inexpensive, simple (when you
know how) and seems a little mysterious. Keep in mind
many products that have generated social trends ended
up far more successful than originally imagined.
Customer evangelism does have some

 First, when you rely on others to communicate your

message, you lose some control over the message

 Second, you cannot make customers tell your story.

Your product must bedifferent or exciting enough for
them to want to talk.

 Finally, the spread of your value proposition is

limited by thenumber of evangelizing customers you
have and the frequency of these one on- few
interactions the evangelists have with other
prospects in your target market. Therefore, growth
for a small business using this method is likely to be

 They passionately recommend your company to
friends, neighbors and colleagues.

 They believe in the company and its people.

 They purchase your products and services as gifts.

 They provide unsolicited praise or suggestions of


 They forgive occasional sub-par seasons or dips in

customer service.

 They do not want to be bought; they extol your

virtues freely.

 They feel part of something bigger than themselves.



Restaurants 83% 35%
Prescription drugs 71% 21%
Hotels 63% 27%
Cars 58% 36%
Computers 40% 18%
Financial services 57% 12%

1. Sampling Technique : Non probability sampling (A

non- probability sampling technique is that in
which each element in the population does not have
an equal chance of getting selected)

2. Sample Unit : 1 Individual

3. Sample size : 45 respondents

4. Method : Questionnaire.

5. Data analysis method : Graphical method.

6. Area of survey :Jamnagar

7. Timing of survey : 07.00 pm to 09.00 pm for

two days.

Questionnaire was prepared keeping the objective of

research in mind.

Questions were asked to respondents as regards to

their willingness.

The help of questionnaires conducted direct

interviews, in order to getaccurate information.

In order to get correct information I had to approach

consumers ranging from 18 yrs. to 50 yrs.

In order to collect accurate information I visited to

tea stall, each and every question was filled
personally by the respondents.

Theoretical data was collected from internet.

Research Findings

Generally people who came to stall for drinking tea

didn’t know about evangelism marketing as well as
word-of-mouth marketing, although they are
unknowingly using both the types. They are using both
type Buzz Marketing and Viral Marketing for WOMM.
Only 5 to 10% of consumers know this type of marketing
who are having high education particularly till HSC.

Generally consumers are going with their friends to tea

stalls and recommending their friends rather than their
family, because tea stall are usually a place for gathering
and not spot for family to stop there to drink tea.

Ashapura is having stall opposite of SVET College and

Bajrang is having stall near of Khambhaliya Gate.

I have taken 25 samples in Bajrang and 20 samples in

Ashapura tea stall and by those samples I found that for
Bajrang average 6.02 cups of tea per consumer per day
has been consumed and average 10
recommendation/consumer has given. For Ashapura
average 3.75 cups of tea per consumer per day has been
consumed and average 20 recommendation/consumer
has given.

Ashapura is famous then Bajrang because average

recommendations are more for Ashapura and they are
providing value added services like sitting arrangement, a
big TV for watching matches, snacks, cold drinks, pan etc.
Ashapura has started its on branch in Gokulnagar after
getting success in their previous place.
People came to know about “Bajrang Sea Stall” by the
following ratio of sources:

1= Own 2= Relatives 3= Friend 4= famous

10 2 12 1


And they recommend to following people:

1= Family 2= Relative 3= Friend
9 15 226




100 Series1


People came to know about “Ashapura Tea Stall” by the
following ratio of sources:

1= Own 2= Relatives 3= Friend

11 1 8


And they recommend to following people:

1= Family 2= Relative 3= Friend
10 16 374
200 Series1
1 2 3

“Creating customer evangelists and word-of-mouth

programs….cost dramatically less than mass media

“Landing new customers is sexy…keeping current

customers…is hard work”--

Evangelism marketing is a successful way to market your

product, even marketer can reach at remote areas,
where they couldn’t reach in past. From the above given
information we came to know that evangelism marketing
is the preferred way of marketing in most of the
industries, particularly FMCG industries are using this

Traditional marketing concepts are used at some place

but now organizations are focusing on merging
traditional marketing and evangelism marketing to
market their product successfully in the market.

For word of mouth find out where your users/customers

are going and doing and really ensure that they have an
avenue to speak highly of you. Creating catchy and sticky
products and campaigns will also give your customers an
opportunity to spread the word. You can use various type
of medium like blog rooms, chat rooms, search engines,
e-mails, social networking sites etc.

It will give your brand a massive growth opportunity

without you even lifting a finger. Make this all highly
accessible and let your customers spread the word for
you, because, like the saying goes, “If you build it, they
will come.”

 “Marketing Management” by Philip Kotler, Kevin

Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy, MithileshwarJha.







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