ICEHOTEL Magazine 2010

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There is only one reason to visit – your own. Find it at

vinter. Foto Fredrik Broman, Håkan Hjort, Anneli Jaako.

The adventures of
Swedish Lapland.

Do you long for somewhere that offers new experiences and in-
sights? A place where you can let your thoughts wander and dis-
cover new horizons?
If so, Swedish Lapland is an ideal destination. Tremendous con-
trasts await you: mountains and archipelagos, light and darkness,
warmth and the cold. But also small details; so tiny that you’ve never
even considered them: the deafening sound of snow falling slowly
to the ground. The sun glowing like fire in the middle of the night.
Here you have the time that you normally lack to discover how
magnificent such small details can be. Swedish Lapland is close by,
yet extremely far away. Welcome to our county.

more than words

Torne river Has a sTory To Tell

i stand here on my shore of the Torne river and feel.
Quite a bit of water has flowed passed Jukkasjärvi since
iCeHoTel was born twenty years ago. a little drop of
all this water has been borrowed for the desire to make
the world a little more fantastic, a little more real.
it is a powerful driving force. We transform the crystal
clear ice into world-class art and architecture. From all
corners of the world, well-known artists and designers
converge to help us with our vision. in every ice suite and
iCeBar, in the hall of pillars and in every sculpture there
is a story. The artist has theirs, you create your own. and
at the same time the river tells its own story through the
clear ice. The story of an untamed, lapland river flowing
through a furrow carved by the inland glacier more than
10 000 years ago. The journey of the Torne river is not
over at the delta panning out in the Gulf of Bothnia. it con-
tinues onward across the globe, to iCeBars and events in
south america, Japan and europe. Because the Torne river
has something to teach us: to humbly take gentle care of
our untouched nature, to act conservatively in using our
common resources and leave behind as few footprints as
possible. i could go on for ages. and that is exactly what i
plan to do.The original vision of iCeHoTel, born twenty
years ago, is still the same. We will continue to refine and
develop the concept, as we did a few years ago by placing
a hearty focus on sustainability and environment. learn
more about our ongoing work to increase the sustainability
of our operations, about our research and development,
meet the artists Thoms & nilsson, check out where iCe- Publisher and responsible under Swedish publishing law. Yngve Bergqvist |
Editors ronnY olovsson | ella jonsson | victoria skeidsvoll |
Bar by iCeHoTel is located around the world and be Creative Director annika fredriksson | Art Director Magdalena sjödin |
swept away by the possibility being able to travel out into Marketing Assistant | niklas Matsson
space within the very foreseeable future. Photographers anders alM | lars lindh |
hans-olof Utsi | photoBigBen.coM. |
Frontcover ICEHOTEL PELar HaLL 2010. Photo: andErs aLM.
Welcome to iCeHoTel, in Jukkasjärvi and elsewhere on Printed by color print aB 2010.
this globe,yngve Bergqvist,Ceo. This magazine cannot be responsible for unsolicited material.
© Reserved to ICEHOTEL

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6 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

Content / Crew
16 26
9 CurrEnT 44 Food on the rocKs
Business unusual Meet Stefan Benjaminsson,
in Swedish Lapland. Restaurant Manager.

10 CurrEnT 48 nutti sáMi siida

In Sauna Veritas. Sámi culture.

60 ICEBar
TornE rIvEr The surprising and unlooked for.
thE mothEr oF icEhotEL

THoms &
ICE AnD 32 Kiruna Moves you
snoW There is something about Kiruna.

15 CurrEnT BjörklIDEn
Re-thinking the
climate change challenge.

kerstin stefan Petra Wadlund

nilsson Benjaminsson lindh
Hotel Manager restaurant Manager Business area Manager

as the hotel manager FIrst he owned a res- It all began with a

of iCeHotel, Kerstin nils- taurant in stockholm, then hotel of ice and snow in Juk-
son is responsible for both a bar in greece. longing for kasjärvi, far above the arctic
cold and warm accommoda- winter and a bit homesick for Circle. now you can expe-
tions, two restaurants, four sweden, he moved up to Juk- rience the surrealistic icy en-
bars and the gift shop, with a total of 100 employees kasjärvi during peak season in 2001 and worked as a vironment in the pulsating metropolises of london, Co-
during the peak season. “i have the best job in the bartender at aBsolut iCeBar. today, stefan Benja- penhagen and tokyo thanks to iCeBar by iCeHotel.
world. We meet new guests everyday, who are seeing minsson is the restaurant Manager at iCeHotel.
us and iCeHotel for the first time. We’re striving to What is ICEBAR by ICEHOTEL?
reach that special feeling, the magic, in our meeting What kind of experiences can be expected at the “it is a will and passionate force to spread the magic
with every guest”, says Kerstin. different ICEHOTEL restaurants and bars? of iCeHotel and swedish lapland in urban settings
“a professional but at the same time personal ser- around the world. Many guests that may be thinking
ICEHOTEL is now celebrating its 20th anniversary. vice, and a variation of menus, all carefully arranged. about visiting iCeHotel in Jukkasjärvi have the
Tell a little about the difference between now & then. We always begin by using local and natural produce chance to test the special atmosphere, others may
”in the beginning we focused on summertime, with of exceptional quality, such as Kalix löjrom, reindeer have never experienced below-freezing before. Being
rafting as our main product. as the winter season grew, and cloudberries. Just look around, our produce has encompassed by ice, cold, the art and serenity can of-
we soon discovered that the farther away we were from its roots in one of the world’s cleanest regions”, says ten be an overwhelming contrast to the stressful urban
sweden, the more people were attracted to everything stefan. context”, says Petra.
Jukkasjärvi, lapland, that is, cold and snow. over the
years, iCeHotel has developed through its interac- Tell us about the restaurants in Jukkasjärvi. Exactly how do you go about building an ICEBAR
tion with its guests, and they are a great part of ma- “iCeHotel has two wonderful restaurants in Jukkas- where there may never be any winter?
king us what we are today”, says Kerstin. järvi with completely different concepts. at the authen- “Modern refrigeration technology is a great help. our
tic old Homestead, a charming 18th century timber years of experience have taught us how to harvest, store
Sleeping in a room of ice and snow. What does it building overlooking the mighty torne river, guests and transport the torne river ice around the globe. the
entail and how does it feel? enjoy their meals in a rustic environment. iCeHotel art & Design group, with artistic Director, arne Bergh,
”For most people it is a wonderful adventure. the restaurant is a more exclusive alternative, offering in- is involved in designing every bar. a team sketches and
stay begins with a check-in tour, becoming acquain- ternational cuisine with the region’s delectable produce plans at home, and then constructs and designs the
ted with everything they need and information about perfectly composed in a tantalizing symphony of tas- bar on location. Just like the original iCeHotel, once
how to dress and sleep in a sleeping bag. the over- tes”, says stefan. a year the interiors of all bars are replaced, never stag-
night stay itself is described by many as a surreal nating, continuously changing”, says Petra.
and comfortable experience. the snow insulates, so What should absolutely not be missed when dining?
it is very, very quiet inside iCeHotel. in this white “Definitely not our ice menus with local and natu- How do guests react to meeting ice from the Torne
serenity, one slumbers off into a pleasant winter ral produce served on ice plates and bowls made of River, far from home?
sleep, cozily tucked into a warm sleeping bag.” crystal-clear torne river ice. But i would also say that ”something changes for those who visit iCeBar by iCe-
one should not miss the opportunity to head out into Hotel. Warmed by a silver cape, all guests are harmo-
What should one absolutely not miss when visiting the deep forests surrounding Jukkasjärvi, maybe on nized on the same level, which allows one to relax and
ICEHOTEL and Jukkasjärvi? a snowmobile or dog sled tour that will take you to absorb the impressions. the story of the crystal clear
“lay on your back in a blanket of snow, spread one of our wilderness camps, far of the beaten track. river that froze far away in swedish lapland, making
out your arms and make a snow angel, gaze up at after a wood-burning sauna you sit down to a set table the long journey of hundreds, sometimes thousands of
the deep, clear sky studded with a million glitte- and a four-course dinner. For many that is something kilometers, is completely overwhelming. all at once it
ring stars, and, if you’re lucky, a sparkling show of truly unique and maybe the dinner experience of a is grand, surreal and playful. i often hear the relief of
northern lights”, says Kerstin. lifetime”, says stefan. laughter in iCeBar by iCeHotel”, says Petra.

8 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010


-40º Business unusual

in swedish LapLand
We see it all the time: something red a unique meeting with the crystal
happens within people in the meeting clear ice in the production hall, where
with ice and snow. All the white and the raw material for next year’s iCe-
transparency seems to open all senses HOteL lies in waiting. Perhaps your
and bring out the inner child. Un- group would like to try their hand at
touched fields of snow laid out beneath sculpting the crisp and pliable ice while
a heavenly sky are begging to be explo- the sun and heat quiver outside?
red. Here you are free to leave your Many groups have surprised custo-
own mark: why not wander about with mers, found solutions to difficult issues,
snowshoes on your feet, or bedded recharged with new energy prior to
down on a dogsled, perhaps by snow- new seasons together with kick-offs, and
mobile or why not simply by falling been inspired with a variety of company
back against the snow to make your arrangements at iCeHOteL in Jukkas-
very own snow angel. During the sum- järvi. iCeHOteL works with other ac-
mer months, the midnight sun seduces tors all over Lapland and are more than
with its one hundred light, long days happy to help you tailor an arrangement
without night. even then you are offe- for both large and smaller groups.

The world largest ice sculpting event? A group of 160

Photo by Hans-Olof Utsi

enthusiastic employees are enjoying the expericence of

carving the pure Torne River ice.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 9

Muscles relax.
The mind wanders.
Behind you, a full day exploring a frozen frontier. Ahead, a voyage
of discovery in a palace of ice, and maybe a sled ride to catch
tonight’s show of northern lights.

In between, treating the senses to the true meaning of bliss.

Experience Tylo at Icehotel, or visit to experience it at home

The sauna CulTure is flourishing around the world,
and thrives even in swedish lapland. svenska Bastuaka-
demin, the swedish sauna academy, was inaugurated
In Sauna VerItas in 1988 with the opening of Kulturbastun, the Culture
sauna, at the open air historical museum in Jukkasjärvi, a
”in sauna there is the truth” stone’s throw from ICehOTel.

The man BehInd The InITIaTIve Is Pär Gran-

lund. he Tells us hOw IT all sTarTed:
“we were a few enthusiasts, relaxing and philosophizing
in the sauna. among us was Yngve Bergqvist, founder of
ICehOTel. Together we drew up the guidelines and the
swedish sauna academy was thereby founded. It was a
rather profound feeling having this occur in just Kultur-
bastun, which was formerly a small inn where, among
others, the founder of Kiruna himself, hjalmar lund-
bohm, used to dine in grandeur with such prominent
friends as Prince eugene of sweden and the celebrated
swedish artist albert engström.”
Pär continues, “a sauna bath is a meeting of the four
elements: earth, fire, air and the pure water. In the sauna
we are all alike, sharing this lifestyle and philosophy com-
bined with health and mental well-being.”

sO hOw dOes One GO aBOuT TO reallY en-

JOY GenuIne sauna BaTh?
Pär Granlund is happy to guide us in this noble art:
“The most important aspects are to take it easy and make
sure you have plenty of time. The sauna is no place to be
in a hurry. You start of course by taking off all your clo-
thes and going into the warming sauna completely nude.
You simply sit there and feel how your body slowly heats
up. not until you really begin to sweat is it time to throw
the first scoop of water over the hot stones. The rule of
thumb when bathing together is: the last one in decides
when it is time to throw water on the stones.”

YOu shOw COnsIderaTIOn TO YOur fel-

Photo by Anders Alm & Per Jonsson

lOw sauna BaThers. exTreme TemPeraTu-

res are One Of The ThInGs ThaT are nOT
“That’s true. no one should have to leave because so-
meone else is firing up too high. a sauna bath is meant to
last a long time. You sit there for about 5-10 minutes, go
out to shower and cool off, before repeating the process
again. It is also essential to replenish fluids on the inside
as well, preferably with cold, fresh water. after the sauna
bath, you all get together, clean and utterly relaxed, and
share a really good meal and something to drink. This is
my ultimate recipe for a perfect day”, Pär concludes.

It is called “sauna” in almost every language Learn more about the magical sauna steam at the Swedish
around the world. Except in Chinese, where Sauna Academy’s website:
they say “tylö” says Pär Granlund, co-founder
of the Swedish Sauna Academy.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 11

Photo by Jan Jordan

Hot, hotter, hottest

with ice & snow
ICEHOTEL Has THE art of creating in ice and snow down pat. Arne Bergh,
Artistic Director
since the start twenty years ago, the company has built up an impres-
& Åke Larsson,
sive competence and an extensive international network of famous Architect at
designers, artists, sculptors and architects around the world. With ice ICEHOTEL, are
as the medium and the unique, creative environment in Jukkasjärvi, discussing the
the feelings for ICEHOTEL are embedded deep in the hearts of the construction of the
iceberg, at Grand
engaged artists involved in its creation, and contributed to developing
Palais, Paris.
the young art form. Yes, it is welcomed as a life-long relationship.
Many return season after season. Or gladly jump in and create in ice
when ICEHOTEL delivers ice art and ice know-how together with
large events all over the world.
The latest example is when 25 sculptors from around the globe
came together in Paris and worked around the clock for a week to
transform several tonnes of snice (the perfect blend of snow and ice)
to a virtual iceberg that sparked the imagination. The mass of snow
treated spectators to both a visual and emotional surprise that left no
one unaffected.

Lena Kriström, ice artist.

12 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010


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Towards measureable resul
resulTs ” Those who take the step now are also
one key part of the new solution initiative tomorrow’s financial winners, where
is the IC
ICe ClImaTe aCademY that offers
a four days programme that helps compa- investments, regulations and consumer
nies take strategic steps towards becoming
a winner in a low carbon economy. The
tailor-made approach makes it possible to
patterns will look different from Today’s.”
start work before the aCademY with an as-
sessment of operations, products, market
dennis Pamlin
and competitors, and also to continue until
concrete results are achieved months after
the aCademY is over. all companies are
different and the programme will be de de-
veloped in dialogue with the participants.
after that, the participants meet in Juk Juk-
kasjärvi, together with the very best within
environment, technology and innovation, to
tailor a programme and develop the envi envi-
ronmental strategies most appropriate for
just that specific company.
“we will be creating the conditions for
those who strive to be the winners in the
new climate-smart economy”, says dennis.
“It’s exciting to have the opportunity to work
with companies that want to make a new
start and do not see themselves as a pro
blem, but rather as a part of the solution.”
ICe ClImaTe aCademY will unite sales,

the Climate Change Challenge

profit, innovation and environmental thin thin-
king in a way that will benefit society on
the whole.
“when IKea and Philips sell energy ef-
ficient lights, they not only decrease their
own emissions, but also help their custo-
mers to live climate smart. when ericsson
and China mobile contribute to more video
conference and flexi-work solutions, this
”Companies that work strategically what the company consumes while making the
often results in a reduction in both com- for the environment are going to make a complete transition to renewable energy sour-
muting and the need for office space. considerable profit”, says Dennis pamlin, ces such as wind, water, solar and bio-energy.
In the future, investments, regulations
entrepreneur and newly appointed director iCehoteL will not only create sustainable
and consumption will look very different.
already today, the majority of consumers of Low Carbon Leaders for transformative energy solutions for the company alone, but
are willing to pay more for a product if it solutions, a joint Un and wwF initiative. also for Jukkasjärvi. in this way, iCehoteL
has a lower climate impact. together with a team he now presents a solu- represents much of what Dennis pamlin al-
“If we look at the new markets, we see
great possibilities to create future incomes
tion initiative that includes the iCe CLima- ready personifies – spirit of entrepreneurship,
and profits”, says Pamlin. ”I usually quote te aCaDemY, a unique concept for those social responsibility and a strong will to turn
the saying: ’The best way to predict the fu- striving to be at the cutting edge of develop- problems into possibilities. By reaching its cli-
ture is to try to be a part of creating it’. This ment and deliver the solutions required for mate goal, iCehoteL will arouse attention
is going to be a challenging and fantastic
journey.” a fossil-fuel-free future. some of the world’s far beyond the country’s borders.
The ICe ClImaTe aCademY is suppor- foremost experts tailor solutions directly for ”if you can succeed 200 km north of the
ted by corporate partners such as Geodis companies, profitable for both the operations arctic Circle with its lengthy periods of
wilson and Philips. For more information
and society on a whole. darkness and extreme cold, well, then you
“the knowledge and technology already show at the same time that anything is pos-
exist”, says Dennis pamlin. over the past ten sible – even where at first glance it seems
years he has worked with global environme- almost impossible.”
ntal issues and corporate responsibility for
wwF, as well as other organizations. today, Great challenges
Dennis pamlin is also involved in iCeho- Climate changes are one of man’s greatest
teL and its climate investment. one of the challenges. “what we have to learn is to quite
world’s most famous hotels is consciously in- simply have a better life with lesser impact
vesting in becoming Co2-negative (Climate on the planet. the knowledge and techno-
positive) already by 2015. logy exist today, it is merely about beginning
the plan is to produce more energy than to use them.”

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 15

the mother of ICEHOTEL
16 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010
It’s fall, and the temperature is dropping. Summer’s warmth rises in vapour
from the river. Now the water and the cold begin a game of cat and mouse.
The river seems to flow more slowly each day. In late-October, the current
gives in to the cold, allowing it to seize the waves and stop them in their
tracks. An overwhelming sense of peace falls as the freezing begins.
At last, it is time for the river to rest.
Words by Ella Jonsson Photo by Hans-Olof Utsi

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 17

We don’t want to see icebergs floating around.
That’s why we created Källmärkt.
Icebergs are majestic and beautiful. Unfortunately they are increasingly often an indication that
our climate is changing. The ice caps on the Earth’s polar areas are breaking up and the risk is
that they will eventually disappear. We do our bit to prevent this by only selling electricity that
does not have a negative effect on the climate.

Källmärkt® electricity is generated from 100 percent renewable sources such as water, wind and
biofuel. Greenpeace named us Sweden’s most environmentally friendly power company in 2008,
2009 and 2010. Visit to sign a contract or call +46 (0)26 178 575.

Sign a contract and you will also receive our book about saving electricity (worth SEK 139) to help you further reduce your energy costs.
several hundred tonnes of ice from the Torne
River. As soon as the ice freezes up, the sec-
tion of the river to be harvested is marked.
All winter the ice field is kept free of snow, so
that the ice can grow.
“Ice that grows in height is of no interest
to us. We want it to grow downwards. That’s
how we get the crystal-clear ice that has
become the signature of ICEHOTEL,” says
Alf Kero, who manages Ice Production. The After the harvest, the ice is stored at -5ºC until the
coming fall.
slow, natural freeze-in gives the Torne River
ice unique properties that cannot be created specific requirements. Each year, we learn so-
artificially, for example, with common tap mething new and refine the technology succes-
water. Ice from the Torne River is perfectly sively. The operations at ICEHOTEL are con-
crystal-clear and completely free from bubb- stantly developing,” explains Alf. The ice field
les and cracks. And, thanks to its pristine is divided into a grid pattern that marks the
natural source, 200 km north of the Arctic size of the ice blocks. Then, the difficult task
Circle, it is also free of pollutants. This results of sawing out and lifting the heavy blocks from
The ice field is divided into a grid in high-quality ice that is ideal for sculpting the river begins. Beneath the ice, the wild river
marking the size of the ice blocks.
and building. Since it is natural and contains rushes.The tractors must not be too heavy and
no additives, it makes superb ice for drinks. the drivers have to know exactly what they are
doing, so the machines don’t end up in the
Winter harvest frigid water. Each ice block weighs two ton-
“We harvest ice from mid-March until mid- nes. The top surface layer is sawn off. The ice
April. By then, the ice is about 80 centimet- is then sorted in two classes: crystal-clear, for
res thick. We use machines and custom-made example, for ice glasses and dishes, and ice that
tools that have been specially designed for our is veiled, which is used for sculpting. The ice

Turning the creative ideas to reality.

Alf Kero, Manager ICE Production.

Beneath the ice the

wild river rushes.

”THe sLOw, naTural frEEzE-

In gIvEs THe TOrne rIvEr ICe
unIque prOpErTIEs THat CannOt
be CrEaTEd arTIfICIaLLy”

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 19

”THe iCe is
THEn sOrTEd in
Two cLassEs:
fOr exampLE, fOr
ICe gLassEs and
dIsHEs, and iCe
THat is vEILEd,
wHICh is usEd
fOr sCuLpTIng.”

is then stored at about -5°C until the coming

autumn and will be used in next season’s ver-
sion of ICEHOTEL. A visit to the ice factory
and the waiting river, which seems to pause
briefly before being transformed into art and
architecture, is a remarkable experience.

Fine Torne River Water

ICEHOTEL borrows only a marginal amount
of water in frozen form each year from the
mighty Torne River. Watch the flowing river
for a minute, right where it passes Jukkas-
järvi, and the equivalent of the annual ‘wa-
ter loan’ for ICEHOTEL passes before your
eyes. Most of it is returned to the eco-cycle
when spring arrives and ICEHOTEL melts
silently back into the river again.
“The drawings and ideas for the next year’s
ICEHOTEL are usually ready by January. ICE
Production works in close consultation with
the architects and artists. At harvest time,
the artists are curious about the quality of
the ice. We can see that the ice has different
properties, depending on temperature and
precipitation. It definitely varies from year
to year. Long periods with temperatures be-
low minus twenty degrees are favourable for
the raw material,” says Alf. From the shore,

20 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

McBride / Fotograf Jörgen Reimer
Location: Storulvåvägen, Jämtland, Sweden.

Freezing? Why? Stay warm with a base layer of fine merino wool in a terry knit.
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garments are used for work, sports and leisure, and by people who would simply
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manufactured since 1972. Thermal undergarments made in Sweden.

Our heating
makes the world
Even ICEHOTEL needs heating. For offices, restaurants, kitchens,
laundries, cottages…
But few other businesses in the world are in greater need of a cold
environment. So it’s only natural that ICEHOTEL has chosen to use
NIBE ground source heat pumps for all heating needs for more
than 10 years now.
Our heat pumps find heat even in the deep frozen lands of
Jukkasjärvi and at the bottom of the Torne River. Not by magic, but
by using a technology that is dominating new heating installations
in Sweden today. Ground source heat pumps give us all a source of
renewable energy that is available anywhere. To anyone.
The heat pumps make the hotel warm and the ground cold. Just as
the people at ICEHOTEL want it.
By using NIBE heat pumps ICEHOTEL has so far saved about
hundreds of thousands of Euro and hundreds of tons of CO2.
That’s a big contribution to keeping the world cooler.
An important task when your business is made up of ice.
Read more about the cooler way to heat at

NIBE Energy Systems

Box 14, 285 21 Markaryd, Sweden
Tel 0433 - 73 000
close by the magnificent ICEHOTEL, visitors When ICEHOTEL opens in early-December,
from all corners of the world watch in ama- construction is still in progress. In recent ye-
zement as the ice is harvested. Perhaps only ars, we’ve had more and more requests from
then do they fathom the magnitude of this guests wishing to take a closer look at the
incredible project. To first harvest and store building process.
huge quantities of ice, and then build a hotel They can take part in special guided tours,
filled with fabulous art and design the follo- where we explain the process and our eco-
wing winter is indeed a marvel. It’s surreal, cycle approach, and they can watch the
to say the least. And, most amazingly, this is artists at work,” explains Alf. By year-end,
no one-off project. It is a vital and creative as peak season approaches, ICEHOTEL
enterprise, with a new hotel each winter is complete. Several intensive months lie
for two decades now, and always with a new ahead. In the ice church, couples will ex-
theme, new art and new design. ICEHOTEL change vows. Guests will sleep in sub-zero
presence is now world-wide, thanks to ice- suites graced with fabulous works of art.
bars that offer a cold and fleeting pure taste Exotic meals will be enjoyed after days of
of Lapland. snowy adventure.
One might say that this makes the Torne New products will be launched and corpo-
River the world’s longest. As the river slowly rate events will take place. Many languages
freezes, the building start approaches. In will be spoken in tiny Jukkasjärvi, 200 km
mid-November, specially selected interna- north of the Arctic Circle. By the time ICE-
tional artists and designers arrive. They will HOTEL closes in mid-April, 60,000 guests
decorate this year’s version of ICEHOTEL. will have entered the world of ice. They will
For some, this is the first time they will work have experienced, first hand, one of the
in snow and ice. Others have been with the marvels of our times. It is a world wonder
project since the early-1990s. This blend of that keeps us ever mindful of the great cycle
neophytes and veterans keeps the art form of nature.
fresh and vital. The ambition level is high When the warm spring sun returns and
and the creativity is almost palpable. Finally, the days grow longer, the snow and ice be-
the river will show what it has to offer. Fi- gin their slow retreat. Tiny rivulets of clear
nally, the ice will be transformed into art. meltwater trickle back towards the source
and become one again with the mighty Torne
Melts back to the source River. Summer is knocking at the door and
”The building process is intensive and ex- the river turns to new tasks. For ICEHOTEL, ICEhoTEl melts slowly in the warm spring sun and
citing. The ice and snow we use are natural all that remains is to offer humble thanks for will soon once again join the Torne River.
raw materials that are completely subjected the water it has borrowed. And next year, a
to the whims of weather and temperature. new ICEHOTEL will be born.

”and nExt yEar, a nEw ICEHOTEl wILl be bOrn”

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 23

Buddhist guests at ICehOteL
During this winter season, Buddhists from Thailand
opened an ice temple in Fredrika, a small society
south of Kiruna, and the ice used to build the
temple was delivered by ICEHOTEL. The plan is
to within a few years build the largest Buddhist

L beg a n celebrati n g its 20th temple in Europe. The

ICEHOTE E ve pa r ty featuring reindeer’s
newy ea r's
anniversary with a
c t o r b a l l e t ' fur has for

a ' t ra centuries
been used as
The products included in ICEHOTEL and interior
Collection are specially designed by se-
lected artists, with inspiration from the and still is.
crystal-clear Torne River ice.
Shop you will
find reindeer
TO HIrOyOSHI SAkAI furs of finest
A GrEAT pErSOn, A GrEAT ArTIST & A GrEAT FrIEnD quality.
It was a cold midwinter night in 2002 when Hiroyoshi Sakai arrived to Jukkas-
järvi, after a long journey from Sopporo, Japan, to design a suite in ICEHOTEL.
Since that night Sakai returned every winter to bestow his unique artistry upon
hundreds of thousands of guest. Last winter was sadly the last one since he unex-
pectedly passed away early this year. His contribution to the art in ICEHOTEL
has been significant.The beauty and tranquillity his craftsmanship emanated has
been a source of inspiration, he left everyone speechless with each design. Sakai
was a wood sculptor with a Bachelor of Arts in Wood Craft Design from the Hok-
kaido University of Education. He also teached wood sculpting at the Swedish
Center Foundation and the Hokkaido Asai Gakuen University, but found a pas-
sion for creating with ice and snow at an early stage. The main source of Sakai’s
inspiration was the moon which is conveyed in his suites, where
visitors always got transported beyond the Earth’s realms.
At every full moon, our thoughts will go out to this
warm and humorous man. We have lost a member
of our ICEHOTEL family; the world has lost a
remarkable artist.

All your friends at ICEHOTEL

24 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

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We have a luxury suite in the conver- Our rooms can accommodate one to
ted cockpit with a panoramic view of four adults. At Jumbo Stay you´re gua-
the airport or a suite in the far back of ranteed a unique and outstanding ex-
the plane, Black box suite. Along these perience. Feel exclusive and stay the
suites we have more than twenty com- night at Arlanda next to the terminals.
fortable standard Jumbojet-rooms.

Booking: | +46 (0) 8 593 604 00 |

If you enjoy well designed, technically sophisticated and powerful classical American motor cycles, Victory is your choice. If you by any chance don’t already know about Victory, here is a bit of information:
Victory have been around for 10 years in the USA, and during that time they have been immensely successful. Victory have received excellent reviews from independent sources like JD Power, and Victory
have received top results in their customer polls. The fantastic design is the result of the collaboration between Arlen and Cory Ness, legends in constructing motorcycles. The engine is a 1731 cc v-twin with
a well-balanced chassi. For more information about models and retailers, visit our website:

Importer: Polaris Scandinavia
top design
with ice
Words by Ella Jonsson Photo by Anders Alm

WE ArE mEt by A flurried explosion as we enter Oktagården and

the ice artists’ morning meeting, a sharp contrast to the monochrome
bluish white, silent and frozen winter landscape glittering outside the
window. The explosion inside is a tumbling of laughter, colours and a li-
vely buzz of conversation in a multitude of languages. The warmth shared
between them is evident. The buzz is subdued when Arne Bergh, Artistic
Director, claps his hands for attention. Happily he reports he slept rather
well the past night, the last before the ports are opened to ICEHOTEL
#20. Checking the time, he notes that the first guests are checking in
as he speaks. A feeling of relief and pensive melancholy sweeps over the
room. Some of the artists will be leaving the group to return home al-
ready today. Some remain to continue with stage two.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 27


AgE: 38
borN IN: Gothenburg
rESIdES IN: Tahult, near Gothenburg
drIvES: Motorcycle
EAtS: Spaghetti with meat sauce and plenty of parmesan
drINkS: According to need and mood
dESpISES: When people are treated unjustly
LIkES: Genuine people
rEAdS: Makt som hobby (“Power as a hobby”), an analysis of human nature by Tönis Tönisson
LIkES to SEE: Films at the cinema
FAvorItE ArtISt(S): A. Calder, Poul Kjaerholm, Lars Lerin & many, many more…
ABSOLUT ICEBAR JUKKASJÄRVI 2009/2010. LApLANd IS: Magical, beautiful and vast

WE ArE HErE to talk to the designer duo tists do to contribute to that communication, Sweden. The result of his degree project is
Mats Nilsson and Jens Thoms Ivarsson, ve- a real meeting, takes place”, says Jens. the washbasin HF01, now called “Tradition”.
terans in the context of ice sculpting. They He continues, “we can sit for hours at It immediately drew great attention, was
have received a great deal of attention, both a town square, in a park, at a bar or in a awarded with a scholarship from the Gothen-
at home in Sweden and abroad, and several hotel lobby, simply studying people’s beha- burg foundation Willinska Stiftelse, and was
of their products have been awarded interna- vior. What if, with a well thought-out shape exhibited at Svensk Form (Swedish Society of
tional honours. They have been creating ice and design of an entryway, bar counter or Crafts and Design) in Stockholm as well as in
art for ICEHOTEL since 2003, on the spot park bench, we can really make a difference SAAB’s exhibition halls in Varberg and Goth-
in Jukkasjärvi, for a variety of events and at a and contribute to a meeting that alters a enburg. In addition, it was the starting shot
number of bars around the world. person’s life, maybe contributing to a life- for the joint firm Thoms & Nilsson.
“This year we are building the ICEBAr here long friendship or a conversation that beco- “The work with ICEHOTEL is incredibly
at ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi. It’s our elev- mes a lasting memory.” stimulating. Creating in ice and snow is a
enth bar, but it’s our first time building the “We put a great deal of weight on the young art form that we have had the privilege
bar here, at the original location. We submit- thought behind the design, that the expressed of being a part of and vitalize through our ex-
ted a design for a suite, but Arne Bergh had design supports the thought”, Mats explains. perience with large and heavy installations in
other plans in store for us”, says Jens. Jens and Mats got to know each other in the stone and cement. We, especially I, really get
And Mats continues, “This year’s edition of late-1990’s when Jens, as his first job, worked ignited by clever, almost impossible requests
ABSOLUT ICEBAr Jukkasjärvi is designed for Mats, a fourth-generation stone sculptor. and ideas. We have yet to fail a task. Just give
by Åke Larsson, the architect at ICEHOTEL. The contact in the meeting was immediate us a little time, and we’ll find a solution. It is
We were thrilled when we saw the room, it and a creative cooperation quickly develo- stimulating to see how the experiences and
offers the very best conditions.” The dialogue ped, where they both vitalized each other’s experiments with ice have in turn vitalized
is quick and lively. It’s quite enthralling follo- ideas and complemented each other in the our way in working with other materials”,
wing the twists and turns and descriptions of best possible way. Mats was also working as a says Mats.
an array of possible and impossible projects fireman parallel to creating and inspired Jens Black magnetite is one of these materials,
Thoms & Nilsson have been involved in. to also enter upon this course. Their paths which like the snow, originates in Swedish
“Our greatest driving force is about stud- split for a while when Jens worked on his Lapland.
ying the social interaction between people in degree in industry design in Gothenburg and In contrast to the snow, it doesn’t fall from
public spaces. That is, how do strangers inte- London. When the time came for his degree the sky, but is brought up from deep within
ract with their surroundings and other indi- project, the natural path led him back to his the underground, from the iron ore body that
viduals, and what can we as designers and ar- old partner in Sölvesborg, in southernmost lies beneath the city of Kiruna. The contrast

28 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

AgE: 53
borN IN: Sölvesborg, east coast of southernmost Sweden
rESIdES IN: Sölvesborg
drIvES: Volvo
EAtS: Thai
drINkS: Preferably British ale
dESpISES: dishonest people
LIkES: honest people
rEAdS: non-fiction, fact literature
LIkES to SEE: Preferably Clint Eastwood
FAvorItE ArtISt(S): My colleague Jens
LApLANd IS: Relaxation Honours and awards
2009: 1st Prize, Gold Award in Japan for a prin-
ting press, where Jens was the concept designer
for Mitsubishi heavy Industry.

2008: Thoms & nilsson’s design of ABSOLUTE

ICEBAR LOndOn is awarded as one of the 40
best bars in the world by FRAME.

2007: Thoms & nilsson win two platinum, one

gold and one silver for their objects in the AdEX
Awards (Award of design Excellence in USA).

The icebar at Liseberg

in Gothenburg, created
by Thoms & nilsson, has
an urban theme and is a
tribute to everyday life and
ordinary people, seasoned
with a touch of humor.
Photo by Christer olofsson

to the ephemeral ice and snow couldn’t be inner depths of the earth”, says Mats.
greater: black, iron-rich, magnetic, heavy We go out together to meet the fresh,
and eternal – with testified magical pro- breathtaking beauty of the winter’s day to
perties. Believed to aid in meditation and photograph. And indeed it is magical to see
relief from negative emotions, magnetite the black magnetite with their white caps of
is also said to attract love, commitment snow, seeming to want to warm and com-
and loyalty to its bearer. In an exciting art fort, soften up the black and hard. The eter-
project focusing on magnetite, together nal coupled with the ephemeral, a meeting
with companies such as LKAB and Minel- between yin and yang.
co, ICEHOTEL has created a permanent “Here in Jukkasjärvi, different art forms,
sculpture park adjacent the ephemeral artists and designers meet from all reaches
hotel. of the world, with different backgrounds and
“Our magnetite sculpture ’60 Degrees’ is experiences. A completely unique, creative
a stylization of the ore body in Kiruna, with atmosphere emerges. Everything is possible
its walls and shaft. On the one side, all lines here. We prove it together, by building a new,
meet in a hole. There you can look into the unique ICEHOTEL every year”, says Mats.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 29















ICEHOTEL SHOP Offers products of the highest quality. Here,
you’ll find this season’s outdoor leisure wear,
as well as special foods from northern Swe-
den. ICEHOTEL Taste of Lapland Collection
includes lingonberry juice, tea, cloudberry
jam and marmalade. Garments are from
famous brands such as Fjällräven, SOS &
Haglöfs. The shop has a wide range of att-
ractive gift items and jewellery. Don’t miss
your chance to take a piece of Lapland home
with you. You can even pre-order and collect
it when you check in.

Photo by karlwilliam&Ulf B Jonsson aB

The products from
Lapland Wild Design
Photo by lasse lychnell & Beatigerhielm

are Swedish handcrafted

and made of high quality
antlers from reindeers and
reminds of Lapland’s bar-
ren climate, drifted snow,
sustainability and affinity
”i’m moved and amazed by the honour,”
to nature.
Gold medal for says Yngve, whose idea of building a hotel
of ice and snow has now earned him a gold
mad business idea medal for creative entrepreneurship. Many
For the unique way he’s utilized the have the attitude that things won’t work out,
natural conditions in northern Sweden but it’s only a matter of thinking differently;
and the opportunities created between dig where you stand, much is undone. Yngve
industry and modern art, Yngve Berg
Berg- received the prize from his Majesty King
qvist was rewarded with a gold medal Carl XVi Gustaf’s hand. the royal engine-
by iVA, the royal Swedish Academy of ering Sciences, iVA, is an independent aca-
engineering Sciences. demy promoting technical and economic
sciences, and business development.

Follow the tracks

It’s been eight years since Erica Huuva made her first piece of sil-
ver jewellery, the bracelet Eallit depicting tracks by reindeer,
elk, lynx, wolverine and bear - imprints of life in the wil-
derness. With collections such as Ràhkisvuohta (love),
Garra Biegga (hard wind), Arvi (rain), Soahki (birch)
and Làsta (leaves) she’s made her imprint on the fa-
shion world with combining Sámi aesthetics and
modern trends.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 31

32 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE
There is someThing very special about Kiruna, the ciTy nesTled
in the middle of the mounTain wilderness of swedish Lapland,
200 Km norTh of the arcTic circle. this is the home of the
world’s Largest underground iron ore mine. this is where
The world-famous icehoTel is built every year of the
purest ice and snow. here you’ll also find the esrange
rocket base that carries out world-class space-relaTed
research and developmenT. this is where space travel
for privaTe persons is planned to take place wiThin
a few short years. and in the middle of it all, parTs
of cenTral Kiruna are to be transformed when
The mine expands direcTly underneaTh the ciTy.
Words by Ella Jonsson Photo by Anders Alm

The city of Kiruna is

young, just over 100
years. The little girl
sitting on her father’s arm
is the city’s first-born.
She was named Kiruna.

Just thinking about how it all started Lapland. “At the end of the 1800’s, it quickly
a little over a hundred years ago, when the mi- became very popular to work in Kiruna. The
ning comapny, LKAB, began their mining of wages were two to three times higher then
iron ore from the mountains of Luossavaara those offered in the mines in the more south-
and Kirunavaara, makes your head spin. In ern regions of Sweden. Many adventurous
addition to revamping and turning the mine young men found their way to Kiruna, and it
around, the managing director of LKAB, Hjal- was a bit of a wild-west atmosphere from the
mar Lundbohm, was given the task of building beginning, a Swedish Klondike if you will, with
a new city from scratch, big enough for a po- plenty of gambling, brawls and drinking”, says
pulation of 7-8000. He hired the country’s Peter Stenberg at the historical cultural site of
best city planners and architects with the vi- Hjalmar Lundbohmsgården in Kiruna.
sion of creating a society never before seen in Peter continues, “Hjalmar Lundbohm, who

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE | 33
wanted anything else than this lawless city, of data from Swedish and international satel-
directly took charge of the reigns and put a lites. Together with FMV, the Swedish Defense
ban on liquor and ’loose women’. The resi- Materiel Administration, we have also created
dents were organized in different associa- The iron ore from Kiruna a new testing site, NEAT, which means that we
tions, there were concerts and art exhibits, offer the possibility to test and validate new
and the impressive construction of schools, a has great environmenTal aircraft such as unmanned craft and new space
church, fire station and hospital station. The flight systems. Just the fact that these flights
city developed rapidly into the modern so-
advanTages since it requi- can be carried out over land is unique, which
ciety he had imagined. Quite simply, it was a res Less energy in the re- means higher levels of safety and better con-
very good place to live.” trol”, says Johanna Bergström-Roos.
finement process, Leading “The development is practically vertical, to
Kiruna stretches its limits To Lower carbon dioxide say the least. We’re going from non-commer-
The city owns a very unique character, friendly cial to commercial operations. We have seen
and inviting it continues to challenge the limits emissions than oTher ore this direction coming for years. It is clearer
of what is possible. The mine has developed sources. now when many actors are working hard to
into a high-technological industry, with ore launch manned space flights for private per-
that is craved around the globe. The ore con- sons, which is also called space tourism. We’re
tains a high percentage of iron in the form of talking about the second space age, when pri-
magnetite.This in turn means that the iron ore sounding rocket payloads”, says Johanna Berg- vate money is invested to realize the dream of
from Kiruna has great environmental advan- ström-Roos, Information Manager at Esrange allowing more people to experience space. In
tages since it requires less energy in the refine- Space Center in Kiruna. the long run, this is good for all space opera-
ment process, leading to lower carbon dioxide tions, which is important for everyone’s future
emissions, than other ore sources. International cooperation in space here on Earth. As an example, a lot of the en-
Somewhere around half way along, soon fifty The work at Esrange has developed over the vironmental research is carried out up in the
years ago, an entirely new opportunity sailed decades. The projects are carried out with atmosphere and space”, says Johanna.
along the horizon: space. ESA, the European research and space organizations, as well as
Space Agency, was looking for a place to esta- companies, from around the world. The sky is not the limit at Spaceport
blish a rocket base for research. “Today Esrange runs the world’s most active Sweden
“In Kiruna, 200 km north of the Arctic Circle, satellite ground station. We launch rockets Kiruna has taken a giant step and is developing
they found what they were looking for: an es- and balloons for research on weightless- into a space city worthy of the era 2000. The
tablished airport, close to a city with a well- ness, aeronomy, astronomy, space physics Institute of Space Physics, IRF, has had its head
working infrastructure and plenty of unpo- and meteorology. office in Kiruna for over fifty years. Here sci-
pulated land for safe launches and landings of We also work with the control and receiving entists carry on research and research educa-

34 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE
tions in space and atmospheric physics, as well our ICEBARs in big city metropolises such as tenfall the rest. LKAB has even financed and
as space engineering. And within a couple of London, Tokyo and Copenhagen. There, the built a new spill water conduit together with
years, the first manned space flights for private meeting with the purity of the crystal clear Kiruna’s public works at a cost of about 60
persons from Spaceport Sweden are planned ice from the Torne River is the stepping stone million Swedish krona. The railway also has
to be launched. for a journey north to meet the original ICE- to be rerouted and new roads constructed”,
“A new global industry is developing, and HOTEL in Jukkasjärvi”, says Yngve Bergkvist, says Lina.
here in Kiruna we have the right conditions, CEO and founder of ICEHOTEL. The city transformation project places hearty
both through access to land and air space, but demands on the ability to cooperate at every
mostly through the competence, services and A natural process local level. The community looks different
infrastructure that the local actors can offer. Kiruna is moving in more than one way. The today compared to when the mine was in its
Through local, regional and national coopera- world’s largest underground iron ore mine infancy and LKAB with Hjalmar Lundbohm in
tion, as well as with a large international net- is expanding directly under the city, where the lead founded Kiruna.
work, Spaceport Sweden’s vision is to become the rich body of iron ore is hiding its valuable
one of the most important players in the new treasure. A heritage to manage
experience industry, where all operators de- “The ore body slants towards the city at a 60° “LKAB has another task and another responsi-
pend on a well-working spaceport”, says Karin angle. The resulting ground deformations bility today. We are five actors: LKAB, Kiruna
Nilsdotter, director of Spaceport Sweden. that creep towards the city are a result of municipality, Banverket (the Swedish Rail-
the mining technique, called sublevel caving. way Authority), Vägverket (the Swedish Road
Frozen moments give rise to new thoughts This means that within a few years, parts of Administration) and Vattenfall, that work to-
Nothing seems to be impossible in Kiruna. Kiruna must be transformed”, says Lina Näs- gether to navigate the right paths and the best
It was in the little village of Jukkasjärvi on ström at LKAB. conditions for a new Kiruna. The common
the outskirts of Kiruna that the world’s bol- It’s not the first time life above ground is affec-
dest hotel venture, ICEHOTEL, was born ted by the underground activities in Kiruna.
twenty years ago. The part of the city called Ön, the Island, is
“Sure, it can seem crazy, building a hotel of today abandoned and enclosed as a risk area.
snow and ice. But everyone that was involved In the 60’s there were houses, roads and even a
The ciTy transformaTion
at the start had an unyielding belief in the po- beach over there. project places hearTy
tential. And look how great it turns out to ’dig “That’s right. We have already carried out
where you’re at’ so to speak. Now, twenty ye- a couple of large transformation projects.
demands on the abiliTy to
ars later, the crystal clear ice plays the starring Among these is a joint project between LKAB cooperaTe at every Local
role in connection with events, trade shows and Vattenfall (a power company) to reroute
and different arrangements for major trade- the power lines in Kiruna, where LKAB has level.
marks around the world. In addition, we have stood for about 60% of the financing, and Vat-

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE | 35
what is it wiTh Kiruna, why are there so many specTacular projecTs
and ideas concenTraTed in this ouT-of-The-way place, far norTh of the
arcTic circle in swedish Lapland?

goal is to manage the heritage left by Hjalmar ble heritage handed down by Hjalmar Lund- a city arouses a great deal of curiosity from
Lundbohm and guarantee that the future Ki- bohm”, says Thomas. private persons and companies, both within
runa is an attractive place to live, invest and Today’s basic values of what represents a model Sweden and around the world.
work in”, says Lina. The transformation of Ki- city still correspond very well with Hjalmar “We were rather taken by surprise by the storm
runa has three national interests to consider: Lundbohms vision. Especially when thinking of interest. Now we’re planning, together with
valuable minerals, consideration of a cultural along humanistic trains of thought. Now, just other actors, to soon erect a symbolic building
environment and reindeer husbandry. like back then, it is about creating a city that where we’ll put together information about
attracts people, where you are comfortable the region, culture, mine and the city transfor-
Lina continues, “The greatest challenges are and want to stay. A city that offers good living mation. The building is planned to be situated
shown to involve the softer factors of the equa- conditions, can offer living environments that centrally in today’s Kiruna. “
tion. They contain so many aspects: it’s about stand for function and quality of life. And of
managing historical cultural values and unique course the extreme climate is considered an Kiruna leaves no one unaffected
cultural environments as well considering important parameter. We take a trip to the top of Luossavaara.
creating a living community, with an attractive “What we add when we build places to live, li- The mountain owes its characteristic shape
and closely-connected city center where the ving areas and planning for a new city center is to the young days of mining, when the ore
residents are comfortable and at ease. It is also today’s demands on technology and function. was extracted in an open-cast mine. The
about a sense of safety, about people’s every- I’m looking forward to new innovations with view from the ski hill is absolutely breath-
day lives and well-being.” solutions such as passive houses. How would taking, with the entire city lying at our feet,
The direction of the new construction is still these work at our longitude? We are going to and the white-topped mountains towering
an unsolved question. Thomas Nylund, the build sustainably, economically and socially as in the distance with Sweden’s highest moun-
city architect, tells us: well as environmentally. This means, among tain, Kebnekaise, among them. Families on
“We have only recently been handed the as- other things, that we have to think long-term. their week-long winter holiday enjoy skiing
signment by the municipal executive board to Kiruna will continue to be a modern model in the warming sunshine. The next project
begin working with a revision of the compre- society, pleasant and well-working in every sits atop Luossavaara: The Eye, a five-star
hensive plan for central Kiruna and the imme- way, both physically and psychologically. In design hotel and showroom, designed by
diate surroundings. Of course we would have addition to the residents of Kiruna, the city is Lars Sundström. The venture is backed by
preferred to have been finished with that pro- to attract visitors, students and investors”, says eight Kiruna companies, and right now they
cess. Now we are looking at a flying start since Thomas. The municipality’s project leader for are at a standstill awaiting various building
we are in a bit of a hurry now. Within a year, the city transformation, Christer Vinsa, is the permits. With their sound financial foun-
spring 2011, we will know in which direction spider in the web for every actor involved. It is dation, it is simply a question of time be-
we can resituate Kiruna.” his job to coordinate the different interests. fore the hotel stands complete with equally
There have been many rounds, and now “This is such a great opportunity, to be able impressive panorama views of the city and
the schedule is really tight. For a long time, to change and improve with the sights set on mountain landscapes.
everything indicated that the new city cen- the future. There are a lot of cities around the The list of attention-grabbing projects go-
ter would be placed to the northwest. As a world keeping an eye on Kiruna, both with ing on in Kiruna is quite long. The feeling
result of meticulous inspections of the area, envy and admiration. Sure, we have a tough lingers for a long time and refuses to be
we now know that, among other things, the task set before us, but at the same time, this is shaken: what is it with Kiruna, why are
ground is unstable and thus inappropriate for not something that is going to be done over- there so many spectacular projects and
construction. night. It is a successive transformation of the ideas concentrated in this out-of-the-way
city, a process that is going to go on for de- place, far north of the Arctic Circle in
The transformation is a long process cades. For a city like Kiruna, where we have Swedish Lapland? Could the source be the
Now wiser after the event, we realize that the always lived and worked with the mine, it is testified attractive force of magnetite? Or
enormous transformation process has to take actually not particularly dramatic or strange”, is it all the people who never fear dange-
time. Areas that leading politicians were dead says Christer. rous thoughts of new ventures? Perhaps the
set on in 2007 have proved to be unthinka- cause is the vast expanses and the open ho-
ble today.We now have reliable information to Great international interest rizon, the fact itself that the ceiling is sky-
build upon. This means making fresh efforts, Surveys have shown a near 100% acceptance high up here in the north. Whatever the
backed with our new knowledge. All partners of the city transformation by those living in answer, Kiruna leaves no one unaffected.
work together to do the very best for Kiruna. Kiruna. The interest raised by the entire spec- The place, the feeling and dynamics must
Quite simply to manage the grand and valua- tacular process to change and partially move quite simply be experienced.

36 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE
ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE | 37
corporaTe cusTomers flock to Kiruna to Learn
and be inspired by the ciTy’s specTacular
hisTory and excellence.

Take The bus to the underworld of the world’s
largest iron ore mine. A visit to LKAB InfoMine,
on the 540 meter level, leaves no one untouched.
The Kiruna mine is the world’s most ferrous
and therefore environmentally friendly iron ore.
Learn more about the mine’s 100-year history,
intertwined with strong Kiruna development. An
experience not to be missed!

spaceport sweden
Round trip to space Spaceport Sweden
is about establishing the branch commercial
spaceflight in Kiruna, Norrbotten County and
Sweden. An infrastructure is going to be created
in the form of a spaceport as well as cooperation
among different interested parties from Kiruna’s
business sector who join forces to establish
Europe’s first and most obvious place for com-
mercial space travel for private persons. The ba-
sic idea is to offer different actors the opportunity
to ride together up into space in different ways,
that is to say, for both private purposes and in the hjalmar Lundbohmsgården
name of research. Spaceport Sweden is a joint a historical cultural site A visit
action between the Swedish Space Cooperation, to the home of Hjalmar Lundbohm, the founder
Swedavia, ICEHOTEL, the investment company of Kiruna, takes you back to an exciting time in
Norrskenet, Institute of Space Physics, Upper Sweden’s history. The time when the agricultural
Secondary School of Space Technology, Luleå society began to make room for the industrial
University of Technology, Kiruna municipality and society, new demands were set and new opp-
Norrbotten County Administrative Board. ortunities emerged. Imagine how the country’s
leading architects, artists, authors and business
owners sat down at the table in the Lundbohm
home and contributed in creating the time’s most
modern and dynamic place in Sweden: the model
city of Kiruna.

In Kiruna City Hall is a model of Kiruna, where you can

get guided tours and get talked about urban regeneration.

esrange since its inception in 1966 has more than 500 sounding rockets shot up from
the space base Esrange near Kiruna. The location of the space center is ideal, with plenty of undeveloped
land for the safe launch and shutdown of various types of craft. For the SSC’s Esrange base gives you a
detailed lecture on satellites and satellite technology (types, tracks, testing, maintenance and use) and a
presentation by the SSC.

38 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE
New Year Celebration

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 39

ICEBAR OSLO - Experience a bar with
LED lighting solutions of Philips

New energy efficient downlights and spotlights to suit

your business environment. LuxSpace and SpotLED are
both innovative and stylish featuring the latest LED
technology. Offering incredible energy and maintenance
savings in applications and adds sparkle to both hospitality
and retail environments.
Photo by Sven Distelmans

Julie Boschmans & Cecilia Herbots


ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 41

If you are considering a winter break to

Photos by Ragnar Th. Sigurdsson

Swedish Lapland, look no further than
Discover the World. Whether booking
one of their pre-planned itineraries or
enjoying a tailor-made break, you can
be sure of that extra special personal
touch when travelling with the experts.

The world’s leading travel operator to the ICEHOTEL

Discover the WorlD
If you’d like to experience the ICEHOTEL for yourself, and a team of expert advisors, who have travelled flights. Their onsite representative makes sure guests
a short break from Discover the World is the way to extensively throughout Lapland, are on hand to answer are kept happy and any loose ends are tied up with
go. With over 26 years experience and a range of trips questions either by phone, e-mail or face to face at their the minimum of hassle.
that feature this remarkable testament to art and design, offices in Banstead, Surrey.
there is sure to be something in their repertoire that will ICEHOTEL Weddings
surprise and delight. WOrLDWIDE PaSSEngErS With the construction each year of an exquisite Ice
Discover the World receives bookings from a Chapel, again no two ever being the same, it isn’t
Whether staying as an overnight guest, just visiting or number of overseas passengers who fly into London surprising that the ICEHOTEL is a prime location for
perhaps combining it with another destination, their obvious specifically to travel with them, so their reputation winter weddings. Discover the World specialise in
passion for all things ICEHOTEL sets them apart, as indeed has spread far and wide. and with a comprehensive arranging weddings and blessings and their experienced
does their direct flight service between London Heathrow tailor-made service, should you be travelling from team, working closely with the Wedding Planners at the
and Kiruna. This special Discover the World service, with overseas, it’s always possible to add a night or two ICEHOTEL, ensures everything goes to plan right down
complimentary in-flight dining (not included on scheduled in London. to the finest detail.
services), shaves off several hours from the usual journey
time, very important for those wishing to maximise their time SPECIaL rELaTIOnSHIP WITH THE ICEHOTEL BOOKIng WITH SECurITY
and enjoyment in this Swedish winter wonderland. as Discover the World has been working with Discover the World is a fully bonded uK tour
the ICEHOTEL for so many years, their special operator which means when booking a trip with them
PLannIng YOur HOLIDaY In SWEDISH LaPLanD relationship means that a large block of rooms are travelling to the ICEHOTEL from London, all money
Their brochure and website offer in-depth information reserved exclusively for passengers using their charter paid to them is fully protected, no matter what.

Visit to see our range of holidays or call +44 (0) 1737 218 800 to talk to our travel specialists.
Client feedback is one of the best ways
to gauge the success of any holiday
company and Discover the World
has a constant stream of positive
comments flowing into their inbox.
Here is one of them…

”I wanted to say a huge thank you

for everything you did for us. Our
time at ICEHOTEL was amazing and
the champagne you sent was a lovely
surprise! Everything went smoothly
and all the arrangements worked out
really well so we were able to enjoy
our day.We were especially pleased
with the photographer Kent, who,
as well as taking really gorgeous
pictures, had a brilliant manner and
made us feel at ease. He even drove
out to the airport specially the next
day so that we could have the CD with
our pictures before we left. All our
guests really enjoyed their stay and
the snowmobiling to see the Northern
Lights was especially popular! So a
huge thank you to you for arranging
it all for us - it was a wonderful trip
and we really appreciate everything
you did to make it happen!”

R Camp

the holiDAYs
TO KIruna icehotel & stocKholM combine a lively capital
Here are some of Discover the World’s featured with the tranquil charm of Jukkasjarvi. 3 nights
December 2010 marks the fourth anniversary of
winter trips to be found in their northern Lights hUsKY ADveNtUre sledge through pristine
the successful joint project between Discover the
brochure – check out their website where the World and the Swedish Lapland travel industry to wilderness, stay at the Musher’s Lodge and
brochure may be viewed online and you can read operate a charter flight series between London overnight in a Snow room – an active trip full of
about the holidays in full. Heathrow and Kiruna. a Scandinavian airlines excitement! 3 or 4 nights
MD80 aircraft is used and to quote the words of icehotel & icelAND a popular trip contrasting
icehotel BreAK fly direct and have plenty of free many a passenger – ‘it’s like flying used to be!’ two remarkable destinations on one fantastic
time for optional excursions - includes a night in a holiday. 7 nights
Snow room. 3 or 4 nights Free drinks and an in-flight full meal service icehotel & troMso a new trip with 3 nights
are supplied and the journey time is cut from
Festive sPeciAls celebrate at the ICEHOTEL with in this fascinating northern norwegian city over
between 5 and 8 hours (flying via Stockholm)
included activities, excursions and festive feasts. which the aurora borealis is often known to shine
to 3½ hours. In 2010/11 there will be up to 13
4 nights brightly. 7 nights
return flights between December and March on
icehotel & ABisKo probably the best place in this special Discover the World service. the GreAt NorDic oDYsseY a fantastic journey
the northern hemisphere for spectacular displays through Sweden and norway, by plane, train and
of the northern lights. Stay at the national park and coastal voyager - includes time in Stockholm and at
the ICEHOTEL. 3 or 4 nights the ICEHOTEL. 11 nights
+44 (0) 1737 218 800
on THE rocks
Words by ella Jonsson Photo by Anders Alm

The Tempo is high around the stoves and griddles, as high as the temperature
and spirit among the cooks. It’s an utterly captivating experience to catch the cooking
show live in a first-class, international kitchen, at the moment of truth when the guests
are seated and waiting.The photographer and I try to stand clear as the wonderful dishes
are lined up and made ready to serve. We are in awe watching the well-oiled machinery
of 18 cooks and two sous-chefs orchestrating the evening’s spectacular show. And in the
wings stands Stefan Benjaminsson with his sharp eye on every detail.

44 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

Pear soup with
arctic raspberry & a nut crumble.

Blackcurrant sorbet. Wild duck with 100% chocolate.

STefAn BenjAmInSSon oWned a restaurant in Stockholm,

then a bar in Greece. Longing for winter and a bit homesick for
Sweden, he moved up to jukkasjärvi in 2001 and worked as a bar-
tender at ABSoLUT ICeBAR. Today he is the Restaurant manager
at ICeHoTeL.
This hotel built of snow and ice is visited by over 15 000 guests
during the intense winter season, from the middle of december until
the middle of April. About 70% of the guests are from abroad, Great
Britain being the greatest market. ICeHoTeL has two restaurants
with different profiles and directions, as well as two bars serving ligh-
ter meals and snacks. The kitchen also prepares all meals for different
outings, from picnic baskets with coffee and sandwiches to extrava-
gant four-course dinners served at a wilderness camp.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 45

ICeHoTeL is not only a hotel built of ice, it is so much more,
with plenty of warm and cozy environments. Take for instance the
modern-style ICeHoTeL Restaurant, with influences from the Lap-
land region. Here the menu is based on local produce that is elegantly
refined with international influences. In contrast, the rustic Restau-
rang Hembygdsgården (the old Homestead) offers more traditional
fare. ”our guests want this variation. few enjoy eating gourmet meals
every day,” says Stefan.
In the kitchen, the work is divided up pretty much like out in the
world, with different stations where one or several cooks are re-
sponsible for a few steps of the finished dish. The staff represents a
range of nationalities: mexico, france, Switzerland and finland. They
all contribute to the wide spectrum of tastes and experiences.
“Right now we are a great mix of newcomers and wily old birds. We
got the team into shape during the pre-season, now working smoo-
thly together as a tight team. It’s really important that everything
sits just right when the wheels begin to turn. Then everything has to
click,” says Stefan. during the peak season, enormous quantities of
premium regional delicacies pass through the kitchen to the guests’
plates. much of this produce is supplied by local hunters, fishermen
and berry-pickers. “our raw-produce suppliers are our friends and
neighbours. It’s a wonderful feeling being a conscious part of a chain,
an ecosystem, knowing the true origin of the produce. We want to
offer our guests an extra dimension, the luxury of enjoying that which
nature offers. I’m really proud and know from experience that we
stand for something truly unique,” says Stefan.
The cuisine at ICeHoTeL Restaurant has been featured in gourmet
magazines around the world and has been awarded the prestigious
Werner Vögeli Statuette. “We want to be a renowned restaurant. our
goal is to surprise and satisfy our guests, make sure that they expe-
rience something unique,” says Stefan.
To be able to do that, the restaurant and kitchen together have well
over fifty people in the staff of cooks, waiters, and waitresses. “We
work a lot to make sure that our staff like it up here, 200 km north
of the Arctic Circle, and I think that we have succeeded in our task.
many of our staff members have been working here for several sea-
sons in a row. That ensures both quality and high service-level,” says
Kalix Löjrom with smoked bleak & pickled red onions served on ice.
ICeHoTeL is now celebrating its 20th anniversary and naturally
spotlight the event in the restaurants. “We’ve composed a wonderful
seven-course ice menu with classic produce from Swedish Lapland.
A mouthwatering cavalcade of tastes that should not be missed when
visiting ICeHoTeL,” says Stefan, just as the dessert kitchen care-
fully arranges bubblegum-pink arctic raspberry mousse in specially-
designed dessert bowls of crystal clear Torne River ice. The effect is
tantalizing and looks absolutely delicious, our mouths are watering.
With delicate precision the edible art is built piece by piece, top-
ped off with crispy lemon drops and candied orange peel. The dessert
disappears out into the dining room and treats the guests to a taste
of midnight sun and surreal nights bathed in light, a grand finale to a
ICEHOTEL Restaurant. show enveloped by snow and ice.

46 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

Geodis Wilson
Your Freight Management

Call us at +46 (0)31 42 96 00

to get in contact with a local
sales representative from one
of our 12 Swedish offices.
Nutti Sámi Siida
The owner Nils Torbjörn Nutti and one of his
employees are finding their own path in Sápmi.

With great fOCus on the

little nuances
The SÁmi culTure is a natural and living part of the daily life in Jukkasjärvi, which hasn’t
come about by chance. right where the river widens and stretches out after wiggling its way
through the mountains, there is a point of land that has been an ancient Sámi market place for
hundreds of years. This is where different groups of Sámi from the region met with other groups
as far away to the east and west, now known as Finland, russia and Norway. They came together
and carried out business among themselves and with traveling traders from the south. it was here
products were traded and bought, such as hides and handicrafts, sugar and salt. This is an ancient
tradition that is very alive today, when Jukkasjärvi is now a magnet attracting people from every
corner of the world. The name Jukkasjärvi (côhkeras in Sámi) means, fittingly enough, “meeting
place by the lake”. When visiting icehOTel, be sure to not miss meeting the Sámi heritage.

48 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

Nutti Sámi Siida
The crackliNg Fire in the middle of the kåta, out into the wilderness”, says anders.
a Sámi-style tipi, spreads cosy warmth as the flames Nutti Sámi Siida conveniently offers some of their
cast spellbinding figures up the walls. a group of activities on site in Jukkasjärvi, such as reindeer
young Sámi sit around the hearth talking, in a blend driving on a short track together with a guiding of
of Swedish and Sámi. The warm yellow glow makes the open air museum on the Sámi culture.
their skin glow. They are summing up their recent There is also a unique reindeer sled tour where you
trip to their Sámi neighbors in Saarivuomo, where can drive your own reindeer for 3-4 hours and enjoy
they were to divide up the herd and gather up their eating a traditional meal out in the wilderness. For We bring the Sámi culture
own reindeer. those seeking greater adventures, there’s the possibi- and history to visitors
We are at Nutti Sámi Siida, right next to the Juk- lity of joining a longer tour of up to a week. from near and far,” says
Anders Kärrstedt, Marketing
kasjärvi church. The company was established 13 “all of our activities have their roots in the Sámi Manager at
years ago, with the aim of conveying the genuine culture. The driving force behind Nutti Sámi Siida Nutti Sámi Siida.
Sámi culture to guests from near and far. The area is to spread knowledge about our people and tradi-
has an open air museum that tells the story of Sámi tions while conserving traditional knowledge. many
history and traditions. There is also a large fenced of these experiences take us out into the wilderness
pasture with reindeer. anders kärrstedt is the mar- without electricity or wireless coverage. Stressed-
keting manager at Nutti Sámi Siida, and with a sack out city dwellers need a couple of days to land. in
full of reindeer lichens and a bit of calling, he entices the grandeur of this cultural landscape, with its
the reindeer to come over to eat from our hands. deep azure sky, rolling mountain landscape with an
“reindeer are a domestic animal. For us, every unencumbered view of the horizon, people’s minds
animal is an individual with its own personality and open and relax.”
behavior. They are our closest and most important instead of measuring and weighing the day in dis- Nutti Sámi Siida AB
workmates. Without the reindeer, the Sámi would tance and time, the Sámi view is conveyed: see the The Sámi activities at
ICEHOTEL is provided
be nothing”, says anders. So it’s not a coincidence small details in the greatness. We talk about why
by Nutti Sámi Siida AB.
that reindeer are a central part of Nutti Sámi Siida’s the winter sky is so red, why a tree looks like it These popular products
operations. The experiences offered by the com- does, are fascinated by the dancing northern lights include their unique
pany almost always contain an activity where the that brighten the winter skies or are struck with reindeer sled tour and
reindeer play a central role. awe by the beauty of the midnight sun on serenely arrangements focused on
“We offer experiences with true authenticity. all light summer nights. The experiences and meeting traditional Sámi food. The
of our guides are active in reindeer husbandry and with untamed nature opens people’s eyes, allowing company is focused on
eco-tourism and certified
the Sámi culture.We want our guests to experience them to think differently about their everyday lives, as “Nature’s Best”.
closeness to nature and origins. The entire time we says anders.
are fully focused on safety and comfort. We take When we return to the kåta, the preparations
great care in seeing to that guests feel they are ha- for the evening’s activities are in full swing. “Being
ving a wonderful time, feel good about their mee- together in the wilderness brings people closer to
ting with the Sámi culture, even on expeditions far one another”, concludes anders kärrstedt.

”the Sámi view: See the Small Over the years, the com-
details in the greatNeSS” pany has collected a num-
ber of awards, including
winning the prestigious
2010 Indigenous Travel
and Biodiversity Website
Award, jury’s choice, and
being recently nominated
as one of three for the
distinction Grand Travel
Award as the best eco-
tourism company.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 49

Take the train to Swedish Lappland!
Travel by train with SJ, and you’ll be taking the easy and eco-friendly
route to Norrland. Make the journey part of the whole experience!
Watch the passing landscape change along the way, and enjoy a good
meal in the bistro before the train gently rocks you to sleep. You will
reach your destination well-rested and raring to go. Choose between
a seat reservation or a berth in a sleeping car or couchette. Purchase
your tickets at, by calling +46 771 75 75 75 or at any
SJ Resebutik travel office. Enjoy your trip!
Art & Design Group
The desire To make iCe- both figurative and abstract
hoTeL a showcase for high- expressions. There are so
class art and design has been many talented designers, in-
implicit right from the start. dustrial designers and archi-
That’s the big difference tects that apply. We require
between the original and the that the art is a unique design
many copies that have ap- created solely for iCehoTeL.
peared throughout the world
over the years. each winter, iCehoTeL is an original
professional artists from near exhibition that can only be
and far come to Jukkasjärvi experienced during the four
to create in snow and ice. For months of the hotel’s life.
some, this is their first oppor- The artists have three mate-
tunity to work in these mate- rials to work with: ice, snow
rials. others are experienced and snice (the perfect blend
ice artists. of snow and ice). They have
at their disposal a crew of
arne Bergh is the artis- five light designers for the
tic director at iCehoTeL. finishing touches of light in
each season, he and his their ephemeral art.
colleagues in the iCe-
hoTeL art & design Group You mentioned the
tend to breathe a sigh of variety of experienced
relief when the artists have and novice ice artists.
been chosen for the coming What does that mean
winter. arne explains the for this art form?

selection process. “The ‘old’ ice artists are
“We receive applications mentors for those working
from artists and designers in the material for the first
from all around the world. time. That mix vitalizes
The final date for applica- the ice art. over the years,

tions is in mid-July. Last we’ve seen what can hap-
year, around 250 artists pen when daring novices
applied, which is about the take on a new material. The
usual number. it’s a good art form is continually re-
number, since it gives us a newed; new things happen

very broad selection. Com- every year. even though
petition is tough. after the we’ve amassed quite a lot
vacation period, usually in of experience by now, it’s
mid-august, the jury gathers still new territory.”

Of the
to make their picks.”
When will this year’s
Describe the version of ICEHOTEL
selection process? be ready?
“all entries are unpacked and ”iCehoTeL experiments

the sketches are displayed with new technology, such
without the artists’ names be- as pre-fabricating in order
ing disclosed. Then, the jury to enable building even
members assess the sketches earlier and thereby exten-
and place their votes. There ding the season. This me-

is an incredible spectrum in ans that we will have ten
the art, with installation and rooms ready as soon as by
formation of the rooms, with the end of November.”

Art Suite 308 “REsT In THE nEsT”, by annasOfIa Mååg, swEdEn.

Rest in the Nest is my second suite at ICEHOTEL. The idea to this concept came to me as a lightning from
a clear blue sky, just only a few hours before deadline of the application. As a ceramic artist and sculptor
I am always intrigued by spaces. It is important for me to create dept in a suite by using the two different
materials ice and snow (snice) as contrasts to each other. It was simply a matter of basic laws of configura-
tion that I combined with the story of some giant bird’s nest. Being part of creating ICEHOTEL is always
a great experience. It is a challenge as an artist and human being in the sense of bringing your idea from a
paper to a physical room using your own muscles. I like that.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 51

Village walk
wooden sculpture
of carl von linné
Artist: Arne Bergh
This sculpture, made
in lime-tree, was
made for the World
Expo in Seville in
1992 and is current-
ly owned by Skansen
in Stockholm. After
a bronze cast of the
sculpture was made
it was sent here to
Jukkasjärvi for resto-
ration and stands
here today on loan
from Skansen. Arne
Bergh is working
as Artistic Director
at ICEHOTEL since

The art of JukkasJärvi

Open your eyes to art from different eras and
different techniques when you go exploring
through Jukkasjärvi.

free Artist: Mark Armstrong. Created for the celebration of

the 400th anniversary of Jukkasjärvi, Armstrong’s magne- MaGnetite heavY art sculpture park
tite sculpture is made up out of catenary arches, just like Made out of magnetite, the mineral which
the Main Hall in ICEHOTEL. Kiruna municipality can thank its exis-
tence for, these eighteen sculptures make
up an year-round outdoor art exhibition,
abrahaM MoMMa-reenstierna in a sled
located next to ICEHOTEL.
Artist: David Klöcker Ehrenstahl (1628-1698) He founded
the old Svappavaara coppermine and Kengis Bruk in Pajala
and was knighted Reenstierna for his efforts. The painting
was donated by professor John Reenstierna.

wrapped trees Artist: Christo. This painting,

created in various techniques, depicts one of washbasin (tradition / hf01) Designers:
artist Christo’s world famous art installations Mats Nilsson & Jens Thoms Ivarsson. Made
with trees wrapped in cloth. of magnetite.

52 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

Village walk

Model photos Photographer: Herb Ritts, 1996. The

world famous photos from the ABSOLUT VERSACE cam-
paign – photographed in Jukkasjärvi with supermodels
Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell and Marcus Schenkenberg.

JukkasJÄrvi church, the orGan The organ was built by

Grönlunds Orgelbyggeri in Gammelstad and decorated
by Lars-Levi Sunna. The facade has the sun and the
Christian cross in the center. The organ is made of curly
birch, reindeer antlers and crusted skin. The register is
decorated with various characters taken from the Sámi
mythology. The organ has three specific sounds: Bird
Song, Cymbal Star and Magic Drum.

JukkasJÄrvi church, the altarpiece Artist: Bror Hjorth (1894-1968). Jukkasjärvi church’s current altarpiece came
into place in 1958 as a gift from LKAB in connection with the church’s 350th anniversary. The altarpiece, which has
the form of a triptych, is cut out in teak and depict scenes from the Laestadian revival which was named after the
priest Lars Levi Laestadius.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 53


A promise
a unified future,
in an Ephemeral Church
The ice Church in Jukkasjärvi is filled by the warmth between ma-
deleine and Niklas rissveds, with their rosy cheeks and starry eyes.
only minutes before, in the presence of witnesses and the priest of
Jukkasjärvi, they promised to love one another for better and for
worse. During a well-needed pause in the cozy dressing room adja-
cent the church, we are able to relax and sit down with the newly-
weds. They divulge that the wedding preparations had been going
on in secrecy for about two months. The marriage is only between
them, they explain. Back home, they have no idea of what just hap-
pened. They are looking forward to spending the night in comfor-
table warmth after the prior night’s magical experience in one of
the iCeHoTeL art suites. But before full relaxation, it is time for
a series of wedding photographs and a grand wedding dinner to be
enjoyed at iCeHoTeL restaurant.

iCeHoTeL wish mr and mrs rissveds happiness and prosperity.

54 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010



ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 55

vinter. Photo: Ola Ericson/

Beneath the snow and ice a different Sweden slumbers

– one that also bids you a warm welcome.

Wa rmth & lo
ve a t th e C h
u rc h o f ic e &
sn ow.

Unforgetta ble f lavor ca ptu

res th e mo me nt.
The Ice church in Jukkasjärvi officiates
about 150 marriages and some 30 baptisms
every year. The wedding couples come from all
corners of the globe, though the majority are
from europe and Sweden. The wedding coor-
dinator at IcehOTeL assists in the planning
and formalities, such as the investigation into
whether or not there are impediments (hin-
rs Ri ssved s. dersprövning) to getting married. The plan-
o t! No w we a re M r a nd M
O f c o u rs e n ning time for a wedding varies from a couple
C o ld fe et? of months to a year, in some cases even longer,
depending on the size of the wedding.

If you prefer a civil wedding, we offer beautiful

environments inside IcehOTeL as well as in the
surrounding area.

When planning a summer wedding, consider our ro-

mantic historical Jukkasjärvi Church that celebrated
its 400th year in 2009.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 57

The last 15 years the ICEBAR concept has celebrated its success by serving refreshing cocktails
in unique surroundings created from ice from the Torne River. The flow of ice from the majestic
river has found its way to ICEBAR’s all over the world – now the concept has taken a step
further with ICEBAR by ICEHOTEL. The guest will be offered a sensual experience of food,
drinks, design and art with special effects to capture the spirit of ICEHOTEL.
Icehotel has teamed up with Philips to enhance the art and the natural ice qualities to really
touch all your senses with Philips unique consumer products and light design.
Doris Preißler & Stephanie Kurz,
the Winner of Best ICEHOTEL
photo 2009/2010

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 59


twist During the autumn of 2009,
Photo by A.Olsson

the city of Oslo, Norway,

was adorned with glistening
touches from the Torne Ri-
ver. Ice statues and the opp-
ortunity to try your hand
at ice-sculpting were mixed
with competitions and “ice
people” in the streets and
city squares. With a magni-
ficent fire-and-ice show, few
could have missed the spec-
tacular grand opening. As
an exercise in pure form, it
was decided that the theme
”Purity with a twist” would
do just that. No distractions
here, just ice....

60 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

In the same neighborhood as the Natio- The story begins when Olav Thon, where you will find a cocktail bar and a ice and northern lights, 200 km north
nal Gallery, the Norwegian Theatre and owner of Norway’s third largest hotel tapas menu showcasing only the finest of the Arctic Circle.
Hotel Bristol you will now find ICEBAR chain, Thon Hotels, visited ABSOLUT of ingredients. “Many visit Oslo to see the city and
OSLO. Five hundred guests attended ICEBAR in Stockholm. The experience You can try your hand at ice-sculp- take in the culture and entertainment
the premier, together with Olav Thon of was overwhelming and lead to swift ting – a popular activity among guests, offered here. But today’s guests also
Thon Hotels as well as Yngve Bergqvist, measures. This was definitely so- many of which are visiting as a part want to experience something uni-
CEO of ICEHOTEL. Sixty tonnes of ice mething for the people of Oslo. of a company or organization. In ad- que, an utterly special experience,
were brought directly from ICEHOTEL “A bar made completely of ice, cold, dition to unique touches like having something we can really deliver”, says
in Jukkasjärvi to Oslo. The bar is de- the fantastic lighting and ice sculptu- their company logo or product frozen Morten Thorvaldsen. He would really
signed by ICEHOTEL Artistic Director, res left us spellbound”, says Morten in ice, which is perfect for launches, like to present more ice sculptures,
Arne Bergh, together with ice artist Jan Thorvaldsen, CEO of Thon Hotels. there is also the possibility of accom- especially pieces based on Norwegian
Haglöf, who constructed the 100 cubic They contacted Agnetha Lund, Di- modating courses and conferences for culture.
meter bar from the ground up. rector of ICEBAR by ICEHOTEL, who 10 – 250 participants. Once a year, a “A miniature of the historical Aker-
presented the concept in Oslo, and a team of ice artists from ICEHOTEL in hus Fort or the Royal Castle would be
Great interest short nine months later they took part Jukkasjärvi arrive to change and renew such exciting pieces, and something
Long before its grand opening, there in the opening of Oslo’s coolest tourist the design. Work that makes ICEBAR that ties together the experience with
was a storm of bookings from private attraction. OSLO one of the city’s continually cur- our own culture and history.”
persons, cruise companies and tra- rent attractions. The goal is of course to offer an ut-
vel agents. ICEBAR OSLO has already “In the rocks” ”You can visit us on a regular basis, terly unique bar experience in Oslo’s
welcomed thousands of tourists from If you are tempted to visit ICEBAR and still always experience something finest and most distinctive hotspot.
around the world, and they are expec- OSLO, an advance reservation is re- new, genuine and transformed”, says “We have already hosted a num-
ting to top 80 000 guests during the commended. You are welcomed in Joachim Langebrekke Larsen. Inde- ber of events and launches here”,
first year. “This is a goal we are defi- the entryway with warm clothing and a pendent of weather and season, it is says Joachim Langebrekke Larsen,
nitely going to reach”, says Joachim drink naturally served in a glass made always -5°C inside, mimicking ICE- “Companies in search of that little
Langebrekke Larsen, General Manager of pure, crystal-clear ice. If you pre- HOTEL in Jukkasjärvi. The surreal blue extra twist, a unique experience year-
of ICEBAR OSLO. fer, wander over to the warmer section and green light casts the feeling of the round, come to us.”

Olav Thon, owner

of Thon Hotels, and
Yngve Bergquist,
at the grand opening

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 61


31-33 Heddon Street

London W1B 4BN England
Phone: +44 (0)20 74 78 89 10

Marknadsvägen 69 Nordic Sea Hotel, Vasaplan 4, 31-33 Heddon Street

Jukkasjärvi 101 37 Stockholm, Sweden London, W1B 4BN, England
Phone +46 (0) 980 668 00 Phone +46 (0) 8 5056 30 00 Phone +44 (0) 20 74 78 89 10

The mother of all ICEBARS is located at ICEHOTEL in ABSOLUT ICEBAR STOCKHOLM is the world’s first per- ABSOLUT ICEBAR LONDON opened its doors in Sep-
Jukkasjärvi, 200 kilometers north of the Artic Circle manent icebar, located in the city center at Nordic Sea tember 2005 and has enjoyed success through sen-
and first set up in 1994. Every winter people from Hotel. It offers an experience unlike any other. Chilled to a sational events and innovative, exciting ice designs.
around the globe meet up at the ICEHOTEL, and constant -5°C/23°F, it evokes all your senses. Twice a year It’s also the first icebar in the UK, and offers a wide
break the ice over a drink or two at the frosty counter leading international artists and designers are invited to range of ice cold ABSOLUT VODKA drinks. This luxuri-
of this trendy establishment. It’s open every day from create experimental interiors and sculptures. Drop-in Fri- ous venue is all about comfort and sensory experience.
01.00 pm to 01.00 am. days & Saturdays 9.45 to 1 am. At all other times, reser- Belowzero restaurant + lounge sits snuggly alongside AB-
vations are highly recommended. As a guest at Nordic Sea SOLUT ICEBAR LONDON and is the perfect place to enjoy
Hotel you will have access to facilities and services. warm or cold cocktails and fine food. It is often necessary
to book a table in advance.

Ruotsalainen & Mikael Nille Nilsson. (AI LONDON) Sofi Ruotsalainen & Åke Larsson (IBI CPH) Jens Thoms Ivarsson & Mats
Artists Jens Thoms Ivarsson & Mats Nilsson (AI JUKKASJÄRVI) Sofi Ruotsalainen & Mikael Nille Nilsson (AI STOCKHOLM) Sofi

Nilsson (IBI Tokyo) Arne Bergh & Jan-Erik Haglöf (IBI Oslo) Photos by, Jan Jordan & Lars Lindh
Kristian IV’s gate 12 Copenhagen Hotel 27 Tokyo Chuo Ward Ginza
0164 Oslo, Norge Løngangstræde 27, SVAX GINZA building 1F,
22 42 66 61 Copenhagen, Denmark 8-5-15 Ginza Chuo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
+47 22 42 66 61 Phone + 45 7027 56 27 Phone + 81 3-6228-5021

ICEBAR OLSO is an exercise in pure form. The sugges- ICEBAR COPENHAGEN is all about attitude! Head off Are you curious and want new experiences? Scratch be-
tion of a twist to it´s purity is everywhere. The philosophy to this self confident and playful bar for a truly cool ex- neath the surface of Tokyo, and it is soon apparent that
behind this bar concept is suitably rooted in the heart perience that is as classy and modern as the setting. there is more to be discovered than sushi and skyscrapers.
and mind of ICEHOTEL and its artists. The total area Blocks of & crystal clear ice captures a playful philo- With the guiding name of “Northernmost attitude” the de-
of ICEBAR OSLO is 500 square meters, and makes it sophy in a series of quirky and comical moments like for sign combines simple functionality, innovative design with
the largest ICEBAR by ICEHOTEL in the world, with a an example a pair of ice skates, an ice raven in a cage, a great deal of humor. But as the very name also suggests,
“cold” & “warm” section, where guests can enjoy good and even a biker driving a reindeer. a hope that guests will enjoy the cool and creative new
food and drinks. works in a playful mood and relaxed spirit. Sip a signature
drink in the rocks and enjoy Tokyo as it´s best!


62 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010


& unlooked
If you have just turned your back to the wind and built a hotel of only
snow and ice, that under its first years attracted about 150 guests, then
there is no doubt that the next step is to include a bar in the concept. In
1993, the founders of ICEhOTEl in Jukkasjärvi, sweden built a little
bar in the hotel. Everything from the bar counter to furniture was made
of ice from the Torne River. The world had seen its first ICEBAR. Even
ice glasses would be invented only a few years later. ICEhOTEl has
been bringing bars of ice to the world along with its partner ABsOluT
for over fifteen years. This makes us the world’s most experienced ice
pioneers. The genuine heritage, wilderness and pure swedish Torne Ri-
ver ice can not be presented by anyone else and is also the core to our
newest franchise concept – ICEBAR By ICEhOTEl. This bar concept
features crystal clear ice in a setting in which good design is a priority,
making it more than simply a bar. visiting an ICEBAR By ICEhOTEl
will momentarily teleport you to Jukkasjärvi.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 63

ABSOLUT ICEBAR BUILT the world’s first ice bar in the speechless because what can you possible say about an event like
Mojave Desert to celebrate the momentous premiere of yours that could do it justice?” virgin galactic’s remarkable and
Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo on December 7th 2009. pioneering project is now in its final stage. The unveiling of spa-
The exclusive event with 800 prominent guests was hosted by vir- ceshipTwo marks the next critical step in bringing space tourism
gin founder and Chairman sir Richard Branson and world renowned to the general public.
aircraft designer Burt Rutan. The event was also attended by 150 bro- ICEhOTEl is one of a few selected accredited space agents (AsA)
adcast and world press media teams that for a comparative low
such as CNN, BBC and CBs. price of 200 000 usD will of-
The launch party featured the first
ever ABsOluT ICEBAR in the de- ABSOLUT ICEBAR fer the general public a ticket
to space. Next after space-

sert, hosted by ICEhOTEl and port America virgin galactic
Absolut vodka. ABsOluT ICEBAR will launch their space ship
mOJAvE was a temporary instal- from spaceport sweden lo-
lation built of 25 tons of pure Torne cated near ICEhOTEl. spa-
river ice. The bar offered the privile- ceport sweden in kiruna has
ged guests delicious vodka cocktails
partners up with conducted rocket launches

Virgin Galactic
“in the rocks” and a unique oppor- since 1966. here the pas-
tunity to experience part of the icy senger will be able to fly th-
cool of the lappish winter. In the rough the Northern lights.
warm bar, cocktails where served - The partnership between
with the exclusive and much appre-
ciated ice diamond. on historic launch virgin galactic and ABsO-
luT ICEBAR is a natural al-
In addition ICEhOTEl was also liance since the astronauts and
present with ice sculptress Tjåsa gusfors who crafted a unique astro- their guests will be revisiting ICEhOTEl and ABsOluT ICEBAR
naut ice sculpture to complement the launch of spaceshipTwo. once space travels are taking place from northern sweden. We believe
The response to the event was massive both from media and that ABsOluT ICEBAR mOJAvE is the beginning of many exciting
prominent guests attending. Arnold schwarzenegger wro- project between the two brands, says Astrid lundquist, head of Com-
te: “Wow! I don’t know what to say about the unveiling! I’m munication for ABsOluT ICEBAR.

64 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010


“WoW! I don’t know What To say about The

unveiling! I’m speechless because What
can you possible say about an event like
yours That could do it jusTice?”

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 65

A viral featuring the drummer
Robert “Robban” Eriksson from
Hellacopters smashing a drum
set made of ice was released. A Haglöfs is the largest supplier of out-
clip that has reached over 1.6 door equipment in scandinavia. They
millon views on Youtube – and specialize in backpacks, sleeping bags,
still counting. tents, footwear and quality outdoor
clothing, jackets and fleecewear, de-
signed to withstand the most extreme

Coolest drum solo

conditions. Haglöfs products are sold
in ICEHOTEL shop.
”we had to butcher an entire drum set to
build a new one of Ice” arne Bergh, Icehotel
creative director and drum set Builder.


unde rwea r for the outd oor wor ld

ssttaan dss up to to ug h de Ma nd s
cold weather and flaMe resistant

tec hn ica lly su per ior pro du cts

When you don’t want
to keep your head cool,
The first permanent ice museum
check out our specially opened it’s doors on the 23th of April
designed fur hat. in Istanbul. The Magic Ice Museum
covers 1 400 square meters and
was built by the Norwegian Lofoten
Trading Company with the help
from designers and sculptors from
ICEHOTEL and 70 tonnes of pure
Torne River ice from Jukkasjärvi.

Magic Ice Istanbul

Today it’s hard to grasp what living during the ice age
(c) 2010 FOX. all rights reserved.

would have been like. So to mark the release of Ice Age

3: Dawn of the Dinosaurus, what better way to get an
idea of the world inhabited by Scrat, Manny and Diego
than to visit a hotel made of ice and snow. The Blu-ray
world premiere of the animated movie took place in an
ice room featuring sculptures from the Ice Age suite in

66 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010
sCraT & CO. ICEHOTEL #20.
Spaceport sweden
Europe´s gateway to space

Spaceport Sweden represents the combined expertise of

several Kiruna–based Swedish companies whose successful
development has earned them international respect.

The aim of Spaceport Sweden is to be a world leading spaceport

and Europe’s first and most obvious place for commercial
We invite you to Jukkasjärvi
to discover sleeping serenely
in five degrees below zero,
have a go at dog-sledding or
join us on a Northern Lights
safari by snowmobile or hor-
seback. If none of this is ex-
citing enough, why not simp-
ly buy a ticket out to space?
The spaceships owned by Sir
Richard Branson, self-made

billionaire and Chairman of
the Virgin Group, will be ta-
king off with space tourists
on board already in 2012 –

from Kiruna. Virgin Galactic
chose Kiruna as the next spa-
ceport before numerous other
candidates around the world.

Accredited Space Agents ICEHOTEL

ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi has
also been hand-selected as
Virgin Galactic Accredited
Space Agent (ASA), which

means that the world famous
hotel is one of the few travel
agents that have the exclu-
sive right to sell the tickets
that are going for $200 000,
each. There are already about
300 people from around the
world who have paid nearly
ImagIne floatIng weIghtleSS surrounded by infinite space 40 million dollars in deposits
while looking down on the blue sphere that is our home. earth. Sur- to guarantee an early seat.
rounded by the thin, thin atmosphere that gives us the unique milo, ICEHOTEL has completed
intensive product training
which is one of the prerequisites for our life. well, you feel small. under 2010 in order to pro-
humble. nothing will be the same after a long space experience. ast- vide the highly-specialized
ronauts have witnessed it many times. now it is your chance as an in- information required to sell
dividual. In 2012 Virgin galactic is planning commercial space flights this exciting and unique pro-
from Kiruna and Spaceport Sweden. about 250 passengers have al- duct. SpaceShipTwo will take
passengers to a maximum al-
ready booked a space trip with Virgin galactic at a cost of $200 000 titude of 110 kilometers (68
per person. and about 80 space travellers have already started to pre- miles or 360 000 feet), on a
pare for their space adventure, experiencing forces of up to 6g. last trip that will last around 2.5
winter, about 50 of them visited Kiruna and Spaceport Sweden. It was hours including about five
minutes of weightlessness.
a very successful trip. the travellers experienced subarctic lapland,
Sailing along at 200 kilome-
with a visit to ICehotel, a helicopter tour to Kebnekaise’s summit, ters north of the Arctic Circle,
dogsledding, snowmobiling, a rocket launch at esrange Space Center, you will gaze down on preci-
good food and drink, and more besides. they all agreed that lapland ous Earth while catching an
is super-exotic and comes as quite a surprise for many who have ‘seen impressive view of the magi-
cal northern lights.
and done everything’. Spaceport Sweden aims to be europe’s first
and most obvious base for space travel for paying tourists.

Five oF the new ASAS Selected

hannibal & Marco Polo, Aarhus, denmark – Anders Martin larsen
& teppo viiperi, Area travel Agency, helsinki, Finland – Mari Rouvi,
icehotel travel, Kiruna, Sweden – Roland Sand, the Search,
Malmö, Sweden – Andreas Axelson, Upplevelseakuten, Stockholm,
Sweden – lasse Schmidt

68 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010


”SpEEding inTo SpACe in mACH1 wilL

blOw my mind. I CAn’t gEt my HEAd
ArOund it And THAt ExpEriEnCe wilL
be SEnSATiOnAl. I’ve dOne SOme prETTy
ExCiTing tHings in my TimE. gOing to
SpACe wilL be THe ulTimATE!”

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 69

Björkliden Fjällby
Untamed. UntoUched.

Words by Victoria Skeidsvoll Photo by Fredrik Schenholm

It is easy to combine your stay at IcehoteL with a couple of days

surrounded by deep snow in the most beautiful of surroundings.
the ski and summer mountain paradise Björkliden Fjällby is only a
short one-and-a-half hour trip from Jukkasjärvi. You’ll travel along
the road awarded as Sweden’s most beautiful, and experience a ri-
sing buzz of anticipation and excitement in pace with rising of the
mountains and expanding Lapland landscape that opens up in front
of you. With a breathtaking view of the glacier-carved Lapporten and
one of Sweden’s largest lakes, torne träsk, you arrive in Björkliden
where you are met by swarming activity. eager children challenge the
bunny slopes, competition skiers sharpening their skills, beginners
negotiating their way to the slopes, telemark and off-pist enthusiasts
psyching before heading for the peaks.

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 71

Björkliden Fjällby
“What usually hits them first is the
splendour, that it is so incredibly beautiful.
and secondly, that they have the mountain
tops to themselves, instead of sharing
them With 30 000 other visitors”

The view
from above,
a meringue
landscape of
pristine peaks
as far as the
eye can see.

Indeed, all want their part of the mountains’ racts not only private guests, but companies For many, their stay is an experience of a li-
little pearl and everything it offers, farthest and event organizers as well. Björkliden offers fetime. One of these once-in-a-lifetime expe-
away and highest up in the world, but so the perfect conditions for successful events, riences is heli-skiing, skiing down after being
much closer than you can imagine. Fly bet- conferences and teambuilding. left on a mountain top by a helicopter. From
ween London and Kiruna, or Stockholm and “It is a cozy, incredibly hospitable commu- Björkliden, it is easy to access the expanses
Kiruna, and you are here within a few short nity perfectly situated in an enchanting lands- of over 100 mountain tops in both the alpine
hours. And in contrast to what many believe, cape”, says Terje. “A company staying here mountains of Abisko and Kebnekaise massive
the temperature is just right thanks to the war- pretty much has the entire resort to themsel- – an area equal to half of Austria’s available
ming Gulf Stream along the Norwegian fjords ves, which means sharing work, skiing, activi- ski area with some of the world’s best condi-
just over the mountains only 50 km away. “It ties and incredible meals together. Co-workers tions for heli-skiing.
is never bitterly cold here,” says Terje Peder- get to know one another better, increasing the “Just let us know what level of skiing expe-
sen, the event and function manager at Björk- feeling of solidarity. Björkliden quite simply rience you’re at, and we’ll take you to a place
liden. “The average temperature lies around a unites.” perfectly suited for you”, says Terje.
comfortable -6°C in March.” Guests soon realize the grandeur of this little Of course these conditions are not exclu-
Björkliden has welcomed visitors from prac- community. Here you find Sweden’s third hig- sive to just attracting companies. Björkliden
tically every corner of the world, and met both hest vertical (538 meters), the country’s se- Fjällby arranges both small and large sports
expectation and surprise. According to Terje, cond FIS-approved downhill slope, Sweden’s events. One of the smaller, yet well-known, is
there is this notion about northern Sweden highest mountain lodge, pistes for all levels Black Bear Open, a competition open mostly
that is synonymous with barren Arctic lands- and an abundance of activities to choose for the fun, but attracting the Swedish ski and
capes. A depiction of a cold, inhospitable and from. snowboard elite, simply because of the pre-
inclement place. “What usually hits them first It is the perfect place to mix meeting with stige: Come up and go for it! You have a good
is the splendour, that it is so incredibly beauti- skiing, mountain tours, snowmobile and dogs- run, or perhaps just because you dare, and
ful. And secondly, that they have the mountain led tours, all the while being captivated by maybe you’ll win!
tops to themselves, instead of sharing them breathtaking views over Torne träsk and the On the more serious side was when Björkli-
with 30 000 other visitors”, says Terje. And surrounding mountain landscape. Wintertime den, competing with more famous ski resorts
that, having something to yourself, is what att- they are lit with the dancing northern lights. such as Steamboat, USA; Bormio, Italy and

72 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

Björkliden Fjällby
In 2009 Björkliden ar-
ranged the World Airlines
Ski Championship.

Alyeska, Alaska, arranged the World Airlines ing well taken care of. Björkliden is personal Arctic night. You can also bicycle along win-
Ski Championship 2009. A world champion- and close. Creating a feeling of closeness and ding roads, or hike along well-marked trails.
ship for airline employees from around the comfort. There are both short day tours with wonderful
world that has been held 49 times on three The Alpine Swedish Championship is the lakes and waterfall excursions, and longer
continents since 1960. The championship largest event under 2010. Thanks to Sweden’s tours taking you from the mountains down
celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2009 in second FIS-approved downhill slope, Björkli- to the Norwegian fjords. Helicopter tours can
Björkliden, where 500 pilots from 32 airlines den could present their first alpine Swedish take you to exclusive fishing lakes with char,
met below Lapporten for a week-long com- Championship ever. During seven days, this grayling and salmon trout. And when the au-
petition consisting of both cross-country and was the place for a great gathering of com- tumn turns, you can join a guide on a hunting
downhill skiing. The competitions and time petitors, officials, sponsors, ski patrols and tour when the mountains are afire with au-
out in the snow were balanced with fire shows, spectators. The Swedish elite competed in tumn colours.
parties, good food and company, concluding every discipline – slalom, giant slalom, down- “Here we have people who know the moun-
with a magnificent banquette complete with hill and super G, of which Anja Pärson is one tains like the back of their hand, and are
speeches, shows and opera. Niclas Stöckel, of the world’s absolute foremost skiers. happy to take you out there. Flexibility is our
the ski area manager, Malin Bobbysdotter, “We offered Björkliden – an incredible fee- strength. We arrange that little extra, things
the food and beverage manager and Terje Pe- ling of kinship, great slopes and good service our guests find hard to believe are possible up
dersen worked together with the rest of the – and got an incredible response back. We here. Everything boils down to will. And that
Björkliden crew for four months to make it all have already been asked to host the alpine is something we have”, says Terje.
perfect. And it was. Swedish Championship in 2012.” Now Björkliden is looking forward to winter,
“The best arrangement they’d ever expe- Let’s turn our Björkliden focus towards the deep snow and a new season where al-
rienced”, says Terje. “The weather was per- summertime. This is when the midnight sun most everything is available, aside city life.
fect, and the mountains spoke for themsel- warms the mountains for 100 days, never set- “Shopping and party places are things
ves. We did our best to show how great this ting. According to the magazine Golf World, you can find anywhere. Discovering an un-
place is, this pearl of ours. At the same time Björkliden ranks among the top one hundred touched mountainside with 30 cm of pow-
we take very good care of our guests, wanting most beautiful and spectacular courses, offe- der is more of a challenge. But that’s exactly
them to be comfortable and feel they are be- ring the possibility to play golf during the light what we do have. “

ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010 | 73


enjoy a true


Stockholm 1 hr. 30 min.

c ti
c C
irc le KIRUNA Jukkasjärvi

Contact our booking department when planning your trip to ICEHOTEL. We’ll help you Copenhagen 2 hrs. 20 min.
to get the most out of your vacation, and we have plenty of helpful suggestions. Here, London 3 hrs. 45 min.
you’ll find all the answers to your questions about accommodation, activities and all of Paris 3 hrs. 50 min.
our offerings. Our group and conference department will be pleased to put together a Milan 5 hrs.
program proposal including accommodation, activities, meals and transfers, all according Frankfurt 3 hrs. 30 min. Stockholm
to your wishes. Madrid 6 hrs. Moscow

New York 10 hrs.

Rio de Janeiro 20 hrs. London Abisko
COnTaCT addrEss
Tokyo 12 hrs. 30 min. Berlin
Phone: +46 (0) 980 66 800 ICEHOTEL ICEHOTEL
Fax: +46 (0) 980 668 90 981 91 Jukkasjärvi Sydney 25 hrs. Orca safari
Email: SWEDEN Paris


ICEHOTEL is situated just 17 km from Arc ti c
vISIT WWW.ICEHOTEL.COM Kiruna’s railway station and 12 km
from Kiruna Airport. From Stockholm,
you can reach Kiruna easily by train.
ICEHOTEL ParTnErs Book your ticket with SJ. HAGLÖFS LOGOTYPE

B A S I C L O G O T Y P E . TO B E U S E D A S P O S I T I V E B L A C K O N A L I G H T B A C K G R O U N D


74 | ICEHOT EL M aga zI nE 2010

Fly directly to

Direct flights to Stockholm from
31 european destinations
2 part raspberry juice
Dash of lemon
Serve in an ice glass
Garnish with a string of liquorice

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