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School : SMP Negeri Banjarmasin

Subject : English

Grade/Semester : VIII/I

Skill : Listening

Topic : Asking for and Giving Advice/Suggestion

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

1. Understanding and applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and
procedural) based on the curiosity about science, technology, art,
culture related to phenomenon and real event.
2. Processing and presenting, and reasoning in concrete field (using,
disentangling, arranging, modifying, and creating) and in the abstract
field (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) based on
the learning at school and other sources within the same point of


3.3 Applying the social function, generic structure, and language feature
of the spoken and transactional interactional text involving
expressions of asking and giving information related to necessity,
prohibition, and advice based on the contextual use (pay attention to
the language feature must, should).
4.3 Writing spoken and written transactional and interactional text sort
and simple involving expression of asking and giving information
related to necessity, prohibition, and advice, by paying attention to the
correct social function, generic structure, and language feature based
on the context.
1. Listen to dialogue containing expression of asking for and giving
2. Identify the expression of asking for and giving advice/suggestion.


At the end of the lesson, the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri
Banjarmasin are able to identify the expression of asking for and giving
advice/suggestion by listening to dialogue and answer the true/false
questions based on the dialogue they have heard with 100% accuracy.

Oral and listen text procedure of recipes.
1. Social function
To ask and give advice/suggestion to someone and allot
responses to the advice/suggestion whether accepting or
refusing it.
To help someone who needs any advice/suggestion by giving
our personal idea and opinion in our daily life.
2. Structure of the text
a. Advice and suggestion
Advice is an opinion which someone offers about what you what
you should do or how you should act in a particular situation.
Meanwhile, suggestion is an idea, plan or action that is suggested
or the act of suggesting it.
b. Example

Responding to
Asking for Giving for advice/suggestion
advice/suggestion advice/suggestion Accepting Refusing
suggestion suggestion
Do you think I ought to I think youd better to start What a good No, I don't
call the police? looking for a new job. idea. think so.
What do you think I should If I were you, Id stop Thats a good Thats a good
buy him for his birthday? writing her. suggestion. idea, but
Do you have any idea It would probably a good Thats sound That's not a
about how I can sell my idea to send this mail by good. good idea.
car? express mail.
Should I try to talk to him Why dont you try to Great. No, Id rather
about this matter again? calling her tonight? not.
If you were me, what How about taking the bus That sound I understand
would you tell her? instead of driving? like a good your point,
idea. but I think

3. Linguistic features
a. Asking for advice or suggestion
What do you suggest?
What do you advise me to do?
What should I do?
What ought I to do?
If you were me what would you do?
b. Giving advice/suggestion
I think you should + verb 1 (I think you should study more).
If I were you, I would + verb 1 (If I were you, I would see a
It might be a good idea to + verb 1 (It might a good idea to bed
early today).
Formal conversation:
Use modals: ought to / should / could / if I were you.
Informal conversation:
Use words such as I think that / I feel that / in my opinion.

c. Responding to advice/suggestion
1. Accepting advice/suggestion
I agree with you.
I think youre right.
I think so.
Thats a good idea. Thats right.
Thanks. Ill try your advice.
That sounds great.
2. Refusing advice/suggestion
No, I dont think so.
I disagree with you.
Thats not a good idea.
I understand your point, but I think.


1. Approach : Scientific approach and cooperative learning
2. Technique : Think pair share
3. Method : Speech, discussion, and inquiry


1. Media : Pictures, flannel board, PPT, and worksheet.
2. Stuff : board marker, speaker, and notebook.


Picture and picture and puppet.


1. Students LKS Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VIII
Published by Ministry of Education and Culture.
1. Anonym. (September, 2017). Retrieved from
2. Rosy, Zurneva (June 01st, 2010). Retrieved from
3. Anonym. (March 12th, 2014). Retrieved from


Time Teachers Activities Students Activities

10 Pre Activity

1. Teacher greets the students using English in

order to create English environment.
Were find, Maam.
Morning class How are you today?
Pretty good, thanks.
What about you,
2. Teacher checks the students attendance.
Whos absent today?
No one/complete,
Nice. Maam.

3. Teacher gives motivation by performing a

dialogue using two puppets. (See appendix 1)
Refer to the main topic of the lesson
Well, guys lets listen to Jung Kook and
Students are listening
Rap Mon. They have a conversation. (See
to the conversation.
appendix 1)
4. Teacher gives some questions to activate
students background knowledge.
Do you have other advice in other to help
Jung Kook? Students respond
Teacher shows some pictures to provide
students to the main topic. (See appendix 2)

5. Teacher utters about lesson objective.

From we have been talking about, today we
are going to learn about expression of asking
for and giving advice/suggestion.
Therefore, it is expected that all of you will
able to identify the used of expression of
asking for and giving advice/suggestion by
listening to dialogue.
First, all of you will listen to a short dialogue
of expression of asking for and giving
advice/suggestion. Next, I will give
explanation. Then, exercise in the group.
Also, evaluation. And the last, homework at
the end of the lesson.

60 While Activity

6. Observing
Teacher asks the students to listen to a
dialogue between Sara and Annes. (See
appendix 3) Students are listening
Now, please listen to an audio of expression to the dialogue.
of asking for and giving advice/suggestion.
Teacher elaborates about the lesson (related
to the expression of asking for and giving
7. Questioning
Teacher gives chance to students to ask some
questions about the lesson or about what have
they heard.
Now, its your turn to ask question. Do you
have any question? Students respond ...
8. Exploring
Students identify the expression of asking for
and giving advice/suggestion.
With teachers guidance, students discuss the
expression of asking for and giving
advice/suggestion from the audio that they
have heard.
9. Association
Teacher informs that the students will have
an exercise by playing a game.
Teacher divides the students into several
First, I will divide you into several groups;
each group consists of two students.
Teacher asks students to sit in their own
Please sit with your group.
Teacher distributes the worksheets.
Here is the worksheet. (See appendix 6)

Teacher explains how to do the game.

In this game, you will listen to a dialogue of
expression of asking for and giving
advice/suggestion. Next, you will hear some
statements about the expression twice. The
statements will utter one by one. Then, you
have to choice whether the statement is true
or false. In this part, you should race with
your pair to rise up the right card. The student
who raised it first will get one point. And
dont forget to write down your point under
your name on the worksheet. Again, the
students will listen to the next statements.

Teacher confirms the students

Question? Students respond
Understood? Students respond
Teacher starts the game by requiring the
students to listen to a dialogue between Laila
and Monica. (See appendix 4
Well, lets start the game. First, listen to
audio of a recipe carefully.
After the dialog has finished. Teacher gets
ready to play the statements one by one and
lets the students listen carefully.
I will play the audio of the statements.
Are you ready? Here we go. Students respond
10. Communicating
Students describe the difficulty in identifying
the quantifiers.

10 Post Activities

11. Reviewing
Teacher reviews the lesson which has been
What have you learnt today? Students respond...
What is advice/suggestion?
How to asking for advice/suggestion?
Students respond
How to giving advice/suggestion?
Students respond
How to response to an advice/suggestion?
Students respond
12. Evaluating
Teacher distributes worksheets to the students
and gives the instruction. (In this part, student
will listen to an audio of expression of asking
for and giving advice/suggestion. Then, they
should fill in the gap with appropriate
quantifiers based on the audio they have
heard. (See appendix 4)
13. Reflection
Teacher reflects the activities that have been
carried out.
Do you like the game? Students respond
Teacher gives reward to the students.
Teacher gives follow-up activities
For your homework, listen and/or watch a
video of expression of asking for and giving
advice/suggestion and identify about the
expression itself (you may write down each
quantifiers and the following noun in a piece
of paper). It will be submitted on the next
14. Closing
Teacher ends the lesson.
Well, this is the end of our meeting today. Students respond
Please study hard at home. Thank you for
your attention. See you next time.


1. Scoring technique
Attitude : Observion
Knowledge : Assignment
Skill : Practice and Project
2. Scoring instrument
Outline and question

No. Indicator Question Scoring


1. Identify the Listen to dialogue 3! Written test

expression of
Yesterday, I went to the store to buy
asking for and
giving a new bike.
Rose : Im looking for a
2. Answer the bike that I can ride in the city. What
true/false question
do you suggest?
related to the
expression of
Dealer : I recommend these
asking for and
giving two bikes. This is a three-speed bike,
advice/suggestion. and it costs 100 dollars. And this is a
ten-speed bike, and it costs 200

Rose : I really like that

one, but its expensive. I dont know
which one to buy. What do you think
I should do?

Yoshiro : I think you should

buy the expensive one. Its a much
nicer bike.

Listening test 3

Look through your tests carefully.

Listen to a dialogue among a Rose, a
dealer, and Yoshiro. Youll hear it
twice. Mark if the statements (1-6)
are T (True) or F (False) as in the
example. T F
1. Rose is in the
automotive shop.
2. Rose is asking for
advice to buy a new
3. The dealer recommends
her for three kinds of
4. As Rose feels confuse
she asks Yoshiro which
one she should she buy.
5. Yoshiro suggest that
Rose might want to buy
the expensive one.
6. Rose wants to buy the
second bike with 400

2. Decide the correct Listen to dialogue 4!

orally/writtenly in Tami : Aufa.., Do you have any
any different idea about which one should I buy
occasion. for him?

Anil : What Joshi, you look so


Joshi : Ive passed my higher

secondary exams. I want to study

But my father wants me to take up a

job. But I dont know what to do.

Anil : There is must be a reason

your father asking you to take up a

Is there any financial problem at


Joshi : I think so. My father is

retiring this month.

Anil : Then I think you should

take up a job. What your family now
needs is your support.

Joshi : I agree. But I cant ignore

my future.

Anil : Look Joshi, your father

needs rest. You should give him
moral support.


Listen to the dialogue 4!

Decide whether the statements are

True or False. Answer the question
1. Joshi seems very
excited about
2. Joshi wants to quit his
3. Joshis father wants
him to looking for a
4. Joshi disagrees with his
5. Joshis desire is to
study further for his
6. Anil suggests that Joshi
shouldnt take up a job.

3. Scoring rubric

No. Uraian Skor

1. Jawaban benar 2
Jawaban yang salah/tidak dijawab 0
2. Jumlah soal 5

4. Scoring orientation
a. Setiap jawaban benar : skor 2
b. Jumlah skor maksimal : 2 x 5 = 10
c. Nilai Siswa : skor perolehan x 10

4. Remedial and Enrichment

Student who has not achieved KKM is gave a remedial activity by listening and
repeating to written expression of asking for and giving advice/suggestion orally.
Student who has already achieved KKM is gave enrichment by looking
for/making sentence/dialogue of expression of asking for and giving

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