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No Kata Kerja Arti Contoh Kalimat

1 admit mengakui She admitted stealing the car.

2 appreciate menghargai I appreciated her helping me.

3 avoid menghindari She avoided talking to me.

4 consider mempertimbangkan He considered moving to Surabaya

5 delay menunda I delayed doing my taxes.

6 deny menyangkal Rosa denied committing the crime.

7 dislike tidak suka My brother dislikes working after 5 pm.

8 enjoy menikmati I enjoy learning English.

9 imagine membayangkan He imagines working there one day.

My job involves traveling to Japan once a

10 involve melibatkan

11 keep terus He kept interrupting his father.

12 mind keberatan Would you mind lending me the laptop?

13 miss rindu I miss living near the beach.

14 postpone menunda She postponed returning to New York.

15 understand mengerti I understand writing Amazon products.

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