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T.A 2017/2018

First at all, give thanks for god`s love and grace for us.
Thank to god for helping we and give we chaceto finish this make conversation timely, and we would like to say than you to sister senior who already helping
we to make conversation.

This make conversation is the on of English task. We conscious this make conversation is not perfect. But we hope it can be useful forus. Critics and
suggestion is needed here to make this conversation be batter.


(Kristiani Zebua)
Contoh dialog : taking about planning

Fenda : hi doni, what will you do this Saturday night?

(hi doni, apa yang akan kamu lakukan malam minggu ini?)
Doni : well, I`m not sure fenda, I will stay at home. Do you have planning?
(yah aku tidak yakin fenda, aku akan tinggal di rumah, apakah kamu punya rencana)
Fenda : when I went to music studio, I saw the advertisement, AC/DC go to concert so what do you think about it?
(ketika aku pergi ke studio musik aku melihat iklan, AC/DC pergi ke concert jadi apa yang kamu pikir tentang hal itu
Doni : that`s awesone, fenda, when is the concert going to start?
(itu mengagumkan fenda, kapan konser akan di mulai)
Fenda : that concert is going to start this Saturday nigh at 9 pm. It will be full of rock start, man?
(konser itu akan mulai saptu malam ini pukul 9 malam, itu akan penuh dengan bintang rock, teman?
Doni : yeah it must be! So do you have the high way to hell tickets?
(yaitu harus !jadi apakah kamu memiliki the highway to hell tiket?
Fenda : yup, I bought 3 tickets it means that I still have 2 tickets free for you
(yup, aku membeli 3 tiket, ini berarti bahwa aku masih memiliki 2 tiket gratis untuk kamu)
Doni : that`s cool man let`s call jack for the last ticket
(keren teman! Mari kita panggil jack untuk tiket terakhir)
Fenda : that`s a good idea, by the way whatare you going to wear to that concert?
(itu ide yang baik ngomong-ngomong apa yang akan kamu pakai untuk ke konser itu)
Doni : i`m not pretty sure about that, I will wear a rock N roll jacket and jeans
(aku tidak cukup yakin tentang itu aku akan memakai jaket dan jeans rock N roll)
Fenda : that`s cool, man! Don`t forget for one more thing
(keren teman jangan lupa untuk satu hal lagi)
Doni : what`s that?
(apa itu)
Fenda : boots it`s gonna make you feellike a rock star
(boots itu akan membuat kamu merasa seperti bintang rock!)
Doni : yeah, i`m sure about it, now how are we. Going to go
(ya, aku yakin tentang hal itu, sekarang bagaimana kita akan pergi)
Fenda : calm down man I will ask my brother to lend me his mustang
(tentang teman, aku akan meminta saudaraku untuk meminjamkan mustangnya)
Doni : oh my gosh that`s cool man
(ya tuhan itu keren teman)
Fenda : yeah we are going to have fun. Jumping and singing all night long
(ya kita akan bersenang-senang, melompat, dan bernyanyi sepanjang malam)
Doni : let`s rock
(mari ngerock)
Fenda : let`s. pick up jack
(mari kita jemput jack
Doni : roger that (baiklah)

Contoh dialog: expressing like and dislike

Doni : what do you want to eat fenda?
(kamu mau makan apa fenda)
Fenda : I want to eat vegetables salad
(aku ingin makan salad sayur-sayuran)
Doni : you like vegetables?
(kamu suka sayur-sayuran?)
Fenda : of course I like it, don`t I like it
(tentu saja aku menyukainya, memangnya kamu tidak?)
Doni : no, I don`t like vegetable, it tasted bad
(tidak, aku tidak suka sayuran, rasanya tidak enak)
Fenda : no way, vegetable are delicious
(tidak mungkin, sayuran itu enak)
Doni : it`s for you butfor me, it is not
(itu bagimu, tapi bagi saya, sayuran itu enak)
Contoh dialog: agree and disagree with opinion
Doni : what do you think about this painting?
(bagaimana menurutmu lukisan ini?)
Fenda : it looks lice
(itu terlihat bagus)
Doni : I don`t think so it is too creepy I don`t like it
(saya tidak setuju, itu terlihat menyeramkan saya tidak suka)
Fenda : but it as the concept, creepy
(tetapi memang begitu konsepnya menyeramkan)
Doni : how about this one
(bagaimana dengan yang satu ini)
Fenda : it`s a good, scenery painting
(itu lukisan pemandanga yang indah)
Doni : yeah, I think so it`s beautiful
(ya, saya setuju, itu indah)
Contoh dialog: describe people

Fenda : tell me about your father, what kind of person is he?

(ceritakan padaku tentang ayah kamu, dia orangnya seperti apa?)
Doni : well, he isvery friendly, smart and funny
(baiklah, ayahku itu sangat ramah, cerdas, dan menyenangkan)
Fenda : what does he look like
(bagaimana penampilannya)
Doni : he`s young short and hand some. He has straight black hair and green eyes
(dia masih muda, agak pendek dan tampan, rambutnya hitam lurus, dan matanya berwarna hijau)
Fenda : what does your mother look like
(bagaimana penampilan ibu kamu)
Doni : she`s tall, think and beautiful, she has blonde hair and wear glasses
(dia tinggi , kurus dan cantik,rambutnya pirang dan memakai kaca mata)
Fenda : how about your little sister
(bagaimana dengan adik perempuan kamu)
Doni : she has curly red hair and a cute smile everbody likes her
(rambutnya merah krinting dan senyumannya sangat manis, setiap orang menyukainya)
Fenda : anything else?
(ada lagi informasi tambahan)
Doni : nothing
(tidak ada)
Contoh dialog: the situation of vacation

Doni : fenda, where have you been? I`ve been loking for you for the, past six days
(fenda, kemana saja kau? Aku sudah mencarimu selama enam hari ini)
Fenda : I just got back from medan
(aku baru saja kembali dari medan)
Doni : realy? So you had your vacation there
(benarkah, kamu jadi liburan di sana)
Fenda : well, actually I was visiting my grandparents. But, I also visited some beachesand a museum there
(iya, sebenarnya aku lagi mengunjungi kakek nenek, tetapi aku juga mengunjungi beberapa pantai dan museum di sana.)
Doni : did you have fun?
(apakah liburan kamu di sana menyenangkan)
Fenda : absolutely, the beaches are great, and the sea is full of beautiful coral reefs
(benar sekali, pantainya luar biasa dan laut penuh terumbu karang yang indah)
Doni : don`t tell me you went snorkeling
(hayo jangan kamu bilang kamu melakukan snorkeling juga)
Fenda : yes, I did it was awesome, i`m really content with my trip
(ya, aku juga snorkeling, hal itu mengagumkan, aku benar-benar puas dengan perjalanan liburanku itu)
Doni : oh, I wished I had been there too
(oh, andai saja aku juga ada di sana)
Fenda : you should go there sometime
(kamu harus pergi kesana kapan-kapan)
Doni : yes, I know
(ya, begitulah)
Contoh dialog: asking about hoby

Doni : do you know that everyone has a hobby

Fenda : sure, I know that, I have a hobby too
Doni : what is your hobby fenda?
Fenda : my hobby is collecting coins
Doni : why do tou like to collect coins?
Fenda : it is very interesting and it takes my mind of my work. And whats is your hobby doni?
Doni : my hobby is sporting and I like singing too
Fenda : what sport do you like
Doni : I like swimming very much, i`m not good in swimming but I enjoi swimming
Fenda : I like listening to the music too
Doni : what music do you like
Fenda : I like alternatif pop music, and you?
Doni : I like sllow rock music, but sometimes I like pop sa well, what do you do in your spare time fenda?
Fenda : I usually read books while hearing the music
Doni : oh, it`s good for you
Fenda : thanks.
Take this conversation not perfect, we conscious very much less and weakness that for request to understand
Such we that to say thanks to senior that we assist and to teach English.


( Yeli Ofenda Zebua )


Nama : Yeli Ofenda Zebua

Class : XII
Address : Tetehosi
Old : 17 Tahun
Sex : Female

Nama : Doniman Hulu

Class : XII
Address : Fabaliwa
Old : 18 Tahun
Sex : Male

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