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New Laboratory Core Flooding Experimental


Article in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research August 2014

DOI: 10.1021/ie501866e


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3 authors, including:

Alexey Baldygin David Nobes

University of Alberta University of Alberta


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New Laboratory Core Flooding Experimental System

Aleksey Baldygin, David S. Nobes, and Sushanta K. Mitra*,

Micro and Nanoscale Transport Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G
2G8, Canada

Optical Diagnostic Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G8, Canada

ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on nding ways to improve the traditional core ooding experimental setup that has been used
by the reservoir engineers over the past decades. The new proposed setup can be used in contemporary studies related to
enhanced oil recovery. This setup has a possibility of using dierent ooding agents, e.g., surfactant, polymer, emulsion, oil and
water. It also includes an automated euent analysis, which has been developed to provide estimates on oil recovery eciency.
For validation purposes, the core ooding setup has been tested with an unconsolidated one-dimensional sand pack as a porous
medium. Traditional water ooding experiments with paran oil and water were conducted at rst. Also, two types of emulsion
ooding techniques were tested for the sand packs: the direct emulsion ooding and the water ooding followed by the emulsion
ooding as an example to exploit the capability of the new setup to successfully perform enhanced oil recovery techniques.
Hence, this setup provides a valuable tool for the reservoir engineers to test the dierent ooding strategies in a laboratory scale
experiment, before committing to huge resources in terms of man-power and cost in actual drilling operations in oil reservoirs.

The ever pressing need for exploring new hydrocarbon
automated core ooding platform that can be tested for various
types of reservoir conditions using some of the advancements
resources in some of the unexplored regions of the world1 in uid controls and data processing and automation. For
validation purposes for the developed system, initially experi-
has made oil and gas industry to compete with each other and
ments are conducted with water and paran oil only, viz., water
develop new and ecient processes for extracting this precious
ooding. To anticipate the future performance of core ooding
commodity out of the natural reservoirs. However, this is a
system for potential enhanced oil recovery (EOR) studies,
huge undertaking for the overall industry and, for instance,
applicability of the system for ooding complex uids, like
China alone spends close to 13 billion dollars each year for oil
emulsion, is also demonstrated here.

and gas exploration,2 which involves selection of preferred sites,
drilling operations including the appropriate design of injection
and production wells, etc. In recent years, the cost has also
escalated due to the tendency of the industry to try dierent The traditional core ooding system, as described in the
ooding uids (chemicals, surfactants, polymers, etc.)35 to existing literature,9,11 has three main components: the up-
displace the resident oil phase and achieve record level of oil stream, the core block, and the downstream. The upstream
production (92 mb/d).6 The obvious question that arises is that supplies relevant uids (saturation and ooding agents) to the
whether there can be ways one can predict the oil recovery core block using syringe pumps and piston accumulators (PA).
process for new geological formations and more importantly The core block contains the porous media and often simulates
the applicability of a new ooding strategy (i.e., combination of the reservoir conditions, which could include overburden
wells, ooding uids, etc.) in a laboratory scale without pressure and a thermal jacket to maintain reservoir temper-
embarking on a costly venture of direct drilling in oil elds. ature. The downstream collects the euent from the core block
To this extent, the oil and gas industry heavily relied on by using fraction collectors17 or two-/three-phase separa-
laboratory core ooding experiments, where a core pack, often tors,18,19 the analysis of such data often leads to the estimation
unconsolidated sand particles710 or, in some cases, con- of the eciency of tested oil recovery method. All system
solidated cores (sandstone and carbonate outcrops),1114 components are connected to a data acquisition module
mimicking the porous natural reservoir, are traditionally through which the user can communicate, which is referred
ooded with an injection uid and the resultant output in here as a control module. Such experimental techniques work
terms of oil recovery is measured. However, this age old core well for single-phase uids (such as water or oil) and certain
ooding system and the process need to be made more robust, restricted two-phase systems (oil and water mixture as euent
automated, and more in tune with the advancements of uid from the production wells). New advancements, both in the
machineries of the twenty-rst century, rather than relying on a eld and experimental techniques, for enhanced oil recovery
core ooding system, which was introduced way back in early dictate new requirements to the age old traditional core
1930s.15 This is more of the need of the hour, particularly when
the industry is exploring new options for ooding the existing Received: May 7, 2014
oil elds abandoned after the primary recovery process.16 Here, Revised: July 2, 2014
we provide a critical solution to this pressing need for the oil Accepted: August 8, 2014
and gas industry by providing a robust, versatile, precise, and Published: August 8, 2014

2014 American Chemical Society 13497 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 1349713505
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 1. Summary of Existing Core Flooding Systems Used Globally

author year upstream downstream used uids
Hornof and Morrow 1987 metering pump n/a isooctane, brine, water, and oil
Chang and Grigg 1994 syringe pumps with PA multiport rotary valve with vials CO2, brine, oil, and surfactant solution
Legowo and Pratomo 1999 displacement pump Quizix with PA fraction collector and separator water, oil, and dierent microbial cultures
Bagci et al. 2001 syringe pump fraction collector water, oil, and dierent microbial cultures
Sedaee 2004 displacement pump with PA euent condenser with collector steam, CH4, and heavy oil
Nobakht et al. 2007 syringe pump with PA oil sample collector with gas ow meter crude oil, and CO2
Hadia et al. 2007 dual piston syringe pump with PA fraction collector oil and water
Mandal et al. 2010 syringe pump with PA fraction collector oil-in-water emulsion, oil, and water
Samanta et al. 2012 syringe pump with PA fraction collector oil, brine, and chemical slug
Veerabhadrappa et al. 2013 syringe pump with PA euent sample collector oil, water, and polymer
Ko et al. 2014 syringe pump with PA fraction collector with centrifuge tubes brine, oil, and surfactant

Figure 1. Schematic of the new core ooding experimental apparatus.

ooding systems. Use of complex uids such as emulsions as a limits the type of liquids that can possibly be injected into the
ooding agent requires modications of a traditional core core, as the inner surface of the pistoncylinder assembly of the
ooding system. syringe pump is susceptible to corrosion. The piston
Table 1 provides a summary of existing core ooding accumulator size limits the volume of uid that can be
systems, used around the world both for academic research and continuously injected during ooding experiments and one
industrial applications, and often been the gold standard for the needs to perform a priori calculations to determine the size and
oil and gas industry. One can note that most of the systems use specication of the piston accumulator to perform a given core
syringe pumps coupled with piston accumulators,8,1925 which ooding study. Table 1 also suggests that the fraction collector
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was used for the downstream section in most of the core in the case of a traditional system with piston accumulators at
ooding systems, which resulted in discrete estimation of oil the upstream side.
and water euents for the recovery curves.8,9,25 Also, post The core block consists of the core holder (in which the
experimental analysis is required to analyze the fraction of each porous medium is usually packed, which can be sand pack or
euent phase collected in each tube8,2628 of the fraction outcrops), inline pressure sensors, and dierential pressure
collector. In some cases, the ultrasound separator has been used sensors. A biaxial horizontal core holder, shown in Figure 2, is
for the euent collection and analysis.19 It is an eective
method for the experiments with three-phase euent fractions,
where phases are distinctly dierent from each other. For
instance, experiments that involve water/oil/gas ooding have
three components that can be separated in a quick manner
inside the column of the three-phase separator using ultra-
sonication and later can be quantied by volume. These
traditional core ooding systems need to be modied to make
them more versatile in terms of using a wide range of ooding
uids like surfactants, polymers, emulsion, etc. Often in such
scenarios, one needs to calculate the various uid volume
fractions on the y, which requires inclusion of modern uid Figure 2. Exploded view of the core holder (1) cap, (2) end plugs
handling systems to increase the functionalities of traditional body, (3) body, (4) internal surface, and (5) tting 1/8 NPT to 3.175
core ooding systems. mm (1/8 in.) tube).


A new core ooding apparatus has been designed and
used for containing and packing the medium. The core holder,
shown here, is designed to perform one-dimensional core
constructed by taking into account the potential challenges ooding experiments. However, any other two-dimensional10
related to the traditional core ooding system, pointed out or three-dimensional7,8 core holders, as and when available, can
above. This is a further modication to the initial conceptual be plugged into the system through appropriate connections to
design reported earlier by the authors.29 A schematic of the 3.175 mm (1/8 in) stainless steel tube. The dimensions of the
system is shown in Figure 1. core holder used here as an example are length = 284 mm
The upstream side of the system provides continuous (11.18 in) and diameter = 38.1 mm (1.5 in). This design
injection of three dierent types of liquids. It consists of uid incorporates minimal uid leakage between the inner surface of
holding containers (carboys), pumps, and mass ow meters. the coreholder and the sand pack. At the same time, it also
Three carboys (E-1,...,E-3) are directly connected to three dual reduces the dead volumes at the inlet and outlet sides of the
piston pumps (Smartline 100, Wissenschaftliche Geratebau Dr. sand pack due to redesigned entrance region, shown in Figure
Ing. Herbert KNAUER GmbH) through 6.35 mm (1/4 in.) 3. The entrance region incorporates modications to the
stainless steel tubes. The precision and accuracy of the patents published back in 1984 and 1985.30,31 It combines the
upstream pumps at 12 MPa and for ow rate of 1 mL/min advantages of both patents and thereby replaces/modies the
are equal to <0.5% and <1.0%, respectively. To avoid cavitation distribution plates as per current needs. A sand-blasted plastic
at the inlet side of the pumps, the carboys are pressurized with tube is installed inside the core holder to prevent such uid
nitrogen at 0.138 bar (g) (2 psig). Mass ow meters (M13, leakage. The distribution plugs, located at the two ends of the
Bronkhorst Cori-Tech BV) are installed downstream of the core holder, have built-in stainless steel medium with the mesh
pumps. Two of the mass ow meters are built of stainless steel, size of 40 m and 1.59 mm (1/16 in.) thickness and
whereas one of them is made of Hastelloy, to allow use of salt distribution plate printed in a rapid prototype machine. This
(brine) water. According to calibration certicates of the mass combination redistributes the liquid across the cross section
ow meters, the measurement error is 0.2% of the full-scale and reduces dead volumes. The design for the distribution
reading +0.5 g/h. During the calibration procedure, density plates was optimized by performing separate simulations using
deviation was found to be +0.11, 0.16, 0.27, and 0.01 kg/m3 commercial software. Particularly, the size of the holes in the
for water, oil, emulsion, and downstream mass ow meter, radial direction30 was optimized to guarantee uniform ow
respectively. The density measured using three mass ow distribution through the porous medium with known range of
meters was compared with the one calculated using Bronkhorst permeability and porosity. For pressure monitoring, there are
High-Tech FLUIDAT software under specic uid temperature three pressure sensors (FP2000 series, Honeywell International
and pressure conditions. For example, with the water ow rate Inc.), TP-2, TP-1, and dP-1, to measure the inlet pressure at the
of 0.5 cm3/min for 30 min (approximate time to ll a single test upstream, the outlet pressure at the downstream, and
tube at the fraction collector), the error is 0.28 mL. Together dierential pressure across the porous media.
with the pumps and coupled with check valves, they form liquid The downstream section has an euent management system
dosage systems (LDS-1,...,LDS-3), which can keep a constant that allows it to quantify dierent fractions of euents removed
mass/volume ow rate at a preset pressure. There are three from the core block. The mass fraction of each component
LDS in the current conguration to deliver water, oil, and needs to be calculated in order to estimate the amount of oil
emulsion into the core block as needed. The LDS system can recovered, which is often the ultimate goal for such a core
work simultaneously if it is needed for certain experimental ooding system. The euent management system has a mass
conditions. In addition, the upstream has open access to rell ow meter and a fraction collector. The fraction collector uses
the carboys, to allow continuous injection of liquids for lengthy graded test tubes with 15 mL volume each. The error in a
experimental runs. There is no need to stop an ongoing measuring volume of liquid collected in a test tube (430055,
experimental run for relling purposes, which is a shortcoming Cole-Parmer Canada Inc.), used for checking the euent
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Figure 3. End plugs of the biaxial core holder. (a) Isometric view of end plugs, (b) end plug assembled, (c) cross section view of single end plug (1)
sandblasted internal surface, (2) stainless steel lter, (3) 3D-printed plate, (4) strain ring, (5) end plugs body, and (6) core holders body.

Figure 4. Schematics of the further updates to the developed system.

fraction data, is 0.25 mL. Because this error would be surface) can be measured using any of the eight tap-points of
accumulated from sample to sample, the cumulative error in the cores sleeve via thermocouples installed through the ports
oil production is around 6.5 mL. The error bars incorporated located on the end plug with appropriate pressure sealed
for each data point in the recovery curves represent the error in feedthroughs (Series WF, Spectite Inc.). To maintain the
measurements. The mass ow meter (M13, Bronkhorst Cori- temperature of the core block similar to reservoir conditions,
Tech BV) has the same specications as that used for water the core holder can be placed inside an environmental chamber
ow, installed in LDS-1. The mass ow meter provides the or ultrathin heat sheets can be mounted at the outer surface of
exibility to deal with euents having dierent densities and it the core holder covered with berglass pipe insulation. The
allows automatic evaluation of volumes of dierent euent chamber allows it to maintain a temperature up to 200 C,
phases, the details of which are described later. whereas the heat sheets allow it to maintain a temperature up to
The advantage of the developed system, as it was pointed
100 C. The temperature can be controlled via a programmable
earlier, that it is designed as a plug-and-play modular system.
temperature PID controller with feedback from one or more
There is a possibility for further modication of the core block,
which is only limited by the specication of the upstream thermocouples.
pumps. The region highlighted with red dashed square in Similarly, the downstream section can be also modied to
Figure 1 can be replaced with the subsystem, described in satisfy the requirements for the inline pressure. For example, a
Figure 4a, quite readily. It has a Hassler core holder,32,33 which digital back pressure regulator (EL-PRESS P-712CV, Bronk-
allows it to maintain a conning pressure up to 10 000 psi, to horst Cori-Tech BV) can be installed between the downstream
use actual cores previously extracted from reservoirs (outcrops) mass ow meter and fraction collector, as shown in Figure 4b.
and to measure pressure drop across the core using eight tap- It would allow us to set the back pressure up to 103.4 bar (g)
points. The conning pressure in the present conguration can (1500 psig). These modications to the core block and
be maintained using high pressure N2 line. This further can be downstream section of the core ooding developed allow end-
replaced with either high pressure hand pump or a syringe users to obtain the required parameters to mimic desired
pump. The temperature inside the core (or along its outer reservoir conditions.
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Figure 5. Graphical user interface (GUI) to perform automation for the core ooding system.

One of the limitations of the current system is that the

produced water cannot be separated from the emulsion and
Using the newly developed core ooding system, we have
reinjected back to the core block as a ooding uid for further performed both traditional core ooding using water as a
oil recovery. To utilize such produced water back into the ooding agent (secondary recovery process) and emulsion
ooding system, it is required to install additional components ooding using ex situ produced emulsion (enhanced oil
at the downstream to separate emulsion, paran oil, and water. recovery). In this section, we provide the details of dierent
Such separation of oil/water emulsion can be done using materials used during this experimental validation process for
traditional membranes34 or, more recently, through the use of the new core ooding system along with standard data
microuidics devices.35 extraction in the form of porosity and permeability of the
The experimental setup can be pressurized with nitrogen, E- core pack used for each ooding experiment.
6, and tested for leakage using soap-water (without the porous During core ooding experiments, the injection rate was set
sand pack in place). To minimize human intervention and have at 0.5 cm3/min and the core ooding temperature was at the
robust control on the experiment, a software with a graphical room temperature of 22 C. Distilled water (DI) was used for
the water ooding to obtain and to maintain initial water
user interface (GUI) was created for the entire system using
saturation. Viscous paran oil (CAS Number 8012-95-1,
custom design software (LabWindows CVI, National Instru-
Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC) with viscosity of 130 mPas at 25
ments Inc.). This software allows the user to control and track C and density of 868 kg/m3, measured by the mass ow
dierent components during the experiment, save data, and meter, was used for oil saturation processes. The ex situ
analyze various experimental conditions. A commercial data emulsion used in this study is oil-in-water (70.75 wt % oil and
acquisition (DAQ) system (cDAQ-9172, National Instruments 29.25 wt % water with an average oil drop size of 2.46 m,
Corp.) with on board control modules for pressure sensors and provided by Quadrise Canada36) stable emulsion made of
a fraction collector is used for data acquisition. In addition, the heavy-oil, which is distinctly dierent than the resident oil
mass ow meters and pumps are connected to the universal (paran oil) in the sand pack. The density and viscosity of
eight port device server (PS 810, Sena Technologies, Inc.) emulsion are 1014 kg/m3 and 122 mPas at 100 s1 shear rate
which transfers and receives signals from personal computer at 25 C,36 respectively. The chosen emulsion, being heavier
(PC) through an Ethernet network. Processing of data for than water and oil, allows the downstream mass ow meter to
euent measurements, based on fractions of euents, is also detect each phase separately. By setting reference points for the
incorporated, the details of which are available in the Euent density of each phase and using the in-house fraction-tracking
software, the mass ow meter can provide online measurements
Management System section. The developed GUI interface is
of dierent euent fractions. In the future, the system can be
shown in Figure 5. Similar to the experimental setup, explained further modied to eliminate the need for test tubes.
in details earlier, it can be divided into three subsections: the For each experiment, the sand (silica sand with US sieve
upstream, the core block, and the downstream. In addition, size# 10 (100140), 53251 m) was weighted prior to the
there are components for controlling dierent processes of packing inside the core holder. The mass of the sand used for
experiment, load/save conguration parameters, saving data, each pack was recorded to be 557 g and was consistent from
monitor euent properties, pressure, and other parameters experiment to experiment with 1.5% of deviation. The
involved in each run. procedure for packing the core was as follows. The sand with
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known mass was packed inside the void volume of the core For each pack, the permeability was obtained using three
holder (324 cm3) using a vibration table (VP-181, FMC dierent methods: with nitrogen, water, and nally, with
Technologies) with the vibrator controller (Syntron Power residual water saturation during oil ooding. First, the absolute
Pulse AC, FMC Technologies) set at maximum level. The core permeability was found using nitrogen. The mass ow
holder with one opened end, containing the inner plastic tube, controller with a built-in pressure sensor was connected to
was placed vertically on the vibration table. The sand was the inlet and a pressure sensor was installed at the outlet of the
poured inside the core holder continuously up to the top of the core holder. At dierent ow rates of nitrogen, the pressure
internal tube. The core holder was kept for 5 min on a turned dierence was recorded. Using the Klinkenberg equation,33,38
table to let the sand settle and form a dense medium. A rod the absolute permeability was found. Second, the absolute
with diameter equal to the internal diameter of the plastic tube permeability, with water as the working uid, was calculated for
was used to compress the sand to produce a dense pack. water saturated pack. Prior to obtaining permeability measure-
Each pack was characterized for porosity and permeability, ments with residual water saturation, the oil saturation process
which were obtained prior to each ooding experiment. To was carried out using paran oil. The oil was injected into the
obtain a porosity value (pore volume) for each pack, a vacuum water saturated pack with a constant injection rate of 0.5 cm3/
pump (117, Labconco Corp.) was connected to one side and a min for 1 PV of injection; thereafter, the injection rate was
vacuum gauge was connected to another side of the core increased to 1.0 cm3/min for an extra 0.5 PV of injection, until
holder. The core holder was evacuated to 4 kPa absolute (28 in. the residual water saturation, Swi, was reached (see Table 2). At
mercury gauge) over 30 min. Then the vacuum pump was the end of the process, the ow rate was reduced back to the
disconnected and a tank lled with a known volume of water 0.5 cm3/min and the permeability was calculated. The euent
was connected to the core holder to allow ow of water into the stream was collected in batches in test tubes. The volume of
core holder. The remaining volume of water in the tank was water and oil collected were compared to the injected one and
recorded using double metric scale glass cylinder (250 mL used to obtain values for residual water saturation, shown in
Brand 3025, Pyrex). From this measurements, the volume of Table 2. Porosity and permeability measurements showed that
water occupied by the pore space can be calculated, which sand packing process was consistent for all experiments.

provides the value of the porosity of the sand pack. In addition,
the porosity was calculated using the mass of packed sand, void EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF THE CORE
volume inside the core holder, and bulk density of silica sand37 FLOODING SYSTEM
(2.65 g/cm3). Pore volumes (PV), the volume of uid within
the packed core holder, were in the range from 113.4 to 120.0 Euent Management System. The comparison of
cm3. Obtained numbers from the two approaches are shown in dierent ooding strategies in terms of oil recovery depends
Table 2. on the underlying physical processes in terms of the
displacement of the resident oil phase by the invaded ooding
agent, particularly at the pore-level, which can be evaluated
Table 2. Properties of the Sand Packs
using a Reservoir-on-a-Chip (ROC)39 type system. However,
porosity, % by absolute permeability residual water on a macroscale, where we often rely on integrated cumulative
water/by mass permeability, with residual saturation after measurements, it is important to accurately estimate the
pack measurements Darcy water, Darcy oil saturation Swi
volumes of respective phases through a reliable euent
Run 37/35 10.2 6.25 0.02
#1 management system. To start with, the rst task would be to
Run 36/36 19.8 11.2 0.18 calibrate and ensure that the downstream stream is accurately
#2 measuring both the volume of water and oil for the euent
Run 37/35.8 11.3 6.30 0.06 streams. In total, we have performed the following four runs:
#3 two water ooding experiments (Run #1 and Run #2), direct
Run 35.8/33.4 11.3 7.90 0.06 emulsion ooding (Run #3), and nally water ooding
followed by emulsion emulsion ooding (Run #4). For this
purpose, the fractions of the euent were collected into the test

Figure 6. Comparison of data obtained from mass ow meter and test tube fractionation during water ooding. Vertical axis, recovered mixture/oil
recorded by mass ow meter; horizontal axis, recovered mixture/oil measured with test tubes.

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Figure 7. Comparison of data obtained from mass ow meter and test tube fractionation during emulsion ooding. Vertical axis, recovered mixture/
oil recorded by mass ow meter; horizontal axis, recovered mixture/oil measured with test tubes.

tubes and compared to the recorded volumes from the mass techniques. Even though one observes a strong correlation
ow meter data, as shown in Figures 6 and 7. The error bars between the two measurement techniques for certain measure-
correspond to the error in mass ow meter and fraction ment ranges, however, this is not true for the entire range of
measurements. The vertical axis here shows the total volume of measured data, as was the case for Figure 6. In both cases, the
each liquid recorded by the mass ow meter and the horizontal data correlation between the two measured techniques is not as
axis represents the total volume collected in test tubes. Each strong compared to the water ooding results shown in Figure
test tube could be either lled with single liquid or can have 6. This suggests further calibration for dierent regimes are
multiple liquids, e.g., oil and water. Consequently, points on required to increase the accuracy level. The worst deviation
graphs could be in a range from 0 to 15 mL. The diagonal line from the 45 line trend was found the be 22%.
in these gures provides the measure of the data accuracy Core Flooding Experiments. Once the euent manage-
between two measurement techniques. ment system is properly characterized and tested, the new core
To record the volume of each phase, the euent ow ooding system is used to perform dierent ooding
through the mass ow meter was analyzed. A density reference experiments. The recovery curves for each set of ooding
point, ref, was set at 935 kg/m3 for measurements during the experiment is shown in Figure 8. The presented data was
four runs, corresponding to dierent ooding experiments. This
reference point was selected on the basis of initial calibration
runs with paran oil and DI water. As the liquid ows through
the mass ow meter during a single time step, tstep (1 s), the
density, record (kg/m3), and the current volume ow rate, Qcur
(cm3/min), were recorded. On the basis of these quantities, the
uid volume for a given phase,Vj,rec (cm3), was calculated as
Q curtstep
Vj,rec = ; j = oil or water
60 (1)

If the density was larger than the reference level ref, the
recorded volume (eq 1) was added to the water value Vwater,rec
and the oil value Voil,rec was kept unchanged. Otherwise, it was Figure 8. Recovery comparison for studied cases: Run #1 and Run #2,
vice versa. This approach was also used for the emulsion water ooding; Run #3, direct emulsion ooding; Run #4, water
ooding experiments, the values above the reference level ooding followed by emulsion ooding.
represented water and emulsion phases. The volume of liquid,
which ows through the mass ow meter each second at the
ow rate, 0.5 cm3/min, is approximately 8.3 103 mL. obtained using determined volumes from test tube fractionation
Figure 6 contains data points obtained during the process of that were matched to the data collected from the euent mass
water ooding for dierent runs, including the one where the ow meter. The upstream and downstream mass ow meters
emulsion ooding was followed after the water ooding step supplemented mass balance calculations. It can be observed
(Run #4). Data points for produced water, shown in Figure 6a, that the rst two water ooding runs ended with recovery
follow the 45 line trend. Figure 6b shows the similar trends for around 60% and 75% for Run #1 and Run #2, respectively. The
the recovered oil in the euent stream. This highlights that obtained numbers were similar to the published data for
measurements from the mass ow meter can be used for online unconsolidated sand packs with similar properties.79 It was
determination of the euent fraction. observed that after 2 PV of injection of water, the ultimate
Results obtained for the two emulsion ooding methods are recovery increased by only 6% and 8% for Run #1 and Run #2,
presented in Figure 7. In Figure 7a, the results of produced respectively. The data suggest that the pore volumes used in the
mixture of emulsion and water are depicted and Figure 7b experiments and the corresponding increase in the recovery are
shows the volume of recovered oil measured by the two similar to the eld applications.41 Alternate injection strategy
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must be incorporated to have economic recovery rate.42 Hence, shown that the engineered emulsion worked eectively as an
instead of continuing with water ooding beyond a certain PV, independent ooding uid and Run #3 produced 79% OOIP
emulsion was introduced to the system at 3.7 PV. The recovery at 1.2 PV of injection. Also, emulsion worked
breakthrough points for Runs #1 and #2 occurred at 0.3 and eectively as a substitute uid after the water ooding in Run
0.24 PV of injected displacement uid, respectively. #4 and added an extra 15% OOIP to the total oil recovery at
For Run #3, the emulsion was used as a primary ooding the cost of an additional 0.93 PV of emulsion injection.
agent for the oil saturated porous media. As observed from Comparison between these two runs suggests that Run #3 was
Figure 8, the emulsion ooding alone produced larger oil eective in terms of the time needed for the oil to be recovered
recovery compared to water ooding for the same PV of from the porous media, whereas Run #4 was eective in terms
injection. During the emulsion ooding, almost 60% OOIP was of the emulsion used for the oil recovery process. Such
recovered after injecting only 0.5 PV of emulsion. The total oil estimates of dierent ooding strategies can be seamlessly
recovery was 79% OOIP at 1.25 PV of injection. From 1.01 PV executed in the newly developed core ooding system, which
of injection, additional oil recovery was not observed for Run provides opportunities for engineers to test their hypotheses
#3. The breakthrough for this case happened at 0.72 PV of reliably before embarking into expensive drilling operations in
emulsion injection. Such a high eciency of the emulsion an actual oil reservoir.
ooding compare to the water ooding could be due to late
breakthrough and having its viscosity similar to the viscosity of
the paran oil.
Corresponding Author
For Run # 4, the emulsion was introduced to the porous *S. K. Mitra. E-mail: Phone: +1
media at 3.7 PV post water ooding. Even at this late stage, the (780)492-2200. Fax: +1 (780)492-5017.
total oil recovery was found to have increased. An additional
15% of OOIP was recovered. The emulsion injection beyond Notes
The authors declare no competing nancial interest.

4.6 PV did not displace additional oil from the sand pack. The
residual oil saturation at the end of the Run #4 is around 18%,
which is similar to that in case of Run #3 with emulsion ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ooding only. It is to be noted that even though emulsion The authors acknowledge Dr. Patrick Brunelle from Quadrise
oodings (both Run #3 and Run #4) produced additional oil Canada Inc. for his valuable inputs and providing emulsion for
recovery (20% OOIP), it required a large amount of emulsion experiments. Financial assistance from NSERC CRD (Grant
to achieve such high recovery. No. CRDPJ 399500-10) is acknowledged here.

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