Unit Test - Unit 14

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Grade 10 Science Unit test

Unit 14 Name:
(2x20=40 marks)
Answer all questions

1. Mention whether the following statements are true ( ) or false (x).

(a) Successfully grafted plants bear the flowers and fruits characteristic to the stock plant. ( )
(b) Sugarcane is normally propagated by stem cuttings ( )
(c) Vegitative propagation in Begonia is done by roots ( )
(d) The hormone that initiates the ovulation process is LH. ( )
(e) Sperms are produced at a temperature that is more than the body temperature. ( )
(f) The life span of the sperm in the female reproductive system is one day. ( )
(g) Sperms are temporarily stored in epididymis. ( )
(h) Hora seeds are dispersed by wind. ( )
(i) Shoe flower is unisexual. ( )
(j) Wind pollinated flowers have colourful petals. ( )
(20 marks)
2. (a) Which is the most accurate statement?
The principal role of a flower in the life cycle of a plant is:
(a) attracting insects
(b) producing seeds
(c) producing pollen
(d) producing nectar (1 mark)

(b) Name the parts A-E shown on this drawing of a half-flower of a Stitchwort.

(5 marks)

(c) What is the male gamete and the female gamete in a flowering plant?

Male gamete

Female gamete .. (2 marks)

(d) Complete the following paragraph selecting words from the list below.

Pollination is the transfer of ..... from the .... to the .. in a flower.

In cross-pollination, the... from a flower on one ...is transferred to the .
of another .... of the same species. Fertilisation occurs when the .... fuses with the
...of the . . After fertilisation , the ovule becomes the .. and the ...
becomes the fruit.

pollen grain, anthers, stigma, nucleus, egg cell, plant, flower, pollen, ovary, petal, style,
receptacle, stamens , seed
(12 marks)
3. The diagram below represents the events leading up to fertilisation, implantation ,and development.
(a) Name the structures labelled from

(5 marks)

(b) Fertilisation occurs when the .. of the sperm cell fuses with the..... of the
. (3 marks)
(c) State the differences between the male gametes and the female gametes with regard to

(i) their size


(ii) their structure


(iii) their relative numbers. ..

(3 marks)
(d) Before fertilisation can occur, the sperms have to travel from the testes to meet an ovum in the female
organs. Using the list below, name the organs, in the correct order, through which the sperms will
have to pass.
uterus, sperm duct, fallopian tube, urethra, cervix, vagina

(6 marks)

(e) Explain what is meant by ovulation.

(2 marks)

(f) How often does it occur in humans? . (1 mark)

Total for the paper = 100 marks

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