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Katie Runyon

Kathy Mynatt

September 12, 2017

Lives and Contribution of Historical Figures in Georgia

We chose a standard that is intended for second grade students that focuses on lives and

contributions of historical figures in Georgia history. In second grade they begin introducing the

important historical figures in Georgia and the figures that are highlighted are the most important. They

are also learning about the positive character traits of individuals as well as groups so learning about

their contributions will show them those character traits. By the end they will be able to look at these

historical figures and connect them to one another while looking at Georgia history.

James Oglethorpe (1696-1785):

Born in London, England.

Founder of Georgia

Went to University of Oxford

Member of the British Parliament.

Was elected into the same House of Commons seat as his dad.

Joined the Austrian army to fight the Turks in 1717.

Pushed for the end of slavery and impressment.

Named one of the twenty-one Trustees of Georgia.

Social reformer and General in the military who lead the expedition of colonists to Savannah.
Was on first boatload of colonists to Georgia.

Forces turned back a Spanish invasion where he built Fort Frederica.

Led a tough defense when outbreak between England and Spain broke out.

Directed the economic and political development of Georgia while continuing to recruit settlers

from England & other parts of Europe.

Took colonists to the Yamacraw Bluff where he then began a close relationship with


Launched a national campaign to reform Englands prisoners that led to an investigation where

he found out the large number of poor people living in England.

National campaign turned into the creation of a new colony, which became Georgia.

Died in England

Tomochichi (1644-1739):

Born in the area of Savannah, Georgia

Said to be Co-founder of Georgia.

An efficient spokesman for his people.

Pushed for Christian education and fair trade for his people.

Was originally a Creek Indian

Created his own tribe and become Chief of the Yamacraw Indians.

Wanted to establish good relations with English traders on Georgia coastline.

Led about 200 hundred people to settle on the Savannah river because of the close proximity of

English traders.

With his intentions for trading he saw an opportunity for alliance.

Worked closely with James Oglethorpe to discover the southern borders of Georgia and helped

ease tension while interacting with the Spanish.

Traveled with Oglethorpe to England to fight for fair trade and the rights of his people.

When he came back to Georgia he convinced the other tribes to become allies with the English.

Oglethorpe promised Tomochichi that he would provide education to his tribe and he kept that


Gave Oglethorpe his land to build the city of Savannah.

Helped create roads and negotiations with other tribes.

Gave the new colonists arriving permission to establish Savannah in order for him to have

advantages with trading.

Died from illness

Mary Musgrove (1700-1763):

Daughter of an Indian trader and a Creek mother.

Bicultural diplomat between new and old colonists.

Served as an interpreter between General Oglethorpe and Chief Tomochichi.

Known mainly for controversial land claims in Georgia.

Married John Musgrove who was an English trader.

Created a trading post together by the Savannah river but when he died she moved it to

Yamacraw Bluff where she met Tomochichi.

Was married two other times after John died to Jacob Matthews then again to Reverend Thomas


Jacob & Mary had established another trading post on the Altamaha river.

Married Reverend and become known as connecting to the respectable society.

They were known as a powerful couple because her skills and his status.

They traveled to villages with messages from Oglethorpe and the king.

Taught Christian missionaries Muskogee language.

Aided in concluding treaties and securing warriors from Creek nations.

Sequoyah (1770-1840):

Born at a Cherokee village in Tennessee

Father was a trader, mother was part Cherokee.

Creator of the Cherokee syllabary.

Was a hunter & fur trader then become a metalworker.

Was a Cherokee representative in Washington, D.C.

Studied other languages to find common elements.

Helped thousands become literate in their community.

He was known to be the only member in his illiterate group that successfully developed a way of


Saw that white people would draw symbols to communicate with one another so he decided to

make up his own language for the Cherokee people.

When making up his symbols he realized there was too many which led to him making an

alphabet instead.

Created 85 characters that represented a different syllable.

Began going around the community to teach adults the syllabary and they began publishing


Died in Mexico when going on a journey to find a Cherokee nation.

Jackie Robinson (1919-1972):

Youngest of five children, raised by a single mother.

Met Rachel Isum Robinson when both attended UCLA.

They married in 1946 and had 3 children.

Left UCLA because of financial hardships then moved to Hawaii.

Served as a second lieutenant in the army during World War 2.

During boot camp he did not give up his seat and move to the back of the bus.

He was acquitted of all charges and received an honorable discharge.

Played baseball in negro leagues but Branch Rickey, wanted to integrate baseball, chose him.

Joined the Dodgers farm team the Royals.

Rickey was training Jackie on the racism that he will face.

Played his first Major league baseball game- 1947.

Team captain Reese put his arm around Jackie while the crowd shouted at him.

Earned the National Leagues most Valuable player award- 1949

Dodgers won the World Series-1955

Traded to the New York Giants-1956

Decided to retire-1957

Established the African owned and controlled Freedom Bank.

First African American to be inducted into the Baseball hall of fame-1962

Martin Luther King. Jr. (1929-1968):

Came from comfortable middle class family.

Both his father and grandfather were baptist preachers.

At age 6 one of his white classmates announced that his family would no longer allow him to

play with Martin.

Close to his maternal grandmother whose death shook him-1941

Age 12 he tried to commit suicide by jumping out of a 2 story window because he was suffering

from depression.

Summer before he went to college he went to work on a tobacco farm in Connecticut.

Age 15 he went to Morehouse College.

Graduated from Morehouse when he was 15-1948

Went to study Seminary in Pennsylvania where he found the teachings of Gandhi's nonviolence.

He became president of Crozer's student body.

He earned his bachelor-1951

Met Coretta Scott in Boston and they married and had 4 kids-1953

King was chosen as the leader to boycott the transit system the group was called Montgomery

Improvement Association.

Led boycott until a year later when the buses became desegregated.

Became a co-pastor with his father when he was 25-1960

Influence has reached its zenith-1960-1965

He utilized tv and the media to nationalize and internationalize the struggle for civil rights.

He got support from the John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson administrations.

Birmingham, Alabama his campaign to end segregation at lunch counters ended with him being


Worked with other civil rights leaders to organize the March on Washington-1963
The Civil Rights Act was passed -1964

King won a Nobel Peace Prize-1965

Led march from Selma to Montegomery for voting rights and the first march he led there were

cops involved with tear gas and nightsticks.

During the Selma march, he kneeled and prayed and his supporters thought he was too cautious.

After that the Voting Rights Act was passed-1965

Was assassinated 1969

Juliette Gordon Low (1860-1927):

Born in Savannah, GA, known as Daisy.

Raised by independent women.

As a child she suffered from ear injuries resulting in an almost total hearing loss.

Married William Low and they had homes in both Georgia and England-1886

The marriage ended before her husbands death-1905

Met with the Boys Scout leader Sir Robert Baden-Powell-1912

After the meeting she wanted to create the Girl Scouts.

She created an place for girls to develop their leadership skills.

She died in Georgia after struggling with breast cancer-1927

Jimmy Carter (1924-):

His father was a businessman and a farmer, his mother was a registered nurse.

He attended public school in Plains, GA.

He was a studious child and avoided trouble.

Was the first person from his fathers side to graduate from high school.

He attended Georgia Southwestern College and Georgia Tech and received a B.S. degree from

the Naval Academy-1946

Married Rosalynn Smith they had 3 children-1946

The Navy assigned him to work on Submarines.

His father died-1953

He moved back to his hometown of Plains and took over the farm.

He became leader of the community.

Won the Georgia Senate-1962

Became Georgias 76th Governor-1971

Was elected to be the 39th president of the United States-1976

He accomplished human rights around the world while president.

Serious problems at home and abroad while he was president.

Won the Nobel Peace Prize-2002

He now works for habitat for humanity and teaches Sunday School.
Bibliographic References:

Carson, C., & Lewis, D. L. (2017, February 15). Martin Luther King, Jr. Retrieved September 13, 2017,

Frank, Andrew K. "Mary Musgrove (ca. 1700-ca. 1763)." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 19 July 2017.
Web. 11 September 2017.

Gale, Thomas. "Sequoyah." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. . Retrieved September
13, 2017 from

Horowitz, A. (n.d.). I love to study. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from

Jackie Robinson (2017, August 14). Retrieved September 12, 2017, from!

Jackson, Edwin L. "James Oglethorpe (1696-1785)." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 19 July 2017. Web.
11 September 2017.

Jimmy Carter. (2017, April 28). Retrieved September 13, 2017, from

Juliette Gordon Low - Girl Scouts. (n.d.). Retrieved September 13, 2017, from

Lentini, A. (2016, November 23). Many Thanks to Yamacraw Chief, Tomochichi, Georgias Co-
Founder. Retrieved September 13, 2017

Sweet, Julie A. "Tomochichi (ca. 1644-1739)." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 19 July 2017. Web. 11
September 2017.

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