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Stone Lintel

Based on page 37 of Indiana Limestone Handbook (ILH) 22nd edition

139 in. Masonry Opening Width (clear opening per ILH)

6 in. Length of bearing (5" min. per NYC Building Code 1900)
12 in. Thickness of lintel
7 in. height of lintel
160 lb/ft^3 density of lintel
1500 psi modulus of rupture of lintel - see ASTM standard for given stone.
8 safety factor for modulus of rupture of lintel (ILH suggests 8)
0 in. Thickness of veneer
0 ft. height of veneer over top of masonry opening (bottom of stone lintel)
160 lb/ft^3 density of veneer
100 psi Allowable bearing at ends of lintel
98.0 in^3 Section Modulus of Lintel
187.5 psi Allowable bending stress in lintel
93.3 plf self weight of lintel over masonry opening
0.0 psf weight of veneer
0 lb weight of 45 deg triangle of veneer over opening
0.0 plf full weight of all veneer above opening
1565.359 ft-lb moment due to self weight of lintel
540.5556 lb shear due to self weight of lintel
0 ft-lb moment due to triangle of veneer
0 lb shear due to triangle of veneer
0.0 ft-lb moment due to full height veneer over opening
0.0 lb shear due to full height veneer over opening
#DIV/0! psi stress in veneer at top of masonry opening
12.64 in span/11 (suggested minimum bearing is 1/10 to 1/12 of span)
Triangle results
1565.359 ft-lb total moment
191.6766 psi bending stress No Good
540.6 lb total shear
6.4 psi shear stress
7.5 psi bearing stress
Full Height Veneer results
1565.4 ft-lb total moment
191.6766 psi bending stress No Good
540.6 lb total shear
6.4 psi shear stress
7.5 psi bearing stress
NYC Building Code 2014
[C26-502.4] 27-326 Lintels. - Lintels over openings wider than four feet in
masonry walls, other than in walls of masonry veneer on wood frame
structures, shall be fire protected as required by section 27-324 of this article
for structural members, when the full load over the opening is not relieved by
a masonry arch of required strength. The members of an assembled metal
lintel that support only outer face masonry that is securely bonded or
anchored to backing need not be fire protected, provided that the inner
members of the assembly support the full load imposed upon the lintel and
are fire protected as required for structural members supporting masonry.
(a) Stone lintels. - The use of stone lintels on spans exceeding four feet shall
not be permitted unless supplemented by fire protected structural members
or masonry arches of the required strength to support the superimposed

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