Lesson 19 Faith

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Foundation Lesson 19

What is the Gift of Faith?

to another faith by the same Spirit - 1 Corinthians 12:9

Over the next few lessons we will be looking at the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, so that we will have a
better understanding of them, of how they work and how we can benefit from them as a body. By
the end of the lessons we want to be driven to pray to ask for the gifts, because we are missing out
on so much. Some of the gifts may use the same Scriptures in acting them out but each gift has its
own working. Please study them again and again as we want the Holy Spirit to pour out the fullness
of the gifts, so we can serve the Lord better and each other and be a better testimony to the lost.

Types of Faith in the Bible

In the Scriptures we have different types of faith, first we have one which is called saving faith.
This is the faith which we have when we realise that we are dying in our sins, on our way to hell,
but Jesus Christ shed His blood, died upon the cross to pay the price for our sins, and rose from the
dead 3 days later. We confess that we are sinners, repent and accept that Jesus paid the price for our
sins and ask Him into our lives to be our Lord and Saviour. The Scriptures we have for this type of
faith is, Ephesians 2:8, Romans 10:9, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 12:2.

We also have a faith in the Scripture which talks of a living day by day faith. This means by faith
we trust God at His Word, and the promises His Word makes. This means we trust God's Word
when we are in very hard situations which seem impossible, which could be money problems,
health problems, family problems, by faith we Trust God and His Word. Matthew 6:25-34 tells us
not to worry about things God's in control, when we dont trust God in day by day faith the worry
will come.

The faith which we are talking about in this lesson is the Gift of Faith, which is a special faith given
by the Holy Spirit to someone at a special time to do His will, this could be a healing, a miracle, a
prayer, even telling you to witness to a certain person or to visit someone, He gives that faith to
follow His command without asking questions. We must remember as with all the gifts, the gift of
faith is for the building up of the body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:7. The person who has this gift
will not have this gift all the time, only when the Holy Spirit gives them the faith for a situation.
Paul didn't have this gift of faith all the time, he still had his thorn in the flesh 2 Corinthians 12:7-
10, Galatians 4:13-14, he told Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach problem 1 Timothy
5:23, he left a man sick unto death Phillipians2:25-27. Paul was a man of great faith, and would
have prayed hard for these things and wouldn't want the situations left as they were, which shows
the Holy Spirit only gives this gift of faith as He wills 1 Corinthians 12:11.

The Gift of Faith shown in Scripture

We can see in the Bible many times the gift of faith is acted out.
In Hebrews 11:7 we see Noah acting out this faith, he built an ark in a desert, which took up to 100
odd years! You would need the gift of faith to do that!
In Acts 3:1-10 we see Peter lifting a man up who couldn't walk to be healed, that is the gift of faith
working, you wouldn't go and lift anyone out of a wheelchair who couldn't walk, only when the
Holy Spirit gives you that faith.
In Acts 9:10-19 we read of Ananias having to lay hands on Paul to lift his blindness. At that time
Paul then called Saul was persecuting the church, Ananias was frightened to go, God told him he
will use Paul. God gave Ananias the faith to go to Paul. Imagine having to go to witness to someone
Foundation Lesson 19

who every Christian that has been there before you has been beaten up and put in Hospital, you
would need that faith to go, thats exactly what Ananias had.
In Acts 9:36-43 we read of Dorcas being dead and Peter raising her to life. He had the gift of faith

George Muller a Christian man in the 19th century, had lots of orphanages looking after 1000's of
children, was completely based on faith and prayer, he didn't even asked for donations. Yet God met
every need and money came in for the orphanages, that is the gift of faith in prayer.


1) Read Matthew 6:25-34. This talks of not worrying, do you worry about things? Money? Family?
You must learn to take God at His Word and Trust Him. You can only have that living day by day
faith if you trust Him. If you struggle in this area talk to your Pastor so he can help you. When you
learn to trust God and His Word in every situation your Christian life will produce more fruit and
God can do more with you.

2) Read 1 Corinthians 12:9. Do you want the gift of faith? If so ask yourself why. Do you want this
gift so that God can use you in situations that seem impossible so that you can bring and give God
the glory. Or do you want the gift so that man can look at you and say what a great man or women
of God you are, we should never want this gift so man can praise us they should only praise God. If
that is you looking for self glory stop and repent. Many of those workers of the devil on the god
channels take the praise from God so they can have praise, it is a dangerous position to be in.

Things to do

Memory verse 1 Corinthians 12:11

Ask to be used for the gift of faith
tell someone about Jesus

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